Love Poems About Lonely or Lonely Love Poems
by Quoth Theraven |
Categories: imagery, lonely, love, perspective, poetry, winter,

The Dove In Your Eyes

How fast to wiles I fell my damask rose,
awake from slumber slept untold ages.
To gaze so deep in ocean eyes repose,
and print whispered prayer on mind's pages.

Your soul in gleaming shadow found complete,
a thirst no other want or wish contrived. 
Nor cherry grown upon the branch so sweet, 
without cold and dark of Winter survived.

What heart loved without a madness looming,
secure from injury sure to tarnish.
Unbroken, though lone in sadness' glooming,
and held away from love's fruited garnish.

How true the dove devoted in flight still,
that lasted in love, more than ever will.

by Michael Tor |
Categories: dad, daughter, fate, longing, love,

Homeless Mans Love For His Daughter

A homeless man played his guitar,
for coin rewards put in a jar.
 A lonely life he always led,
but in his heart a love he had.
 This love he thought of all the time,
 during the cold days brought sunshine.
 His songs were of a girl he loved,
he sang to her, with stars above.
 So many years had gone on by,
but in his heart, and reasons why.
 There was this hope that would not die,
the thought of her just made him cry.

Dedicated to my 
daughter Ashley...
Michael Tor

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: funny love,

If I Were the One For Nicola

If only I could make my way to Paris
To search the boulevards and rainy rues
I'd look to find my lonely heart an heiress
An Irish lass vacationing her muse

We'd find a quiet cafe' on the Seine
Where we could sit and share a laugh or two
By candlelight we'd toast with French champagne
Pretend that we were on our honeymoon

But how could I convince her I'm the one
To make all of her fantasies come true
She knows there's more to life than having fun
In Paris hearts get easily confused

I'd get down on one knee under the stars
Give her the paper ring off my cigar

   an original poem by Daniel Turner

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: emotions, heartbreak, loneliness, lost love, sorrow,

In Woes and Throes of Sorrow

I rise and fall like melancholy tides
in ebb and flow of wistful disrepair,
our separate in consciousness divides,
the whiff of grief fills broken-hearted air.

Neglected now, heartstrings' rawhide, I mourn
with briny beads that water my dismay,
eyes teary drizzled mist, inside forlorn,
my psyche pierced by thorns in love's bouquet.

Whatever will I do, this emptiness..?
A gnawing hollow where my heart should be.
My lonely preys me like a lioness,
a simba stalks this lost love refugee.

Soft morning sun does gaze into my eyes
enlightening the depths of agonize.

by John Gondolf |
Categories: lonely, lost love,

Sadly Musing Life and Love

I sit alone as evening claims the day,
with common crow my only confidant.
I watch the sun sink slowly in the bay
while musing life and love so nonchalant.

As night descends upon my humble soul,
my furtive feelings ponder kinship lost.
I’m missing precious love that makes me whole;
my dearest darling gone at such a cost.

And woe I say, why did she go away,
and leave my heavy heart in agony;
behind, my shallow spirit here to stay;
she cast our love away so damnably.

Alas, I rue thee, my ascetic life,
and long to lance my heart with wretched knife.

January 17, 2018
Poem of the Day - January 18, 2018

by Frederic Parker |
Categories: love,

Soft Is the Sea

Along the feathered edge, a red sun-sets
To bind the evening in dreams eyes explore
Two hearts will greet, till' paradise begets
Love leaves impressions as waves swirl to shore
These caps of white will churn warmly the sand
The world will pass, the change of light is missed
Lonely eyes search for their yearning dreamland
When lips taste fire in a hungry kiss
As night arrives to shelter silhouettes
Soft is the sea to these two souls afar
In a twilight's pulse when the tide resets
And hands hold tight to await the Daystar
The fate of these lovers sealed in evermore
Tomorrow's memory from the seashore


by Tim Smith |
Categories: friendship, love,


You said age's only a number, beauty's skin deep
Wise words to live by, now if I could only sleep
Humor never can be taken away, have no regrets
Live like there's no tomorrow, an elephant never forgets

Since the day we met, things have been so right
Thankful for our meeting, making spirits bright
No more feeling lonely, no more feeling stressed
Friendships have started, I am feeling blessed

Not a day has passed without a smile on my face
Feeling happy has now become commonplace
Brought together by chance or was it by fate
Any way you put it, my friend, you are truly great

by Wren Rushing |
Categories: house, light, love,

Lighthouse On the Shore

There is a lady all dressed in light, who stands above the jagged shore at night. To guide the sailing ships to safer seas and beg the wicked storms for calmer breeze. She ever shines her light across the bay, in hopeful search for love that sailed away. He left the land with plans to bring back gold, to ask her hand to wed, the story's told. When his ship met with tempest gales, the waves ripped the hull, wind stripped the sails. The lady waits at night for him on shore, as he still lays with gold on ocean floor. Sometimes you see her lonely light afar, it shines in the sky like a distant star. 12/16/18

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: angst, loneliness,

Living Hell

Damned by the devil's curse upon my heart
I pace the lonely bridge twixt love and hate
Stalked by death's shadow from the very start
Forsaken by the guiding hand of fate

My restless soul sleeps in the tangled thorns
Nursed by the acrid milk of bitter weed
Tormented nightly by old lovers scorned
And haunted by a score of sinful deeds

Pray, take me now to storm the gates of hell
Confront the wicked one and question why
Twas reason for my birth under his spell
To live a loveless life until I die

I curse this lonely life given to me
The fire of hell is all t'will set me free

  an original poem by Daniel Turner

by Sabrina Niday Hansel |
Categories: absence, angst, cry, dad, death, depression, emotions, family, father, father daughter, fear, feelings, future, goodbye, grief, heart, heartbroken, heaven, how i feel, identity, leaving, life, loneliness, lonely, loss, lost, love, memory, miss you, missing you, pain, parents, poets, prayer, sad, sorrow, strength, stress, urdu,

I Need Your Help Daddy

I’m tired
I’m Physically and Emotionally tired
I don’t want to be the strong one anymore
I can’t this time
I don’t know what to do Daddy
I need your help down here

I can’t get back in control of my emotions 
I’m having a hard time dealing with your absence
I’m having a hard time standing by myself
I need your help Daddy

I’m broken and lost without you Daddy
I need your will to want to carry on
I need your strength to over come this
I need your strength to stay standing
Your courage to fight back again
I need your help 

Please Daddy I’m at a loss
How am I suppose to do this
I need your guidance 
I need you to guide me back
To whom I was before
I need your help Daddy
I need your help

by Poet Destroyer A |
Categories: beauty, care, creation, imagination, inspiration, lonely, love hurts, metaphor, nature, rain, sad love, september,

Gentle Summer Rain

She writes about Fall's beauty in the rain 
The falling raindrops' dance ascribing thence 
Bespoken verse that lightens her refrain 
before the time they met - her steps commence. 

She listens to the soft and rhythmic thrum, 
her love turned to escape and cloudy string 
Where nimbus mistletoe fell, tears to become 
Their kiss of Autumn was symbolic ring. 

The first light cotton mists with summer rays 
While skyward cheerful laughs adorn the land, 
their ceremonial dance diffuses grays, 
affectionate embrace, where dreams expand. 

Upon September's sky the raindrops gleam 
With half of hidden Sun to laugh and beam.

--------- 8-29-13

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: art, beauty, imagination, introspection, longing,


I am a lady
In a white dress
My desire only to be softly caressed
So I take my paint brush, and delinquently paint
My face that pleads let love become quaint
I confess  to my brushes
Let a man stroke me 
With eloquence and grace
As he gazes into the love on my face
La fenêtre you see that I paint so clear
You have to climb in through it
To hold me so dear
Can you not see into my soft sad lonely eyes?
I desire myself
Wrapped inside of you
On canvas
I shall paint forever
That never existed

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: beautiful, introspection, loneliness, romance,

The Lamp Post

You all see a romantic couple kissing
I see a lonely lamp post
You all see the blossom of love
I see a fading light
You all see the spring of love
As I see the terror of another lonely night

by Joseph May |
Categories: lost love, relationship,

Words Left Unsaid

Words left unsaid as teardrops fell
 The price of love, their hearts would tell
 And so they parted, love took flight
 And left their hearts to lonely nights
 Each unable to break loves spell

  Distant sound of the old church bell
 Rang through seasons they knew so well
 Winter to spring, summer shone bright
 Words left unsaid

 Each had a broken heart to sell
 As fire within they tried to quell
 Memories fade in Luna's light
 Stars wished upon twinkle in sight
 Love's distant star, flickers farewell
 Words left unsaid
 Contest Name: Form U- U pick 'em
 Sponsor; Broken Wings

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: life, seasons,

Another Season

For years, I've watched my seasons come and go
Beneath the pines along the River Brine
I've drunk my fill of robust summer wine
Survived the stinging lonely winds that blow

Now once again spring brings her color show
Rebirthing beauty by Divine design
And even though my days are in decline
I'll add her mem'ries to next year's bordeaux

The rose inside my heart is in full bloom
Amongst forget-me-nots and memories
A sign to me that love in me abides
Intoxicating me with sweet perfume
Another season blown in on a breeze
That seem to come and go like changing tides.

     3/21/2023                             Daniel Turner

by Elizabeth Wesley |
Categories: loveautumn,

My Song To You

Come to the meadow just you only,
Where autumn weaves her spell;
On hills and purple moorlands lonely,
Where the magic of her presence dwells.

Beneath blue sky and fields of heather,
With soft humming of honey bees.
And I'll hold you, just us two together,
To share the scent of autumns leaves.

We’ve time to share asters in the meadow,
With all that we love best;
With the swallows wings and your shadow,
And summer's grass that built the nest.

To hold and hear the soft wind singing,
To see your hair tossed and blown;
And meet the bluebird softly winging,
Through heaven and earth, we too fly alone.

by Winged Warrior |
Categories: longing, love, romantic,

'trust Me Baby This Is Love'

Breathe my love, for I breathe for you
Thru cyan skies and oceans bathing blue
Speak my love, for I lonely listen for you
Vivacious vivid voices of a sensuous spew

Dream my love, for I only dream of you
Lavish green meadows in the morning dew
Sing my love, for I symphonically sing for you
With Angelic ambiance within heavens view

Cry my love, for I calamitously cry for you
Lachrymal layers of our binding brew
Dance my love, so I may dance with you
In melodic moonlight that I may woo

Love, my love, so I may love with you
Through echoing eternity just the two.

Trust Me Baby This Is Love - Contest
Sponsored by: Mystic Rose

by John Watt |
Categories: bird, lonely, lost love,

Little Wren

Wren, wren, hungry wren,
what do you see today?
A lonely man with scraps of bread
he could have thrown away.

Wren, wren, little wren,
what do you see in me?
A smiling man who seeks out birds
for his society?

Wren, wren, with baby wren,
how do you treat your young?
You feed them well, as I once did
and teach them songs you've sung.

Wren, wren, there with your mate,
you ask me where's my love?
"She soars on higher breezes now,
the kind we both dream of".

Wren, wren, little wren,
what do you see in me?
A smiling man who seeks out birds
for his society?

written 24 Mar 2023

by Winged Warrior |
Categories: break up, heartbreak, lost love,

The Never Ending Now

Upon a breathless moment in time, A thousand hells do exist; Within a paralyzed paradigm A love is lost in the mist. Where hearts are broken forever, Amidst the never ending now; As anguished sorrows sever And tears break the bough. A twinkling second of love lost, Like mirages melting of mind; A neglected nuance in frost Caged memories are confined. In an instant love is crushed, And a lonely moment hushed. July.17.2020 JUST A MOMENT Poetry Sponsored by~ John lawless Placed 4'th...Thank You

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,

Hideaway Nights

A drop of lonely  floats 
into a never ending kiss 
lost folded notes   play 
out in a rewind of time 

Shifting spells the chorus 
foreign answers ring 
-- an empty chair 
rocking through my mind 

Lay down your symphony 
where harmony rests a head 
pull back the covers slowly 
let me listen to what is said 

Colour wraps in soulful pace 
mellow light   dances free 
belief  waits for the butterfly 
as with truth   sunsets will be

by Sandra Adams |
Categories: death, true love,

Were It Ever Love

an ardent desire of flames was burning
its passion held captive within our hearts
the temple of bodies arced in yearning
when fingers became restless like mozart's
melodies played beneath flickers of love
as sparks grew fuller than this moon tonight
more lambent in glow than what shone above
the gleam of those stars in your eyes alight
lit the passageway of your soul therein
I could feel the heat of love searing me
as each glance sparked the flame that burned within
its brilliance blinded me, i could not see

the embers as they lie dying from sight
its death left my soul with a lonely plight


Sonnet True Love Contest
Sponsored by Brenda Chiri

by John Gondolf |
Categories: loneliness, lost love, sad,

A Hollow Heart

A hollow heart devoid of love 
is like a night no stars above,
or like an old abandoned well
whose empty echoes speak of hell.
A lonely heart will gently weep
as raindrops through her veins will seep,
and cascade down a pallid cheek,
and leave a weary spirit weak.

My broken spirit aches with pain
when sun sinks low at end of day,
and darkness douses hopes thereof
as midnight chimes amidst the rain.
These sad forsaken dreams portray
my hollow heart devoid of love.

June 17, 2020

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: pain, poverty,

A Wind That Blows Loneliness

The wind blows softly over the lonely,
The suffering think of themselves only.
A world of chaos, racism, and turmoil,
Utmost egomanias spoil our toil.

An old man groans, no decent place to live,
Are there relatives? No comfort to give?
Blow softly oh lonely wind, they care not,
They are comfortable, and all forgot.

Somewhere a child is crying his heart out,
Can anyone guess what it's all about? 
Is the child hungry, lost, or cast aside?
Much abused, ill-treated, or love denied?

There are millions of cries heard on the wind,
Alas no one bothers: is man unkind?

by Tim Smith |
Categories: feelings, love,

If These Eyes Could Lie

Locked up, shackled, tied down and chained 
Feeling empty, exhausted, used up and drained
Your heart unsettled with its flickering flame
Probing for answers in life's little game

I hear your cries echoing into the dark night
I could tell you everything will be alright
I feel your big lonely heart splitting apart
I could say I'll give your heart a fresh start

I hear your words begging to stop the blues
I could say I will be your knight and rescue you
I hear the tremble in your voice when you speak 
I could tell you I'd hug you and kiss your cheek

These eyes don't lie, I'll probably never be with you
My tears fall knowing there is nothing more I can do

by Jan Allison |
Categories: break up, for him,

Guess It's Over

Never thought it would be easy
After all these years
You’d leave me all alone
To face my lonely fears

Promised me the earth
When I became your bride
Said we were forever
Always side by side

I’m sitting here without you
You were my guiding light
Now you’ve turned your back on me
So I’ve given up without a fight

In time I’ll move on
Now you’ve let me go
One day I may find love again
When my broken heart gets strong

Would I take you back
If you came begging on bended knee
Guess I’m not so sure
I’m getting used to being free

Penned after listening to 3 doors down 'Here without you'
Contest I love rock and roll
Sponsor Kelly Deschler
11~13~ 2014