Love Poems About Pantoum or Pantoum Love Poems
by Kelly Deschler |
Categories: absence, break up, loneliness, longing, lost love, miss you, sad love,

For Only a Moment

Did it have to last for only a moment,
our love withered before the flowers you sent,
white carnations, a pure love they meant,
a relationship so newfound and innocent.

Our love withered before the flowers you sent,
your early departure I could not prevent,
a relationship so newfound and innocent,
a memory lingers on like a sweet scent.

Your early departure I could not prevent,
white carnations, a pure love they meant,
a memory lingers on like a sweet scent,
did it have to last for only a moment.

by Paige Hind |
Categories: beautiful, growth, introspection, light, love, night, snow,

Snowing -

Night's descent with heaven's catharsis
Of white cold's drug for the dark;
Even whirls of flaking bits loveliness—
Winter's fresh, ice only shower.

Of white cold's drug for the dark—
Just right for the meek moon's glow,
Winter's fresh, ice only shower
On sleeping hyacinths underground.

Just right for the meek moon's glow,
Even whirls of flaking bits loveliness
On sleeping hyacinths underground—
Night's descent with heaven's catharsis.

by Gary Bateman |
Categories: emotions, god, heaven, love, metaphor, passion, spiritual,

Your Touch Means So Much

Your Touch Means So Much
Your touch means so much to me my love,
As we hold each other with intense passion.
We know our love has God’s blessing above;
Our bond for eternity shall always be in fashion.   

As we hold each other with intense passion,
We dazzle with emotion pure on this Earth.
Our bond for eternity shall always be in fashion,
As we approach our souls’ nexus of rebirth.

We dazzle with emotion pure on this Earth.
We know our love has God’s blessing above,
As we approach our souls’ nexus of rebirth.
Your touch means so much to me my love.

Gary Bateman, Copyright © All Rights Reserved, 
July 31, 2015 (Pantoum)

by Winged Warrior |
Categories: cry, loneliness, metaphor,

Tainted Tears

Tainted Tears

What lurks inside a single tear?
Look closely and you shall find
Polluted waters of yesteryear
Daunting dreams that remind

Look closely and you shall find
Sacrificial streams of love lost
Daunting dreams that remind
Sinking ships within a frigid frost

Sacrificial streams of love lost
Incipient illusions of life so real
Sinking ships within a frigid frost
Camouflaging calamities conceal

Incipient illusions of life so real
Polluted waters of yesteryear
Camouflaging calamities conceal
What lurks inside a single tear?

Favorite Pantoum
Sponsored by: Laura Loo

by Pandita Sietesantos |
Categories: hope, lost love, love hurts,

What Will Tomorrow Bring

What will Tomorrow Bring

Hoping for Rainbows

Hoping for rainbows after rain, 				
wind-blown rose petals of red.  				
Petals pierced by thorns of pain				
like butterflies’ wings spread.				

Wind-blown rose petals of red,				
bleeding from a broken heart				
like butterflies’ wings spread…				
remnants of love ripped apart.				

Bleeding from a broken heart,				
petals pierced by thorns of pain.				
Remnants of love ripped apart…			
hoping for rainbows after rain.			


Contest:      What will Tomorrow Bring - Pantoum
Sponsor:      Eve Roper
Placement:   3rd

by Juli- Michelle |
Categories: absence, love hurts, solitude, sorrow,

He Lingers

Deep in the forest he lingers
Not a fire, not a light to be seen
No relief for his icy-cold fingers
No bed for his back, tall and lean

Not a fire, not a light to be seen
Yet he sits there as the crickets sing
No bed for his back, tall and lean
But no matter, for he is no king.

Yet he sits there as the crickets sing
Closes his eyes and whispers her name
But no matter, for he is no king,
A betrothal would only bring shame.

He closes his eyes and whispers her name, 
No relief for his icy-cold fingers
A betrothal to him would only bring shame
So deep in the forest, he lingers.

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: love,

Love In the Making

I kissed her fine nape and clipped the pendant
Around her neck, a symbol of true love.
A white large diamond glittered in the sun.
She upturned her face for a thank you kiss.

Around her neck, a symbol of true love,
A glad remembrance of our happy times.
She upturned her face for a thank you kiss,
An endearing and meaningful caress, 

A glad remembrance of our happy times.
A white large diamond glittered in the sun
An endearing and meaningful caress 
I kissed her fine nape and clipped the pendant.

by Dale Gregory Cozart |
Categories: love, night, romantic,

Shadowed Night

As sable floats the shadowed night
I stand in true love's disrepair
beneath a host of haloed light
this lamp shines in the autumn air.

I stand in true love's disrepair,
of nuptials do my dreams now flow. 
This lamp shines in the autumn air
corona of an opal glow.

Of nuptials do my dreams now flow, 
my thoughts of crimson honeymoons.
Corona of an opal glow
now whispers vows and passioned runes.

My thoughts of crimson honeymoons,
beneath a host of haloed light,
now whisper vows and passioned runes
as sable floats the shadowed night.

by Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen |
Categories: lost lovelost, lost,

Raging Reality

Raging Reality

Love lost cannot find the freshness it once knew.
Haunting past memories absorb sanity.
Spellbound, last illusions, and joys say, “adieu.”
Flickering dreams blanket deaths black reality.

Haunting past memories absorb sanity.
Reality grips hate’s raging encasement.
Flickering dreams blanket deaths black reality.
Final mockery proclaims a new standard.

Haunting past memories absorb sanity.
Spellbound, last illusions, and joys say, “adieu.”
Flickering dreams blanket deaths black reality.
Love lost cannot find the freshness it once knew.

© Name withheld until after the contest
May 9, 2010
Poetic form: Pantoum

by Michelle Faulkner |
Categories: bird, home, romantic love,

If Love Is a Birdcage

If love is a birdcage, I shall sing
With silver bars in harmony
We keep content these tiny wings
As grace balanced so artfully

With silver bars in harmony
We gather mirrors of the sky
As grace balanced so artfully
By oval patterns, we still fly

We gather mirrors of the sky
So close, our dome's heavenly blue
By oval patterns, we still fly
Our feathered universe of two

So close, our dome's heavenly blue
We keep content these tiny wings
Our feathered universe of two
If love is a birdcage, I shall sing.


by Paige Hind |
Categories: angst, deep, humanity, introspection, love, rain, spring,

Spring Shadow

Clouds bursting on clouds from the uncured rain,
Where stemmed wicks snuff out flower smoke,
Fissures that droop so much deeper—
The air full of seed will burn out the storm.

Where stemmed wicks snuff out flower smoke,
A girl ringed in twists of ivy.
The air full of seed will burn out the storm;
She is set like the sun on the many tones of the sky.

A girl ringed in twists of ivy,
Fissures that droop so much deeper—
She is set like the sun on the many tones of the sky,
Clouds bursting on clouds from the uncured rain.

by Melani Udaeta |
Categories: emotions, longing, love,

I Am Still Reliving That Drive

I’m still reliving that drive 
‘What are you thinking about over there?’
You deserve the world, so do I
there are stars in your eyes

‘What are you thinking about over there?’
Let this car take us the wrong way 
there are stars in your eyes 
again, and again in my mind

Let this car take us the wrong way
You deserve the world, so do I
again and again in my mind,
I’m still reliving that drive.

by Jemmy Farmer |
Categories: faith, lovedance, god, heart, song, dance, god, heart, life, song,

Beltane Night (Pantoum)

We'll raise the flames of Beltane night,
in song and dance we'll celebrate,
espoused by fires in Pagan rite,
our god and goddess incarnate.

In song and dance we'll celebrate
among the flames of love's desire
our god and goddess incarnate,
my promise made beside the fire.

Among the flames of love's desire
a heart and soul have been declared
my promise made beside the fire,
and now my life with you is shared.

A heart and soul have been declared
to you my love, my Queen of May
and now my life with you is shared
as we unite upon this day.

To you my love, my Queen of May
espoused by fires in Pagan rite
as we unite upon this day,
we'll raise the flames of Beltane night.

by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: beautiful, christmas, december, love,

Christmas Is Approaching - the Pantoum Style

~Christmas Is Approaching~

Christmas is approaching 
Us so fast by now 
There's rejoicing more cheer 
Hearts in Christmas glow 

Up so fast by now 
Child Jesus will be born 
Hearts in Christmas glow 
All with His love trueborn 

Child Jesus will be born 
He brings only peace, love 
All with His love trueborn 
With good tidings from 'bove 

Christmas nearly here 
There's rejoicing more cheer 
For He's the reason 
Christmas is approaching. 

Dorian Petersen Potter
aka ladydp2000


~Author's  Notes:

The  " Pantoum" is  a  French  poetry form or style.

by Paula Swanson |
Categories: love, love, me,

Love Emerged

Trusting you, I let love emerge, one gentle moment at a time. Each embrace, your arms did purge, the bitter dregs of faithless wine. One gentle moment at a time, you softly, sipped away my tears. The bitter dregs of faithless wine, no longer bound me in fear. You softly sipped away my tears as I felt my hearts rebirth. No longer bound me in fear, the shy uncertainty of my worth. As I felt my hearts rebirth, each embrace,your arms did purge, the shy, uncertainty of my worth. Trusting you, I let love emerge
For the contest: Lost and Found Sponsored by Catie Lindsey Placement: 4th

by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: faith, hope, inspirational, love,

Aim High

~Aim High~

Check the sky,  aim high, and just  fly
There's so much you can do,  achieve
Just set mind and focus today
God has great plans for all your life

There's so much you can do,  achieve
Don't let bad things get in your way
God has great plans for all your life
Sky's the limit,  don't ever quit

Don't let things  get in your way
Set mind in all you do,  achieve
Sky's the limit don't ever quit
Check the sky,  aim high, and just fly.

Dorian Petersen Potter
aka ladydp2000


by Chrisdad Kojo Arthur |
Categories: betrayal, hilarious, humanity, hyperbole, relationship, repetition, trust,

Humble Request

Life,if you could be nice to me for a second,
Trust me, I will make you proud
I will grow to become a legend
For even without words, my presence will be so loud

Trust me, I will make you proud
You and I will be respected by all and sundry
For even without words, my presence will be so loud
You, success and I will become one family

You and I will be respected by all and sundry
I shall defend you when men brand you unfair
You, success and I will become one family
Love, joy and happiness  will we share

I shall defend you when men brand you unfair
under one roof we lay
Love, joy and happiness  will we share
So life, please be nice and pave the way.

by Timothy Brumley |
Categories: love, school, seasonsautumn, autumn, love, time,

When School Is Finally Over

Love will come a calling
As autumn shades are turning
While auburn leaves are falling
The joys of love start burning
As autumn shades are turning
I'll end my college learning
The joys of love start burning
When time stops slowly crawling
I'll end my college learning
While auburn leaves are falling
When time stops slowly crawling
Love will come a calling.

                             Timothy I. Brumley

by Alvin Thomas Ethington |
Categories: childhood, confusion, depression, introspection, life, loss, lost love, love, sad, hate,

They Took Away My Innocence

They took away my innocence—
A child, but merely two years old.
My soul left with ambivalence;
I hate myself as I grow old.

A child, but merely two years old—
Abandoned, glossed over, abused.
I hate myself as I grow old;
Completely left confused and used.

Abandoned, glossed over, abused—
Why would a person hurt a child?
Completely left confused and used—
Naïf, so trusting, meek, and mild.

Why would a person hurt a child?
My soul left with ambivalence—
Naïf, so trusting, meek, and mild.
They took away my innocence.

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: betrayal, break up, emotions, heartbreak, hurt, sad love,

What My Eyelids Hide

I can't know what my eyelids hide,
masquerading did undermine.
It's no surprise the dog has died,
at my table you came to dine.

Masquerading did undermine,
peel the pain layer by layer.
At my table you came to dine,
raise the sword, let drip you slayer!

Peel the pain layer by layer,
inside and out it's all the same.
Raise the sword! Let drip you slayer!
What I don't see won't smell of shame.

Inside and out it's all the same,
it's no surprise the dog has died.
What I don't see won't smell of shame,
I can't know what my eyelids hide.

by Bruce Horick |
Categories: animal,

Man's Bestfriend

He's naturally happy all the time
Not ashamed to show his love
Never asking for a dime
Sweet and gentle as a dove

Not ashamed to show his love
He proves to be the greatest friend
Sweet and gentle as a dove
His affections never seem to end

He proves to be the greatest friend
Always there whenever you call
His affections never seem to end
Comforting you when you fall

Always there whenever you call
Never asking for a dime
Comforting you when you fall
He's naturally happy all the time

by Guy Mearns |
Categories: art, baptism, beautiful, conflict, evil, love, nature,

Divine Nature

Frozen and numb
Dwelling in my cold shadows
Shivering me deeply inside
A devil I am
Finding solace In Hell
Where Love is Evilly Blind

Melted and burnt
Relaxing in my warm flames
Comforting me deeply inside
A god I am
Finding solace in Heaven
Where Evil Is Lovingly Divine

by Clifford Villalon |
Categories: family, life,

Ring of Life

Parents love us us more than we know
Children sometimes forget, we don't regret
Ask yourself if you give more or take
Instill kindness and stay low, not gate.

Children sometimes forget, we don't regret
Humble yourself and love more, not hate
Instill kindness and stay low, not gate
Happiness grow more than sadness we sow.

Humble yourself and love more, not hate
Value others' lives and care for sake
Happiness grow more than sadness we sow
Enjoy life and live straight, not ferret.

Value others' lives and care for sake
Ask yourself if you give more or take
Enjoy life and live straight, not ferret
Parents love us more than we know.

by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: christmas, faith, hope, love,

Christmas Is Approaching

~Christmas Is Approaching Us Again~

Christmas is approaching 
Very  fast by now 
There's rejoicing more cheer 
Hearts in Christmas glow 

Very  fast by now 
Child Jesus will be born 
Hearts in Christmas glow 
All with His love trueborn 

Child Jesus will be born 
He brings only peace, love 
All with His love trueborn 
With good tidings from 'bove 

Christmas brings only peace, love
There's rejoicing more cheer 
With good tidings  from 'bove
Christmas is approaching. 

Dorian Petersen Potter
aka ladydp2000


by Mike Bayles |
Categories: hope, hope, love,

In the Darkness

I see smiling faces
friends who surround me
in depths of darkness
when all hope is gone

Friends who surround me
undying love they offer
when all hope is gone,
they come when I need them most.

Undying love they offer
an unfaltering belief
they come to me when I need them most
the most wonderful of friends.

An unfaltering belief
they give to me
the most wonderful of friends
when they come to me.