Love Poems About Rainbow or Rainbow Love Poems
by Ink Empress |
Categories: emotions,

If stars were Gold

In your absence I float in psychedelic ink to design a labyrinth with rainbow roses drenched in turquoise tears and metaphors. But, if stars were gold, and I am love, you'll be the poetic garden that feeds my soul. Maybe, someday, I'll be more than just a faltering feather~will you then, remind me, how to sing again, steal the light behind the jade moon?

by Linda-Marie Sweetheart |
Categories: love,

Crayon Caresses

"Crayon Caresses" blue velvet sky caresses pink cotton candy clouds beneath a gold umbrella red heartbeats breathing loud. a yellow Sun kisses skin of silky bronze glowation footprints carve love in brown sand while white waves crest formation. green trees hide secret embrace while purple passion prowls viewing an orange sunset rose petals play on towels. silvery stars illuminate beach as amber heavens sleep magenta magic smiles so sweet chase black and grey to ocean's deep. ...crayola rainbow lovers' leap ...
*Written by: Linda-Marie The "Sweetheart" of P.S. *For Tracie's Paint The World Contest ...

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: color, life, poems,

Write Your Name

Paint the world of words so bright

Brush the canvas with pure delight

Be the rainbow coming out of a storm

The sunrise of a beautiful morn

Paint the world as you would wish

For what is written expresses it

Hearts maybe black or blue

A bright smile colors I love you

Paint it as a blind man sees

Hear it as the deaf conceives

Blank spaces upon your walls

Interpretations are meant for all

Paint the world and let it be

You are you and I am me

No left,right or middle lanes

Colors are one and the same…write your name

by Karen Jones |
Categories: dream, feelings, green, how i feel, lost love,

Purple Cemetery

I write so many poems that you don’t see
They end up in purple poem cemetery
Mangled in the **** of my maroon mind
Tangerine tangles of wasted time

Violet vines of not good enough
Tall teal trees of unreturned love
Winged words white like albino leaves
Falling to their death from teal tree

Falling for you’re deaf to my poet tree
Bass treble cleft left in green cerebral dream
Unsung songs unmade love
Sing a longs gone wrong
Made in maroon lust

But somehow I manage to hold on to it
Maybe it will be reborn as a chocolate kiss
of rainbow reflection of historical views
Of future endeavors red spice unused.

by White Wolf |
Categories: analogy, joy, love,

Finding Love:

Such lovely lilac and crimson tones, As a rainbow of colours fill the sky, Radiant and beautiful soothes my bones, Takes me above the clouds so far and high. Captured in a moment of total bliss, Wondering all the time what is life for? Suspended in awe like a lover’s kiss, Never felt like this to my very core. Love all around and it's time I was found, Beauty everywhere can't you see her smile, Smiling at you and smiling all around, It's time you gave love a chance for awhile. But leave me above the clouds, here I'll stay, I have found love in a different way. /|\ (Ten syllables per line) 31~10~16

by Paul Callus |
Categories: change, sad,

The White Roses Died With You

We planted roses in the spring
when love was floating in the air.
A diamond glittered on your ring
reflected in your hazel eyes
the rainbow hues of paradise.
We had so much to give and share.

The months went by, the roses bloomed,
but when one day an ill wind blew – 
no mercy shown – our dreams were doomed
to wither slowly and decay.
That fateful night you passed away 
all the white roses died with you.

[Pub. PS: It’s Poetry: An anthology of contemporary poetry from around the world 2020] 

Rhyme scheme: A-B-A-C-C-B  D-E-D-F-F-E
Contest: Rhyme Time 7 ~ Deep and Dark 
Sponsored by Lu Loo
Placed 1st

© 27th December 2018

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: beautiful, flower, heart, love, peace, sea, smile,

From the Deepest Caves One Name Echoed

Smiling hotly you're the flame captured underneath 
burning with a sunrise golden gleam frosted

Sparkling within dewdrops crystals crash 
over oceans waves rise and fall to grace

At your feet adoring they kiss salt saluting promise 
kneeling upon the sand footprints hold ground held 

Those inside one thousand memories wrapped forever 
perfect jewel you are the pearl of a deep sea always crowned

Lustre of one rainbow washed clean cut perfect flower 
white lily from the heart of love you brought peace

by Michelle Faulkner |
Categories: nature, romantic love, spring,

April Romance

My heart returns to you like spring
Awakening with April rain
As pale petals tenderly cling
To promises of daylight's gain

I turn to you like seasons do
Dewy and fresh from winter's depth
Seeding our love in rainbow hues
Green life misting our mingled breath

Your eyes, once shy, now warmly bloom
Vast meadows of poppy sweet red
Our future in rosy perfume
Even after two decades wed

Once auburn, more silver does grow
Yet gleaming with color's recall
A blossom kept beneath the snow
You are my spring, summer and fall

by Silent One |
Categories: heaven, love,

When I'm gone

Meet in Eden's garden, where life first gave birth. A beautiful paradise, pure and serene. Amidst verdant petals, not seen on this Earth, flowing in rainbow hues on lush lawns of green. Like Adam and Eve, we'll roam in jasmine air, adrift in nature's splendour without a care. Sing lullabies with angels, as we hold hands. Watch fluorescent sunsets in eternal lands.

by Casarah Nance |
Categories: color, love, rainbow,

Rainbow In My World Today

There is a rainbow in my world today,
With every word your write my way.
Colors of emotions flow in harmony,
as they spread across the sky in unity.
Wrap me in your red, orange and blue,
fill me with the violet passion of you.
You make the sky shine after that rain,
softly your soul pushes away the pain.
In every luxurious line that you say,
you are the rainbow in my world today.


by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: life, love,

- a Love So Great -

May the sun always shine in your heart - melt away winter's ice
   Always look for beautiful colors - even if you never find the rainbow

   Nobody wants to experience the towering and storm high waves
   Adversity makes us strong - like sailing on the sea in storm

   Open up your heart - take a deep breath
   Dreams you will find among the stars - where peace prevails

   Let your thoughts dance between the clouds - without a worry in mind
   Bring your paint brush - paint the world in stunning colors

   Our world is so endlessly large
   A human so little, a love so great

A-L  Andresen :)

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: confusion, deep, metaphor,

- Falsehood -

Is there still a rainbow after the rain?
An unanswered message, life is full of lies

Darkness falls - like a thief steals the daylight
I get confused - hear demons whisper

It happened so suddenly, struggling to breathe
Tired of all the things that hurts

If life was an adventure I would love to dance
Everything around me is in a white blur - the truth?

- Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
  (unrhymed couplets)
  Copyright © All Rights Reserved

by Linda-Marie Sweetheart |
Categories: imagination,

Effervescent Eyes

"Effervescent Eyes" windows depth pools reflect light eyes enchant radiate truth convey love speak in volumes magic emotions emit. soft shades glow wings of beauty rainbow charms create aura absorb views essence escapes resonating love breathes life.
*For Yasmin Khan's Unread Poems Contest. *Written by: Linda-Marie The "Sweetheart" of P.S. ..

by Evelyn Judy Buehler |
Categories: eve, nature, nice, night, romantic love, sun, sunset,

The Terrace

Huge red-orange sun slowly recede,
Upon the sky seem to bleed;
Whispers of night, calling home,
Such sunset days rarely spent alone.

Look ahead to starry skies;
Not time for early goodbyes.
Without love cannot the heart grow-
A new day comes beyond the rainbow!

Warm Paris breeeze gently blow-
Roses atop the bureau;
Music with a certain ease;
Smooth jazz, if you please.

In darkness of shadows, waits he!
The night is young-for me!
Stars appear, quiet avenue.
Farewell dawn skies of baby blue.

When from misty dreams awakes,
When tomorrow sunrise overtakes,
Come listen music play,
On gold terrace of the sunny day!

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: appreciation, art, beautiful, children, dedication, rain, rainbow,

Norway Rains

Norway Rains I love the rain Under my umbrella Staring at rainbows Wishing for dreams My stomach is hungry, so it seems I may be just a wee little kid In the country rain Still I know dreams do come true As Anne-Lise brings my favorite ice cream Smiles all, through and through Laughter echoes in the Norway rains
Dedicated to Anne-Lise from Norway!!!!!!!!

by Freddie Robinson Jr. |
Categories: color, love, rainbow, romantic,

Gray Area

Sometimes when matters are in the gray,
it ain’t always black and white
There are times when emotions are deep blue,
canary yellow thoughts can make us wanna fly, shy away
Then, bright orange glowing memories
bring gentle, evergreen smiles
As time’s seasonal change sunset down on us
Being lifelong lovers, we got
amethyst purple hearts of courage
that beats with 
ruby red rhythms of loving perseverance
Here at this humble, brownstone garden abode,
two pink carnations have budded and bloomed
Now looking at the graying of the skies,
we can see the rainbows in each other’s eyes
Reflecting the soul spectrum of our love

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: creation, inspirational, rainbow,

I'M All Alone

I am the Earth

The Stars and the Seas

In the Silence of Angels 

I'm in the Breeze

I am of Sound

A Musical played by the Wind

A Rainbow over Mountains

The Hope of Flowers in Spring

I am the dream

The dream of my Soul

Whenever lost I remember

I am my home

I am a Man

In the Image of God

A Universe full of Wonders

I‘m made for Love 

I am Me

Born to be Free

On the Wings of a Prayer

Fly my heart back to thee

Yet I'm all ALONE.... This the Journey of Me....

by G. Jay |
Categories: beauty, dance, fantasy, love,

The Crescent Moon

Moonrise and showers                         
Enshrine flowers                                  
A stroll along the shoreline  

Starlight and halos   
Eternal cosmos
The awakening angel 

Lullabies and shadows
Mystifies meadows      
The calypso personifies                    

Coral and fireflies                   
Rainbow skies 
The radiant circle aglow  

Butterflies and ladybugs     
Intertwine jitterbugs                                 
The dance along the skyline

by Frederic Parker |
Categories: love,

If, My Darling

If, my darling we dance again with memories
of smokey eyes from the scent of love that lingers
in thoughts of yesterday when dreams were found
in passionate moments unrestrained from the world
lost in wrapped limbs of illusion that watered
our flower's bloom in the meadow of our soul
where wings were found to carry us to shaded realms
of wondrous passions that coloured the rainbow
crossing the landscape of our hearts in glorious beauty

to meet a lover
yesterday was a stranger
we will meet again

contest For your poetry journal
sponsor...Dear Heart A.K.A. Broken Wings

by Tim Smith |
Categories: courage, love,

Just Come Closer

Come closer, just a little closer
break down the barriers and rise 
over the blindness where one can see
your bits of beauty silently eluding me

Shade the penciled lines highlighting hues
of black and white with rainbow eyes
a kaleidoscope decorating nature's view 
savoring every ounce of innocence true

Let your petals float in an essence of trust
leave lasting wafts of honey upon my lips
linger awhile letting our wanton ways exist
just come closer and I'll take the hurt away

by Mary Wilson |
Categories: anxiety, confidence, dark, faith, motivation,

Dark Rainbow

A dark rainbow rules my life.
When will it ever be sunny and bright?
There is no cool breeze on this hot day.
The dark rainbow comes out to play.
Where is the ruler of peace and love?
Who is hiding the colorful rainbow of above?
The ruler of the dark rainbow is myself, you see.
The only one to take that away, is me.

by Tom Woody |
Categories: angst, peace,


Because peace is more important than winning...

Like arrows shot right through a weary heart
these words in anger pierce the tender flesh. 
This gift of verse, each eager to impart
feels wasted as our egos wax afresh. 

Why can't we just agree to disagree 
and check our pride outside the cyber door? 
Perhaps agape love still holds the key 
to ending this vain philosophic war. 

There was a time we shared each other's muse 
and wrote a song for all the world to hear. 
Such loving lyrics penned in rainbow hues 
gave both of us a vision that seemed clear. 

To ponder losing this I cannot bear 
these humble words reveal that I still care.

by Bill Baker |
Categories: god, hope, love, rainbow, romantic love,

Your Love

Your love is like a rainbow that arches through the skies,
It gives my life a purpose and answers to my why’s.

Like God’s promise throughout eternity, it’s your promise just to me.
That with God’s help there’s no limits, and with your love I can be free.

Stick with me my rainbow, and just you wait and see.
I’ll give you your dreams and precious things as our hopes become reality.

by Ibryannah Daigrepont |
Categories: 9th grade, beauty,


~ It is pure moonlight shining down on the sea. It is a vibrant rainbow after a dark thunderstorm. It is seeing fully bloomed flowers when your having a bad day. It is waking up to the bluebirds singing gracefully at your window. It is when you first realize what love is. It is remembering your first kiss after a breakup. It is when you stop and realize all your incredible surroundings....It is beauty.~

by Frederic Parker |
Categories: granddaughter,

Unconditonal Love

The black water reflects the still morning
Monarchs flutter and dance in rising sun
Purple skies grow lighter without warning
Separate rain, as rainbow colors run
Could I have seen a more beautiful sky?
Silently approaching your silhouette
My eyes well slowly in their joyous sigh
You sit alone, playing your clarinet
There's no vision or reflecting water
That warms my heart as this picture of you
A quivering heart for you, my granddaughter
As you practice in tune with a sky so blue

I am a witness to your gentleness
I feel the music your soul can express