Love Poems About Valentines Day or Valentines Day Love Poems
by Craig Cornish |
Categories: valentines day,


Forever is a word for fools,
a word that describes a time
that will never come.
Always is a word for dreamers,
a word that describes wishes
and forgets reality.
Never is a word that forgets
what we don't know about tomorrow.

As for me, I'm a fool forever,
who dreams of always
having you to love,
and never forgets that tomorrow
is nothing without you.

Written Feb. 14, 1982

by Ibad Sultan |
Categories: boyfriend, break up, cute love, girlfriend, love, true love, valentines day,


We slept together
We dreamt together
We saw a dream of nurturing our emotions
We saw a dream of growing our love
We saw a dream of integrating our souls
But then
You woke up and walked away
I was there to suffer the pain
of our unaccomplished dream.

by Sotto Poet |
Categories: appreciation, valentines day,

The Rose

In crimson its beauty would show A symbol of love, pure and true With thorns it would swarm Love's not always warm But worth every prick that we go through

by James Fraser |
Categories: beauty, holiday, i miss you, love, passion, vacation, valentines day,

Kiss Me Quiet

It's near midnight, whilst we moonlight walk Palm tree lined fairway, Crickets singing Hands clenched in loving vacationed talk Hearts in wanting pound, Batangas is bringing We, she and I, now amidst our intending lock Serenity is the scene blessed by lunar watch So late, but joyous we, soon our lips are speaking Clouds now hover as we witness natures rain Our apartment is distant, we welcome given Through broken lunar light, stroking her mane My hands in taken then, sensuously they're driven Kiss me quiet is whispered, hearts now in reign Walking, slowly walking, absorbing to us this night Hearts in touching pound, Batangas has brought .

by Mark J. Halliday |
Categories: chocolate, holiday, humorous, religion, valentines day,


Not much is known about him,
But all girls love him.

Saint Valentine's Feast,
On February fourteenth:
Mostly chocolates!

It would make more sense
To honor Aphrodite...
So then, why don't we?!

by Joyce Johnson |
Categories: love, valentines day, , sweet love,

Happy Valentine's Day

I've had no lover's valentine
For far too many years,
But I still have some sweet love notes
Among my souvenirs.

If my loved one were here it would be
Valentines every day.
To show my love for him, I'd strew
Hearts all along the way.

Don't weep for me, I've had my share.
This is your time, enjoy.
May your love's words be just as true
As those of my lost boy.

by Russell Sivey |
Categories: heart, innocence, love, passion,

Wild Passion

She’s wild, a passionate heart of love inspired Playing a violin, masterful and free So fast and fierce, her every lust is desired Violin sparks aflame burning intensely She screams with pleasure of the fire’s indulgence Peak of passion has reached beyond innocence Her mouth open with flames entering inside She loves her tremendous trek, her awesome ride Russell Sivey Happy Valentines Day

by Jan Allison |
Categories: marriage, proposal, romance, valentines day,

Valentine's Day Proposal

Nervous, anxious, praying my love I express. Girlfriend blubbers saying I’ll marry you - yes! Parents very happy we are getting wed, Bridegroom joyful chappie banns need to be read! Joyful girlfriend smiling, seals love with a kiss Planning wedding styling no longer a ‘miss’! Booking summer wedding, bridesmaid will wear blue, blissful marriage heading darling I love you! 2/14/18 HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! Checked with 'rhymezone' and how many syllables 88 syllables Contest sponsored by Joseph May

by Caycay Jennings |
Categories: desire, devotion, love, romance, valentines day,

Zest May Our Love Say

Darling, you are my gift, my treasured gold.
        I braved pain once that our joy might reach crest, 
            So, now for said joy’s passion, answer bold
                  amour's question born from my heart’s own chest:
                      As love’s keen ache, will you crave me with zest?

                      No words trite on this sentiment may lay.
                  Just love words eloquent may our love say.
            Such happy promise dances to please us
       As Cupid’s quest quivers are aimed your way:
   Will my bliss know your shot of lust, kissed thus?

Constance La France
''Z'' Contest, New Or Old - Poetry Contest

January 15, 2017

by Jan Allison |
Categories: humorous,

The High Cost of Love

Call me cynical Has anyone else noticed ……. All of a sudden The price of flowers and chocolates Rockets skywards high towards heaven Oh silly me its nearly Valentines Day! 12th February 2015

by Bl Devnath |
Categories: funny, love, valentines day,

Emotional Utterance

old tigers from dens
                                waiting to come out of sleep 
                                      for Valentines kiss 

                                      old tigresses fear
                                    emotional utterance 
                                    may be played again

               Wish you all P.S. friends Happy Valentines Day, enjoy

               For Contest: 101 in a ROW contest -5
               Sponsored by: PD

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: angel, beautiful, beauty, blessing, light, love, valentines day,

Treasured Bounty

Inside the oceans current channelling energy begins 
combing deep sands awakening feelings soar high 

Within a deep fountain appearing dressed in liquid light 
brighter than the sun your brilliance shines straight through 

Crown of awareness to see into the heart 
where there is no in between geography 

Supreme bliss enters cosmic universal powers 
timeless living visions in a precious gift wrapped soul

by S.Jagathsimhan Nair |
Categories: love, valentines day, words,

A Valentine Poem 1

A valentine poem

YOU and I just do not make up a TWO
ARE we not already one, as it WERE
MINE is a life surely with yours ENTWINED
FOR no other pair would’ve loved each other MORE
EVER to remain so, and to fail NEVER.

Encoded Message: “ You are mine for ever. Never more entwined were two”. 
(The message is decoded by putting together the first words of the lines in the top-to-bottom order  and the last words in the reverse order.)

Form: Acrostic
13th Jan 13

For Suzette Crous’ “My valentine” contest (with a coded secret message)

Now.. entry for PD's 'Valentine poem' contest...dated 14 Feb 13

S.Jagathsimhan Nair.

by Constance La France |
Categories: lost love,

On Valentines Day, I Go

~~ past the creaking gate and down the long road I weep at your cold stone grave but love is eternal I remember you brought me red roses red roses that fade in time but love is forever "and not a day will pass that I do think of you, my one true love" _________________________________ February 14, 2015 Poetry/Kimo x2 plus 1 line/on valentines day, I go Copyright Protected, ID 02-640-828-14 All Rights Reserved, 2015, Constance La France For the Standard contest, I Think Of You, sponsor, Gautami Phookan, Judged 03/2015 Seventh Place

by Jan Allison |
Categories: i love you, valentines day,

Valentine Poem For My Beloved

Valentine’s Day we have never ever celebrated... It’s our personal choice - we shouldn’t be berated One Valentine’s day I proposed to you Two year’s later we married and said ‘I do’ No chocolates, roses or cards on Valentine’s Day There are many other days on which we both say I LOVE YOU Contest:-Valentine Poem for my beloved Sponsor Nayda Ivette Negron 13th February 2016

by Demetrios Trifiatis |
Categories: love, valentines day,

Valentine's Orchard

My heart,
An arid land was
Unamble a single feeling to produce
Till that Valentine's day
Into my life, she walked,


With her kind words
Her soft caresses
Her moistening kisses,
Succeded in turning it
Into a plentiful orchard of 

© Demetrios Trifiatis
   11 FEBRUARY 2015

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: beautiful, feelings, kiss, love, sun, valentines day,

Valentine Queen

Sweetly sailing through deep seas 
building a castle from out of the sands 
mirror reflections fluttering diamonds speak 

From one little spark igniting light 
becoming a fiery particle 
burning from the glint within 

Through the passage of time 
flashing visions of a dream 
when a moon kissed the sun crowns

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: beauty, flower, heart, love, star, sun, valentines day,

As Love Goes You Envelop Heartbeats

It brings warmly new energy crowning 
as the sunshine smiles from out of these eyes 
enlightened transforming everything inside out 

Wings flutter in a vision possession held candlelight 
Beholding grace of a thousand swans in flight 
Pure is the starlight that radiates sweet flower 

Angel rays sparkling magic dust twinkling diamond crystals 
Held captive one kiss silver lining clouds breathless storm 
beautiful breathes out whispers carried on the wind blown away

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: dream, love, valentines day,

The Rose of Valentine

If I were your Valentine ~ would you love me blue

                 Would you give your heart to me ~ as I would give to you

     Would you be there always~ as I'll be for true
                 Keep me warm and tender ~ Hug me all night through
       Would you feel the same way  ~ would you say "I do"

                           If I were your Valentine ~ You'd be my Valentine too

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: devotion, love, soulmate, valentines day,

These Eyes Adore You

Time after time ~ Our hearts intertwine ~ You're the shape of my Valentine

by Thrisha Nathan |
Categories: life, lost love, love, relationship, romance, romantic, valentines day,

Can You Feel It

Love in the air
can you smell it
Always so loud 
can you hear it 
Out on the Prowl
Can you see it
Always wanting more 
Do you need it

by Frederic Parker |
Categories: valentines day,

Cupid Pulls Back the Bow

To love you in every fairest moment
And kiss your tender lips in pure delight
To yearn for you when time is absent
And hold you closer in warm shadowed light
How warm our palms,  held in soft embrace
Beneath the sun's flowered fragrant field
As lover's we'll seek a passionate grace
When dreams we find ask our hearts to yield
To dance with you through a life of nights
And cross the floor of days in love with you
Touch eternity when lover's hands take flight
I'll look deep in your eyes so they're not blue

  Find beauty in your smiling face my dear
  I'll dance with you until we disappear


by Mazhar Butt |
Categories: betrayal, break up, hate, lost love, relationship, trust, valentines day,

Love Is a Mirage

Love all hate none
is a common saying 
I too fell prey to it
And Fell in love ....
My love worked well 
As long as there was sunshine
It vanished as the night approached
my shadow was no more  with me
Love was gone
At least for a day
Can love be so intermittent?
How could love change faces so soon?
Is it really love 
Or just a mirage?

by David Brown |
Categories: love, valentines day,

Pierce Deeply, Cupid

I stand beneath a moon so bright
and ask for you to hear my plight 

I yearn to know my love's delights
for that, I'd wait a thousand nights 

My plea is gentle and polite 
my wish is simple and forthright

I need your help, oh wondrous sprite
to bind our hearts, forever tight 

I pray my lover's heart's your sight
and trust your aim be true and right 

I beg you, stretch your bow string tight
and send your arrow on its flight

Pierce deeply, Cupid, this I write
and make our love come true this night

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: love, romantic love, sky, soulmate, valentines day,

Lavender Skies 1

Lavender Skies 1

Lavender shades are reflected 
In the shy sparkle of your eyes. 
As dawn reveals still purple hills 
In early morning’s gloaming skies. 

Tall pines enchant us with bird songs 
In harmony's league with the wind. 
Lovers kissing in silhouette, 
As two souls intertwined ascend, 

Rising beyond...lavender skies 
A sacred dimension unseen. 
As above so below we seek 
To keep divine love in between. 

By this sacred love we’ve been blessed 
To share such happiness given. 
Two hearts with twin aspirations 
Shall dwell on Earth as in Heaven.

2-14-22 rev.

A STRAND (1073) Poetry Contest~First Place~
Sponsor Brian Strand

Happy Valentine’s Day!