Love Poems About For Him or For Him Love Poems
by Honestly J.T. |
Categories: america, for her, for him, friend, friendship, growth, how i feel, international, journey, love, racism, school, social, together, truth, uplifting,

One World

Love is not a color,
No hue, neither a race.
All of our blood is the same, 
That runs deep within our veins.

If we could lift up each other,
And know that we all care.
If we help our sisters and brothers,
There's a bond that we'll share.

©2013 Honestly JT

by Wren Rushing |
Categories: house, light, love,

Lighthouse On the Shore

There is a lady all dressed in light, who stands above the jagged shore at night. To guide the sailing ships to safer seas and beg the wicked storms for calmer breeze. She ever shines her light across the bay, in hopeful search for love that sailed away. He left the land with plans to bring back gold, to ask her hand to wed, the story's told. When his ship met with tempest gales, the waves ripped the hull, wind stripped the sails. The lady waits at night for him on shore, as he still lays with gold on ocean floor. Sometimes you see her lonely light afar, it shines in the sky like a distant star. 12/16/18

by Carol B. |
Categories: love,

Rare Are We

To me it's always been crystal clear
my emerald heart sheds tear after tear

Intense, easy to emote
it's to love I devote 

His golden flakes beat in me like needs
I fill my lungs string him in like beads

As rare as four leaf clovers - we are for real
I  must bare my heart for him to also feel

by Jan Allison |
Categories: humorous, nursery rhyme,

Jack and Jill Re Written

Jack and Jill went up the hill With thoughts of making love Jack hadn’t got a condom So cut a finger off Jill’s glove The glove was far too small for him And it didn’t fit his todger Now they are proud parents Of a baby they called Rodger! 1st October 2016 Another poem written after being inspired by Ilene Bauer's poem three blind mic

by Jan Allison |
Categories: break up, for him,

Guess It's Over

Never thought it would be easy
After all these years
You’d leave me all alone
To face my lonely fears

Promised me the earth
When I became your bride
Said we were forever
Always side by side

I’m sitting here without you
You were my guiding light
Now you’ve turned your back on me
So I’ve given up without a fight

In time I’ll move on
Now you’ve let me go
One day I may find love again
When my broken heart gets strong

Would I take you back
If you came begging on bended knee
Guess I’m not so sure
I’m getting used to being free

Penned after listening to 3 doors down 'Here without you'
Contest I love rock and roll
Sponsor Kelly Deschler
11~13~ 2014

by Geoffrey Brewer |
Categories: lost love, war,

June 1944

JUNE 1944

they kissed with dreams of peace in clover - for him fulfilled in Norman field

Monoku - Cliche: All’s fair in love and war

by Karla Deal |
Categories: for him, i love you, love, romantic,

Your Love

Your Love

Your love...
Makes me love you more
Your love is what I truly adore

Your love...
Cast a spell upon me
Love me now,
Set me free!

Your love...
I hold close to my heart,
Please don't ever let me depart
I knew it was true love
Right from the start

Your love...
Set me on fire,
Because baby it's you,
My one true desire

by Dalia Shahein |
Categories: deep, desire, love,

Tender Lips

When he whispers my name ,he makes my heart bleed out for him...
When he touch my face with his soft hands so slowly, he pulls my soul out of hell...
When he holds me so tight tell I can't breathe , he makes me melt inside his beloving arms...
He bite my tongue and I bite his soft , tender lips...
He capture me with every word , with every touch , with every heart beat...
I love him for who he truly are , for his beautiful soul , his sweet words ....
When I hear his lovely voice...
I never saw his face.....

by Juli- Michelle |
Categories: devotion, for him, i love you, sweet love,

Melting Me

Melting through glass like sand through the sea Burning like fire through the evergreens When you touch me Fingers trembling in the extremity Sprouting to life, a little blossom on a branch Falling through rocks like an avalanche When you hold me My heart flits and flutters incessantly Floating along a river with a cool summer breeze Drifting to the heavens under skies like these When you love me The heavens and stars are drowned in ecstasy

by John Gondolf |
Categories: loneliness, longing, love,

Aching For Love

She sits alone in quiet of the night as thoughts of him wrap ‘round her yearning heart, and whispers ‘cross her skin; her flesh excites while longing for his touch when they’re apart. She yearns to gaze into his eyes of blue while feeling his caress engulf her soul, and have their hearts eclipse as love renews; she longs for his return to make her whole. She reaches for her parchment and her quill to iterate her feelings and her doubts; for him to know her longing thoughts instill, and from this poet's pen, a poem pours out, “My lonely spirit aches while you’re away, and longs to feel your love as hearts replay.”
August 30, 2018

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: love,

My Love

when sunlight
caresses my love’s face
I feel jealous not to be the sun

the night’s stars
look down and shine for him
his eyes reflect their soft glow on me

summer’s breeze
wafts gently through his hair
gold like wheat and beautiful it is

a cool stream
floats my love’s lithe body
my mind drifts to magic soon to come

Feb. 25, 2021 
For Joseph May's Images In Parallel Poetry Contest

by Michael Mcorus |
Categories: introspection, people, philosophy, social, lost, lost,


Who is more righteous,
The pious man who watches in awe,
Or the faithless man saving those in the blaze?

Who is stronger,
The man who lifts a ton with one arm,
Or the mother of four on her own?

Who has lost more,
The man who has lost his money,
Or the man who has lost his love?

Who is weaker,
The man who can't fight back,
Or the man who won't fight for him?

Who Is more savage,
The man who doesn't know right from wrong,
Or the man who doesn't care?

Who is wiser,
The man who has the answers,
Or the man who asks the questions?

by April Gabriella |
Categories: celebrity, film, for him, how i feel, love,

Leonardo Dicaprio

Dedicated to my love: Leonardo DiCaprio

For how many years have I loved you
I think it has to be about eighteen
We were both so young in those days
But I still longed to be your queen
With each film I fell more in love
With each role you reminded 
"This is what true talent is made of"
Beautiful Leonardo
How keenly I feel
How much I love you
Probably too much, but still
You have shown true beauty
You have shown true grace
You're a perfect specimen
Of the human race
You are of the greatest actors 
Of this generation and more
For there will never be another
That I so much adore

by Gail Foster |
Categories: betrayal, grief, loss, passion, relationship, sad love, sorrow,


This is my first Petrarchan sonnet...

Grey days of loss and loneliness are here
Sad nights as long as shadows in the deep
No joy, no hope, no gentleness, no sleep
No ray of light predicted to appear
Just disappointment, emptiness and fear
And sacred dreams discarded in a heap
By some abyss of faith too wide to leap
In ruins lies the love we held so dear

Wise folk will say there will be love again
That suns come up, and suns go down, and yet
All I perceive is darkness, drear and grim
All I can feel is searing hurt and pain
My heart, my fingers, too burnt to forget
All blistered, from the flame I hold for him

by Gail

by Joyce Johnson |
Categories: love, valentines day, , sweet love,

Happy Valentine's Day

I've had no lover's valentine
For far too many years,
But I still have some sweet love notes
Among my souvenirs.

If my loved one were here it would be
Valentines every day.
To show my love for him, I'd strew
Hearts all along the way.

Don't weep for me, I've had my share.
This is your time, enjoy.
May your love's words be just as true
As those of my lost boy.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: childhood, funny,

My Poor Stinky Love

Oh, how I loved my little teddy bear
although I don’t recall from whom he came
or when I first laid eyes on him or where;
I only know I chose for him his name.

Yes, Pinky Winky’s name was like my own,
a playful silly nickname “Andy Pandy,”
and also in his ear a bell was sewn;
I jingled him and thought he was quite dandy.

Everywhere with me went Pinky Winky
until he met sad fate with one cruel splash.
He fell into the toilet and got stinky.
I wailed when Mother threw him in the trash.

Alas! The pink imposter in his place
no jingling made nor had dear “Winky’s” face.

by Ninette Carey |
Categories: april, beauty, bird, character, for him, heart, inspiration, inspirational,

A Choice

Peace again rules My~Day~
Comforting.... in a pleasant light hearted way
Nature draws me near
Banishing all my fear
Thank You Lord
For giving me Light
Holding me Dear through the Night
It is a Choice that we make
A Dream this Love must not forsake
Take my hand and come with me
There is nothing if you follow the dark
Eventually you become the mark
It is never to late to swallow your pride
Humble is a lasting stride.....

by Shaira Cawaling |
Categories: for him, friend, hate, hope, hurt, language, love,

Now Gone

No good mornings
No good nights
You just know I'm fine
And it's killing me inside

by Carla Ingram |
Categories: appreciation, black love, boyfriend, emotions, first love, for him, happiness,

Words Can Not Express, My Man

Words can not express the joy I get when I see your face
It encourages me to know I can make it from day to day

Words can not express the way I enjoy your touch
When we are together it's never to much

Words can not express warmth of your lips , when we kiss
It gives me a sense of Heavenly bliss

Words can not express when your body meets with mine
Sending a exotic chill up my spine

Words can not express the way I appreciate everything you do
All I can say is "I truly love you"!!

by Jan Allison |
Categories: body, clothes, for him, image,

Wrestling With His Tights - Bawdy Limerick

A wrestler whose first name is Bill Wears tights (but he’s over the hill) He shoves down a sock To enhance his **** It sure gives the ladies a thrill! Now Bill’s a really proud macho guy And keeps grey hair at bay with black dye Even though he’s a man He wears lots of fake tan And baby oil is in constant supply For Phyl with love from FC xx 05/06/17

by Isabella Lenniro |
Categories: addiction, boyfriend, break up, for him, heartbreak, high school, society,

The Day I Learned

The day I learned,
you were in love with
I cried.
The day I learned,
none of it was real,
I cried for weeks.
The day I learned,
you never loved me,
I wanted to die.
There must be an iota of feelings,
or you wouldn't have said I love you,
at least on the outside.

by Kennedy Lea |
Categories: care, celebration, child, courage, emotions, feelings, first love, for her, for him, girl, girlfriend, growth, high school, how i feel, i love you, kiss, love,

Shortest Love Story

Our elbows collided, 
'cause my desk is wrong-sided.
Made for a lefty, 
When I write
with my right.

by Charmaine Chircop |
Categories: absence, for him, love, moving on,

Till the Sun Fades

.erased for personal use.

by Sharon Gulley |
Categories: devotion, for him, i love you, remember, romance,

Your Girl

Take these old hands into yours
remember how they felt when
they were unwrinkled and belonged
to a young girl.

Take this tired smile honey I know
you don't miss and see the temptation
of passion that even now old, burns with a 
deep desire for your kiss.

Take my grey touched, raven hair
and let it dance through your fingers
as if you do not care.

Take these older hazel, green eyes
and see that when looking at you
they still youthfully shine.

Take this old heart for it is still yours
and lend to it the thought that I am
no matter how old, still the same,
your girl.

by Gretchen Cruz |
Categories: cry, emotions, for him, love hurts,

Cold Hearted

Cold hearted

How could you be
So happy to see me leave?
How can you just act
So calm and collect 

What did i say
What did i do
For you to feel this way
The way that you do

How can you be so cold
So thoughtless
So cruel
Knowing of my feelings for you
Is it just a joke to you?

My heart breaks
My heart bleeds
With the pain
The shame
That you have thrown upon me

I’ll never know why
It was so fun for you
To make me cry
I will never understand
How you could be
So cold hearted and mean  
