Love Poems About Halloween or Halloween Love Poems
by Daniel Turner |
Categories: autumn, nature,

Painting Autumn

October brings us panoramic scenes
Picassoesque impressionistic style
From reds to browns and earth tones in between
When nature paints those landscapes that beguile

The helpful sun provides hot yellow paint
Which bleeds and blends from mountains to the seas
There are no signs that nature shows restraint
As hues are scattered by the autumn breeze

Yet with her madness comes a masterpiece
The reason for spring's jealousy of green
Before her creativity has ceased
Her orange and black spills on Halloween

October means peace, love, and harmony
Get with your friends, enjoy fall's scenery

     By Daniel Turner     October 3 2016

by Jan Allison |
Categories: halloween, humorous,

Oh How I Love Halloween - For Ghost Contest

I hear the doorbell ring and I rush to answer it The heavy wooden door creaks and squeaks and groans My face is a ghostly white, you can only just see my eyes and mouth The children scream loudly and drop their bags of sweets in fright Terrified they flee down the path not pausing to look back I grab their sweets and quickly slam the door I dash to the bathroom Twenty minutes is up and its time to wash off my face pack Hee hee hee it works every year 5th October 2014

by Michael J. Falotico |
Categories: lost lovehalloween,

"just Four Walls"

I took the pictures down and folded all the clothes...
The carpet seems new where the couch used to sit...
A freshly painted outline used to hide behind our photo...
The plants are gone ,the fish tank is empty, only left
are echoes of our life...
His and her's boxes sit by the door like Halloween candy
ready to be given out..
Where love once rang out only whispers can be heard...
No more lights in the window or a lit candle on the piano...
The welcome mat is all rolled up like so many holidays went by..
One last glance as darkness fills the room, still the only warm
memory is lingering smell of your perfume...

Empty Apartment contest

by Danny Morgenstern |
Categories: conflict, halloween, horror, love, murder, mystery, october,


Oh, frightful word scribed at the end
The finger-painting mannequin
Composed a message to his love,
From ink he’d made of his own blood!

by Karen Jones |
Categories: america, halloween,

Creepy ABC

Adam’s apple screams
Bloody beware
Candy poisoning 
Death in the air
Evil lurking by
Funny creepy laugh
Glowing in dark pines
Haunted Halloween path
Interesting scary movie 
Jumping at the climax
Killer is carrying ruby
Lantern wearing eye patch
Making my skin crawl
Onyx with delight
Phones all on pause
Quick to fight or flight
Red eyes because they’re tired
Still stuck watching 
Unfortunately desired
Vampire’s death is a thing
We love the Thriller video
Xray extra unique it hasn’t aged
You can have fun being scared you know
Zip my lips as I’d rather not be afraid

by Verlena S. Walker |
Categories: cute love, funny love, gender, humor, humorous, nonsense, sweet,

A Drag Queen

A distinguish old gent picked up tricks.
      On Halloween, he went for a treat.
Laughing outlandishly
      He staggered up the street.
Hips swaying g-stringed a drag queen!
Penned on May 05, 2014.

by Gary Bateman |
Categories: funny, halloween, hilarious, humor, humorous,

Count Dracula's Love

Count Dracula’s Love

Count Dracula’s love is blood—sweet and bright red, 
And he wants to bite your neck while you’re in bed!
Seeking his next eternal bride on this All Hallows’ Eve,
His “undead” bite makes him happy and isn’t a pet peeve!

Gary Bateman, Copyright © All Rights Reserved,
October 25, 2015 (Clerihew)

by Dana Smith |
Categories: holiday, halloween,

A Valentine Sonnet

Oh, how lonely might I be this sad year? With no chocolates, love, or Valentine. . . A Halloween at home, Christmas, no cheer, Now February, with none to call mine ! So will I spend it sadly, bored, at home, Writing, or reading, or browsing the 'net? Spend a lovers holiday all alone- Distracting myself, hoping to forget. 'Least without chocolate, I won't gain weight. And the flowers would just wilt anyway! And it cost money to go on ONE date, So why do I care, it's only one day. . 'Cause Cupid shot not an arrow, but dart, Oh, and I want to be someone's sweet heart!

by John Freeman |
Categories: introspectionhalloween, evil,

"halloween Babes"

“Halloween Babes”

Innocent Angels
Prowl darken streets, seek sweet treats
Human evil seeks…

This pure Love of heart
Unaware what evil lurks
In human dark souls…

Just another child
Bites the dust of human lust’s
Illusions of ghouls…

For Contest: Halloween Haiku
In Honor of : Linda-Marie Sweetheart of P.S.

by Winsome Miller-Rowe |
Categories: color, devotion, emotions, funny love, gothic, halloween, scary,

Midnight Romance

How bright your eyes of cerulean blue
Look out from your porcelain face my dear
I saw those ivory teeth and I knew
That crimson blood would be flowing right here

Your cloak matches your obsidian brows
Absinthe is the green the grass we lie on
Love burning like charcoal as we carouse
Making our love last way before the dawn

Your sable hair reminds me of honey
And I crush my lips to yours oh so soft
I  know that this is better than money
But do you agree? I noticed you coughed

Ash of roses the color I evoke
Before leaving you in a puff of smoke

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: seasons, halloween, time,

Autumn, You Are Best

Autumn, you are best in the time that I was born, In the beginning, when children scurry to school. Not in the end, when trees of leaves have been shorn By winds or flurries of snow when days are too cool. I love you in the time of Indian summer’s glow When days are still bright, and they linger into night, And trees along mountains are putting on a show, Even to Halloween when we revel in fright. Quickly how you pass into winter’s fierce grasp. You fall, and only recollections can I clasp. For Janette Fisher's the Season of Mist and Mellow Fruitfulness Poetry Contest

by Jan Allison |
Categories: halloween, humorous,

Halloween Howlers

My costume makes me look fat And I lost my witches hat I can’t find my broom It’s not in the room Now where’s my lucky black cat An unfortunate man named Keith Mislaid his set of false teeth Tried apple bobbing His jaw was throbbing Poor guy can’t get no relief I love eating pumpkin pie My tum is big its no lie I pick up my spoon Then I start to swoon Feel sick and I want to die Jan Allison 11th October 2014

by Russell Sivey |
Categories: halloween, nostalgia,

Awaiting Halloween

My front door, the color of pumpkins As a skeleton adorns the screen door Jack-o-lanterns plenty about the porch And spider webs exist upon the floor Owl sits on the deformed tree in the yard Filled with many spooky eyes in the holes A scarecrow stands guarding my open gate Cats, all black, run around looking for moles A witch laughing sits in a dark corner Moving to the sound of a passerby We wait for the first sign of fearful kids On Halloween night, I love it, no lie Russell Sivey

by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: dark, halloween, horror, travel,

Haunted Lighthouse - the Free Flow Style

~ Haunted Lighthouse~ (Free Flow Style) Perched above water Full of ghost stories Lighthouse is so old Lightkeeper still here Love doing his rounds This is still his home Never wants to leave it Lighthouse is so old Some folks see his ghost Sometimes he appears They listen at night Footstep sounds upstairs Lighthouse is so old He still cares for lighthouse It's always his home. Dorian Petersen Potter aka ladydp2000 copyright@2012

by Daniel Beus |
Categories: girlfriend-boyfriend, romance, teen, halloween,

The Pursuit

"Ere the full moon I must be home,"
she cautioned me in pleading tones.
"My father, he will be waiting."
My youthful desires frustrating
for an evening with her alone.

Afternoon kiss...her blue eyes shone...
Our love, her father to condone,
so back home I am her taking
ere the full moon.

Good intent, but with two tires blown...
"He'll understand."  She: "You don't know!"
"Not a far walk"...her head's shaking.
Eyes like honey, deep sounds making.
Sunset...we run for life and home
ere the full moon.

Daniel Beus
October 7, 2012
for: The Ultimate Halloween Contest Free Poetry Contest

by Kay Roberts |
Categories: halloween, horror,

Trick Or Treat

Happy Halloween everyone 

??"Trick or Treat"??

Zombie pirates,
Ghoulish ghouls,
Slimy monsters,
Oozing drool.
Floating ghosts,
Warty witches,
Covered in stitches.
Bandaged mummies,
Dracula's bride,
Hairy werewolves,
Slicing your insides.
Possessed dolls,
Ugly scarecrows,
Thirsty vampires,
Slurping up blood flow.
Red devils,
Scary clowns,
Possessed princesses,
Terrorising the town.
The grim reaper,
Evil cats,
Scary Mary,
Oh I, Love all that.
Tonight's the night,
For "Trick or Treat",
Kids of all ages,
Eating too many sweets.

by Jonny Sance |
Categories: halloween, happiness, how i feel, joy, love, rap, romantic,


First there was fireworks
then there was stars
couldn't think of anything else
but her smile. stars struck stars
and all I can see is the
glow of her beauty;
with rain instead of sunshine
it was all so divine

rhyme scheme: abcbdeff                  date submitted: 7/30/16

by Jennifer M. |
Categories: halloween, love,

The Good Witches Potion

A Lovers Charm..
A Merchants Ring.
A Bullfrogs Heart..
A Black Bats Wing..
In the cauldron, 
to simmer and swell.
I raise the Goblet..
and cast my spell.

Actual spell:

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: angel, brother, death, love, memorial day, miss you,

Halloween Night

Dearest brother in Heaven
I pray for you always
especially this time of year
as you are so very sadly missed
In everything we say and do
you live forever
inside peal drops
In a part of our heart's
held very precious dear bro
Every prayer 
wishing you happiness 
filled with joy dancing 
with the angels  

My brother drowned this night pulls  heavy in sadness Halloween night whilst on holidays with his children in Majorca a sad family time of year

by Jean Murray |
Categories: autumn, boyfriend, fire,

Halloween Dance

May I dance with you?  It's Hallowen.
The moon is blue and I love you.

Place your hand on my lower back.
Draw me to you, don't hold back.

I've always admired you from afar.
Trick or treat, it was time to meet.

There's something in the air tonight.
Somehow being with you feels right.

Although we hide behind our masks,
neither of us can deny the fact.

Your breath is hot against my neck.
I struggle to keep emotions in check.

Step outside now the dance had ended.
In the cool of night, our heat is suspended.

Until you decide it's time to bite.
On Halloween night... how exactly right.

by William Darnell Sr |
Categories: autumn, celebration, character, color, confidence, creation, emotions, family, friendship love, halloween, holiday, image, imagery, imagination, nature, night, seasons,

Autumn's Fall

Autumn's Fall

Two silhouettes together, 
Under the light of the moon. 

The hooting of owls  
Is singing a scary tune. 

Dark shadows fly past us, 
But your arms hold me tight. 

With thoughts on your love, 
I lose fear for the night. 

The pumpkin that glows 
On the steps by my door.

It seems to be smiling, 
Makes me longing for more. 

The moonlight in the sky  
Shines down on the ground. 

Glistening the leaves, 
That covers the ground.

by Doris Culverhouse |
Categories: funny, holiday, seasons,


Pretty fall colors carved and decorated
Understandably the best in a cream covered pie
My favorite flavor is the cheesecake
Plump and lumpy or perfectly orange
Kill it with a shotgun after halloween
I love to watch the scrambled pieces fly in the air
Never let the Jack o lantern go to waste!!
Seeds left on the ground, grow next year!

by Pat Adams |
Categories: fantasy, halloween, humorous, word play,

Vampire Halloween Party

Wecome to the Vampire Halloween party
Count Draculas and you'll see quite a few
"You are my sunshine", plays in the background
They all hate it, but that's nothing new

A waiter made the mistake of asking
Wouldn't steak be what you might desire
Two vampires fainted and two flew away
One ran and tripped and fell into the fire

A cop got one passed out on the lawn
Of drunk vampires he was the worst
The cop said, "I need to take some blood"
The vampire said, "Ok but I go first!"

When she bats her eyes at a bat-chelor
Obviously it was love at first bite
For both it was a pain in the neck
On a blood vessel they left in the night!

by Eve Roper |
Categories: bereavement, children, death, halloween,

Terrorism On 2017 Lower Manhattan Attack

Halloween Night October thirty-first,
twenty-seventeen. A wet night of lit
cut out jack-o-lanterns, parties, games, cursed
ghouls and goblins, and witches shadows flit.

Children dress in fun or scary costumes
going door-to-door round the neighborhood
shouting, "Trick or treat!" running on sweet fumes
being good, but they eat more than they should.

Today was different; it was a day 
of grief and sorrow over an act of 
terror; Innocent lives taken away
too soon with families. Where is the love?

An act of sheer terrorism meant to fright
it will not discourage, but make us fight.


by Chris Bowen |
Categories: holiday,

Happy Halloween Through a Haiku is the same
love them veins
they taste regular to me