Love Poems

These are love poems written by international poets. Love poems are added daily and hundreds of new love poems are added weekly for your reading pleasure. See also: Famous Love Poems

by Randy Freie |
Categories: love,

Reflections of Love

Every day I wake

Every breath I take 

The very moment that I rise

All the things I love

All the stars above

Are reflected in your eyes 

Every time we touch 

I love you twice as much 

Only angels understand

I love your little ways 

Until my dying days

My heart is in your hand

by Andres Luis Bigote |
Categories: for her, i love you, imagery, longing, love, romantic, together,

At Last

Just a little something 
A heartfelt thought or two
A bouquet in the morning 
Because I dreamt of you
I dreamt of fields of lilacs
I heard you call my name 
I didn't see you anywhere 
But towards your voice I came 
Then opened up a clearing 
I saw you standing there
Perfume emanating 
From flowers in your hair
You smiled when you saw me
Your arms were opened wide
They beckoned me come towards you
Inviting me inside 
I said, "This can't be happening,
I thought your love was gone"
You told me I was silly
I couldn't be more wrong
That now it didn't matter 
Stop thinking in the past
Just come and kiss your Bluebird 
And let us love at last

by Hugo Sarvida Jr. |
Categories: humanity, love, peace, perspective,

Love One Another

If only humans
Could love one another here
There could be no war.

by Deb M |
Categories: death, grief, loss, love,

Forever My Child

You left this earth
I stayed behind
Life changed forever
Sorrow consumed heart and mind

Time eased my sorrow
Though did not heal
Granted me strength 
So my soul could again feel

So many years it took 
To look at a photo of you
Without overwhelming sadness
Debilitating grief that pursued

Time has allowed me to embrace you and your life
And the incredible bond we shared
Life changed forever the day you left this earth
Now, a huge part of heart holds you in there!

by clare barclay |
Categories: emotions, for her, for him, lost love,


I failed to love
The way I could
I failed to hold on 
The way I should
I failed to be there
When life got you down
I failed to care 
When no one was around 
I failed to be who I was
I know you expected more
I failed to be who you thought
I couldn’t be who you adored
Life has taught me to be strong
To live life honest and true
I don’t think all my failures 
We’re all that wrong
‘Coz you know what?
You failed me too

by Kurt Philip Behm |
Categories: love,

The Famine Of Bliss

We were in love
but never at peace
Starving together
— choking the feast

(Dreamsleep: July, 2024)

by Anisha Dutta |
Categories: love hurts,


  Your passion not expressed.
  Me in dilemma ! Do you love me, or not yet ?
  Till unsaid.

  Opened my heart.
  Sank in deep amour since we met.
  Don’t hurt.

  Make clear.
  How long to wait ?
  Dear !

  Your passion not expressed.
  Sank in deep amour since we met.
  Dear !

by Michael Maul |
Categories: love, love hurts,


The arrogance of a suicidal rose makes me rethink our standard of beauty.
In the blink of an eye it has become apparent that I have no need for an organic relationship with a partner.
My wish to dance on the grave of lovers caught up in a moment of clarity is an adrenaline rush.

by Anonomus Scorpio |
Categories: appreciation, cute love, for her, heart, love, woman, women,

Until morning calls

Your eyelids close when you're wrapped around me What are they painting behind the canvas? That mine see; A portrait of a tortured soul released by you affectionately? I'd draw myself in, but the imagery doesn't fit; no tailor in me, can I dress you in poetry? Tepid water, you're an ocean complete, filled with steeped chamomile You set the bar a line above my step below; I am calmed by whom you reveal A morning dove of pain relief! Destroyer, of all my disbelief! When you sigh, it's the sound a lilac petal makes as it falls Come here, you; while I enjoy the scent until morning calls

by Daniel Larson |
Categories: love,

Lover's room

Under the sunset
     together hand in hand,
At the end of day
     with nothing special planned.
Through the fading light
     reflections of the moon
Come to remind us
     tomorrow's coming soon.

Within a moment
     the heart can miss a beat;
It wants what it wants,
     it's not always discrete.
Often it is said
     that love's proved to be blind
And though quite unseen,
     it occurs from time to time.

Somewhere in the night
     secrets pass to and fro;
Then, in the distance,
     hand in hand lovers go.
The sunset has passed,
     the moon is in full bloom;
Hearts are joined as one
     in a distant lover's room.

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: funeral, grief, loss, love,

Prayers are Said

    Tears fight their way back
       into their ducts for now  
    moist palms clammy at my sides
    Prayers are said
       the living honor the dead
    shovelfuls of earth on top are spread

    Is there nothing more I can do
       ~ She once told me ‘I love you’

by Hugo Sarvida Jr. |
Categories: engagement, humanity, love, perspective,

Remain To Be Human

It's nice to remain
Human; geared to help any
Circumstance there is.

by Vilmos Zoltan Galyo |
Categories: life, love,

A suffering heart

A suffering heart

A suffering heart, just a little heart, but old, and in his life, nothing is on; just be nature, kind of yours
A suffering heart, just a kind of heart, feeling fear and love and taking my life off. Your nature a kind mine yours

A suffering heart
Sorry, I am not mine

A suffering heart
Let you be my kind

A suffering heart
Let me be a selfless kind

A suffering heart
Let me be a selfless heart

Understand me
Just save me

Nothing gone
Everything on

Everything on
Everything is on

Let me with you
Our kind is on

No difference
Be my yours

Love you
A love gone

by Vilmos Zoltan Galyo |
Categories: life, love,

I am an Indian

I am an Indian

I am a Hungarian, but I am an Indian, just loving of wood, getting a try of good
I am white, but can’t be my kind, loving good, can’t you be on me a loving good

Drop my love
Get mine
Forget yours



by Jim Healey |
Categories: love,

Two Hearts

You give your sad heart
I give you my lonely one
then comes the healing...
love melts all the scars away...
together we are complete

by clare barclay |
Categories: break up, love,

One day

One Day

Yesterday you were in my life
Yesterday you were in my heart,
Yesterday life was right
Yesterday we weren’t apart.

Todays the day you broke my heart
Todays the day life went wrong,
Todays the day that didn’t start
Todays the day we don't belong.

Tonight’s the night for my tears to fall
Tonight’s the night I hide away,
Tonight’s the night I curl in a ball
Tonight’s the night I crave a new day.

Tomorrow I start without a care
Tomorrows the time life starts again 
Tomorrows the future with you not there
Tomorrows the day I knew I lost a friend.

by clare barclay |
Categories: break up, first love,

Pass me by

I just feel disappointed 
with the answers that you give,
I sit and wait patiently
Whilst you go out and live.
I just feel fed up
With the way you’re acting now,
I want to let ‘us’ go
But really don’t know how?.
As annoying as you are
I will sit and wait,
For reasons unbeknownst to me
Which is something that I hate…

by Vilmos Zoltan Galyo |
Categories: life, love,



I needed a woman
But she is not mine
Let the life of the kind

by Dave Harding |
Categories: cute love, i love you, love, poems,

To Katie, My Heart’s Delight

In the garden of my heart 
You bloom, A radiant rose in endless room 
Your laughter
Like a gentle breeze
Brings my restless soul to ease

Your eyes, two stars in twilight’s glow
Guide me through the night, you know
With every word, your voice so sweet
My heart skips a joyous beat

In your embrace, I find my home
No longer do I need to roam 
For in your love 
I’ve found my place
A tender touch, a warm embrace

Katie, my love, my endless song
With you, my heart has found where it belongs 
Together, we’ll face each new day
In love’s embrace, we’ll always stay

by Vilmos Zoltan Galyo |
Categories: life, love,

I just loved you

I just loved

I just loved, just loved, and loved. And loved
Need a God in my life, can’t be my life’s kind

If my life is a problem, let me lose that, cross the time
Forget my problem, get me yours, I need your love in yours

Feel my soul, still beating, a take my life into yours
Death is mine because I want to give you my lives
Live you, love you, get you, you drop me, into you

I just loved you, passed all the memories away, 
I am just a life lover, be my killer, my life get always you

Hah, my life is coming of you, because want to forget you
Hah, drop me and love you, love your life, let me be, let me be

A slave of you
… Loved you

by Vilmos Zoltan Galyo |
Categories: life, love,

Be a following of my life

Be a following my life

Let you be my kind of loving and fearing. Drop me your life, and get my kind
Let us find, together, and I will pay the fine. I know, I am a bead, but you take me to you 
– kind of like

A kind of like. It’s nothing. Following us a life, be our king, and nobody finds, let us forever, lives
Be a following my life, can't be a coming lover of my life. I need a lady, she can’t find, hmm.
Follower of our lives.

by Saleh Ben Saleh |
Categories: desire, dream, emotions, feelings, heart, love, paradise,

A lovers dream

I seek a spot,
in paradise.
Where love is hot,
just like a spice.
A place of dream,
where hearts are won,
without a scheme,
when words are done.

Where burning hearts,
become a whole,
not just a piece,
of burning coal.
A lovers nest,
beside the sea,
a place designed,
for you and me.

Where night is day,
and day is night.
A vivid play,
That brings delight.
So when I find,
my precious prize, 
I’ll leave behind,
the world of lies.

by Harsha Vasan |
Categories: love,

Why don't you stay

In my mind, you're always there 
A constant presence, beyond compare 
Leaving me feeling helpless and bare 

You're my home, my soul's retreat 
The one I long to come back to, sweet 
Can't live without you, my heart skips a beat 

You're the answer to my deepest prayer 
The reason I exist, my love so rare 
Special and precious, beyond compare 

I made a mistake, I confess 
One I'll never repeat, I must profess 
My love for you will forever be the best

Think of us, and the days we shared
Beautiful memories, our love declared
Oh baby, think of me, and show you care

by Joshua Amaefule |
Categories: angel, beauty, emotions, family, for her, poetry, romantic love,


You have become all part of me
Continuously active in me
You are far from me
Yet that didn't relent me

I am broken in pieces 
I am now a puzzle needing stitches
I long to plant a soul kiss on your lips
It will take us far away into the deep
Placing my hands around your hip
It is all about you when I sleep

I feel elevated when I am with you
Seeing our daughter's eyes in you
Your smiles awakes the man in me
You are my Angel and my baby
My mother and my sweetie 

by Taylor Blackburn |
Categories: love,


I see the darkness in you and I smile, a hint of laughter and a taste of wild peace of heart. I don't smile often but you have me locked in with hopelessness in a world made of loneliness. And in the deep woods the Raven calls to the moon black as a void of nothingness but with a meaning of everything, to me atleast. And the lone bird calls to warn me of my fall but I'm caught up in his beauty and instead except my fate and reach for the empty void with a smile upon my face and in love with your darkened embrace..

All Love Poems