Love Poems About Easter or Easter Love Poems
by Kp Nunez |
Categories: beauty, god, sea, thanksgiving,


Watching sunrise, shoreline's ablaze
Love letter sent from Thee
I sing a psalm, an Easter palm
And start my day with glee.

Watching sunset, shoreline's agleam
A note Thou sent with smile
I heave a sigh, a love's reply
And thank God for this isle.

No. 2 Shoreline
Let Me Feel Your Lines - Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Nette Onclaud
31 March 2015

by Tom Valles |
Categories: christian, easter, god, good friday, hope, jesus, love,

Three Days Prior

Friday, three days prior;
The Son was scourged and bleeding.
Sunday, when He rose again-
A spotless Lamb proceeded.

Friday, three days prior;
The Son had cried: “forsaken?”
Sunday, when He rose again-
The keys of hell were taken.

Friday, three days prior;
The Son of God was dead.
Sunday, when He rose again-
Trembling demons fled.

Friday, three days prior;
The Son was laid to rest.
Sunday, when He rose again-
He bore a Royal Crest.

Friday, three days prior;
The Son was in a tomb.
Sunday, when He rose again-
The Rose of Sharon bloomed.

Friday, three days prior;
The Son was set in stone.
Sunday, when He rose again-
He claimed His rightful throne.

by Winged Warrior |
Categories: best friend, easter, jesus,

Who Am I - Resurrected

I am the someone in no one I am the beginning and the end I am the alpha and omega I am your true best friend I am not here nor there I am that I am I am the son of my father I am the lion I am the lamb I am the you in the me I am the all in all things I am the one that shows you love I am the king of all kings I am forever forgiving I am the one that gives you sight I am at the right hand of my father I am the way I am the light. April.01.2019 Rising of the Son Sponsored by: Chantelle Anne Cooke Placed 3'rd...Thank You

by Carol Sunshine Brown |
Categories: faith, hope, love, religion, day, day, jesus, love,

I Celebrate Easter

Good Friday, is the day Jesus was crucified on the cross.  
Jesus was willing to give His life for ours in order to give 
us eternal life.

Easter Sunday, is the day Jesus rose from his tomb. 
This is a joyous day and reminds us of His love for all
of us.

This is why I celebrate Easter, because I love Jesus for
all he did for you and for me.
He has prepared us a home in heaven and filled it with 
his everlasting love for us.

For Linda-Marie's  "Easter Inspirations" Contest
Written by: Carol Brown
4th Place Winner

by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: devotion, faith

Touch Me - Dusk

at sunset
cooler breezes
evoke slight goose bumps
or perhaps they are caused
by the spectral reflection
of sky colors kissing the sea
overwhelmed by many sensations
dusk evolves slowly in the April sky
I shiver, knowing Holy Saturday
pulls curtains of anguish to a close
remaining awake to see dawn
tapping Resurrection’s hope
wrapping my weary heart
sensing salvation
as Christ rises
Easter morn
love brings
*For Nette's first contest theme “Dusk” and “Touch”
by Carolyn Devonshire

by Marty Owens |
Categories: inspirationaleaster, earth, love,

Love Thy Brother

L-ove for one another is what we all need.
O-n earth especially with all of the greed.
V=anity of vanities can plant it's own seed.
E-ach one should love as in the Bible we read.

T-he Ten Comandmants tell us to love.
H-ave mercy on us we pray to the Lord above.
Y-et we still don't love, we wear a face glove.

B-ring all your burdens to the cross, we say.
R-easoning that Jesus shed His blood there one day.
O-nly He had the greatest love for mankind, and for their sins did pay.
T-hen after three days in the ground where he lay,
H-e arose from the dead, on earth could not stay.
E-very Easter we celebrate this wondrous Love.
R-emembering Christ and His Love from above.

by Elizabeth Kinch |
Categories: angel, baby, bereavement, heaven, loss, love, mother daughter,


O-n this Easter day God took you up to heaven.
L-ong days and nights followed, especially for your mummy who misses you with an
I-tensity that only a mother can. A
V-acant hole in her heart, forever longing for you.
I-nvisible threads of love will always bind you together, you are mummy's
A-ngel, who is always with her.

Remembering my niece Olivia who left this world twenty two years ago, aged three months.

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: death, grandmother, loss, mother,

Death's Cold Hand

Easter brings back sad memories. 
My mother died on Good Friday.
She was a bible scholar and quoted
Jesus's words every day to us kids.
I remember her love for lavender,
Her operatic gentle voice singing to us.
How she loved little children with joy
And what a great grandmother she was.


Writing Challenge 1- April, 2019 -
Its All About 8 - Poetry Contest
Sponsor Dear Heart

2. Elegy
1. Death's Cold Hand

by Charmaine Chircop |
Categories: beauty,

Spring Easter Haiku

the chickadee tweets I eat my breakfast without an egg wings flutter upon melting icicles first glimpse of Spring Grandma's garden a missing rose lay on her stone Incense wafts amongst the silent crowd a sneeze out loud longing another Spring blooms without you
Happy Easter to you and yours with love -Charma

by Demetrios Trifiatis |
Categories: jesus, passion, truth,

Aftermath of Our Lord's Passion

You have sacrificed yourself sweet Jesus for our redemption

Yet we celebrated Hare's Day instead of Your holy Resurrection! 

© Demetrios Trifiatis
        17 April 2017

* Although the poem that was chosen as POTD on Easter Sunday is a fine one as a poem, I find it most inappropriate to celebrate our Lord's Resurrection. We have to remember that Easter Sunday has to do with our Lord's victory over Death and not with a hare's sweet eggs. 

It is not the case that I do not love the poet or the poem but I love Jesus more! 

PS: I know this might cost me dearly but I must defend our Lord's Passion.

by Augustine Ogoegbunam Eseke |
Categories: bible, christian, easter, endurance, friendship, jesus, relationship,

True Love

The sky looks blue and alluring
The lovers look tired but enduring
Clinging to love which has waned and disappearing
As memories of yesterday kept on interfering

Love looked so real and true
Filled every night with warmth untrue
Made them believe in peaceful bliss
Which did not go beyond the deceitful kiss

Human love so weak and ephemeral
Comes with intensity so ethereal
But crumbles as fast under a weak foundation
Cause it has a beginning and an end  

God's love is ever enduring 
Neither beginning nor ending 
Love so pure and caring 
Demonstrated on the cross in a manner so glaring.

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: heaven,

A Glimpse of Heaven

God's heaven is not a far off place. It dwells within a realm beyond the constraints of our physical tune with all spirits in divine order, resonating in Love's light, destined to experience our rebirth. © Connie Marcum Wong "God is Love" Wishing all my poetry friends a very blessed Easter.

by Chris Tober |
Categories: easter, god, holiday, religious,

Happy Easter Jesus Christ Is Our Savior

Jesus Christ our savior is the Ultimate Boss, He Loved us so much that he was Crucified on the Cross.
Those who believe in him are the ultimate Winners,
He gave his life to forgive us Sinners.
Jesus Reigns from heaven Above, He is looking down on us with all of his Love
So when we celebrate this Easter season, let us rejoice in Jesus Christ Our Savior is the reason
From My Family To Yours Have A  Bless & Joyful Easter
A Short Holiday Poem For Easter By 
Christopher Tober

by Mike Miller |
Categories: christian, easter, faith, hope,

Take My Hand

Take my hand, I’ll be your sight,
Guide you through your darkest night.
For what now seems to be a wall
Solid, impenetrable, tall. 
Cannot withstand my might.

Take my hand, you’ll be alright
I will make your burden light
I Will not let you fall - 
Take My hand

Stoop no longer, stand upright,
Faith will put your fears to flight.
Love your Father above all,
Listen to my Spirit call,
Follow my Son, His path is right.
Take My hand……

by Anna M Shepard |
Categories: easter, spiritual,

He Has Risen

He has risen
I truly believe
To be with our father
He, soon, will leave

Born of a virgin
Love he did bring
Men came from afar
The angels did sing

Son of a carpenter
Things built with his hands
Preaching Faith and Love
Spreading Hope through the lands

A man on the cross
He died for our sins
Saved from ourselves
A new life begins

He has risen
I truly believe
To be with our father
He, soon, will leave

by Joe Dimino |
Categories: blessing, destiny, easter, faith, religion, truth,

He Has Risen

He has Risen!
The Lord of Light, God’s Redeemer:
His Son, transforming man’s defeat
to summits of glory;

He has Risen! The Lord of Light,
Destiny’s Leader, Father and man’s
ever evolving Love Story--

And who in right faith
cannot feel His Glory?
And who in such light
will refuse such Love?
Death has no dominion
outside the grave.
And all who live twice,
renewed by first death,
never-again Dark’s slave. 

He has Risen!
The Lord of Light, God’s Redeemer:
His Son, transforming man’s defeat
to summits of glory;

He has Risen! The Lord of Light,
Destiny’s Leader, Father and man’s
ever evolving Love Story--

by Joe Dimino |
Categories: christian, christmas, easter, faith, gospel, love, wisdom,

An Easter Prayer

An Easter Prayer
(Esoteric Meaning of Christmas)

Let not the sun rise so high
that I may never again reach
its light -- 

nor set so low
that my spirit now resides
in darkness, irretrievable

but let me dwell peacefully,
balanced, in a new body of humanity,
a purified vessel, that of the risen Christ
– live outright redeemed,
one with God and His good 
ever loving.

by Mark Koplin |
Categories: easter,

He Has Risen

He has risen

Happy Easter and Resurrection Sunday to thee.
A great man has risen from the dust and debris.
Excellence achieved and many souls now saved.
Your path for mankind has now been paved.

What a beautiful a sight it must have been.
Walking out of that tomb and going home to your kin.
So much suffering and life-saving blood you have shed.
Immeasurable love showed by you, and by example you have led.

Rejoice in this day, we are no longer blind.
The darkness is gone, only light we now find.
Jesus has died for all our many sins.
He has now ascended into heaven a new era begins.

by Kim Rodrigues |
Categories: animal, cat, god, grandson,

Easter Bunny of Florida


God sends gifts to sensitive hearts.
My grandson left his pets behind
as we travelled from familiar parts
of Georgia to Florida. God is kind.

Muffin, given the first name of Stud
by my grand’s dad. A small bunny
in the tiny yard, was the color of mud.
God’s gifts, better than money.

The cottontail posed under the palm.
My grand wanted to take Muffin home.
The rabbit was his after Easter balm.
Then away he hopped as we drove home.

Grandson returns to his bunny, Buck,
and to his feral cat, Lily, who oft’ hides
under his parents quilt, surely awestruck
at the return of their family. Love abides.

by Victor Bun |
Categories: angel, anniversary, beautiful, beauty, birthday, black african american, boyfriend, brother, business, caregiving, childhood, christian, christmas, dedication, easter, family, father, flower, friendship, girl, girlfriend, graduation, grandmother, happiness, happy, home, hope, husband, inspirational, life, love, memory, mother, passion, people, pets, relationship, romance, romantic, rose, seasons, social, success, thank you, wedding,

Once Again Thank You

I was just trying to remember the past
 trying to remember the good people
 and the bad people,
 that i came across on my way,

i want you to know
that you are among the good people
 that left a good trace in my life,

once again i just want to say thank you
for passing through my life,
is so short but is wonderful
i want you here forever.

by Thomas Swist Jr |
Categories: black african american, inspirationaleaster, easter,

What Easter Means To Me

What Easter means to me
Is down in my heart
The story all about Jesus
It's told from the start

How He rose that great morning
And rolled away the stone
He did it for us all
And did it all alone

Showing all His love
When He got up that great day
As He promised that He would
He'd have it no other way

So there we have it my friends
Because we all are set free
And everyone surely knows
What Easter means to me.

by Jim Pemberton |
Categories: confusion, dedication, devotion, faith, happiness, history, holiday, hope, inspirational, introspection, life, love, people, religion, social, uplifting, son, easter, day, son,

The True Meaning of Easter

The True Meaning of Easter

The true meaning of
the Easter story,
Is God’s Son came down
to Earth from glory.

Jesus really does
love you and me.
He was born to die 
that you might be free.

For 33 years, he lived
among sinful men.
Then one day was to be
an atonement for our sin.

He who was born of the
virgin Mary’s womb.
Was to one day rise again
from an empty tomb.

So many people have
gotten into a habit,
of replacing Jesus
with the bunny rabbit.

So please reach out to others
and let them know,
Of the lover and redeemer
of their soul.

The true meaning of Easter
must forever be said.
Of God’s son who died,
but arose from the dead!

By Jim Pemberton

by Robin L. Gass |
Categories: devotion, faith, inspirationaleaster, life, may,


Salutations my Brethren, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Saviour!

Though weary from your travels you may be
through Gods' love there is hope for you and me

to save the world He gave His only Son
and through the Cross death lost and life has won!

So to all of you who for salvation pray
take Christ into your hearts this very day

for God so loves us all that He did give
the precious blood of Christ so we could live!

If truly in your hearts you do believe
this gift of lasting life you will recieve!

Go in peace, dear Brethren, and may the Grace of God
follow you all of your days!  In Christs' precious name, Amen.

Inspired by Brian Strands An Easter Epistle contest

by Marycile Beer |
Categories: faith, hope, love,

Our Goal


by Toquyen Harrell |
Categories: faith,

You Got It On Easter Sunday

Did you know?