Love Poems About Fear or Fear Love Poems
by Poet Destroyer A |
Categories: confusion, emo, emotions, fear, feelings, pain, sad,

Am I

AM  I ?

Am I Just Standing Here, or Am I Just Dead?
Am I So Full Of Fear, I Lost Myself Instead?

Am I A Nobody, that you can't defend me?
Am I Just Invisible, and you really don't pretend.

Am I Blind, Or I Just Don't Wish To See?
The Love I Cannot Find Is Right In Front Of Me!

Am I Hearing the Truth,
Or Have I Just Been Deceived?
Who Can I Trust?
Who Can I Believe?

Am I So Mad I Just Can't Understand,
Or Am I So Sad I Need A Shoulder And A friend?

Is It Just Me, 
Or Am I All Alone?


I wrote this poem 22 years ago
I was pregnant, scared and alone:-(

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: angst, anxiety, betrayal, emotions, feelings, hurt, relationship,

The Dance of Jealousy

Her piercing eyes burn through paper-thin lies igniting fear as flames erupt inside. And accusingly, she breaks down and cries, trying to salvage what's left of her pride. She believed you both had found your soulmate; and thus, never thought either heart would stray. And expresses feelings of love and hate; as she watches her dreams slipping away. There's no such thing as an innocent flirt; it's the first crack in a relationship. And the lies that accompany it hurt; causing the scales of happiness to tip. Jealousy is an emotional dance, stomping out flickering flames of romance.

by Vince Suzadail Jr. |
Categories: children, world, time,

Your Child's Eyes

The innocence lost so long ago
The undying faith we used to know
The gentle rain of a summer's skies
You can find it all in your child's eyes.

The world was right one time it seems
And we could reach beyond our dreams
To meet a challenge of any size
That fire still burns in your child's eyes.

In a world of anger and miscontent
And the frustrations of a life misspent
And you wait in fear as the storms arise
You can still find peace in your child's eyes.

Take the time for all those things
Hear his words: feel the joy he brings
There is no hate; there are no lies
There is only love in your child's eyes.

by Sandra Haight |
Categories: forgiveness,


As dawn would bring no daylight without dark
empty night; the clearest day no beauty hold
without the dreary rainstorm's dismal mark.
As spring would bring no rebirth without cold
winter sleep; the fallen snow no cleansing
without the ashen stain of fall.  As love
would bring no healing without the stinging
wounds of hate; and laughter give no joy of
gladness without the woeful tears of pain.
As peace would have no glory in its quest
without the fear of war.  Life's thrill would wane,
no meaning hold, without the awe of death.
As heaven is no prize without hell's fires therein;
forgiveness is no virtue without the sinner's sin.

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: philosophy,

The Sum of a Life

This life we're living
Is so unforgiving
Reminding us every day
Of games that we played
Choices we made
Dreams that faded away
Paths that were crossed
Loved ones we've lost
Still promising a brighter tomorrow
When that promise is broken
Our wounds rip back open
Leaving hope to drown in deep sorrow

From our very first breath
We're stalked by death
We live our lives in fear
Knowing well it won't last
So we live loose and fast
Look up and the days have become years
We add peace, subtract strife 
Find the sum of a life
Discover we've love left for giving
Love that goes wasted 
On the bitterness tasted
In a life so unforgiving

  by Daniel Turner

by Kp Nunez |
Categories: child, dedication, love, mother daughter,


Can a child ever forget, how deep a mother’s love abides

All those days since birth, till now I’m grown she guides

Remembering her smile, so tender, so warm as her embrace

More than soothes away my pain, my fear of failure and disgrace

Even in my dreams she comforts, her voice, her scent would stay

Never will her being mother stop, till when I’m old and gray.

26 March 2015
Contest : Acrostic on Mother's Day - 1st Place

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: courage, inspirational, love,

A Warrior For Love

I'm a Warrior

Don't bleed of fear

Armed and ready for battle

Anytime Anywhere

Don't look for trouble

But if trouble be

Skies of lightning and thunder

Strike my enemies

Am a Warrior

No one's too Big

To be cut down and defeated

By Grace of GOD they will

I'm the Warrior

Its win, Win or Die

Stand up for LOVE be not afraid...

Raise Swords up high

by Carol B. |
Categories: absence, anger, depression, loneliness,

Like a Tree In the Desert

Prick me with your vivid green awareness
Let the white pins that needle me
Diminish into their foggy sham

The bridal wreath that scented our commitment
Now doused in unkept hopes and promises
Moss sprouting venom from hurts battled

Like a fish floating in space with no oxygen 
I swam in currents without you 
The tank occupied with endless dark clouds

Fraught with fear and loneliness
Love now submerged deep in the recess of my mind
Unclear what is sacred what is trash

I prayed you would see the light
That my white knight would return
This battle is fierce and yours to fight

by Bill Baker |
Categories: emotions, life, pain, river, truth, water, wisdom,

Life On the River

A balance in life can solve the riddle. 
To find the balance, start in the middle.
Distractions from the banks may lead us wrong.
Go with the flow where the current is strong.

The banks are sirens calling to our ears,
offering us pleasures relieving fears.
The emotion of love, the fear of pain,
tossing and turning, driving us insane.

Too much pleasure can lead to addiction,
pain and sickness can lead to restriction.
Reject their temptations, stay in the flow,
the river is wise and knows where to go.

Avoid extremes, be content with enough.
Life on the river, no need for the fluff.

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: abuse, art, bullying, religion, silence, symbolism,

Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad

dance with slum lords
they shed fake tears
victims they shout
from Ivory towers

Mock and attack
they of dark cloth and deceit
possesses no real God
they whoreship only their prey
living by night not day

Some even screech praise untowards
sick is the mind who follows
dead morals and upended graves
they really are the bully's slaves
Yet their churches pew is full

Criminals all
singing love songs
sewing fear and anger
no wonder God got fed up
evicting them one and all

by Joanna Daniel |
Categories: emotions, heart,

Hearts At Odds

Hearts made of wax, sent through the mail Should help relax, instead I wail, They will soon melt in time's hot hands, Loneliness is felt midst life's strands; Hearts made of glass shatter and fail When griefs harass, they don't prevail, What use are these hearts so feeble, Poor pleas of perishing people? Hearts made of stone are cold and fake, Even Love will own - "Hard to break", Will they be healed? How can I trust? Feelings concealed, what if they bust? Hearts made of flesh and blood, I seek, They won't crush my sentiments meek, Understanding hearts of love - Now, fear departs, before them I bow. ----------17.12.16----------

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 10th grade, angst, anxiety, death, emotions, feelings, grief,

Fueled By Love

Grief hides itself
behind a veil
of anger, fear, and disbelief,
and yet, it invades your every thought.
Inside, you want to lash out
at death;
to send the hurt back!
Grief clings to death,
and in so doing
devastates the living.
Your world shrinks
to memories,
reflected in pools of tears.
And life loses its spark,
a part of you is missing
leaving a hole in your heart.
Time is but a concept
of the mind,
as flimsy as a thought;
it has no power over grief.
And yet, there is something
stronger than time
that can numb the pain, 
and that is faith... fueled by love.

by Sabrina Niday Hansel |
Categories: absence, angst, cry, dad, death, depression, emotions, family, father, father daughter, fear, feelings, future, goodbye, grief, heart, heartbroken, heaven, how i feel, identity, leaving, life, loneliness, lonely, loss, lost, love, memory, miss you, missing you, pain, parents, poets, prayer, sad, sorrow, strength, stress, urdu,

I Need Your Help Daddy

I’m tired
I’m Physically and Emotionally tired
I don’t want to be the strong one anymore
I can’t this time
I don’t know what to do Daddy
I need your help down here

I can’t get back in control of my emotions 
I’m having a hard time dealing with your absence
I’m having a hard time standing by myself
I need your help Daddy

I’m broken and lost without you Daddy
I need your will to want to carry on
I need your strength to over come this
I need your strength to stay standing
Your courage to fight back again
I need your help 

Please Daddy I’m at a loss
How am I suppose to do this
I need your guidance 
I need you to guide me back
To whom I was before
I need your help Daddy
I need your help

by Richard Palmer |
Categories: fear, life, sad, beautiful, beautiful,

Behind Those Beautiful Eyes

Behind those beautiful eyes,
So much anger,so much mistrust,
Always expecting the worst,
Always conversing about the bad
things life has to offer,

Behind those beautiful eyes,
So much hurt,so much pain,
Bottled up bad experiences overflowing,
Crying to be unleashed,to be released,

Behind those beautiful eyes,
High expectation,countless plans,
Many things to still achieve,
So many things you still haven't done,

Behind those beautiful eyes,
Is a body,searching for comfort,
A mind,searching for peace,
And a heart searching for true love,

All behind those beautiful eyes.....

by Richard Palmer |
Categories: faith, religion, uplifting, prayer, love, prayer,


One more morning,after one more night,
One more thanks for keeping things right,
One prayer to bed,one as you rise,
Good morning God,thanks for another sun rise,
Prayer is the fuel that keep us going,
Through troubled times,pray for strength keep rowing,
And without fear step out,face the unknowing,
Although all around negativity blowing,
Every day,even one positive seed,try sowing,
Within my veins,God love is flowing,
God is my friend,the devil,not interested to know him,
Here comes the garbage truck,over there throw him,
Don't just say you love God,pray show Him,
Remember prayer keeps us,spiritual growing...

by Isaiah Zerbst |
Categories: animal, girl, happiness, innocence,

Una and the Lion

This world of trouble soon will pass
For there beyond the crystal glass
A lamb and lion tread the grass
Beside a lass, beside a lass

This cord of present time shall break
And hate and fear shall flee and quake
Oh, may all vice this earth forsake!
And love awake! And love awake!

Oh, see him walk 'neath mighty trees!
The king of beasts; what strength and ease!
Yet now content this lass to please
Her hand to tease, her hand to tease

Behold! A pleasant form and face!
The child of beauty crowned with grace!
Fair Una treads at even pace
A better place, a better place

~ The form is Monotetra~
~Based on the painting 'Una and the Lion' by Briton Riviere.

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: break up, emotions, feelings, imagery, love hurts,

Hope Outweighs Sorrow

Falling in love's magical; your heart feels like it's on fire. And your ears only hear hope, not the words of a liar. When trust begins to weaken, hope shores it up with more lies. And an outpouring of pain replaces truth as it dies. Fear gathers up nagging doubts as they morph into goodbyes. And failed dreams discreetly drown in tears spilled from crying eyes. Let time carry you away; to where hope outweighs sorrow. For, like a river, life flows towards a new tomorrow.

by Larry Smith |
Categories: love,

To She: Drawn To Thy Beauty {quatrain}

Drawn to thy beauty, grace rains down;
     I choose this drowning than a drought – 
Where ten thousand are called mine own;
     Yet, deny thee and live without.

Skilled not enough to understand;
     Words unheard, find their voice through thee;
As I reach out then find thy hand;
     I see light take darkness from me.

Chaos knits together unity:
     Thoughts run free, once captive in chains;
Cleansed from fear in thy purity;
     Would I leave, canceling such gains?

by Charlie Smith |
Categories: beauty, kiss, love,

A Lovers Kiss

A wordless song drifts from your eyes
     with rhyme disguised in poems lost
     from heavens smile your heart replies
     assuming risk, no fear the cost

     You dare not weep to dampen dreams
     but pledge to take this hand of chance
     no less from love this passion streams
     in turn of fate not circumstance

     Left breathless from a lovers kiss
     this treasure found its place in time
     a pleasure true, no more than this
     not once rehearsed in pantomime

     Within each heart pure beauty lives
     When fancies flight is there to give


by Yvonne Evanoff |
Categories: lost love


Speak not of glorious visions past. 
The dark remorse of woe 
into the nightly splendour fades, 
Where now, I too must go.

Weep not the tears of duty here, 
Nor utter words withheld 
That may have given liberty, 
And had the power to meld.

Fear is but a childish word 
That fills the heart with dread, 
No more will rage direct my path, 
Nor turn this weary head.

The north wind blasts against my cheek 
Where tears did fall, short time ago, 
The salty streams have turned to ice, 
Repentant floods no more will flow.

I see the dawn break splendidly, 
It melts the air around, 
And bends the flower’s head toward east, 
In trance-like motion bound.


by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,

I Do Not Love You Like the Crescent Moon

I do not love you like the crescent moon
majestically erupting into a star filled night   
nor do I love you like the pearl painted swan
gliding effortlessly across a pristine pond

Fear not for I do most certainly love you -

But my love is more like a cool crisp apple
one succulent bite bringing sustenance to life
My love lives in our fresh laundered linens 
dried in the comforting winds blowing off the sea

My love is here 
My love is now
It is in everything I touch
It is in everything I Do

I may not love you like the luster melting hearts
glistening off a ten carat diamond ring
but you can be sure my love lives daily
in my every breath and my every dream

by Besma Riabi Dziri |
Categories: beauty, destiny, faith, love, school,

At a Crossroads a Poet Is Born

I hold my papers and pen
not a poetry to write
it is the school year again
one other journey in time.

My ever burning concern
would my words find their way
as all my candles I burn
to meet yearning faces each day.

A thirst for light in young hearts
I lend my soul, the blanks I fill
and then a whole story starts
quenching feels would be a thrill.

When my pupils take my notes
would they read devotion in many a line
my fear, a quote or a word floats
my quill unveiled in heart shrine.

I hold my pen with great zeal
two paths I walk, a heart is torn
my love  how can I conceal
at a crossroads, a poet is born.

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: beauty, celebration, journey, love,

- Love At First Sight -

As the golden threads of silver, a mother protects her child
The path they will follow together, through life they leave deep footprints
The love that is shared will always shine its rays, nothing to fear

  (15-16-15 syllables)
- Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
- Copyright © All Rights Reserved

- Published in the newspaper : 20.06.2016

by Deb Wilson |
Categories: father daughter, pain, child, me,

Loving the Child In Me

There is a child that looks like me.
Years from now still won't be free.
You'll want to rock her in your arms.
Keep her safe from all that harms.

Some things you simply don't forget.
And there is shame that haunts me yet.
The stark reality is this-
I find it hard to share a kiss.

Children are meant for love and prayers.
Not sneaking footsteps on the stairs.
Fear grows where refuge should be.
Hate floats on a toxic sea.

In all these years sorrow still lives.
A broken spirit but strong will gives
reason to find a better way.
This child is loved by me today.

written 4/13/2013

by Raven Drake |
Categories: parody, philosophy, symbolism,


Farcical, extravagant 
My birthmark is a scar 
A speckled blotch ...
A spot of pox 
An icon from afar 

I'm an upstart, I'm an eyesore 
Ranting with a flair
In a tempest, I'm a rabid bird 
Setting fire to the air 

As dauntless as a hellhag 
Unmoved by love or care 
I can hold up in a cyclone 
Feasting on your fear 

I'm your last hope 
As a laughingstock 
I'm your courage in a dare 
As audacious as a terrorist 
With death-defying hair 

When it's time to play the tragic fool 
I'm as flagrant as a glare 
Seething with a vengeance
In a tantrum of despair

Written by © Raven Drake