Love Poems About Psychological or Psychological Love Poems
by Jerry T Curtis |
Categories: abuse, anger, betrayal, emotions, psychological, spoken word, truth,

The Pain Game

Why do people, want to cause
Other people pain
Where is the Love 
That will break the chain

Someone says something
Then it's tit-for-tat
I've played this before
We all know the score
Now who's up at bat

I think it's time, for us to play
The self healing game
Before there's no one, left
Around to blame

One that's more thoughtful
And much less insane
Let's reach for the Sun
And help everyone
Come out of the rain

All we have, is this fleeting chance
To get this right
No time for jealousies 
No time to fight

Don't say, that you're sorry
Don't seek to forgive
Just start here today
And throw it away
And learn how to live

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: allusion, art, beauty, history, love, psychological,


Come to my boudoir Cheri
I am here all for thee
In red and lace
I shall entangle you will love
Entice you with lust
Tease you till desires run dry
You shall be the knight who rides my thigh
In the bonny highlands we shall have our romp
Meadows and fields of summer scent and breeze
I shall wrap you in my honey warmth
Mine, all mine you will be
Wrapped, entwined around my wee finger
Enslaved with love
My love
You belong all to me

by A.O. Taner |
Categories: beautiful, beauty, courage, cute love, dark, deep, depression, desire, destiny, devotion, dream, first love, funny love, grief, happiness, heart, heartbreak, heartbroken, how i feel, i am, i love you, i miss you, innocence, irony, jealousy, lonely, longing, loss, lost, love, love hurts, miss you, missing, missing you, night, passion, psychological, romance, romantic, sad, sad love, silence, sky, sleep, solitude, sunset, true love,

Red Light

have you ever felt like 
the flashing red light on the roof,
lonely as ever
visible at night, useless by day?

in sync with its partner next door
for a quick kiss over a few flashes only 
then arguing again and again 
night in, night out.

have you ever felt like 
the flashing red light on the roof,
not signaling a warning to keep away
but sending a call for compassion?

using the dark pauses in between 
to yell the same name 
over and over and over
into the emptiness of each night.

have you ever felt like
the flashing red light on the roof,
being your silent cry
only heard by your eternal love?

by Tasha Taylor |
Categories: boyfriend, funny love, girlfriend, psychological, relationship,


How is he?"

"Quite terrible, Miss.
He will not survive the night,
Probably not even the hour."

"What does he have?
Terminal cancer?
Cardiac Arrest?"

It is worse then all of those.
Even combined."

"Oh no! 
Can I see him?

"I imagine you can, Miss.
But that's the problem.
I'm afraid I can't treat him
Since I can't--"

"Doctor! Please tell me.
I love him. 
He's my boyfriend.
We have no secrets."

"Then you may wanna sit down.
Miss, I am sorry to inform you,
Your boyfriend is ailed with
A severe case of nonexistence."

by Sandip Goswami |
Categories: confusion, deep, humanity, inspirational, philosophy, psychological, world,


We are learning lessons.
But why?
We don't know!

We are visiting holy places.
But why?
We don't know!

We are  reading holybooks.
But why?
We don't know!

We are writing poetry.
But why?
We don't know!

We are making atomic weapons.
But why?
We don't know!

We are falling in love.
But why?
We don't  know!

We are living in the world.
But why?
We don't know!

We are thinking thoughts.
But why?
We don't know!

We are human beings.
But why?
We don't know!

We know nothing about life,
Although we are conscious people.

'Why' is an unanswered adverb in our life..


by Sharon Gulley |
Categories: cancer, caregiving, deep, garden, mentor, psychological, recovery from,

A Summer of Lastingness

In a summer of lastingness, long ago,
what you had in store for me my love,
I could've never known.

Through the depth and channels
of the heart, you have shown me
life begins, where the loving starts.

Like an unfolded rose growing in the
morning's misty dew, you feed me
and then sheltered me as I grew.

If I stood before you today my love
you would see a full rose in bloom,
not at all hindered by gloom. 

A strong stem, no regrets, no sorrow.
Only togetherness with you, full of
brighter tomorrows.

Thank you for all you planted in the 
garden of my hardened soil.
A summer of lastingness has forever
brought tenderness instead of toil.

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: art, friendship, history, holocaust, perspective, psychological, september,

Playing With Minds

when childhood held dreams

when friends where real

Anne Frank, child betrayed

when poetry spoke of the heart

when the psycho penetrated with dart

those who tell tales true

	the kiss of love? or
		the kiss of deceit

	evil hides in rainbows
		goodness dances with lightning

I will remember hearts of kindness
	not the man spreading blindness

yearn for happier times
	not July, only youths summertime
		illusions that once made us happy

Now devour our minds

by Diana Dinca |
Categories: lost love, love hurts, meaningful, metaphor, philosophy, psychological,

Poison and Wine

I’ve got poison on my lips
And in my glass, red wine.
I’ve got you in my bloodstream
And this porcelain heart of mine.

I’ve got oceans in my veins
And to sail them, you alone.
I’ve got a blood-stained hurricane
And you wear my poison as cologne.

You’ve got a storm beneath your skin
And then a storm’s what you become.
I’ve got my fire to remind you
Who burned and made you come undone.

See more at:

by Janis Medders Tobechi |
Categories: emotions, fantasy, psychological,

Another World

Another World

Take a step into a world
where manic fantasies unfurl
and see the hopeless hope again
and live a dream within the brain
grasping neuron’s elevation
for some positive sensation
that resembles normal life
yet with just a hint of strife
which is that it won’t exist
in any form other than this.
Mania moves to make it so
and fills the face with radiant glow
as if a love was near around.
You must buy a wedding gown.
When everybody who you know
says that this just isn’t so
Reality, a step away
acted out in drama play.
Mistaken often for a rage
but grandiosity on stage.
Euphoria on disbelief 
sheltered from the truth or grief.


by M. L. Kiser |
Categories: appreciation, confidence, courage, faith, introspection, psychological, self,

Just Believe In Yourself

B  Believe in yourself
E  Everyone need someone to believe in them
L  Love yourself and have faith in your own value
I  In God’s eyes you are a facet of his diamond
E  Every soul shines and you’re no less
V  Visualize your light piercing
E  Every dark night and believe what you see shining from within.

Written: 3-11-19

For: "Writing Challenge, March 2019- Inspirational Acrostic - Poetry Contest"
Sponsor: Dear Heart

by Aqua Marine |
Categories: psychological, relationship,

Wrapped Up

Curator's canvas primed white
Pure white and found wanting
a common subject to decant- 
Man and Woman, in waiting.
Once laurel-wreathed,
Now ceremonially decadent.
Not a word, True Love breathed...
Recoiled lives once ravelled
will be parallel lives travelled
in convoluted loving.
And truer twisted hating.

Posted: 21/07/2018.
(This is about the love/hate aspect that unravels what could be good relationships.)

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: anger, break up, dark, hurt, lost love, psychological, sad,

Time Heals

When will that deafening silence stop
When will the gnawing craving disappear
And the pointless waiting stop

Is it a crime to have loved
Must I pay for having given freely
Must I be punished for having believed
Must I do time for having been so naïve

I was whole I felt great I thought I had it all
Then I met you
And that was the beginning of the end

Now I feel empty lost and in pain
If time heals it doesn’t heal fast enough
And all for a few precious superficial moments
For a short ride on the sea of illusion

AP: 1st place 2022

Submitted on April 30, 2018 for contest FREE VERSE ON LOVE (NEW POEM) sponsored by LAURA LOO  -  RANKED 3RD

by Dakota Williams |
Categories: child abuse, hurt, mental health, psychological, sad love, self, word play,


I tremble before you, my vying emotion
I thought I could be loved with complying emotion

My mirror used to love my sight
there is no more of that undying emotion

Neglect tore at me, scattering me into shards
This whole life of mine is fragmented by self-denying emotion

Love is what you give away
To anything but my trying emotion

If you came back it'd be too late-
You permanently left the scar of dying emotion

by Rebecca Grech |
Categories: longing, love, love hurts, psychological,

Let Love Kill

Zoned out in the darkness
Time devours my vitality 
Trying to swim; I sink to the bottom
Meet me here in aphotic darkness
Our devilish souls can create a tsunami on the surface
And obliterate all other love
Light hearts, ripples
As we drink their shallow cries

Unite with me as I swim your depths
Wave after wave of divine pleasure
Designed to realign my spine
Chew my insides as a piranha
Our love is worth the death of earth
I'll chance obliteration,
In my blinded sight just to
drown in the depths as you destruct my soul

by Reuben Malekutu |
Categories: feelings, first love, how i feel, sweet love,

Famous Letter

It was that time of stage, when I couldn’t speak out 
My love for her, although I had to confess 
That I love her for real with no doubt. 
Then the idea came: write letter to the press.

Maybe I had to write just as easy as I had to tell,
For rescue from my psychological prison.
Still untold, love scared me just like the animal I can’t spell
Still unfold, but I had to unfold it, for one reason. 

Thence the idea took course and was implemented 
And the whole nation read and she too. 
So when I heard, she had already commented 
to people saying that she loved me too. 

Love began as quick as kick start
And memories began as soon as we start

by Panagiota Romios |
Categories: philosophy, poetry, psychological,

Burn After Reading

Dearest Poets:

At times, I must admit, not pleased with 
the results of my work.
I just want to shred them feeling like 
a poetic jerk.

What's the point of all these hours
I ask?
Perhaps burn all after reading?

Finding no answers, I let go of
philosophizing and waltz into the
California sun...

To just be one with God's nature
and His Holy Son.

October 13, 2019


Love, Panagiota

by Ngoc Nguyen |
Categories: beauty, character, child, depression, emotions, faith, feelings, friend, friendship, girl, god, grief, growing up, growth, happiness, heart, hope, identity, inspiration, introspection, jesus, life, loneliness, lonely, longing, love, mentor, metaphor, pain, people, philosophy, psychological, relationship, sad, sorrow, spiritual, strength, student, sympathy, teen, teenage, truth, uplifting, wisdom, women, youth,

Candid Lines To a Septuagenarian's Lonely, Lovely Lass

Food, ale, smoke, sleep, and solitude—
     these are the things which I live for;
provide for me lamb barbecued, 
     and I'll demand of you no more!

O lovely lass, whatsoever's the matter—
     why so downtrodden and alone?
Be not vexed, if you feel so much fatter
     than most, dear, for we love our own.

Sweet lass, let me tell you a secret:
     if I were a young lad again,
I'd chase you for your gorgeous assets;
     but as I am three-score and ten

years old with wife not dead, then never
     could I be your white knight with steed.
So have hope, lass! For time, however, 
     in its fullness will meet your need.

by Edward Ebbs |
Categories: analogy, blessing, celebration, change, courage, creation, dedication, devotion, image, imagery, life, psychological, social, society, voice, world,

One People

We are one people
All deserve a chance in life
Regardless of race

The journey in life
Pondering the forgotten
Has not been crowning 

I believe in life
It’s a journey with purpose

We choose how we live
Responsible to the end
Life should end with love 

We celebrate peace
Remembering forgiveness
Embracing balance

Edward J. Ebbs - 6/19/2015

Written for a Contest, Senryu on Your Own Existence

by A.O. Taner |
Categories: beautiful, color, dream, fantasy, feelings, for her, good morning, green, hello, how i feel, humanity, innocence, inspiration, inspirational, joy, life, light, lost love, love, meaningful, miracle, miss you, missing, missing you, music, nature, passion, places, psychological, red, sexy, simple, soulmate, sound, summer, sun, sunshine, truth,

Sound of Colors

I woke up to the sound of colors
from a misty dream 

heard the blue bells ringing
and a trombone playing the cream

a pink rhapsody kissed my lips 
as the sun climbed into our bed

whispering a love song 
in yellow, orange, and red.

by Marko Kyoto |
Categories: cute love, desire, journey, passion, psychological, romance, science,

The Science of Romantic Attraction

Sexual Attraction
Eyes meet
Pupils dialated
Smiles engage
Neurons connect
Two beings have met.
Lowering of the head
Tilt of the neck
Open palms
Feet facing
Heart pulsating.
Shoulders raised
Stomach tucked in
Feet stood apart
an attempt to gain your heart.
A subtle touch
A embracing hug
A move into one's intimate space
continues the magnetic chase
Lips kiss
A passionate mist
Cheeks glow
Time seems to gently flow
Limbic system awakened
Dopamine released
Senses heightened
Body excited.
Attraction fully ignited.

by Jacob Reinhardt |
Categories: age, analogy, art, beauty, dream, earth, feelings, freedom, friendship, growth, happiness, happy, how i feel, i love you, introspection, joy, language, life, light, love, memory, metaphor, mirror, nature, passion, peace, philosophy, poems, psychological, relationship, science, self, senses, teacher, time, truth, visionary, voice, water, wisdom, world, write, writing, youth,

Who Am I

A new photograph floats to the surface
Playfully dressing up as the world around me
Hat, striped socks and all
Tiptoeing at the top for one last sweet moment 
Before sinking back into my ocean mind.

One after another they arrive
Single file,
Steeping my eyes in the world 
As the minds shutter, ever fluttering 
Strings together this conscious stream I play in.

My photographs fade in time’s wrinkled arms.
Joining their brothers and sisters at the ocean floor,
They hold hands and try to answer the question that is always asking itself:
Who am I?

Jacob Reinhardt

by Russell Sivey |
Categories: light, psychological, tree,

Shining Purple Glow

Light shines, maybe it emits from the tree It casts a purple hue throughout its field There are light violet highlights that I see I will always be one to view its yield Anyone who walks on by would be free To see its power by the light it wields Love the glow that emanates from inside Mighty is this tree, inspiring all sides Russell Sivey

by Gene Bourne |
Categories: allusion, assonance, celebration, desire, emotions, feelings, giving, image, longing, love, night, people, psychological, together,

Frosted Windows

Eyes reflect a fireplace glowing, 
Moonlight has its luring say. 
Wrest the cork, the wine is flowing, 
Laughter eases care away. 

Glasses clink through frosted windows. 
Reminisce when first they meet. 
Face to face on propping elbows, 
Whispers pillows ever keep. 

Passion molds a cryptic sculpture 
Shaped without a reason why. 
Love creates a mystic culture, 
Words attempt but can't define.

Gene Bourne 

by A.O. Taner |
Categories: absence, break up, confidence, death, feelings, funny, i am, i love you, inspirational, leaving, loneliness, lost love, love, moving on, psychological, recovery from, relationship, suicide, true love, wife,


Only then you're done,
when you end the ending;
leave the closure to others,
that way it's much more fun.

by Edward Ebbs |
Categories: analogy, anxiety, depression, desire, destiny, emotions, identity, life, psychological, self, trust,

Depression's Illusion

The horizon
it matters not
what you were
are just that
a familiar road
peering within
reaching out
to what end
matters more
without performance
love has conditions
a battered heart
I am nothing 
life’s miscarriage
so what is left
maybe a tear
I do not think so
life moves on
a judgement
my memories
empty spaces
no hand awaits
erase me.

Edward J Ebbs - February 20, 2016