Love Poems About Violence or Violence Love Poems
by Kim Merryman |
Categories: inspirational, metaphor,

You Reap What You Sow

If you sow seeds of kindness,
Then kindness is what you'll reap.
If you sow seeds of forgiveness,
You'll reap untroubled sleep.

If you sow seeds of anger,
of hatred or discontent,
You'll reap a crop of violence,
Discord and evil intent.

If you sow seeds of brotherly love,
Then love you will receive,
But if wickedness is what you sow,
Then wicked you will be.

The lesson here is pretty clear:
You reap just what you sow.
Therefore, strive to sow only good seeds,
And spread them wherever you go.


by Charlie Smith |
Categories: angel, prayer, spiritual,

Stand Guard True Angel

As we worship, bring the silence in gracious peace ring down the day. Stay the light that's stained with violence, deliver calm, pass ill storms away. Send to us your guileless servant, pure of faith and stainless heart. Confer to him a truce so verdant with joyous love and hope impart. Stand guard against faults that rage and spare less fortune from the cold. Lift these hearts, fallen, fled with age and never loose us from your hold. Share with us your saving Grace with harmony that men embrace. 08/06/2018 Rhyming Poem On Angels Contest Sponsored by Emile Pinet

by Karen Jones |
Categories: abuse, anti bullying, break up,

Domestic Violence

Dark heart
Onyx bruises
Madd lover
Entrapment fooling
Swollen lips
Teal tears
Indigo ears
Crying years

Violet prayers
In shelters
Only light
Love weathered
Emerald eyes
Need sleep
Courageous flight
Embracing peace

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: betrayal, desire, earth, emotions, hate, love, lust,


Revenge sweet turning with hate
a brother rises striking blows 
landing hits brother in wicked deeds 
evilness within mans own soul

Cruelty crawling inside desires 
suffering greed of nations they plea 
Rise up against nations man at war 
tearing asunder God's creation 
People slowly murdering loveless

Pride a sinful act of violence 
laced with pain destroying pure love 
everything that once stood out housed peace
so fine cut beautiful, good sharing 
caring  free, in this one, big show rolls 

Keeps turning, the wheel of hope 
whom will speak, as we all become part 
of his heavenly dust in the end 
or  burning remains of hell's fire

by Demetrios Trifiatis |
Categories: love, peace, violence,

Wisdom's Trail Vi

The towering mountains 
menacing fanaticism 
In the midst of the shadows 
Constant fear
Agonizing humanity,               
Is crawling in search of  
Trail of understanding,


That it would lead her 
The valley of God-loving peace
The people of the world, 
Respecting the beliefs of others, 
In harmony, would live,
Glorifying God’s wisdom that has saved them 
From falling
The ravines of voracious hate 
Where Man's annihilation 
Impatiently awaits!

© Demetrios Trifiatis
  10 JANUARY 2015

by Paul Callus |
Categories: abuse, sad, violence,


Female sexuality
Fanatically robbed
Fraught with violation
Forever left in shame.
Folds of indignity
Forceful invasiveness 
Fulfilling love denied.

*I feel very strongly about this topic.
  Have been meaning to bring it up.
  This Pleiades is short but meaningful.

Contest: Any Poem#29
Sponsor: Poet Destroyer A.
Placing: 2nd

by Charmaine Chircop |
Categories: love, world,


Our ancestors shed their sweat and blood fighting for liberty So through the diversity of nations We would not see destruction nor weakness in our differences But they fought,they gave their lives so we could live to feel the calm beauty the strength and harmony of freedom. May we never lose that freedom May we never trade it for Violence Hate and Mediocrity. Let not our anger,nor our voices silence the unity of our homelands. It is better to be us against the seven winds than us against eachother Because we are sons and daughters of the same world. We belong to the same mother. We are sisters and brothers.

by Ryan Tyler |
Categories: abuse, bullying, child abuse, childhood, religion, sad, violence,

The Wild Child

My past was violent.
My world was quaint.
They made me a demon,
instead of a saint.
My past was full of cruelty.
They called it love.
I only felt the darkness,
as they preached from above.
They said I was a sinner,
that I should change my ways.
Whilst I cried with fury,
I hoped, an end to my days.
They shackled my wrists,
and tried to warp my mind.
Telling me, in Gods love,
freedom I would find.
With pride and arrogance,
they did this to a child.
They tried to birth a sheep.
Born rather, an animal that is wild.

-Angel Fatale-

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: anger, dark, loss, love hurts, nature, power, violence,

Abandoned Dreams

Knotted in the torsion of a tempest’s mood -
the barrage drains the sun and overwhelms the dusk
ire’s flash stabs the night.

Susan Ashley
April 6, 2019

~ Second Place ~
Contest: Favorite Poem From Last Week (March31 - April 6, 2019)
Contest: Lu Loo

~ Third Place ~
Contest: April 2019 Premier (3 Line Max)
Sponsor: Brian Strand

by Litan Dey |
Categories: anger, violence,

If You Would Know

We chase after you,
Crush your love on Sixteenth Street,
Playing a game steeped in shadows.
If you could see, 
You would know—they are just like me.

They call for war,
Build walls against new hope,
Unable to bear the sight of your joy,
Your unshackled spirit and strength.
They ache for their own end,
And if you could see,
You would know—they cherish you more than I do.

You may cast me aside,
But you cannot escape their grasp.
If you could see, 
They blend into our world,
Sitting beside you,
Walking through the crowds.
They wear the same human guise.

You would feel sad to know that
They have abandoned their humanity.

by Sandip Goswami |
Categories: art, encouraging, jealousy, life, love, philosophy, violence,

Art of Love

This times, you would receive the two things from others.
Violence or grace. 
Jealousy to your success,
And grace to your failure.

So, you should not be sad.

Survival is meaningless with grace. 

Believe me,
You are the king or queen of love.
Try to distribute your love.
Don't want to see yourself as the beggar of love. 

One day, future of mankind will be written with your love.
You will become history.

(The poem is dedicated to my favorite poet Charmaine Chircop.)


by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: love, violence,

It's About Love

An old sage said he had learned;
only when we give love, can it be returned.

What is the gift we have given our world
when beneath their desks, frightened Senators are curled?

Fear mongers spread hate.
A world filled with anger they perpetuate.

Take back our country, restore our lives;
be ready to spread love when order arrives.

*January 7, 2021
For Mark Koplin’s “Morality” poetry contest.

by Kevin Lawrence |
Categories: divorce,


Divorce sucks!
But,... marriage is worse.
"It doesn't have to be like this."
Life flows and we sink,
Swim or float.
Our choice.
Not every eddy
Or every rock
Presents a fearful
Love regardless
Means acceptance.
A forever entanglement
Not broken by
Cyclic patterns of resentment,
Fear, anger, or violence.

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: america, conflict, history, violence,


Rat-a-tat, Rat-a-tat, Rat-a-tat-tat
  sounds of war, tattered fife, ragged drum

In feathered cap, Yankee Doodle went to town
  where he met a clever man named Madison

Wrote up a constitution, though not for everyone
  rights for whites -- but not for blacks or browns...

Now it's 2 1/2 strife-torn centuries later
  some love the USA; others hate her

Rat-a-tat, Rat-a-tat, Rat-a-tat-tat
  so many promises ~ fallen flat

Machine-gun fire nightly in 'most every city
  'Twas it all for naught ~ 'twould be a pity

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, how i feel, i am, identity, self,

My Bio Poem From Caren

Creative, Empathetic, Respectful, Helpful
Wife of Joe, mother of Angela, Tracy, and Susie, 
Mother-in-law of Josh and Andy,
Grandma of Emily, Cali, Molly, Tony, Jack, Josie, Lucy, Daisy, Max and Johnny.
Lover of children, dogs, and family.
Who feels joy, excitement, and amused.
Who needs people, work, and love.
Who gives happiness, soft words, and tender touches.
Who fears violence, anger, and rage.
Who would like to see the world assimilate as one.
Resident of Kansas

by Dr Mohammad Golshani Niya |
Categories: humanity, peace,

Peace Is My Big Love

Peace is My Big LOVE in 3 languages
Philosophy of Peace

Peace is sweet Science
Science of Peace
Sience of Truce

Peace is a Silence
Silence of our province
Silence of Armistice

Peace is great scentence
scentence of non violence
Scentence of Solace

Peace is good Alliance
Alliance of Variance
Alliance of Fierce

Peace is Calmness
Calmness of Restfulness
Calmness of Easiness


Salute to PEACE
No war
No fight
No battle
No Trouble
No displacement
No misery

Only Peace
Only Humanity

By Mohammed Golshani niya
Poet of Humanity and Peace in 3
Languages English .Persian and Kurdish

by Robin Davis |
Categories: feelings, future, hope, world,

Lets Find a Better Way

Its a shame we push and shove
Without any care or love
For others--what made us go
From kindness that used to grow
Neighbor to neighbor every day
To hate that wont go away
Anger violence bullying
Are actions we all now bring
To each other without thinking
How this world is sadly sinking
Into a pit of pure darkness
Can we find a way to stop this
Emotions will attack us all
Making hearts crumble and fall

Categories: best friend, betrayal, lost love,


"An infatuation can grow into a steady affair through love and marriage, but if weakened through silence and indifference, love which is magical can prove critical too"  ~ By Poet

An emotion born through chance A spark lit through glance Fanned through appearance Grown through acquaintance Confirmed through countenance Blazed through romance Interrupted through absence Steadied through alliance Tested through penance Decreased through silence Weakened through defiance Exhausted through indifference Worn out through intolerance Snubbed out through violence And ended up in divorce!

by Frank Mashina |
Categories: fate, heartbroken, relationship, sad, sad love, true love, violence,


In quiet corners where no one sees,
Two hearts find solace, though love's not free.
A gentle touch, a fleeting smile,
In a world that deems their love a trial.

Their love, a secret they must protect,
From judging eyes and harsh neglect.
They hold each other in the dark,
Wishing the world would warm to their spark.

They dream of days without disguise,
Where love can live beneath open skies.
But for now, they whisper and wait,
Holding tight to a love the world won't celebrate.

by Sharon Roebourne |
Categories: abuse, change, children, courage, future, heart, hope,

Stop the Violence

Please stop the violence
I sit in silence
I made a stand
I said ‘No more’
But the scars are still very raw
As I say to my kids
Tears will dry
My love for you 
Will never die
As I hold 
My head held high
It’s a long road
But I let go of a very big load
I fought and I fought
Finally I got some support
From people far to people near
They were all there what I had to hear
I am strong 
I didn’t do anything wrong
I am here
Well and alive
I walk this world
For I know how to survive

by Funom Makama |
Categories: africa, community, education, environment, violence,

Xenophobia Ii: We Are Africans

History has formed us into one braid
to stay strong and never surrender to any blade
standing side by side to be each others shade.
Why then do we classify one another into grades?
So that some cut others off just b’cos they are made?

There’s still hope, this togetherness will not fade
whatever it is, we have collectively paid
let’s stop hate from this unprecedented raid
so that unity will eventually get love laid.
We are Africans! Enough has been said.

by Shane Cooper |
Categories: conflict, love, violence,


Lover Sensual, sultry Kissing, touching, tasting Bodies, lips, teeth, claws Snarling, ripping, tearing Sharp, vicious Enemy “ A poem in diamanté form” written ~06/05/2015~

by David Meade |
Categories: anger, conflict, hope, violence,

Love Sorrow

blood pouring forth . . . red

           yelling . . . hate  r a d i a t i n g 

                                      shooting, dying . . .  why

“A voice was heard in Ramah, wailing and loud lamentations . . . “ Jeremiah

“. . . so much weeping!  Such a burden of lamentation!  I will not gloss over the terrible pain and sorrow that comes from vanity and anger, but neither will I forget the final word of resurrection. “  Eugene Petersen

David Meade
Live Generously

by Cameron Hartley |
Categories: betrayal, color, day, love, simile, sky, sun,

The Dawn Broke Like a Heart

The dawn broke like a heart,
In shades of violet deep as violence
That bled into the night...

The sun rose like a love affair,
Sky scarlet with a jealous blush
As the first light burned like lust...

The day came like a nightmare,
Drowning in a blue deeper
Than you've ever seen...

by Sarah Broun |
Categories: love,




