Love Poems About Prose Poetry or Prose Poetry Love Poems
by Robert Lindley |
Categories: anxiety, dark, emotions, fate, grief, pain, sorrow,

Hope, a Little Remained

Hope, A Little Remained

She walked the creaking floors of the rat-infested room,
trying to remember what tragedy had sent her to this shabby place.
Her heart felt the desperate pains, that lost love sends in aching waves,
praying her sleeping infant does not wake and cry out from its feverish thirst.

He paced the cold cell, languishing in deep misery, heart shattered,
each step an eternity echoing curses, a testament to his broken pride.
Although thousands of miles apart, he felt her loss, never-ending sorrows,
dawn would come, priest would take his last confession, yet Hope remained.

For Silent One's,  eight lines of fate, when you wonder if it is too late.

by Sandip Goswami |
Categories: life, love, philosophy,


I asked to my father
Baba, What is life ?
He politely said to me, " Life is Duty . "

I asked to my mother
Maa, What is life ?
She said to me with smile, " Life is Responsibility . "

I asked to my teacher
Sir, What is life ?
He said to me with love, " Life is Education . "

I asked to my spiritual master
Gurujee, What is life ?
He said to me with confidence, " Life is Devotion . "

Today my son who reads in class nine
Asked me
Babai, What is life ?
I have said to him, " Dear, You are my life . "


( Father means BABA, BABAI and Mother means MAA in Bengali language .  Gurujjee means spiritual master in Indian society )

by Joe Dimino |
Categories: faith, happiness, inspirational, love, meaningful, perspective, wisdom,

Spiritual Law

Spiritual law of attraction: one can only receive by giving. One has to become love, if to know love for reception. What we hold in our consciousness is who we are and what we attract. Walls are all we think we know...better to live from a clean slate. Letting go opens our hands (hearts) for spiritual grasping. We are born dying obviously. It is not for death but our only way to life. It is illusion, the doorway not empty, not a space to pass through, but, in fact, a dimension of less encumbered being~ one dies to live dies to live...there is never lives to die. No darkness in creation...if anything, there is only self keeping out the light.

by Doug Vinson |
Categories: love,

Love Is Blind

Our fellow travelers,
What measure of trust for them?
The moment's imperfections are easily, even instinctively overlooked -
We risk for their benefit, sacrifice for their good.

Minutes stretched, the holy person spoke to all comers
As I heard love's woman,
Hanging on the pierced and tattooed man.
What did she see, he was fractional to me;
Her freely-given look demanded no return,
Love's area of the mind spreading over others.
Was it that he'd only hit her once?

The sightless mother's fingers over the face of her child
Tenderly traced that juncture of skin and hour,
Acquiring an instant in time.

by Mustapha Mohammed |
Categories: love,


Love is like a fire
It often expires
A comfort that revives
Your tender soul alive.

A blind joy soaring
The loveless signs ignoring
It rises high with freedom's grace
To spring a blush upon your face.

Love is sweet like antique wine  
It breaks the fetters of loveless mind.
Love is loving all the time
Love is a spirit unconfined.

Love is a constant kindness
A joyful untamed madness.
Love jealous not
Or is a selfish glut.

Love is a divine quality
Expressed in purity!

by Daniel Cheeseman |
Categories: devotionwords,

Blue Tears On Parchment

Light blue tears on parchment, how softly my pen 
weeps for you. Ribbons of verse bind, pull tightly 
on oozing emotions. Devoted words lie embalmed 
in true affection, line upon line of adoration. I am 
besotted in ink, controlled by a heart that fills my 
page. My pen lies aside my love, my dreams, my 
day and night and what you are to me. Your kisses 
are the words planted and my future granted.

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: inspirational, motivation, uplifting,

On the Road To the Sky

Nothing ventured
Nothing gained
If you’re giving up
Then tell me, who’s to blame

The road’s ahead 
Time is now
Make that change
You’ve been dreaming of

Open up your heart doors
And set your soul free
Feel the inspiration
The sunshine and breeze

Whatever it takes
However, life goes
Give it all the love inside of you
Believe you’ll achieve your goals

And if you have to rise to meet your destiny
Then take to the Sky
Fly up high…
High, High, High

by Paloma P |
Categories: desire, dream, love, moon, romantic, sea, sun,

Surrendered Dreaming

I knew you long before
    pursuit's intention shone,
felt you in sun's fiery warmth
       & shooting star surrender,
heard your voice on soft
  burbled whispers of sweet zephyrs
    and nectar'd songs of hummingbirds,
saw your depths of magnificence
        in sapphire ocean tides
     cresting 'neath effulgent moons
savoring breaths of crystalline
   snowflakes on crisp sea air,
I knew strength in your convictions    
   for it braved every fantasy's illusion
     acquiesced 'tween dulcet desires,
whilst the strong presence of your charms
     envelop'd every night's dreaming

by Olusegun Ojo |
Categories: black-african amergrandmother,

I Sing Africa

All's not about Darfur I've seen it, eerie winds Moonlight through our thatch We kissed round, one *palmie gourd Kigali was but a miss Waist-beads - beats to love Have you heard the talk-drum, *Fela's horns of brass, Or the *Aladuras' joy of Alleluia? My grandmother still walks miles Just because her forbears did, And shame on malaria For the dearth of men Oh, on Mandela's earth Of Soyinka's nobel ideas Africa - a big breast, the good, the bad, the ugly. . . all, as sucklings! *palmie - palm wine *Fela - Celebrated afrobeat musician *Aladura - a popular african instituted christian sect noted for heavy prayers

by Liz Walsh |
Categories: funny

To Be Silly With-

I would love to swim to the 'Guilamine' in the skin
Or dance on a carpet of sheer pleasure
I might like an ice-cream cone on the way
Topped with pink and golden treasure.
I would enjoy a drink made of sparkles
That might light up with yellow-red magic
My dreary grey-blue life – and then
I would anticipate with joy an umbrella
Made of silk and maidenhair fern
To be silly with –

by Doug Vinson |
Categories: jealousy, sad love,

The Magic Touch

That tiny mouse's bullfighter cape,
I took it from you because I couldn't bear not to.
I had to have it.

You challenged the world with it, 
and it shown in the sun as brightly as you burned.
It grew cold when I touched it,
Like a star without light or heat,
a ghost sail with no wind,
hanging limp in memory.

by Dr. Upma A. Sharma |
Categories: nature,

In the Mood For Love

Radiant beams of Aubade,
Basking brilliant aura,
Sun is in the mood......

Ramifying fragrance of florets 
And aroma of plants,
Wind is in the mood.....

Nurturing spirit into seedlings,
Blooming  plants and all mortals
Water is in the mood........

Blessing us with soulmates, pals
And little ones,
Toning the ambiance and climate,
The creator is in the mood......

Bestow upon us thy commendation
Oh lord !
Glorify us with divine crotchet !!

Written on 17/5/13
Contrast - on nature #3
Sponsor- PD A

Featured poem of the week- Dec 13th, 2015

by Curtis Forsythe |
Categories: introspection, parents, sorry,

Some Day

Did our parents not have better things to do-
better things than to suffer our indifference-
our rebellion-
better things to do than return to us love
for hatefulness-
patients for intolerance-
self sacrifice for our selfishness?

Seems that they could never get it right-
In every thing we thought ourselves wise-
our parents foolish-
then the worst thing they ever did
was to go and die-
they died and took with them
all we now ache to know-
but now never will- 

we were just too wrapped up-
too wrapped up in ourselves to ask them-
we always thought there would be time-

by Randall Smith |
Categories: love



Never a father
But an Uncle
many times...

Plumbers Helper
Best friends
with you....

Always on an adventure....

Support Engineering
The big house
on an acre
of lawn.

All of it gone
Or given away
A lost five years

Then I re-found you
and became a
and Best friend.......Again.

by Wendell Brown |
Categories: blessing, inspirational, love, romance, wife,

The Vision

If only you could see the vision
Now deeply living inside my mind
Feeling the peace which now stays
Knowing your love is only mine.

If only you could feel the passion
Which each new day is on the rise,
Then you would never worry at all
For you will never face lonely times

I truly love you deep within my heart
With a pure power that never ends
And every time I awaken to your smile
Its life essence selflessly begins

For I feel what you have given me
With the love you allow me to seize
Binds me tightly to a fervent need
To have your love always next to me.

by Jesudason Atputharajah |
Categories: blessing, cheer up, devotion, faith, heaven, joy, love,

Love So Amazing,So Divine

The world  needs amazing love,
The world needs surpassing love,
The world needs redeeming love,
A love that can bring healing,
A love that can bring support,
A love  that can give solace,
The love that was shown by Christ,
A love that gives it's all,
To make a better place for all,
A love that can move mountains,
A love that works wonders,
A love that is infectious,
That brings innumerable followers,
To bring heavenly joy.

by Anwar Hussain |
Categories: confusion, depression, faith, introspection, life, lost love, lovemetaphor,

I Disappear

wake up to serendipity
ignorant and unknown
shaken and not stirred
blond can be bond

Reality, metaphor and cliche
cheesy juvenile decay
Love, care and hate
past the use by date

of fights and torment
and well deserved lament
salute to the solitary reaper
with Metallica... I disappear

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: beach, happy, people,

Try To Love Somebody and Make Them Happy Today

Imagine the sun is shining hot
Over a wet sandy beach
And the wind is blowing cool
As the sea rushes to your feet

Do your best to be kind
And look on the bright side
Try to love somebody 
And make them happy today

by Millard Lowe |
Categories: analogy, beauty, blessing, celebration, growth, love, marriage,

Growing Old

     (And We’re Still Together, Babe)

Growing old together,
We’ve mellowed
Fine wine.
Much more
Our love
Is to refine
As we ride
The waves of passing time.

Neither sting-
Less death
Nor defeated graves
Can claim
The victory over
The sacred love that is
The essence of us:
Of our story.

The children
Came and left
And now we’re all alone:
You, me
And the dogs.

Praise God!
The children
Now in their own home!

by Patricia Mitchell |
Categories: funny,

Hot Tea

Hot Tea

Must be the aroma
The smell of my tea
Peach, Berry or Green
No caffeine for me
I drink to unwind
To sit and release
To calm myself down
To set my mind free
Someday to snuggle
My big cup and me
To savor the day
To sit under a tree
To read a good book
To write a love poem
A sip from my cup
Hot tea is the bomb

Patricia Mitchell-Nunn

by Arijit Bhattacharya |
Categories: abuse, betrayal, conflict, depression, evil, pain,

Naked Truth

~~~ Naked Truth ~~~
We often feel
The society is filled with
Love, affection, adoration and romance.
But, the flabbergasting naked truth is something
It is not the apparent.
The world is full of turmoils,
Even a son parents spoil.
Conceit and complacency are everywhere.
Faith and trust are nowhere.
People treat their child as a 'wishing well',
In spite of intimate blood relations,
They are not wishing well!
Everybody is masked,
Full of false vanity and hypocrisy,
The world is the devil's place
Full of brutality,
At stake is the friendship,
In danger is the love,
In danger is the humanity!!
All rights reserved

by Chittaranjan Dey |
Categories: love, romance, love,

Feel the Same My Baby

Your loveliness, Your voice, Your tone of skin, The color of your lips, The softness of your Careless beauty, All are memories etched Into my mind and soul. I suffer everyday, I love you babe. Even though so far away Alone at night When I look to the sky And think about you, Then ask myself why ? I'm in love with you. I have a picture of you Scorched in my mind Only to find you, Even in the collyrium, Lamp-black darkness. Your love surrounds me Stupendous galore. A sense of completion And overflowing pride. Feel the same my babe You are loved so much. __________________ Thank you for reading. Chitta.

by Wendell Brown |
Categories: anniversary, appreciation, blessing, devotion, happiness, joy,

The Oneness of Love

When I write of you, 
and my love for you,
I also write of God.

For I know He loves me
through the love we
share together each day.

Through you, I feel the
warmth and tenderness
of heaven and it is real.

With you, I feel His touch,
when you embrace me with  
your gentle hands.

When I embrace you, I 
know our God holds me
me so very close also

The times I hear your voice
it reminds me of the quiet
times when at night His spirit
speaks to me... 

For when I think of God
I see your love, and when
I think of you I see the
love of God...

And it shows me our love
is blessed, and made so
wholesomely complete, when
we are equally one together.

by Paloma P |
Categories: dark, destiny, love, passion, poetry,

Quartz Glass Spaces

I love you without surmising 'why',
your passion sets pon dusky distances
betwixt & 'midst quartz glass spaces,
where scented phases astir moon glow
and impassioned fireside involvement
madly erupt above obscure air castles,
beyond a swept away briny rendezvous
of crystallized darkly essential marrow,
like wildflowers penchant for Spring
blooming 'tween summoned fiery March
snowdrifts' lashing bout ignitable flurries
amongst wind's orgasmic undressing,
farthermost indulgent sundown piques
regaling its worth with naught but those
magnificent moments in timely conception,
whence endearment yearns to be evermore

Inspired by Pablo Neruda - - Sonnet Xvii

by Jessica Kuilan |
Categories: lost love, sad, sea, time, me, me,

Last Memory

Bathed by the ocean blue 
There came a thought…
And it was solely of you.
How you’d dance across the night sky
With palms and the waves, waving good bye
With hopes and lights
All lost and wandering the night
Not at all lost…
But not at all found
I’ve wandered these towns…
I’ve wandered these thoughts,
Where has the time gone by?
No longer you dance…
No longer you play…
Just sit there in the sand
By the oceans nice bay
Dream with me tonight
Dream with me of all the things we once would do
Come back to life…
Just once…
Dance with me one last time
Beside the oceans blue
Come back to life…
Give me one last memory of you