Love Poems About Drink or Drink Love Poems
by Silent One |
Categories: devotion, emotions, love,

Critical Liaisons

A poets dream, she'll seduce with her eyes, pens will desire to praise her charming guise, but be cautious, she'll treat you like her book, explore each chapter with her detailed look. Drain your ink, smoking pages in to fire, drink your spirit like blood thirsty vampire. But now it seems she may have met her match, a poet who's heart, she's struggling to snatch. He holds scriptures, she's never read before, each musing, leaves her yearning to feel more. A heart breaker, who gives no man a chance, dream maker, who leaves women in a trance. A modern day Samson and Delilah - spiritual soulmate who could tame her.
Silent One 20 October 2020

by Joshua Aguire |
Categories: girlfriend-boyfriend, life, love,

All I Need Is You

Had a little too much to think
And no time to stop and drink
About troubles and toils
And unreachable spoils
And everything I ever wanted
But could never quite gain

So I should find something to hold
Before my hands get sold
Along with my dreams and intentions
And my honorable mentions
And all my stupid little rules
Against ever loving again

But if my hands can find nothing
 Will you be that something?
I’ll break my nature and rules
And turn these hands into tools
To build us everything we’d ever want
Though if I just had you I’d still be content

by Larisa Rzhepishevska |
Categories: devotion, write, write,

I Don'T Write Poems

I don’t write poems, 
I drink them like wine, 
I become tipsy 
with each coming line. 

I don’t write poems, 
I breathe them like air, 
I become so happy 
when each one I share.   

I don’t write poems, 
I live with them; 
they prolong my years, 
they are as true as I am. 

I don’t write poems, 
I weave into verses 
sadness, joy, tears, 
prayers, love, curses… 

My poems talk and sing, 
Sense of living they bring. 

©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: death, lost love,

Lost In the Desert

Sand dunes, nothing but sand dunes,
Some large, some small.
And the sun burning over the terrain.
No oasis, not even a mirage of one.
The last drop would not quench the thirst
He felt it in his soul.  For now 
She was dead and buried
And his soul was barren like the desert.
He would die, lost among the dunes
With no water for survival.
Fool.  He could make it.
He was like an eagle.
Searching to drink water.
Yet he was no eagle and soon fell
Sand clinging to his face covered with sweat.
Opening his eyes he saw the viper.
All would be lost now.
A swish as a hawk picked the viper away.
He fainted and opened his eyes in a tent.
He was safe except for his silent sad soul.

by Celeste Butler-Mendez |
Categories: funny, love

Black Magic Hearts

What underhanded monkey business 
razzle-dazzle bull is this? 
Whose double-crossing, flimflam scam, 
debauchery or hocus sham 
is wheeling dealing in romance, 
putting lovers in a trance? 

Antics, capers or witch's brew, 
enchanting hymns or shaman's stew, 
whose quackery or voodoo drink 
made Casanova stop and think 
and turned the ancient lovers cold; 
poor Romeo and nymphs of old? 

Perhaps black magic's potent gel, 
or craftiness or wicked spell, 
a clever con or master hoax, 
or just some trickster playing jokes. 
Whatever ruse that works the arts, 
mumbo jumbo seduces hearts!

by Richard Lamoureux |
Categories: beauty, fun, giggle, inspiration, love, stars,


I want to eat Pizza
While wishing on a star
To taste the taste of happy
By being where you are

We’ll choose to be silly 
Not afraid of mistakes
Skinny dip at midnight
and skip pebbles on lakes

Why not dance together 
While howling at the moon
Or become little children
and watch a cartoon

A world infused with laughter 
can change how we think
From this fountain of youth
We’ll both gladly drink

For nothing could be better
Than sharing it with you
Because getting into mischief 
Is a blast if there are two!

by Frederic Parker |
Categories: heartbroken,

As the Light Fades

White doves flutter, dying words whisper
Silence becomes haunting and Angels Sing
A lone filtering light of soft glister
Casts fleeting shadows from a white dove's wing
This arrow of light pierces the dusk gray
On my knees, I shall pray for you, my love,
And touch the cold floor where your casket lay
Seeking unanswered questions, from above,
To find no comfort in your final breath.
Forgive me, As I taste this bitter wine
Release me, from a vow I once confessed,
By the shadow of your spirit, I'm blind

Poison drips from a bitter drink I've made,
Brings dark, Silent dark as the cold light fades.


by John Watt |
Categories: first love, love, summer, sun, youth,

Out of the Desert

Stiff, stifling, arid air: snakes, lizards, sand,
and cactus. Scorched red rocks and baking skin.
My canteen empty in a barren land -
my romance landscape till first love walked in.
One summer evening under moon's cool beam,
the desert's xeric heat no longer cursed.
Lazing with friends. A pool... in walked my dream.
First glance: a tall, cool drink to slake all thirst.
Then as her eyes met mine, my blood ran warm.
My hand touched hers; both temp and pulse were raised.
In time, slow dancing - two bodies conform,
and with that first kiss, fulgent flames soon blazed.
The desert heat from which I'd just emerged
blithely returned, as first love's swelter surged.

by Mike Gentile |
Categories: drink, lost love, love,

One Drink Closer To Yesterday

I’m one drink closer to yesterday
              A bottle away from being with you
I’ll be able to say what I need to say
               I’ll be able to do what I need to do

I’m one drink closer to yesterday
             My mind repeats the words we said
When love was new and could outweigh
                The troubles that would lie ahead

Now my love is made of glass
                        I pour my heart as I trespass
On memories that I know must last
           While wishing I could change the past

I’m one drink closer to yesterday
                I’m one shot away from happiness
And this time, I won’t runaway
             And my words won’t be meaningless

by Nicholle Selah |
Categories: passionme, me,

Make Love To Me

Look at me like you'll never see me again
let your eyes drink me in like the sweetest of wines
(look through me)

(Can you see my soul?)

Kiss me, sweet and innocent like your first
thrilling like prom night
(let me taste your love for me)

Caress me with sure and convident hands
slide your fingers over my skin
Nerve endings fire... isn't science sweet?
(You make me shiver)

Combined the three as two become one
Pulses rise, tempetures

Enter my world baby
(Over and over again)
Bring me closer to heaven with each stroke
We can explore it together.


by Panagiota Romios |
Categories: cute love, rain,

God's Picnic

                 The skies filled bulbously with
                 gray-filled clouds.
                 We rested on God's daisy blanket,
                 laughing out loud.

                 Some nice fresh water from God's
                 own sink?
                 We laid back in utter joy, setting up 
                 glasses to catch such a blessed...
                 Heavenly drink.

                  September 24, 2019

by Karen Jones |
Categories: love,

You Plant Me

Plant me like a red rose in your heart
Keep me alive there never loose spark
When you speak may words deliver me
In love to trust what you are saying

Kiss my spirit with your thoughts
Transcending touch to bring lavender love
Fill me like an exotic tea kettle
And drink me in your thirst forever

Smile with your eyes when you hear my name
Find a grin in mine at the thought of you
Dance with me despite my two left fuchsia feet
When I am gone make love to my memory

I love how we are so close
That even in dark I know
Just who you are inside and out
You are my soulmate find in me your house.

by Paula Goldsmith |
Categories: candy, drink, love, sky, stars, uplifting, words,

Valentine’s Day

Valentine's Day is a day for love
do you want to be my turtle dove
are you as sweet as candy
here is a glass of brandy
let's go out and watch the stars above

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: beauty, flower,

- a Simple Rose -

When the rose is complete

                   Remember the love that this rose gives

                 Together we'll drink from crystal fountains

                       The light of dawn begins to shine

                          Translucent bits of ivory joy

                                     * )*
                                  (*((@ ))*)

   - 28.01.2015 - 
     A-L Andresen :)

   - Inspired by a rose I received in my mailbox this week :)

     Copyright © All Rights Reserved

by Deborah Burch |
Categories: birthday, dedication, funny, happy,

Happy Belated Birthday Anne-Lise


     ?                      ?
                       A L
                       N I


7.27.2012©deborah burch

by Johnny Rhinem |
Categories: angel, bridal shower,

A Beautiful Angel

Gazing from afar, amid still frame silence...
Watching her making way unto the parks bench
Blue skies taking a drag from my cigarette; sketching
Divinities staircase within my mind; transcending this Autumn's
Canvas but a silhouette her bridals path winding, through a breath..
Reaching out her gentle hand whileas a white dove, the symbol of love 
Descends from it's perch atop porcelain clouds to drink, from this her tears
Pangful spheres risen from a crystal heart; cast aside yesteryears cherub wings...
She awaits endless dreams; to awaken from this valley of broken things; her beauty.

by Paloma P |
Categories: allegory, analogy, drink, funny love, humorous, hyperbole, romance,

Essential Spirits

She was like Bordeaux,
a tall drink of spirit
He was more a hopped
pale lager like Pilsner, 
both gorgeous and
super gingered flavors,
although clashing mid
respective savored aplomb,
one so refined the other
rowdy after hours,
yet they complimented
each other in the way
they blended their
drunken demeanors, 
intoxicated by mere
existence of nature's
essential complexities

by Mohammad Yamin |
Categories: love, passion, night, night,

I Love You

In summer night when the sky is blue
When in hearts passions ignite
When the clouds shower a sprinkle or two
When desires brighten the darkness of night

When in the skies the stars wink
When butterflies sleep and night bird’s awake
When fountains flow with serenity’s drink
When the sound of breathing, the silence break

When thoughts are dressed in colorful gowns
When the breeze is pregnant with love’s fragrance
When the time in the lake of enchantment drowns
When in ecstasy the whirling Sufis dance

When my soul in agony of despair writhes
When swords of loneliness are out of sheaths
I care not whether false or true
Whisper in my ears, “I love you”

by Donna Golden |
Categories: journey, life, self,

I Drink of Life

I drink of Life
Of lavish beauty
Consuming its fragility 

I drink of Death
From which I flee
And cheat with immortality

I drink of pain
Its utter grief
And spew out my humanity

I drink of time
Of frozen bliss
And Change’s continuity

I drink of love
And drag it deep
For it is my serenity

© Donna Golden; December 25, 2014

by David Shawn Dodson |
Categories: appreciation, fathers day,

Thoughts of the Day

We have a laugh, and drink a beer,
Play some golf, and hunt for deer.

Your patience and wisdom, is without test,
Your confidence and clarity, is at its best.

Mentor and Dad, is what you are,
Saved and glad, your faith will go far.

I’m thankful and blessed, with a father like you,
Proud at its best, for the little things that you do.

Love and care, are words that I say,
Friendship to share, on Happy Father’s Day!

To: “Pop”

by Frederic Parker |
Categories: lost love,

To Fear a Broken Heart

To quiver in darkness, lost love to blame.
To build a tighter web to bind your heart.
Troubled by reason, your soul to reclaim.
To hide with the shadows, broken apart.
To cover yourself from pain and sorrow,
And flee from life, safe in darkness found.
Inside the dark, will be no tomorrow.
This despair you cling to, a chosen ground.
A broken heart becomes your domain,
Will always keep you from love's encroach.
It brings you comfort this dark thirsty pain,
A cold poisonous drink love will not approach.

A slow death alone, as your tears begin.
You hope love will find you worthy again.

date written 10/14/15
Frederic Parker
For the contest Trashed 4 sponsor Broken  Wings

by Liz Walsh |
Categories: funny

To Be Silly With-

I would love to swim to the 'Guilamine' in the skin
Or dance on a carpet of sheer pleasure
I might like an ice-cream cone on the way
Topped with pink and golden treasure.
I would enjoy a drink made of sparkles
That might light up with yellow-red magic
My dreary grey-blue life – and then
I would anticipate with joy an umbrella
Made of silk and maidenhair fern
To be silly with –

by David Brown |
Categories: bird, imagery, love, metaphor, sexy,

To Be Your Hummingbird

Oh, to be a hummingbird,
hovering near your flower
to float above your petals
for hour, upon hour

To taste your wondrous nectar
as I feel the morning dew,
to drink in all the mysteries,
the mysteries of you

by Lu Loo |
Categories: love, memory, missing you,

Warm Memories

There are frequent thoughts of a special place, and you are there with me, and we drink coffee and believe in each other. Time and time again, I've said it before- no matter how cold the weather gets... ~your memory will always keep me warm~ 10 February 2015

by Frederic Parker |
Categories: poetry,

As the Light Fades

White doves flutter, dying words whisper
Silence becomes haunting as Angels sing
A lone filtered light with its soft glister
Cast a shadow aloft from a dove's wing
This arrow of light pierces the dusk gray
To my knees, I fall and pray for you love
Touch the small casket where your body lay
And seek questions unanswered from above
I found no comfort in your final breath
Forgive me, as I drink this bitter wine
Release me from a vow before your death
As lost love chokes me with its shadowed twine

   This poison turns lips into darker shades
    And brings a silent dark as the light fades
