Love Poems About Thank You or Thank You Love Poems
by Demetrios Trifiatis |
Categories: god, love, world,

Divine Song V

Idle my tongue remained, my Lord,

till the moment it learned how to pronounce Your name

But from

that moment onward, it never ceased singing your song

which has set my soul aflame! 

© Demetrios Trifiatis
      11 June 2022
* I am happy to share with my dearest friends the honor of POTD. I thank those who visit and comment plus the officials of PoetrySoup who bestowed that honor. Be blessed!

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: beauty, love, moon, night, romance, romantic love,

Allure of the Moon - Haiku

      of the moon pales -
luster lost 

            to the
                   c a n d l e l i g h t 
          in your eyes

Susan Ashley
March 20, 2021

*not for a contest but inspired by the “Let’s Get Creative With Haiku” poetry contest sponsored by Constance La France. Thank you, Constance, for the wonderful inspiration.*

by Izzy Gumbo |
Categories: sorry, thank you,


Dearest soup tech
Who I love and respect
I write to you
So that you may know
I've tried to be here
With iPad and cheer
But the login fails me
No action tells me
Of possible broken links
One maybe
Just maybe....
My iPad stinks
Meanwhile I sigh
As I try to not cry
As I type again
And hope with intent
That you might check in
... And tell me
How to begin...
Wish me luck
I'm about
To push

by Brenda Meier-Hans |
Categories: love, relationship, thank you,

Forever Loved

You could never be mad at me
Wise old man whom my heart could see
You were there when I needed you
Just a young child so full of life
Causing many an adult strife
If I lied you could see right through 
You could never be mad at me
Wise old man whom my heart could see 

Because of you I changed my ways
Have respect till my dying days
You were there when I needed you
If I lied you could see right through
You could never be mad at me
Wise old man whom my heart could see

Written by Brenda Meier-Hans 
Dr. Mehta Contest: Sonnetina Rispetto

by Winged Warrior |
Categories: loneliness, lost love, missing you,

Lonesome Love

For where is the love that I seek, My soul searches deeper still… Hearts hibernating in mystique, I surrender to its wavering will… Looking up to sapphire skies, May it rain pearls of passion… Tears that fall from elusive eyes, Are saved as reminiscent ration… May I find your love in galaxies gold, Your sculptural smile behind the veil… Marooned to your mesmerizing mold Lost at sea to your sequestered sail… Can lonesome love eternally exist, Where kept kisses are forever missed. Dec.31.2019 2019 best sonnet Sponsored by: John Hamilton Placed 3'rd & POTD...Thank You

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: best friend, dog, love,

My Dog

Every time you look at me
Brown eyes say, "I love you"
When you're lying next to me
Your snuggle says it too

That soft brown skin's inviting smell
I pull you to me tighter
I hope you know, somehow can tell
You make my days much brighter

So playfully, you steal a kiss
Like a child, I wipe my face
What have I done to feel such bliss
This gift of "amazing grace"

Each day you show me in some way
The meaning of true love
For you my friend, each night I pray
And thank The Lord above.


            for my dog friend, Buddy:)
       by Daniel Turner

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: religious,

Holy Is the Lamb

You must teach me to be humble 
    For love is the reason you died 
    The lamb is so clean, white and holy 
    A newborn Lamb of God who makes new life begin 
    The Lamb gentleness is evident for all 
    Take away my sinful thoughts and lies 
    Worthy is the Lamb that carries your words 
    I'm no angel, but I know they exist 
    You paid with your blood for the salvation of men 
    Love abundance is where you are found 


    Contest Name:HOLY IS THE LAMB...
    Sponsor:Verlena S. Walker

    A-L Andresen :)
    Copyright © All Rights Reserved 

    - Thank you for my 2nd place in contest :) -

by Harry Horsman |
Categories: love, thank you,

In So Many Ways

Your willing lips encased entwined with mine   
The taste as soft as the morning cast dew,
Emerald eyes the clarity of wine
Brings to mind the wondrous Castle to view.
Your voice as sweet as Thrush in harmony
A chorus awakened to the sunlight,
Penetration of love in litany
In deep alliteration morn till night.
Embraced in shackled touch with bonds thus bind
Oh I will of words pen of this love found,
You took a sad heart upon like did find
Staid the exterior yet ardour sound.
Your love's reflection my happiest days
This need to tell you in so many ways. 

 © Harry J Horsman 2013

by Kp Nunez |
Categories: beauty, god, sea, thanksgiving,


Watching sunrise, shoreline's ablaze
Love letter sent from Thee
I sing a psalm, an Easter palm
And start my day with glee.

Watching sunset, shoreline's agleam
A note Thou sent with smile
I heave a sigh, a love's reply
And thank God for this isle.

No. 2 Shoreline
Let Me Feel Your Lines - Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Nette Onclaud
31 March 2015

by Winged Warrior |
Categories: best friend, easter, jesus,

Who Am I - Resurrected

I am the someone in no one I am the beginning and the end I am the alpha and omega I am your true best friend I am not here nor there I am that I am I am the son of my father I am the lion I am the lamb I am the you in the me I am the all in all things I am the one that shows you love I am the king of all kings I am forever forgiving I am the one that gives you sight I am at the right hand of my father I am the way I am the light. April.01.2019 Rising of the Son Sponsored by: Chantelle Anne Cooke Placed 3'rd...Thank You

by Winged Warrior |
Categories: heaven, inspirational, love,

Heavens Eternal Love

Let me take away pains of forever-with heavens eternal love monoku-17 Syllables Jan.25.2019 Heavenly Monoku Sponsored by: Kim Rodrigues ...thank you so much to those who have made this monoku, POTD...and thank you kindly to all that have left their lovely of late, I have been ill with a flu-like virus...and usually in January, I take a little break to rest and refuel the muse...may Heaven's light shine through everyone...God bless... N/A for contest

by Winged Warrior |
Categories: break up, heartbreak, lost love,

The Never Ending Now

Upon a breathless moment in time, A thousand hells do exist; Within a paralyzed paradigm A love is lost in the mist. Where hearts are broken forever, Amidst the never ending now; As anguished sorrows sever And tears break the bough. A twinkling second of love lost, Like mirages melting of mind; A neglected nuance in frost Caged memories are confined. In an instant love is crushed, And a lonely moment hushed. July.17.2020 JUST A MOMENT Poetry Sponsored by~ John lawless Placed 4'th...Thank You

by Demetrios Trifiatis |
Categories: love, voice,

Thunderous Voice

There is no more a thunderous voice than the whisper of love!

© Demetrios Trifiatis
     25 October 2022
As always,  I would like to share the honor of POTD with all my good friends, 
who have helped me for over one decade now, by visiting and commenting on 
my humble poetry.  I also thank the officials of the site for their contribution.
God help all of you, my fellow poets.

by Brenda Meier-Hans |
Categories: best friend, fun, love, pets,

The Dog of My Life

Shakespearean Sonnet

I remember the day I picked you,
With your sweet little puppy dog eyes.
For my heart was searching for love too,
When I looked down and heard your soft cries.

Your brothers and sisters were running,
They were after a fallen clothes peg,
But there was a puppy so stunning 
Trying hard to get up on my leg.

Four years it has been since that moment
And I thank God daily for his gift
Each day you give me such enjoyment 
Your love has given my heart a lift.

Today I know as clear as can be,
I didn’t pick you; rather you picked me.

Written by Brenda Meier-Hans 
Sponsor Shadow Hamilton 
Contest: Pets

by Christie Mills |
Categories: family, father, love, work, father, father,

My Father Is a Soldier

My father is a hero.
He stands so tall and proud.
His hands are firm, But gentle.
He stands out in a crowd.
People stop to Thank him.
For Freedom he does fight.
My father is a Soldier.
But he's my Dad at night!

by Brenda Meier-Hans |
Categories: love, new year, prayer, thanks, new years day,

New Years Resolution

Love more, when it is hardest to love.
Show compassion, always.
Be kind when deserved or not.
Be patient, when you are at the end of your rope.
Smile, when you are saddest.
Pray when you are at your lowest.
Thank God when you are at your highest.

Written by Brenda Meier-Hans 

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: appreciation, forgiveness, love hurts,

An Unpaid Debt

With less tomorrows than I've yesterdays
In looking back I have but one regret
Before that last tomorrow fades away
I wish that I could pay an unpaid debt

Back to a summer day so long ago
How frivolous we were with innocence
Two kids in love and way too young to know
Decisions made in haste have consequence

In tenderness I'd kiss away her tears
I'd tell her I am sorry for her pain
Give back the love I'd carried all those years
Convince her that her gift was not in vain

I'd ask for her forgiveness on my knees
Tears of contrition I would surely weep
Then thank her for life's sweetest memory
And with her blessing peacefully I'd sleep

  October 10 2016

by Rhona Mcferran |
Categories: food, humor, humorous, silly,

Cheesecake Nightmare

Love me or hate me
few people can take me
plain, unadulterated, true to myself
their compulsive need to gussy me up
or completely disguise me
gives me nightmares...
Horrible- horrible!

The worst is where
they try to make me

Suffocated in sauces, sweet relish
and pickled beets
garnished with green olives
and fussy-cut vienna sausages
all dancing in fancy chorus lines
on top of me
Oh No! I can't take it...
It just can't be!

What are they thinking?!

I awake with a snug sensation
as something warmish
drapes and
down my back
Caramel sauce-
Thank God!

by Harry Horsman |
Categories: love,

Moon Dance

Once upon a time so brightly
I had this compulsion to dance
Just holding you oh so tightly;
In thoughts of romantic perchance
Realistic dreams of nuance.
Your silver beam of love the lure
Bathed in splendour ever so pure
In breath upon the breeze clement;
Held here within your light the cure
I thank the lord for this moment.

 © Harry J Horsman 2012

by Charmaine Chircop |
Categories: destiny,

Just a Note To Say Thankyou and Farewell

Dear friends/family,

I want to thank each and everyone of you for all the support you'd given me through these past eight years on poetrysoup.Every beginning has an end ,and I guess my journey on this site ends here. I want to thankyou for helping me grow both as a poet and as a person.I will remember each and every one of you,and pray for your happiness.I thank the first friends who welcomed me on ps eight years ago.If it wasn't for you,I would have never been here all these years.You know who you are..And I thank all those friends I met along the way.I love you all. 

On the sand your lonely footprints

But somewhere in a distant land

I walk beside you.

by Chris Hagy |
Categories: absence, animal, christian, death, encouraging, sympathy, uplifting,

A Greener Pasture

Though my stall here is empty now
If you listen close...
You can hear me running through a greener pasture
Your sorrow opens the gate and releases me free
Thank you for rescuing me from worldly darkness
And giving me love unsurpassed
So that I may now run with others so loved...
But never forgotten
I am a child again young and lean my spirit afire
And oh how our spirits thrive here
Never again to feel the pain of the earth
Hear me running!
For your tears have watered the grasses for me
In God's Greener Pasture

-originally written for Kae Surrah
 an Arab rescue mare

by Demetrios Trifiatis |
Categories: heart, love, trust,

Her Smile

Her smile thawed mistrust.

Her looks opened his heart wide--

Blooming are love's fields! 

© Demetrios Trifiatis
       02 June 2018

* This little poem was chosen as POTD. 
Thank all my friends for their gracious support and also
I thank the PS officials for the honor!

by Hello There |
Categories: angel, loss, love, miss you,

Were You An Angel

Were you an angel or just my bright star?
To me, you were best, at least better by far…

Your beauty a beacon for lost, weary souls;
your smile an angel’s with heavenly glow;
your laughter a gift of surprise and delight,
His opus composed to erase dark from night.

Is it true you have gone; you have left us from here?
It is true I will miss you each day of the year.

* Written long ago, first posting here ~ thank you for your time :)

by Carol B. |
Categories: blessing, love, thank you,


I feel him everywhere
He's my savior and loving prayer

Let me tell you he's mighty fine

Smiling eyes to see me through
In everything I choose to do

The very best of humankind

My very soul my dream come true
Never loved anyone like I love you

God knows I thank him all the time

I feel him everywhere
Angels sent him I'm aware

I will love him till the end of time

by John E Wordslinger |
Categories: love

These Words

I would like to thank you for your visit.
I have removed these poems for a distant future book publication.
I believe we poets, can make a difference
in this world. We live in the 21st century,
we have tools( technology), we have our past,  and imagination.
We just don't have the courage, because
I guess most are afraid to fail, to loose money.
All I have to say is we can't take money with us,
when we die. I also say hasn't mankind failed enough,
and isn't mankind worth the effort, our children is worth the effort..

Thank you, and my your God Bless you

John E WordSlinger