Love Poems About Cancer or Cancer Love Poems
by Craig Cornish |
Categories: cancer,

The Topic of Cancer

God, so cruel a plague upon me,
dreams crushed, forsaken,
even as I hopefully step
where the sun leaves me to smile
for those brief but celebrated 

Through tear blurred windows
dear hearts that suffer more than I
can despise their suffering -
much more than my own sad fate.
I'm called brave but it is they
who smile through pain,
struggle for the right words.

They need not speak.
How lucky I have been
no matter my end
to have known such love.

by Jan Allison |
Categories: husband, i love you, life,


"Time = Life, Therefore, waste your time and waste of your life, or master your time and master your life". Alan Lakein To my husband ... From the moment we met I knew you were special past relationships gone forever You are my present and my future but since your cancer returned we’re fully aware the clock is ticking Our time on earth isn’t infinite … one day we’ll find eternal peace Time- 8 Word Challenge Poetry Contest Sponsored by A Dear Heart 07/05/20

by Rob Schulteis |
Categories: anxiety, beauty, cancer, death, love,

With Angels Wings

"With Angels Wings"

The whispering winds, a song they sing

A song of sorrow and of a heart so big 

Your love reaches as far as the eye can see

I believe in dreams because in my heart, you beat

Just as a gentle breeze shimmers every leaf

Your love, in every heart, plants a seed

Elegance, love and hope is what grows beneath

And this is your gift to us....

For safe keeping.

So...if you ever wonder why heaven sings

It's because now you fly...

      With Angels Wings

by Monia Kurtz |
Categories: cancer, death, i love you, loss, love hurts, meaningful,

For Ronan

Your soul was being attacked
Meanwhile mine carried bags
Of sorrow, devastation and guilt
For I knew your little body couldn’t handle this
This cancer that sprung up out of nowhere when you were two
But you got your army men and went to work
How strong your little heart was
Bigger than any of those little army men
Nevertheless, your little body didn’t fight forever
How could it?
So I sat you on my lap and told you that it was okay
You died that day.
So now,
Every chance I get I say screw Cancer
Fot taking the most precious boy I’d ever laid eyes on.

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: cancer, confidence, encouraging, life, love, strength, together,

A Bigger Life

some days you may
be low on strength
i’ll give you mine
life is bigger than cancer

we feed off each other
the closeness of our bond
finishing each other’s
thoughts and sentences

your smile your touch 
there’s magic in the details
in the togetherness of you and i
in life being bigger than cancer

Published in my 24-page photo/anthology ~THE POWER OF TWO~ 2020

AP: 2nd place 2020

Posted on July 13, 2019

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: angst, cancer, death,

- Kimo Therapy -

She has breast cancer, malignant tumor
                 Time passes, a waiting game
                 Routine mammography

                       A filter of frustration and sadness
                       Death can not be overcome
                       Grief is the price of love

                 The moment of freedom, the mask falls off
                 Show yourself as a true friend
                 "We'll do this together"

Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

by Tasha Taylor |
Categories: boyfriend, funny love, girlfriend, psychological, relationship,


How is he?"

"Quite terrible, Miss.
He will not survive the night,
Probably not even the hour."

"What does he have?
Terminal cancer?
Cardiac Arrest?"

It is worse then all of those.
Even combined."

"Oh no! 
Can I see him?

"I imagine you can, Miss.
But that's the problem.
I'm afraid I can't treat him
Since I can't--"

"Doctor! Please tell me.
I love him. 
He's my boyfriend.
We have no secrets."

"Then you may wanna sit down.
Miss, I am sorry to inform you,
Your boyfriend is ailed with
A severe case of nonexistence."

by Berteena Harmony Of The Soul |
Categories: bereavement, cancer, grief, loss, lost love, native american, tribute,


knew a Tiger
who swam with dolphins
along the razor’s edge

meditated with a yellow bird
under his honey’s tree
in a west coast garden.

rare breed
from an indigenous

poetic wisdom
written with

sung his songs
in syllables:
5-7-5 and 5-7-5-7-7.

beloved’s last kiss
left him fragrant roses
when she crossed over.

did our

beads, sky lanterns,
and a beautiful

he crying with Coyotes
to the moon or on
heaven’s Windswept Shore?

knew a Tiger
who walked
with the wind.

by Berteena
Harmony of the Soul
PoetrySoup Poem of the Day - January 29, 2019

by Lu Loo |
Categories: childhood, family, happiness, love,

Haiku On My Family

Second Chance May 2016
Sponsor: Eve Roper

five generations
   connected to my grandpa
      kindred forefather

parents united
    unto them came four children
      love to go around

mother faced cancer
   a dear lady, my angel
      adulthood so strong

adoring siblings
   warmhearted and devoted
     affections of blood

money not vital
   wealthy in rich loyalty
      assets of true faith

our childhood dog Bo
   my sweet Golden Retriever
      my canine best bud

united as one
   roots form a family tree
     belovedly linked

Date Written: April 30, 2016

Date Finalized:May 19, 2016

by Laurel Larison |
Categories: family, father, children, happiness, life, loss, love, dad, miss you, heaven, dad, heaven, miss you, i love you,

My Father

I miss you dad every single day
The wonderful Times I remember 
Are the times we spent together going 
To dinner and church
The times I will cherish always on this earth
Your gentle ways and smiles and hugs
Made Life worthwhile for this is true
Forever you are missed in my heart and soul
But the forever is Heaven and you are there basking
In the Light of the Lord
I miss you dad and loved you so much 
But eternity is yours to no longer hurt
Cancer is what took you far too soon
I am always remembering your hugs and 
I loved you so much too.
Eternity is there for you now and forever
Remember I love you and Kisses from here
to you in the forever they call Heaven from earth

by Sharon Gulley |
Categories: cancer, caregiving, deep, garden, mentor, psychological, recovery from,

A Summer of Lastingness

In a summer of lastingness, long ago,
what you had in store for me my love,
I could've never known.

Through the depth and channels
of the heart, you have shown me
life begins, where the loving starts.

Like an unfolded rose growing in the
morning's misty dew, you feed me
and then sheltered me as I grew.

If I stood before you today my love
you would see a full rose in bloom,
not at all hindered by gloom. 

A strong stem, no regrets, no sorrow.
Only togetherness with you, full of
brighter tomorrows.

Thank you for all you planted in the 
garden of my hardened soil.
A summer of lastingness has forever
brought tenderness instead of toil.

by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: cancer, me,

Counting Every Blessing

I thank our Lord for the blessings bestowed:

Even though my wound still oozes, my skin cancer was completely removed
My fingernails are unusually strong and I have emery board access
The food I eat may be cheap and meager, but at least it keeps me alive
Much free time is mine because little work is available
How lucky I am to have friends who will laugh and cry with me at life’s troubles
I appreciate the ability to love and show compassion
Thankfully, I don’t drool too much when I eat
And most of all I am blessed with a sense of humor

* For Dane Ann’s “Blessings” contest.  (Yes, my cholesterol truly is that high.)

by Mark Woods |
Categories: bereavement, heartbreak, loneliness, lost love,

My Neighbour

She’s lonely, the old lady just over the fence
Ninth decade approaching, alone and living past tense

Sometimes I see her and acknowledge good day
Put time to one side, not running away.

A love story she tells me, I’ve heard it before
The man that she married and simply adored.

His battle with cancer, he’s now spread on my land
How her family all left her, once they had cash in their hand.

I see the wrinkles of hurt carved into her face
Only I know the reason, why she’s attached to this place.

*The spelling of neighbour/neighbor is different between countries.

by Jan Allison |
Categories: bereavement, christmas, depression,

My First Christmas Without You

A snowy blanket lies on the ground as I visit your grave on Christmas Day, it’s my very first Christmas without you cancer cruelly snatched your life away We had so little precious time together, as you lay dying you made me your wife; when we whispered our vows we were crying I promised to love you for the rest of your life This year there won’t be any presents I’ve not bothered with a Christmas tree, I’m struggling to cope with depression my life’s so unbearable now it’s just me FICTION POEM A Sad Christmas - December 2018 Writing Challenge - Poetry Contest Sponsored by Dear Heart 12/5/18

by John Hamilton |
Categories: cancer, courage, depression, encouraging, heart, meaningful, uplifting,

Cancer's Cost

Cancer's Cost

Cancer may ravage whole body parts
but it can never conquer resolute hearts.
Battered and bruised by aggressive procedures
we may hardly recognize our distinguishing features.

Remember this my friend, all hope is not lost
You can fight this evil enemy, but there is a cost.
The price is determination, a strong will to keep living
you have so much goodness left inside to keep giving.

Remember this my friend,
We are more than the sum of our human body parts
Cancer cannot kill the eternal love dwelling in our hearts!

John Derek Hamilton
December 21,2015

by Michael J. Falotico |
Categories: lossfamily, family,

No Cancer In Heaven

By Michael J. Falotico

                                   The disease covers and takes over the mind and body..
                  Friends and family members gather and support with love and compassion..
                   Now God has taken the soul to be by his side till our family is joined again..

RIP...~Dad and Dianna~

by Jill Martin |
Categories: friendship, funny, life, love, cancer,

Chemo Fun

Sitting in the backseat ~ yackety
she drives like
    crackers ~ wackedy
speeding to the movies?
we can’t be late?
Driver ahead asleep at the
panic stop she makes ~ 5 seatbelts lock
But the 
backlash! ........... flying wig
plops smack in my lap . . . .
Screaming fits of laughter all around.
Late to the movies after all,
    not nearly as good.

Dedicated to my friend, Kate.
Breast cancer survivor.

by Jan Allison |
Categories: cancer, love,

Falling Locks

Susie’s flowing blonde tresses were her pride and joy they shone like a halo above her head and framed her delicate features From the moment they met her boyfriend called her Goldilocks Five years after they married cancer cruelly crept into their lives Skilled surgeons removed her lump but chemotherapy took its toll and clumps of hair clung to her brush They both sobbed bitterly as her husband turned on the hair clippers which buzzed across her scalp… in the ultimate act of love Goldilocks Zone Poetry Contest Sponsored by Anthony Biaanco 04/11/21

by Mike Dailey |
Categories: health, hope, inspirational, life, philosophy, recovery from..., upliftingme, love, me, cancer,

The Truth

It’s true that I have cancer
Not true that it has me
For I choose to live my life
As full as it can be
It’s true they did some cutting
To get the cancer out
But I’m still fighting cancer
And it is quite a bout
It’s true that I’ll do chemo
And chemo makes you sick
While chemo kills the cancer
That’s not what makes me tick
For me, it’s love of family
My daughter and my wife
And I’ll have a brand new grandchild
And that – to me – is life
Each moment that I’m living
My love for them grows strong
And loving equals living
That’s what keeps me going on
So it’s true that I have cancer
Not true that it has me
And like a wise man said once
The truth shall set you free.

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: lost love, nature,

Haunted By a Long-Lost Love

High on a passing cloud there floats a dream 
Never to be easily forgotten,
Devious destiny weaved its fierce scheme,
Turned my youth into a life so rotten.

The soft song of a Summer Breeze was gone,
But by then we had met and love had won.
How oft we trekked the hills and watched the dawn.
How oft we made love, happy so well done.

Carefree we roamed out our romantic days,
Many noticed silhouettes in moonlight.
How could I not shower her with sweet praise?
Alas  she had cancer, love turned to plight.

The gilded leaves of autumn sigh her loss.
Her funeral I bore with a harsh cross.

by John Gondolf |
Categories: desire, longing, solitude,

The Dancer

 The Dancer

From afar I watch intently 
as she moves about so gently 
knowing not, and consequently,
unaware what’s in my heart.

Such a beauty this sweet creature 
as I watch her from the bleachers 
gazing at her shapely features;
has somebody claimed her heart?

Knowing not, the weight is crushing;
through my veins my blood is rushing;
deep desires, my thoughts are blushing;
could she love me with her heart?

Guess I’ll never know the answer,
truth about this darling dancer,
questions spreading like a cancer
feeding on my hungry heart.

March 19, 2023

by Jack Horne |
Categories: loss,

Sending My Love

I never had a better friend than you,
and now you're gone it's hard to find
the strength to go on day to day;
this loss is always on my mind.

We bonded from the day we met;
a friendship that would never die -
but cancer took my truest friend,
and memories just make me cry.

I'm writing this to send my love
and pray my words may soar to you;
I know some day we'll chat again -
til then, that thought will help me through.

written 28th September for Eve's contest - to me, Pic 3 looked like someone saying this

by Aimee Rodriguez |
Categories: cancer, grief, loss, miss you, missing you, mom, mother,

Eternal Flame

Without you, the days are so long
& sometimes it's hard to just carry on.
You gave life & love to all things
The joy of giving was what you would bring.

I see your smile inside my head,
It just isn't fair that you have to be dead.
I know you suffered though all the while
You held your head high & even would smile.

As I watched you go through it, I always had hope,
Even when we came to the end of the rope.
Everything that we went through
Helped make us closer & more loving too.

Through ups & downs you always were strong
Even when you knew you didn't have long.
Life can be kind & cruel in the same,
But you will live on forever because of loves eternal flame.

by Emily Kroeger |
Categories: death, life, loss, love, sad, sympathy, time

The Cancer

I've watched her vanish and dietirate into withering roses.

The pain that takes over her body is spreading fast and furious,

and only weakens her!

How can she bring so much light into a room of darkend souls, with her smile,

When she has only those two weeks to remain?

Why her a mother and new bride?

She doesnt want to miss a thing in her young boys lifes.

But... she already knows how it will be and how it will come.

Six days, six days she had before the death withen her took 

one last breath, and she vanished into the atmosphere and left.

by Brian Byrne |
Categories: cancer, death, deep, depression, flower, loss, love, metaphor,


there she lay
planted beneath the soft, brittle earth

I remember picking you
no roses or tulips
just Daisy.

I was the gardener—
your gardener
what now shall I water

I cry in hopes my tears
will make you sprout
come out of your flowerbed

white and pure
yellow and cheery
green and new

I knew you were wilting
I saw you lose your petals
your eyes lost their vibrant glow

small and feeble
easily carried by the wind
you died within my gloves

now you are back where you began 
the dark, eerie ground
but this time


 you won’t grow