Love Poems About New York or New York Love Poems
by Harry Horsman |
Categories: dedication, love, night,

Lavern Baker

Oh with a soul of fire
baby you’ll be crying,
like a heavenly choir
Tra la la, Jim Dandy,
oh how long will it be?
I can’t love you enough.
You, me and Tweedle Dee
together in New York,
just a lucky old son
happiness forever,
the big apple for fun
here where you’re no one’s fool.
We’ll dance to Ting-a-ling
do the bop all night long,
we’ll be doing you’re thing
‘Play it fair, Harbour lights’
hit after hit then more
shaking till morning bites.
Boy love that dancing floor
every night this dream
of you Lavern and me,
crazy man crazy theme
my very own club glee
every night this dream.

© Harry J Horsman  2012

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: funny,

America's Idle Pastime

America's (Idle) Pastime From New York, Austin, and L.A., From Cleveland and Seattle, Ingloriously they screech or bray In an auditioning battle. And by the time we all feel sick, (the judges homicidal!), we get to know from whom we’ll pick our next great Singing Idol. For the "A GROOK FOR ALL OCCASIONS" Poetry Contest of Suzzette Crous (using topic one, annoying sound and also etc topic, on a TV show I actually love!)

by Ilene Bauer |
Categories: new york,

Showing Off the City

In a city as big as New Yawk,
There’s so much at which tourists can gawk
But the locals’ fast pace
May be hard to embrace
So if guiding them, slow down your walk.

You can never squeeze everything in,
So pick places they never have been
And of course, be a mensch;*
Let them sit on a bench
Or exhaustion will make their heads spin.

Have them soak up the buzz we provide,
Surely different from where they reside.
They may love it or not
But at least they’ll have got
Just a taste of what fills us with pride.

*an admirable human being

by Joseph Spence Sr |
Categories: adventure, imagination, life, people, places,

Winding Road (Reverse Etheree)

From New York to the Gulf of Mexico
Travel path provided as you go
Links of network from plane above
Ocean cruiser scenes we love
Chevy gliding in style
Highway going wild
Horns blast in code

by Marquis Mc Mills-Cooper |
Categories: dream, how i feel, i miss you, lost love, love, romance, romantic,

Perhaps My Dreams Are All I Have

My dreams of us is all I have, uncertain if ever the day

For us together seems so remote, with you so far away

I fear our love may never see, the rising of the sun

Our chances seem so awful slim and falling close to none

My want and desire to be with you stays heavy on my mind

And ways our heart can join in love, I desperately search to find

But maybe the love which live in us, will never be what it seems

Perhaps we’re destined to be in love, but only in my dreams

Written in Queens, New York -AUG 2011

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: how i feel, inspiration, inspirational, sweet, woman, women, writing,

It Is the Little Things

I have a postcard from my Daddy
Sent from New York City 
When I was 10.

It is in a frame.
The only postcard 
I have ever received
From anyone

And the only
Note I have that
Says Love Daddy

It’s in my writing
Room, above my
Writing desk,
And I treasure

More than the
The keyboard,
Or anything
Else in this

So you
Just what
Will delight
Your children

Do not hesitate
To do the
Simple things.

I am sure
My Daddy had
No idea how
Much this


by Yann Rolland |
Categories: appreciation, confidence, love, romance,

With You Emily

With you, Emily,
I desire everything,
Some blackcurrant ice cream,
From gondolas to Venice,
Without you, Emily,
I don’t want anything,

With you, Emily,
I desire everything,
From Connecticut,
Of fine musical,
Without you, Emily,
I don’t want anything,

With you, Emily,
I love everything,
To jump in a balloon,
Flying over New York,
Without you, Emily,
I don’t want anything,

With you Beatrice,
I desire everything,
To suck on lullabies
To write poems,
Without you, Beatrice,
I don’t want anything,

With you, Emily
I desire everything,
To see the pyramids,
To steal the Mona Lisa,
Without you, ladies
I’m too sincere,
I can’t forgive people.

by Umnewa Brett Somers Formerly Winkofheart |
Categories: creation, friend, magic, new york, sky,

Moonbeam Mari Anne

The Moonbeam Mari Anne A poem by Brett Somers
The moonbeam graced the Austin sky, The Mari Anne spirit whisking by. Spreading her love, Her mysterious zest, Manifesting turquoise upon my chest. And back she slipped, Beyond Austin she skipped, Like a stone on placid waters, The sound of her pitter patters. Swoops into New York and settles in. A jeweler of bead and pin, Crafting her Mari Anne, For yet another grateful and devoted fan! This poem is dedicated to the gifted jeweler and accomplished graphic designer Marianne Walther! -From WinkofHeart ;)

by Matthew Anish |
Categories: joy, sun, urban,

Fine Day In the City

Sun beaming down its loving rays
on Gotham
New York City - in particular the Lower East Side 
is "where it's at"
This fine venue 
allopws me to "express myself"
Love are combining to 
"light up" the residents of NYC
Read and write verse!
Use your imagination!
I will now sip green tea
take joy in the heart of the metropolis 
I invite all 9 million or so residents 
To enjoy this sunlit morning with me

by Creative Chaos |
Categories: city, culture, cute love, home, immigration, new york, urban,

Rush Hour 24-7

A stranger bumped into me 
He never said sorry, neither did I 
It's New York rush hour

by Daver Austin |
Categories: anger, fun,

Fill-Ins - N Invitation For the Reader To Use Imagination

An invitation for
the reader to use

Who?      What?
two fine ladies rest
neath a bamboo
they talk of a

small boat at anchor
two men mend her
tattered sail
weather      or old

Pretty Song
on the dogwood
scarlet tanager and
what song do they

New York blizzard
snowy avenue
many people     
like black streaks
to      or from
their work?

like Jackson Pollack
this mishmash of
dots and streaks
is there a message?

On the hike
a meadow      a
with scattered pines
     wild flowers
let’s have a picnic

Baby Bear
so easy to love
he’s a shaggy, gray
always in the way 


by A.O. Taner |
Categories: beautiful, blessing, celebration, cheer up, cool, courage, crush, cute love, drink, emotions, feelings, first love, for her, forgiveness, freedom, fun, happy, heartbreak, i love you, i miss you, longing, lost love, love, love hurts, metaphor, new york, people, relationship, romance, romantic, sensual, social, soulmate, symbolism, true love, wisdom, word play,

To Us

One shot of envy
Two shots of love
Few drops of luck
Just a hint of fear.

Pour over cubes of the past
Shake well, shake well
Top with hope
Garnish with joy.

by Blake Holland |
Categories: beautiful, body, cheer up, cute love, december, desire, destiny, first love, girlfriend, love, lust, mountains, nature, new york, paradise, passion, peace, rain, romantic, true love, wine,


I see you every day
near the Hudson Bay.
Your body is like wine
but, your mine.
I know other men tried to win you over-
they all failed-
because you are meant for me.
Your name is like a lost French folk song,
or New York City in the rain
I seek no sorrow and feel no pain 
when I hear your name, Jayne.
Our love will never go wrong-
you look like the sun rising over the mountains of Montana,
or the misty moonlight over the Black Sea
because you are the only one for me.
Some call you glory in your grace of glory
but, that's another story.
even then, 
I will love you
your my psychedelic lover-
will you love me too?

by Robert Ronnow |
Categories: city, feelings, new york, pain, sensual, silence, woman,

The Listener

New York City is where people who are
disappearing go. It is very quiet
here, silent. A man and woman
made love below me. I could hear
the bedsprings ringing and the
woman singing in sensual pain.
My thoughts sped up as they humped
faster. Everything is dead in my room
except me and my plants. If I keep
on identifying my feelings with the
feelings of things, I too will be dead.
They are talking and laughing now. His deep
voice vibrates the air. Her laugh
is like water.

by Lei Strauss |
Categories: jealousy,

New York Accent

Been in New York when I was young!
This accent is so innate in my clever well tongue.
You don’t understand how I say things,
Guess you’re a stupid one who just so love to sing…
Stab me behind my back!
Just doing the same in my own rack…
Forgive me for being so unique.
Can you just copy my same proud technique!?
This New York accent is a highly wow!
Bad as you are like a filthy mad cow…
By the way, you’re such an ugly petty Betty!
You’re a downer who usually makes me so messy!

by Charleen Martinez |
Categories: funny, boy,

The Boy From New York

There once was a boy from New York 
Who refused to taste any pork
Until one bright day
A damsel did say
“let me feed you, my love, from this fork”

by Matthew Anish |
Categories: football, love, poetry, work,

A Visit From My Housekeeper

Her I am 
sitting writing a
While my housekeeper 
  is bury cleaning 
my apartment
   I feel a little guilty 
 She is working hard 
while I am just 
   moving a pen 
along a piece of 
Still poetry 
    is listed as an 
occupation in the Occupational Outlook Handbook 
So I guess I am working, too
   In September I return to work as a
college assistant 
   Devoting the rest of my time to 
the New York Giants, poetry and looking for love

by The Situation |
Categories: allegory

The New York Situation

I am a new yorker
from afar
I grew up in new york
with t.v. stars
All the cop shows
and broadway affairs
Make us new yorkers
even though we're not there
We see the devastation
and offer our prayers
We want you to remember
No matter what God is there
You've always been rude
but now its time to be kind
An opportunity to love
before the end of time

by Ilene Bauer |
Categories: art, new york, women,

Fearless Girl

On Wall Street there's a statue
Of a mean and charging bull.
The tourists love to pose
As his cojones get a pull.

But lately, that same sculpture's
Facing off with someone new - 
A saucy girl in bronze
Who's very full of derring-do.

With hands on hips and knowing grin,
Defiant in her stance,
She seems to pose a challenge
Like, "Hey Bull, you wanna dance?"

The message rings out loud and clear - 
Though men once ruled the world,
You'd better make some room because
Our female flag's unfurled!

by Lim'Rik Flats |
Categories: new york,

The Old Broad Way

They say the neon lights are bright
hate the day but love the night
Dancers flame
Fans acclaim
The show goes on —old broads take flight.

by Edward Ibeh |
Categories: history, people,

Sojourner Truth

Abolitionist. Slave. Women's Rights Activist. Mother.   
Daughter of James and Elizabeth Baumfree. Wife of "Thomas", a slave
Lover of her five children, freedom, humanity, public speaking
Who feels passion, anger, and love for all people
Who fears injustice and the continuation of slavery
Who would love to see the emancipation of enslaved people
Who would love to see the end of slavery and inequality of human rights
Resident of Swartekill, New York, United States

Date written and posted: 03/12/2019

by Darlene Gifford |
Categories: love, night, sky, stars,

A Starry Night --End Line Word Poem

Being here under the stars tonight with you, ....... Sweetheart
reminds me of Van Gogh's famous painting that ..... you
and I admired, at the art gallery in New York and.....  are
planning to buy a replica of, but you, Darling, are ..  my
heart's heaven, my sky, my starry nights, my....  Constellation

Contest poem
sponsor H Garvey D. Esquire

by Marquis Mc Mills-Cooper |
Categories: hope, poverty, sad,


The neglected,
feeding off the
coldness handed
to them

Having no where
to go,
Their future so

Watching, all of
the people unknown

Hurrying to their
jobs, then hustling
on home

Their lives,
filled with sorrow
and mistakes

Memories of
their love ones,
what joy that

A joy that
can keep them
warm in the cold

Their memories
so priceless,
more precious
than gold

These people
didn’t ask for
the lifestyles
they live

Their spirits
fast fading
what pain that
it gives

They hope
that somewhere,
out there exist

A solution for
the problem,
A place for the

Written in Queens, New York -Circa 1993

by Alkas Poetry |
Categories: allegory, allusion, appreciation, city, culture, identity, metaphor,

Cultural Identity

Yes, I realize Paris is just
          magic when night falls...
          Vienna is a mysterious dream
           in the obscure night...
          New York city is  multiculturalism. !
          Rio is wonderful
          in light or dark...
          But my place is
          prettier anytime!
          I love people
           from all over the world...
           I'm frankly
          But above all,
          I'm movingly
          Paraiba... !

by Faleshia Murphy |
Categories: history

The Statue of Liberty

How lovely she stands on 
Ellis Island in New York City
Raised is her torch to inspire 
Freedom and liberty
Given to the U.S by France
Hoping for a chance
Because of the American Revolution
For friendship was the resolution
In recognition we all be one
Ever get a chance to take a trip
Go see this wonderful statue that represents
Freedom democracy and international friendship

was born and raised in NY left to a small town
will rewrite this to enter contest I LOVE AND MISS NY