Love Poems About May or May Love Poems
by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: art, beauty, inspirational, philosophy, sad,

The Park Bench

The Park Bench

I wish I was a poet
With magical words
To make people see all of the absurd
Tears fly, paintings in pastel die

When we look into our mirrors
We sometimes miss
What love dumps upon all of us
We shed tears, for we forgot to shed fears

I have no legs, nor any crutches
So my voyage has ended
I only observe
Sadness upended

When goodness is confused
When gestures are refused
When the kiss that could have been
When a poets tear seems obscene

The one who hears is often deaf
The deaf sometimes have nothing left
If I could give a kiss away
I would give it to lovers with hearts that sway

Drawing love on paper in may

by Tom Woody |
Categories: death,

Rainbows on the Moon

in hyacinth and heather my true love dwells
and in lush lavender her bones rest in peace
no mere human can project nor can foretell
when in this life one's vitality may cease
yet this I know and of this I can be sure
that her soul was white as snow and truly pure
thus in God's new world I know I'll see her soon
and together we'll chase rainbows on the moon

* Inspired by Chris Bowring's wonderful rispetto as well as others

by Izzy Gumbo |
Categories: sorry, thank you,


Dearest soup tech
Who I love and respect
I write to you
So that you may know
I've tried to be here
With iPad and cheer
But the login fails me
No action tells me
Of possible broken links
One maybe
Just maybe....
My iPad stinks
Meanwhile I sigh
As I try to not cry
As I type again
And hope with intent
That you might check in
... And tell me
How to begin...
Wish me luck
I'm about
To push

by Pace Ink-U-Script |
Categories: love,

The R-O-S-E


T~hirty-two steps through the yellow-green grass led me to you.
H~aving to choose which one; my heart with no doubt chose you.
E~very rose bloomed quite differently, though nothing meretricious like you.

R~ed is known to be the favorite color to man; color blinded; my soul desired you.
O~f all the roses, my senses were captivated and comely to you.
S~ome men may pick more than one rose; but, I only want you.
E~ven mother nature so pulchritudinous can't compare to you.

Pace, G


by Charlie Smith |
Categories: giving, love,

Love's Reflection

Love neither gives or takes but from itself. Be not wiled by fantasies of arrogance. Take no more than is offered by yourself. Leave nothing trapped in tortured irrelevance. Seek not a barter for desires that sue your heart. Worthiness is the only tender that comes due. Suffer willingly the melody of pain it may impart. Bleed joyfully from the wounds that will ensue. As tree branches lift their hopes towards Heaven's door, hands together reaching higher than alone will seek heights that love's imagination most beautifully implores that from a poets words unending ecstasy must speak. Whatever you desire your life to be, may loves reflection be all you see

by Lisa Ricci |
Categories: friendship, light,

A Shining Star

"a shining star"
a shining star you shall always be a jewel in the cosmos that I see like the snow that glistens white like the moon that shines bright you bring out the best in me
when you stand before the ocean blue feel a gentle embrace intended just for you when you see a pearl or shell in the sand know it is me taking you by the hand know your heart and soul will renew
a grand piano or a single guitar a source of strength from afar with words that I have none to give with hope and love may light live a shining star is what you are
SkyWatcher - 04-09-17

by White Wolf |
Categories: art, beauty,


Shadow not over the words of love Love is a language known only to the heart Hear it in the wind and the birds above Paint it on a canvas skin and call it art Eternal beauty walks among us all Seekers of knowledge may know its name But true wisdom lies in hearing its call As the oceans cause the moon to wane Its gentle touch, abundantly crystalline Euphoric in nature, its secret is kept With its healing powers all part divine Though many an angel from love has wept Compassion and caring, make love's trinity And kindness a guide that leads to bliss So make love your one and true reality For you are worth much more than this

by Silent One |
Categories: devotion, emotions, love,

Critical Liaisons

A poets dream, she'll seduce with her eyes, pens will desire to praise her charming guise, but be cautious, she'll treat you like her book, explore each chapter with her detailed look. Drain your ink, smoking pages in to fire, drink your spirit like blood thirsty vampire. But now it seems she may have met her match, a poet who's heart, she's struggling to snatch. He holds scriptures, she's never read before, each musing, leaves her yearning to feel more. A heart breaker, who gives no man a chance, dream maker, who leaves women in a trance. A modern day Samson and Delilah - spiritual soulmate who could tame her.
Silent One 20 October 2020

by Michelle Faulkner |
Categories: lost, muse, writing,

The Poems I Never Wrote

These are the roads I didn't take
A pause too soon, a turn too late
Lost in the love I never spoke
The poems I never wrote

Gone are the moons I didn't chase
The sun-bloomed wind I didn't taste
The skylines I left incomplete
The stars I didn't seek

Muted are songs which may have brought
A silent music to my thoughts
Fading traces in dim sunsets
Autumns I never kept

Verses yet rise through foggy climes
Reveries of forgotten rhymes
If fractured light once more takes flight
I still have poems to write


by Daniel Turner |
Categories: appreciation, nature, summer,

Summer Love Sonnet

What's not to love about a summer day?
Kissed by the sun, the warmth of its embrace
To feel the cleanse from sweat at work and play
While honeysuckle breezes cool my face

With hillsides blanketed in purple vetch
Magenta morning glories and light blues
Imagine all the butterflies they fetch
A scene to romance any poet's muse

But when it gets too hot, I seek the shade
Barefoot in clover 'neath tall sycamores
Or take a watermelon down to wade
A spring fed creek, to cool, while I explore

That evening, in the swing, I watch  fireflies
Then pray I wake to see one more sunrise 

   May 9 - 2018
   Daniel Turner

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: lost love,

Kiss the Rain

I stand here by the lakeshore, and I smell
fresh honeysuckle as I kiss the rain.
A memory that I cannot curtail
wafts bitter sweetly to me, and again
it’s May. . . the night you came by the moon's light.
The air was permeated by perfume
from blossoms colored innocently white.
But now it’s summer; yellow is each bloom.
When plump upon the vines, sweet berries, red,
will be swooped up by birds - carried away.
I stoop to touch a stem.  How soon has fled
my flowered youth, and now this day chilled grey.
I bow in downpour like the vines bent low
while raindrops - glistening with my own tears - flow.

by Bill Baker |
Categories: emotions, life, pain, river, truth, water, wisdom,

Life On the River

A balance in life can solve the riddle. 
To find the balance, start in the middle.
Distractions from the banks may lead us wrong.
Go with the flow where the current is strong.

The banks are sirens calling to our ears,
offering us pleasures relieving fears.
The emotion of love, the fear of pain,
tossing and turning, driving us insane.

Too much pleasure can lead to addiction,
pain and sickness can lead to restriction.
Reject their temptations, stay in the flow,
the river is wise and knows where to go.

Avoid extremes, be content with enough.
Life on the river, no need for the fluff.

by Silent One |
Categories: passion, romantic love, true love,

This Is Love

Twilight's aurora seems so perfect. Lustrous shades of clementine, caressing vivid violet visions. Majestic moon enlightens, as shadows come to life. Flashes of light, pierce through a black blanket. Love wraps itself, scintillating soaring spirits to glide towards sphinxlike skies, searching for secret stars. Eyes glitter like sprinkles of stardust. Lips blend like silent ovetones, adrift in romantic musings. Hearts pacify in peaceful rhythms, each beat an endless reminder this is no mirage from a sweet reverie.
Simple Musing Silent One 5 May 2019

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: love, lust, magic,

When Love Bites

Something about you

Makes me want to do

Things I’ve never dreamt before

It’s not the beauty of your eyes

Nor the magic of your smile

That lures me to your shore

It’s knowing in my heart

You made the fire start

And in your flames I'm going to burn

Savory kisses may turn to blood

Bitten helplessly by love

A chance I’d have to learn

Immersed in a sea of love 

Out of darkness flies the doves

And our hearts are set free

I can’t resist your touch

Your body paints me with a brush

Of red passionate strokes 

Pray this moment last forever...

As forever goes...

'Cause when love bites you... the fever yearns and burns

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: beauty, heart, introspection, passion, philosophy, wine, women,

A Question of Love

Loves promenades towards emptiness
	longing is a void
darkness of a million universes
where mythical black holes
chant of timeless desires

Yearning for carnal eternity
where candles never die

Two of us
	never met
	oceans apart
	gasping for affections
	in different times
	winds may have swept
	this way or that
	never seen

Wind and candle lie in death
so lost
in emptiness

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,

A Peaceful Smile

"Before the winds were born and there were signs of life,
 your beauty was already stirring inside my soul."

Star light shine down for me this night
for I may see just one more time
through hungry eyes
a solemn soul   still
in contemplation 

Strokes gentle in a sea of silk
reflected in a perfect way
showing beauty
unknown   still
seeing faults

Night carry your breeze to her side
blow away any guilt
leaving   just
visions    still
and a peaceful smile

by Winged Warrior |
Categories: loneliness, lost love, missing you,

Lonesome Love

For where is the love that I seek, My soul searches deeper still… Hearts hibernating in mystique, I surrender to its wavering will… Looking up to sapphire skies, May it rain pearls of passion… Tears that fall from elusive eyes, Are saved as reminiscent ration… May I find your love in galaxies gold, Your sculptural smile behind the veil… Marooned to your mesmerizing mold Lost at sea to your sequestered sail… Can lonesome love eternally exist, Where kept kisses are forever missed. Dec.31.2019 2019 best sonnet Sponsored by: John Hamilton Placed 3'rd & POTD...Thank You

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: grief, loneliness, longing, lost love, solitude,

Alone I Walk

I walk and walk
and in my mind
I walk toward
something someone you

I walk and walk
in a motion I wish was soothing
somehow it’s nowhere that I walk
never getting closer

I wonder how it is I’m walking
riding life’s evermoving sidewalk
going against the tide against the grain
never getting closer

static not getting anywhere
and not getting further
I’m left alone with my illusion
of somehow getting closer

AP: Honorable Mention 2022

Submitted on May 31, 2022 for contest A BRIAN STRAND PREMIERE CHOICE sponsored by BRIAN STRAND  -  RANKED 5TH

Originally posted on May 30, 2022

by Mike Gentile |
Categories: flying, hope, how i feel, journey, uplifting,

Another Chance To Fly

Each day I live and wake to see
         the scarlet sun that shines for me
and listen to a feathered song
                      inviting me to sing along

I know I’ll find just what I seek
though rain may come to kiss my cheek
for with each day, with every sigh
        there comes another chance to fly

The bluest blues of azure seas
              are calling me now to appease
to leave behind an angry man
                 and wing away, I know I can

With love and grace, I’ll find the way
       as I then glide through twilight gray
and to the clouds, I say goodbye
          here comes another chance to fly

Categories: introspection, pollution,

Rinse Clear POTD

Mind – a pool, deep and arcane,
Needs to be cleared n' cleansed from time to time
In the sinuous course of life,
Pause awhile to peer into the depths.
Over the still waters, lies a layer of scum.
At the bottom is settled,
Toxic sediments of hate,
The residue of burnt dreams
Of unsavory passions

If unattended, in this slushy mass of filth
Maggots may breed,
Eating into the flesh
Poisoning the vital serum
Pumped through the veins

Purge the dross
Flush out the dirt
Rinse it clean
And feast on the sparkle,
Of clear waters
Springing from the well heads of love!


The Clearing Poetry Contest
Sponsor- craig cornish

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: love, peace, water, youth,

Sounds of Eternity

Sunshine glitters across the water
in a tireless playful motion, and
a dreamy hypnotic music of eternity
ripples on through my nights.

I close my eyes, transported to a dock
of my youth where soothing waves 
greet me, enticing me, inviting me, rocking me.
And I abandon myself to the lullaby
that could just as easily be the arms of a lover.

AP: Honorable Mention 2023

Submitted on May 20, 2023 for contest A BRIAN STRAND PREMIERE no 1218 sponsored by BRIAN STRAND

POTD May 22, 2023

by Tom Woody |
Categories: appreciation, friendship,

Hold Your Head High

keep dwelling in the clouds, my mentor said
and shun those who would drag you through the mud
their heinous wish to keep you seeing red
is Satan's lure for drawing out first-blood

for in this world malevolence abounds
and evil lurks in every corner nook
to tit for tat in idle chat with clowns
is like a fish who can't resist the hook

but in the sky there's love and harmony
you'll find yourself immersed in dreams of peace
I'll help you in your quest to stay angst-free
together we'll find joy and sweet release

forever may this be my firm resolve
to rise above the fray and thus evolve

*inspired by a friend

by Peter Rees |
Categories: age, dark, death, feelings, old, sad,

Speak of It Not

Speak of it not,
think of it not,
lest regrets may 
cloud the failing light,
and weariness
a shroud becomes.
This little thing,
once proud in love and lust,
now hides its face
and soon it will be dust.
Gone is the lustre
and delight
of fond imaginings,
as shadows deepening 
enfold what once
seemed ever bright,
impervious to
encroaching night.

by Isaiah Zerbst |
Categories: animal, girl, happiness, innocence,

Una and the Lion

This world of trouble soon will pass
For there beyond the crystal glass
A lamb and lion tread the grass
Beside a lass, beside a lass

This cord of present time shall break
And hate and fear shall flee and quake
Oh, may all vice this earth forsake!
And love awake! And love awake!

Oh, see him walk 'neath mighty trees!
The king of beasts; what strength and ease!
Yet now content this lass to please
Her hand to tease, her hand to tease

Behold! A pleasant form and face!
The child of beauty crowned with grace!
Fair Una treads at even pace
A better place, a better place

~ The form is Monotetra~
~Based on the painting 'Una and the Lion' by Briton Riviere.

by Joshua Aguire |
Categories: girlfriend-boyfriend, hope, love, passion, love, sun, i love you,

The Message In the Sun

I went to the sun for a favor
and asked it to shine only for you
to grant you happiness though you may be sad
bright yellow 'midst so much blue

but when the day decides to end
and the sun sinks and goes away
I give you the moon as a reminder
that my love will never fade

though i can't tell you how much I love you right now
and I can't show you what's in my heart
i hope when you look at the sun and moon
you'll realize we aren't that far apart