Love Poems About Granddaughter or Granddaughter Love Poems
by Eve Roper |
Categories: birthday, granddaughter,

My Granddaughter

My sweet girl, 
    you are my butterfly 
       that flutters with grace, 
          under the golden sunshine; 
  as zephyr breath blows 
    you from one petal to the next,
       slowly through pinnate leaves.

  You are my sunshine that blooms my life.
  Love you my special girl


by Line Gauthier |
Categories: family, history, pride, rose, tribute, women,

Genealogy Rose

Great grandmother Rosa Grandmother Maryrose And Mother Roseann Daughter April Rose Granddaughter Kayla Rose Granddaughter Ella Rose Love all my Roses // ¦¦ \\ // ¦¦ \\ // ¦¦ \\ // ¦¦ \\ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦
AP: 3rd place 2021 Posted on October 13, 2019

by Sally Eslinger |
Categories: blessing, granddaughter, heart, life, love,



More than the dust underfoot, 
  which in the beginning
   was sculpted into humanity…
More than rivers running 
   from mountains to quench
   thirst and calm the spirit…
More than reading the classic 
   stories that fill libraries…
I await life’s gift of hearing
   your voice sing to my heart
   of your passing days.

**This poem is written for our grand-daugher Scarlet now re-united with us after being kept from any contact for a decade.  She turns 16 this month.

by Frederic Parker |
Categories: granddaughter,

Unconditonal Love

The black water reflects the still morning
Monarchs flutter and dance in rising sun
Purple skies grow lighter without warning
Separate rain, as rainbow colors run
Could I have seen a more beautiful sky?
Silently approaching your silhouette
My eyes well slowly in their joyous sigh
You sit alone, playing your clarinet
There's no vision or reflecting water
That warms my heart as this picture of you
A quivering heart for you, my granddaughter
As you practice in tune with a sky so blue

I am a witness to your gentleness
I feel the music your soul can express

by Joyce Johnson |
Categories: wedding,

Idealized Love

I watch as they repeat their vows,
Darling granddaughter and her love.
Each looks into the other's eyes
As though directed from above.
Loving them both, I say a prayer.
I pray the fairy tale will last.
Zealously, jealously I beg,
Each day their love remains steadfast
Dear Lord, for them I dare to ask.

Love that grows stronger every day,
Oh, how I wish that for these two.
Vows remembered and vows renewed,
Each partner staying strong and true.


(My last unmarried granddaughter and her love were married yesterday.)

by Cona Adams |
Categories: dream, encouraging, granddaughter,

Cupcake Craving

Our granddaughter loves cupcakes.
Someday, she wants to run a cupcake business.
Someday, she wants to be a beautician.
Someday, she wants to specialize in makeup.
Someday, she wants to be a singer.
Someday, she wants to be a songwriter.
Someday, she wants to go to college.

I’m voting for number one 
and number seven.
I love cupcakes.
If she goes to college, 
her cupcake business might succeed.

You go, girl!

by Al Parry |
Categories: anniversary, baby, baptism, beauty, bereavement, best friend, birthday, boyfriend, bridal shower, brother, caregiving, celebration, child, childhood, farewell, feelings, first love, children, for him, kids, freedom, friendship, funeral, girlfriend, giving, goodbye, graduation, grandchild, granddaughter, grandmother, grandparents, grandson, happiness, happy, health, heartbroken, hope, identity, inspiration, jesus,


Teenage Girls clad in the latest fashions,
Do it whenever they meet,
Grown men aren't afraid to show some passion,
When their team's comeback is complete,
They can say hello, they can say goodbye,
And anything inbetween,
If you open your arms and crack a smile,
There is nothing that a hug cannot mean.

by Cona Adams |
Categories: appreciation, god, granddaughter, grandson, love,


A granddaughter is a joy
a real genuine treasure,
to make the heart sing
with unequaled pleasure.

Her smile can brighten
the gloomiest afternoon.
In her sweet presence
my heart becomes immune

to trouble or sorrow,
defeat or decline.
In her, so clearly,
we see God's design.    

A grandson fills the gap
and completes God's plan.
In his face, I catch 
a  glimpse of the man.

His smile brings sunshine,
love defines his embrace.
My load becomes lighter,
worry's gone without a trace.

He will always hold
a large chunk of my heart.
No force can alter our
bond, it's off the chart.

by Kim Merryman |
Categories: granddaughter, grandmother, love,

A Grandmother's Love

Eyes wide and innocent, blue with sparkles of mischief shining through. I see you, angel girl. You see me and run, straight into my arms. You shout my name, "Grandma! Grandma!", as I scoop you up. If I could, I would give you the world. A sloppy kiss on my cheek and a hug. "Love you, Grandma!" "Love you, too, baby!" Off you run to explore your world with curiosity and wonder. I am putty in your hands.
11/9/15 For Edward Ebbs Anacreontic Verse 1 contest

by Robert Wilson |
Categories: family, children, grandchild, granddaughter, grandfather, grandson, love,

A Granddads Love

A Granddads love will never end, it does not yield it does not bend.
Through time of good and times of bad they can rely on Granddad.
He is always there to mend their toys to make them laugh and bring them joy.
He reads them stories and plays their games and never ever mixes up their names.
A Granddads love will never end he is not just Granddad he is their best friend.

by Eve Roper |
Categories: granddaughter, grandfather, love, relationship,

Ella S Lullabies 3

Ella’s Lullabies twilight wanes with a child’s fascination lullabies that deeply moves papa’s admiration dreams of generation inheritance inspiration powerful bond drawn with love tears creation values taught us with their loving hands determination 3/27/2016

by Debbie Duncan |
Categories: irony,


Love to the USA
Sweatshops in Haiti
Twenty machines in row
Sewing T- shirts that say

12:23 noon   7/ 6/ 2013
granddaughter brings home from 4th July parade bobbles, candy & t-shirt made in Haiti saying
 I love USA. That was the Olympics as well as a lot of things .

by Suyash Saxena |
Categories: absence, adventure, best friend, bible, boyfriend, brother, child, childhood, community, conflict, dedication, depression, dream, eulogy, faith, farewell, fear, feelings, first love, grandchild, granddaughter, grandfather, grief, heartbroken, image, inspiration, inspirational, leaving, life, light, loneliness, lost, missing, missing you, mother, sad, sad love,

Final Adieu

Final Adieu

Let another sun set,
Let another flower wilt,
Let another autumn cast its gloom,
Let another tear role,
As ye part, and bid
The final adieu.

Suyash Saxena
St. Stephen’s college

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: daughter, family, love, daughter, daughter, mother, granddaughter,

Happy Mother's Day Daughter

I was blessed to give birth 
To my sweet little girl. 
I kissed your fingers and 
Toes and cute little nose. 

I rocked you and sang 
And wiped your tears, 
I held you and loved you 
All your young years. 

Now You're a Mother 
And a fine Mother too. 
I'm again blessed to help 
raise your daughter with you! 

© 2012 Connie Marcum Wong 

I wrote this for my daughter, Michelle, who gifted 
me with my 2 and half month old granddaughter 
Carissa who I care for while my daughter works.

by Joyce Johnson |
Categories: wedding,

Her Wedding Day

My last unmarried granddaughter
Is walking up the aisle tonight.
They pledge their love with fervent vows.
I say a prayer as they unite.

Dear Lord, don't let her new love fail
To always keep his solemn word,
To cherish her through out the years.
He's promised and we all have heard.

She is so beautiful, this child
I've loved from her first day of life.
I wonder if he knows the worth
Of girl he's taking for his wife.

Her loving parents know they must
Now let them find their own pathway.
They've guided her and taught her well,
Their job is done, this wedding day.

Iambic tetrameter

By: Joyce Johnson  10/3/2014.

by Patricia Lewis |
Categories: life, child, child, senses, i love you, granddaughter,

Priceless To Me Or You

Hearing your first born cry..
Seeing your first born child take his or her first steps..
Hearing your first born say I love you mommy...
Seeing your first born child graduate from kindergarten..
Hearing your first born child say mommy your going to be a grandmother...
Seeing your granddaughter being born...
Hearing your granddaughter cry for the first time..
Seeing your granddaughter reaching out to you because she smells your scent..
Just think if we didn't have these two senses we would miss out on a lot !
Or would we?
If we just would take out a moment and realize the simpler things in life and not take our senses for granted we would appreciate way more

by Mike Martin |
Categories: daughter, grandchild, granddaughter, grandmother, mother, mother daughter, mother son,

Mum's the Word

I heard a little secret
I'm not about to tell
Then again, on second thought
I guess I might as well

The greatest gal that ever was
I'm sure you would agree
Sons and daughters everywhere
Would feel the same as me

Is one who loves without a doubt
Or any strings attached
And when it comes to caring 
Her love cannot be matched

And so it stands to reason
That mothers are so great
And grammas even greater
Sometimes they just can't wait

by William Darnell Sr |
Categories: angel, autumn, bereavement, blessing, confusion, creation, dedication, depression, destiny, dream, family, grandchild, granddaughter, grandfather, grandmother, grandparents, grave, grief, growth, Lullaby,

Grandparent At Last

Grandparent At Last

My granddaughters,
Aira'lee Nadean Jones,
Hope Faith Darnell 
Adelina Gracie Darnell
R.I.P. "Gracie"

Grandparents old of grandparents new, 
The unique joy that you are bringing true.

Fairy tale's told in the rosy past, 
My first granddaughters are here at last. 

Fishing trips and ice cream cones, 
Lullaby songs until we doze. 

Stories told upon cozy laps, 
Sunny walks on shaded paths. 

Butterfly kisses and big bear hugs, 
Truly grandparents is another word for love.

by Sharon Gulley |
Categories: appreciation, dedication, granddaughter, i love you,

Your Signature

S-So very loving most of the time,
I- intuitive and informative rhyme.
G-Girlish with laughter and bright,
N-naturally polite.
A-Apple of my watchful eye,
T-together anything we will try.
U-Understanding is your love,
R-rather fits you like a glove.
E-Eternal is my devotion,upon the 
   sea of maternal emotion.

by Tom Quigley |
Categories: granddaughter, heartbreak, history, lost love, racism,

A Day In a Town

Evening. A harbinger, the breeze is redolent with petrichor. Soft rain begins. Across my bucolic demesne, I see My erstwhile dalliance’s town Ephemeral it was But such passion lives on That day A willow tree Where serendipity Turned propinquity to romance The epiphany of our love brought not Open doors, but a higher fence. Ancient love eons old Recalled from my wheelchair. Jade eyes Chocolate skin Casualty of hate. Granddaughter rolls me back inside Efflorescence crunches under the wheels Her eyes flit to the ebony Young man down the road Perhaps times change. Hope lives. 4/10/16

by Joyce Johnson |
Categories: baby, daughter, , Lullaby,


We have waited so long for you, Darling,

Our precious, beloved, newly born daughter.

We have given you the name of Hannah.

Do you like your given name, sweet Hannah? 

Your great-grandma wears it with pride, Darling.

She is longing to meet her granddaughter.

It is time now for sleep for our daughter.

We will sing a sweet lullaby, Hannah,

As welcome to our world for our darling.

Darling daughter, Hannah, we love you so.

7/21/14  For Tritina contest

by Chelci Biggs |
Categories: beautiful, cancer, death, goodbye, granddaughter, grandmother, sunshine,

My Sunshine

You are my sunshine
my only sunshine.
She would sing every morning, as she would clean.
You make me happy
 when skies are grey. 
Her voice was like an angel.
She sung so beautifully. 
You will never know dear, how much we love you.

It's ok maw maw, you can let go now, 
I understand.
You don't have to stay and suffer anymore. 
Close your eyes, I'll hold your hand.

She then took her last breath, I knew she couldn't stay.
God why did cancer, have to take my sunshine away.?

by Robielynn Collins |
Categories: beautiful, child, family, girl, granddaughter, love, smile,


Is her name,
getting into everything,
is her game,
she's as bright,
as sunshine,
and as fresh,
as new fallen snow,
and I love to watch her,
as she grows,
her curiosity beats it all,
even though,
she's 3 feet tall,
her blue eyes sparkle,
when she's done something wrong, 
and you can never be mad at her,
all that long,
her beautiful smile,
will make you weak,
even when,
she's being a sneak,
you can't help but love,
that sweet little girl,
with straw colored hair,
and bouncing curls.

by Harold Hunt Sr |
Categories: granddaughter, i love you, i miss you, missing you,

Not Far At All

Not Far at all
We may be apart o'little one. 
Not by those of yours or mine. 
Too far to travel just to say hi and to far just to stay.
 But with the question in mind we can find that way to talk.
You call and happy you become now you know we give love.
Lost love that has always been there from grandma and me.
A phone call away from love you'll be, so smile little one 
You're not far at all.

by Balveen Cheema |
Categories: childhood, granddaughter, grandfather, grandmother, joy, silly,

Personal Memories

Many years ago I read tales to my grand mother
As you now read with love to your grandfather
I fathom my childhood joys with my grandmother
Helped me to strengthen my old rickety ladder 
Your gas bag ripples me with rib tickling laughter

March 19, 2016
Contest: Personal Memories, Picture # 3
Sponsor: Laura Loo