Love Poems About Conflict or Conflict Love Poems
by Susan Ashley |
Categories: angst, conflict, depression, fate, love hurts, sorrow,

Fortunes of My Tears

I see the future
in the constellation of my crystal tears
as you siphon the sparkle off what’s left of my joy.

Heavy is my heart where you spread your composting ego 
sacrificing my fire.

Your unwillingness
to ascend from darkness 
on wings of breath and light
is not lost on me..

as you strut your fan of peacock plumes
snuffing out any hope 
for my flickery flame.

Susan Ashley
July 19, 2018

~ Third Place ~
Contest: Any July 2018 Poem
Sponsor: Dear Heart a.k.a. Broken Wings

~ POTD ~
July 21, 2018

by Aysha Nuwas |
Categories: betrayal, conflict, hope, sad,

Blue Skies Over Sunflowers

In eastern lands, where once did roam
The winds of peace, and fields of home
Now echoes sound of bombs and gun
As war in Ukraine, is far from done

The sky once blue, now turned to gray
With smoke and dust, that won't away
And children's laughter, now replaced
By cries of pain, in this historic place

With each new day, new battles fought
As brothers clash, with brothers sought
And homes once filled, with love and grace
Now lie in ruins, in this darkened space

Oh, how we long, for peace to reign
And end this war, this endless pain
Let hearts unite, in hope and prayer
For Ukraine, for peace, and love to share.

by White Wolf |
Categories: angst, conflict, love,

One Must Remain:

Like a thunderbolt through the heart, She was beauty, a work of art, A snowfield on a summer's day, She was an angel here to stay. Such loving eyes to gaze upon, How could I ever do her wrong, The moment of truth did come then, As I wrote with paper and pen. Was she truly the love for me? This is something that I must see, Plainly my love for her was torn, To walk in two worlds I was sworn. One of love the other duty, Neither shall wane but one must be. (Eight syllables per line)

by Jenny Dillon |
Categories: anxiety, conflict, cry, depression, goodbye, i love you, mental illness,

I Jumped

I am the ghost of my past life.
I feel hollow, empty, incomplete,
No one can hear me speak.
I jumped
From a rooftop in budding May,
A beautiful time of year.
I jumped,
Then I changed my mind.

Nothing hurts as much
As seeing the lives
I could have been a part of
Playing out before my eyes.

I jumped
From a glass tower
Shimmering in the summer’s sun.
I jumped
And then I changed my mind.

I wish I was still alive

by Caycay Jennings |
Categories: anxiety, betrayal, conflict, emotions, heartbreak, husband, love hurts,

Break Your Peace

Your breathing is even and bears no concern, no fear or resentment squeaks to rust your dreams' churn. All my wishes wish it would: I want it to rob you, break your peace to pieces, rough up all your pleases and scatter your calm.
4 line excerpt from poem: A Day Scar Drama written 3-18-17 May 29, 2019 Arbitrium Divisa Poetry Contest Gregory R. Barden

by Caycay Jennings |
Categories: devotion, emotions, love,

All I Am

For My Timothy Lee

With trust in my eyes I offer my soft side Where you safely abide. With honesty in my voice I share my naked truth Where you freely run loose. With a focused brain I grant my best logic Where you filter conflict. With gentleness in my touch I give my tender care Where you shatter despair. With anticipation on my skin I surrender my body Where you make grand glory. With everything I am I promise you my heart Where you are the best part.
... CayCay 8/24/2015

by Leo Larry Amadore |
Categories: fantasy, imagination, love, moon, nature, romance, sea,

Sea Idyll

In a world of conflict and scheming,
may I never awaken from dreaming
of someday being able to float
out -- out in my own little boat --
out on a moon-lit bay
where tropical waters play
and a cooling breeze drifts by.
The salt sea air would be bracing --
would set my weary heart racing --
there on that moon-bright bay.
Only gulls overhead, as they fly, and I,
would hear, from the sandy shore,
the palms as they rustle.  I sigh --
oh -- I never would ask for more
than to float on the nurturing sea --
only you, and the moon, there with me.

by Whitney-Renee Johnson |
Categories: conflict, dark, inspiration, spoken word, strength,

Stay Strong

Don't do it.
Don't fall back into that dark hole.
Not again.
You're strong.
You're very strong.
You've come far and you are able to go further.
Don't give up.
You got this.
I promise.
Mom is watching.
She's proud of you.
Just because you made 
A few bad decisions
Doesn't mean you're a bad person.
She loves you.
But you have to learn
How to love yourself.
You're not that person who's trying to take over your body.
Fight against her.
That's not you.
You're stronger than your enemy.
Don't do it.
Don't fall back into that dark hole.
Not again.
You ARE strong.
Now look in the mirror
And tell that reflection
That she is beautiful.
Because you are.

by Lu Loo |
Categories: angst, confidence, conflict, love hurts, sad,


Setbacks Contest Sponsor: Nayda Ivette Negrom missing link unknown her death my pity hindrance lessening of growth regressed innocence before successful progress life’s impediment severe frustration defeated bloodline mourning extinct from her loss thirsty for closure beyond my intelligence woe relapsed from strength prayers heal my heart yesterday’s setbacks bring hope struggle gains freedom ~1st Place Winner~ Date Written: July 6, 2016

by Mark J. Halliday |
Categories: art, conflict, inspiration, world,


Creative, artistic, musical, analytical
Brother of Michael and Susanna; son of Fred and Marlyn
Lover of Nelly (Bourieau) H., science fiction novels and films, private serenity 
Who feels respect for God and humanity, love for nature, worry for the Earth’s future 
Who fears mediocrity, retirement, economic collapse leading to a popular insurrection
Who would like to see successful sons, grandchildren, his songs produced/recorded 
Marina, California (for the moment) 

by James Cottrell |
Categories: beautiful, beauty, cheer up, conflict, cute love, desire, lost,

When I Close My Eyes

When I close my eyes I see your face
Shining beautiful like summer's grace
I see sweetness in the curve of your smile
Which lingers in my mind for a while
Yet in your eyes I see a lonely dove
Who yearns for man's honest love
Majority of your years you've had so much strife
Yet you still deserve a man in your life
So break the bonds and mould the pain
For there is still much more to gain

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: break up, conflict, goodbye, history, hurt, relationship, sad,

Saying Goodbye

How do you say goodbye
To someone who has shared
So many days so many hopes
So many nights so many dreams

How do you say goodbye
When the love has dwindled
Explanations all been heard
All the tears been shed

How do you go separate ways
Without looking back
Without easing back into one more try

How do you turn and go
How do you start anew
How do you say goodbye

AP: 3rd place 2020

Posted in March, 2018

by Gene Bourne |
Categories: allegory, allusion, character, conflict, devotion, feelings, hope, introspection, love,

Small the Bud

Love is of itself an entity, 
Never knowing when it's touch will be.
Hate appears, a sentiment as well. 
Predators of love in consort dwell.
Cunning with intentions unrevealed. 
Spiteful in its malice to conceal.
Speak the truth to know a friendship's birth, 
Legacy of trust, proclaims your worth.
Time for all who live is all too brief.
Shun beguiling paths that lead to grief.
Look beyond impressions you assume. 
Small the bud, so beautiful the bloom. 

Gene Bourne 

by Thresha Reese |
Categories: conflict, slam,

Road Kill

Ok, this is where I was
A few miles since you last saw me.
A little before sun up,
Before I became road kill.

Stay closer and I'll tell you more.
May I ask, before,
When will I see you again?
Your pure and unnatural thing,
Your nut house?

It's never so easy
When you are road kill like me
Not even hurried
No one checking If I'm here.

Who are you anyway,
To have ever looked this way?
A love letter to road kill,
That spirited, wounded animal
With unfinished business.

Ok, so where were you?
Did you think it wasn't spelled out
Clearly a few miles since I last saw you?
Before you became road kill?

by Mary Rotman |
Categories: betrayal, conflict, funny, heartbreak, hurt, lost love, metaphor,

Nuclear-Free Zone

You should know that I've
reinforced the bunker
I built around my heart
until it can withstand a
     direct hit
     ground zero
     head-on collision
from a YOU-bomb.

I've shielded it to withstand
the worst Emotional Mutilation Potential
you can generate
and to protect me from
the flash burns of passion, 
Not to mention that I've lined it with lead
to save me from the fallout
of your so-called love.

hit me with your worst.
My bunker--and I-- are ready.

by Scott Macdonald |
Categories: bible, conflict, creation, fantasy, god, jealousy, religious,

Jealous God

Wodon gave them song and verse
Promethius gave them fire
Dionysius gave them wine and games
Orpheus played the lyre
Atlas held the world aloft
Fenrir consumed it whole
Ceres gave them seeds and crops
Ran the waves that roll
Pandoras box kept evil locked
Rati set love free
Boreas brought the winters frost
Eostre, springs fertility
But for my name they are nothing,
Upon these you may not call,
For I am christ the jealous god,
And I destroyed them all
So do not sing mousai's songs
Rebrand all festivities
For each of you are heathen
And theres is only me

Scott (loki) MacDonald 2017

by Charles Hamouth |
Categories: conflict, crazy, love hurts, relationship,


Preposterous, I am not a junk-food addict!
The recipe was good;
The presentation was great;
The final dish, however, was disappointing.
It could have used a teaspoon full of warmth
And maybe a dash of humor.
A crowd pleaser, at first, to be sure,
But not worth the effort.

by D.A Hopkins |
Categories: addiction, conflict, faith,


I want you gone so why are you still holding on I don't need you any more! so let me go, go on I've shown you the door I've found peace, within the grace of God this love is so much more than you could ever try to endure My freedom is awaiting me please.... I beg you, set me free I DON'T EVER WANT YOU ANY MORE DO YOU NOT SEE I'M NO LONGER YOURS... I have been set free redeemed, by my God

by Jim Pemberton |
Categories: character, christian, conflict, confusion, depression, emotions, faith, family, feelings, god, grief, heartbroken, hope, how i feel, jesus, life, lonely, recovery from, relationship, religion, religious, spiritual,

Lord, I'Ve Been Hurting

Lord., I've Been Hurting!

This one thing I am
 most certain…
Lately I’ve been really hurtin’.

I trying to do right, but it 
turns out “wrong.”
Where, in life,
do I really belong?

So many people
 pass me by.
Sometimes, someone
may say;  “hi!”

I don’t know if this message is
 getting across?
I feel so confused and 
completely lost.

A message of “help” has my
 prayer and plea…
For God to reach out to me!

He reached down and
made me whole!
HIS love and compassion
 filled my soul!

Spending time with Jesus
 is time well spent!
It was for you and me that 
Jesus was sent!

By Jim Pemberton

by Sandra Haight |
Categories: conflict, love, night,

Lover's Quarrel

As they walked the moonlit beach in silence, their aching hearts split worlds apart, they were joined by their shadowed silhouettes, which, connected, danced along… Forms united clear and strong, Gave them counsel in their night. © Sandra M. Haight 2014 All Rights Reserved ~5th Place~ November 10, 2014 Contest: Silhouette of a Heptagonet – Silhouettes of Night Sponsor: Nette Onclaud

by Stephanie Ward |
Categories: 7th grade, allusion, bullying, conflict, confusion, for teens, spoken word,

The Empty Words

Desperate.. how can you be with someone and not love them. Desperate.. your heart is empty. Are you lonely? Desperate.. is it true? A shallow word? An empty meaning? Desperate..Desperate..Desperate, is it a rumor, the spread of words that ruin lifes. Am i invisable? I'm here. Standing in front of you. Maybe my glasses are blocking your view. I can change.. I'm not desperate. I'm in love, but then again what is love? An empty word. An empty meaning.. A rumor? 

a poem by LeannW.Brown

by Vijay Pandit |
Categories: break up, conflict, heartbreak,

Gusty Winds

The storm that thundered is fading still
Reluctant to let go the reign of dark
But the nascent light behind the clouds
Unfolds the scene that's changing fast

On a happy note then she proceeds to allot
Augury of goodwill forgetting the past

And he sees things the way they used to be
Holding hands of love he finds her near him,
Not a blemish in view of his serene imagery--
Snuggling her closer, he reaches for a kiss

But gusty winds return razing his reverie
Blasting cold air on feelings of warmth
Taunting his dreams to accept the fact:
She's the one who unleashed the wrath

November 25, 2018
Placed first in standard contest #145 by Brian Strand

by Caycay Jennings |
Categories: angst, change, conflict, emotions, love, mother daughter, sad,


Somewhere along the way we lost it
and I cry wondering if I could have stopped it.

Just my hindsight saw it all unfold.
For years now it has been more than my heart can hold.

Mentally, your voiced views batter me.
Emotionally, your behaviors shatter me.

We have completely turned from love’s way
so, I dwell sad in past days laid tainted and frayed.

Though no final death scythe ended us,
separation bereavement exists between us.

I search for moves holding love’s right stuff
‘cause I need to show you, Mama, I hurt enough.

... CayCay
March 18, 2020

by Zachary Ward |
Categories: absence, beauty, blessing, conflict, cute love, desire, i love you,

Something Beautiful

I want to write you something beautiful
Can I show you I am right here
I would live all my life alone to prove that
I'm so madly in love with you

When were apart 
I can't breathe
You have all the right parts
You fit perfectly in my heart

What you do to me
Is something beautiful
My missing puzzle piece
Pirate my seas 

You're all I can see in the horizon
This love navigates me like a compass
I pray it leads me to something beautiful
If it doesn't ill keep on trying 
until my last breath meets the face of death

I have a great love for  you
The unknown troubles us two
I'll be forever alone if I have to
Because I want something beautiful with you

by Laurie Mahoney |
Categories: angst, conflict, desire, love, love hurts, lust, sensual,


I've still not healed from you
You're in my blood, my veins
You've seeped in every pore of me
A plague upon my brain
You make me hot like fever
I sweat, my body aches
Lose air when I am close to you
How much sickness can I take
I'm infected with this passion
Desire like disease
It lives in every cell of me
My body's under seige
This carnal need is savage
It's eating me alive
I have to touch you, feel you
Or else I cant survive
There has to be an antidote
A treatment, remedy
To cure this lustful sickness
That's taken over me
I need to search, to find it
And make this go away
I'm so weakened by the wanting
I'm temptation''s easy prey