Love Poems About Bereavement or Bereavement Love Poems
by Tim Smith |
Categories: bereavement, loss, love,

My Heart Beats For You

Walking aimlessly through the woods
Searching for that spot we once stood
Pouring out my heart and my tears
Reliving memories of those special years

Red and orange and purple from green
Rich autumn colors, a sight to be seen
The winds of change quickly blowing in
With it a new chapter will soon begin

Not ready to give up, I can't let go
Where am I headed, where will I blow
Lost without you, what am I to do
Darling, my heart is still beating for you

by Edward Ebbs |
Categories: absence, age, angel, beautiful, beauty, bereavement, best friend, caregiving, christian, courage, death of a friend, dedication, desire, destiny, devotion, emotions, eulogy, farewell, fate, good night, goodbye, grave, heart, heartbreak, heartbroken, heaven, how i feel, humanity, husband, i miss you, leaving, life, loss, lost, lost love, love, marriage, meaningful, memorial, memory, obituary, perspective, remembrance day, sorrow, wife,

Lost My Song

When in this life I felt down
You were the one that was around

Maybe it was the way you held my hand
I knew in my heart you would understand

I miss the way we used to sit and talk
The times we didn't look at the clock

The way you walked in those tight jeans
Made me want to pull my skin and scream

I remember trembling at your touch
I love and loved you so very much

I am lost inside now you're gone
Baby you are still my life's song

When I look to the night sky, I tear
I miss you and wish you were here

Edward J Ebbs - 05/18/14

Written for a Contest, My Beloved Sweetheart

by Tom Valles |
Categories: appreciation, bereavement, blessing, death, eulogy, loss, wife,

Tell Her

Life is but a fleeting mist.
What is now, will soon be missed.
Seize the moment, say in words:
God’s greatest to you, was her.

Days of ordinary passing,
Too soon leave for nothing’s lasting.
Take the time to cherish her,
All widowers surely concur.

For when death’s door is finally closed,
No words or sonnets you’ve composed
Can reach the ears that once desired,
Your Love and words to lift; inspire.

Nothing in this world can bring
What you alone have offering.
Make the call, write the letter
Let her know you won’t forget her.

Death’s toll rings and she is gone
A vacuum fills and a fullness drawn.
While you can, express your heart
Before too soon, she will depart.

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: angel, april, bereavement, heaven, love, mother daughter, snow,

Your Sacred Soul Still Calms and Comforts Me

Ave-Maria hymns lift you in flight
to Heaven’s gate apt angel does ascend
and follows lantern's light predawn of night
on glide of song and blessings she does wend.

On April morn in skies of blue as you
besprinkle crystals from your seraph’s wings,
by mourning noontime snowfall does ensue;
a smoothing swaddle soothing harmed heart-strings.

In diamond-dusted frosted filigree
so sparkles soulful kisses you bestow
for scintillant reflective reverie
your glistened gift you send in silvern snow.

Beloved mother, sainted entity
you hush my cries with snow’s serenity.

by Eve Roper |
Categories: bereavement, love,

Grip To Hope

A desire of truth only his pleasant warmth can provide comfort. As I age tears and disquiet are my reward. I'm saddened by reality. I, an old brittle woman has lost sketched from memory, crystal sparks adoring our life all replaced with winter's sleep and loneliness. For I am weak, searching, reaching for what is, really is. Drowning, struggling through the chilly winds with aching darkness. Day after dark day, my home, a sealed coffin; in a bitter resentment detestable world. Crazed, I gaze out at verge of night at the gnarled sky and beyond and grip to hope unwilling to let go. 1/13/2020

by Panagiota Romios |
Categories: bereavement, grave, husband, loss, love, memory,

Tapestry of Life, An Elegy

             Tapestry of Life

In the still graveyard overlooking San Francisco Bay.
Her husband's young body doth rot and in profound 
silence lay.

Overlooking that city, where he married his young wife.
Who now recalls the beauty of his all too short, vibrant life.

The many walks on those heavenly hills, the poetry they read.
The coffee shops of North Beach, alas, their aromatic memories
So dreamy in her bowed, widowed head.

She stills dons her inexpensive, gold wedding ring to this very 
And when she touches it, all the magical love they shared~
still sings in it!

            December 28, 2019

by Roy Pett |
Categories: bereavement, betrayal, courage, lonely, princess, truth,

Princess of Courage

In days not long ago lived our princess 
gracious, elegant and so beautiful 
everyone she met rich, poor she'd impress 
a daughter, wife, and mother dutiful,

her oath and vows she took seriously 
sadly her true love was never returned 
abandoned treated mysteriously 
our princesses wellbeing unconcerned,

this loveless marriage and deceit must end
living in London’s pretence with prince John
unwilling to repair her heart nor mend
he was happy to divorce, see her gone,

her life ended in unexplained disaster 
sadly there was no happy ever-after.

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: bereavement, sad love,

Our Time Together

I loved our time together late at night
Love's sanctuary in each others arms
Unwinding and unraveling what's tight
Those years I spent succumbing to your charms

Initially, those hills we climbed were rough
Our boundaries were drawn with compromise
That look you gave me when you'd had enough
Approval of my worth in ardent sighs

But now to mem'ries I've become a slave
Each day I live, I pray to be my last
To sleep beside you even in my grave
Reclaiming love that saved me in the past

The love you gave still warms my broken heart
It's lonely picking up the scattered parts.

    an original poem by Daniel Turner

by May Fenn |
Categories: bereavement, death, funeral, loss, obituary, sorrow,

Death Is Not the End

Death is not the end,
For love goes on
And you will find the evidence
Long after I have gone.
The flowers that we planted
Will blossom without end,
You’ll find me in their beauty
As to their needs you tend.
The books we read together,
The laughter in the pages,
Will continue to give pleasure
To you throughout the ages.
So do not mourn my passing
You are not left alone,
You’ll always find me waiting
In the places we have known.
The bond that grew between us
Will not abate with time,
It will go on for always,
I’m yours and you are mine.

by Berteena Harmony Of The Soul |
Categories: bereavement, cancer, grief, loss, lost love, native american, tribute,


knew a Tiger
who swam with dolphins
along the razor’s edge

meditated with a yellow bird
under his honey’s tree
in a west coast garden.

rare breed
from an indigenous

poetic wisdom
written with

sung his songs
in syllables:
5-7-5 and 5-7-5-7-7.

beloved’s last kiss
left him fragrant roses
when she crossed over.

did our

beads, sky lanterns,
and a beautiful

he crying with Coyotes
to the moon or on
heaven’s Windswept Shore?

knew a Tiger
who walked
with the wind.

by Berteena
Harmony of the Soul
PoetrySoup Poem of the Day - January 29, 2019

by Elizabeth Kinch |
Categories: angel, baby, bereavement, heaven, loss, love, mother daughter,


O-n this Easter day God took you up to heaven.
L-ong days and nights followed, especially for your mummy who misses you with an
I-tensity that only a mother can. A
V-acant hole in her heart, forever longing for you.
I-nvisible threads of love will always bind you together, you are mummy's
A-ngel, who is always with her.

Remembering my niece Olivia who left this world twenty two years ago, aged three months.

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: bereavement, death, heartbroken, imagery, longing, lost love, sorrow,

Heartbreak Hill

Moments pass away as distant church bells dirge;
their widow’s woe in windy waver trembles my tears.

Up the westward hill smoldering neath sunset’s pyre, I carry
the remains of our song in the broken beats of my being, yearning
to yield to burning skies and surrender to spiralling empathic embers.

Susan Ashley 
May 24, 2019

~ First Place ~
Contest: May Premier 8 (4 - 5 Lines Max)
Sponsor: Brian Strand

by Wayne Riley |
Categories: bereavement, death, desire, faith, hope, journey,

So Shall It Be In the End

What choice has bittersweet despair,
A dying rose,
An empty chair.
Shall I then grieve and weep for thee
And temper broken heart and soul
So I can cherish one more gaze
Of happiness, of summer days
And bristle with abiding love
Of life cast now in shade and brook,
This ebb which pains with force and fate
United soon through heavens gate.

by Kishan Sharma |
Categories: beautiful, bereavement, best friend, betrayal, bird, birth, birthday, blue, class, computer, corruption, creation, dad, day, deep, girl, love, love hurts, missing, missing you, moon,

Love For Someone,

Sorrow is my companion now,
Why do you tears your drowsy?
The happiness you have received,
The realization of the world of sorrow.

Life has listened to me,
Why do you co-exit?
Love you all,
We all hate hatred.

Sorrow is my companion now,
Why do you tears your drowsy?

Everyone broken my heart,
Why do you do me love?
Why do you want us everything?
We have given everything to us only punishment.

Sorrow is my companion now,
Why do you tears your drowsy?
The happiness you have received,
The realization of the world of sorrow.

by Joseph Sergi |
Categories: bereavement, death, family, goodbye, loss, mom,

Hard To Say Good-Bye

I remember your smile and that twinkle in your eye.
How I miss those talks at the table by your side.
The blessings you had were very many it’s true.
A husband by your side with four children too.
Wife, Mother, and Nanny were the names you took.
Sometimes you liked to sit and read a book.
Above all you were loved and they stood by your side.
Even on that darkest night when we all cried.
We know the love you have for someone never dies.
But sometimes when we think of you we still cry.
Because sometimes it’s hard to say Good-bye.


by Verlena S. Walker |
Categories: age, angst, bereavement, body, change, crazy, stress,

Premature Aging

pReMaTuRe AgInG
an older woman and a younger man are a trix in between because as his love blooms he sees himself aging. _________________________|
penned on august 31, 2014!

by Mark Woods |
Categories: bereavement, heartbreak, loneliness, lost love,

My Neighbour

She’s lonely, the old lady just over the fence
Ninth decade approaching, alone and living past tense

Sometimes I see her and acknowledge good day
Put time to one side, not running away.

A love story she tells me, I’ve heard it before
The man that she married and simply adored.

His battle with cancer, he’s now spread on my land
How her family all left her, once they had cash in their hand.

I see the wrinkles of hurt carved into her face
Only I know the reason, why she’s attached to this place.

*The spelling of neighbour/neighbor is different between countries.

by Jan Allison |
Categories: bereavement, christmas, depression,

My First Christmas Without You

A snowy blanket lies on the ground as I visit your grave on Christmas Day, it’s my very first Christmas without you cancer cruelly snatched your life away We had so little precious time together, as you lay dying you made me your wife; when we whispered our vows we were crying I promised to love you for the rest of your life This year there won’t be any presents I’ve not bothered with a Christmas tree, I’m struggling to cope with depression my life’s so unbearable now it’s just me FICTION POEM A Sad Christmas - December 2018 Writing Challenge - Poetry Contest Sponsored by Dear Heart 12/5/18

by Eve Roper |
Categories: bereavement, i miss you, love,

Senryu- Ashes Trail Out With the Sky

draped close for the night
film scenes of you have no end -
mourning sobbing starts


Poetry Contest: Writing Challenge 3- March 2019 - Senryu 
Sponsored by: Dear Heart 

3/20/2019 Poem of the day

by Caycay Jennings |
Categories: angst, change, conflict, emotions, love, mother daughter, sad,


Somewhere along the way we lost it
and I cry wondering if I could have stopped it.

Just my hindsight saw it all unfold.
For years now it has been more than my heart can hold.

Mentally, your voiced views batter me.
Emotionally, your behaviors shatter me.

We have completely turned from love’s way
so, I dwell sad in past days laid tainted and frayed.

Though no final death scythe ended us,
separation bereavement exists between us.

I search for moves holding love’s right stuff
‘cause I need to show you, Mama, I hurt enough.

... CayCay
March 18, 2020

by Mockingbird Stevenson |
Categories: bereavement, betrayal, confusion, devotion, divorce, emotions, heartbreak, hurt, love, love hurts,


How does my body
This flesh that withholds my soul,,
manage to bear the weight from the chains that have been embedded upon my bequeathing heart?

Where does one hide the pain that is encrusted upon these eyes that are dreary and now fail to sleep?

Why cant my mind acquit, my heart adrift, my skin ache for the touch of another?

Does it have to be me that has to live with this night, because happiness is the other side of this mirror?


by Funom Makama |
Categories: anxiety, bereavement, depression, desire, love hurts, lust, prison,


Wishes are never horses, making beggars be less cheerful
Increased interest to the unreachable despite being careful
Subjects, condemns and stimulates one to be less grateful
The moment shortens the stretched hands and makes nothing wonderful
Feelings fiercely negative, make the coveted powerful
Unidirectional is the attempt which feels unlawful
Loving someone who will never love back, shows life is half full

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: bereavement, death, emotions, faith, feelings, inspirational, love,

Let It Be

Let it be, let it be; time to face the unknown. God's angels comfort me, I know I'm not alone. Let it be, let it be; the winds of fate have blown. My soul's finally free; death's but a stepping stone. Let it be, let it be; don't feel sad; dry your tears. Dwell on the memories we've built over the years. Let it be, let it be; I will always be near. Dying is natural; there is nothing to fear. Let it be, let it be; I'm but a dream away. And I choose to believe we'll meet again someday.

by Faye Gibson |
Categories: bereavement, death, dream, longing, love,

In Dreams

In dreams I see you just like you are here,
the lonely years fade pale and drift away;
we are together in a distant sphere
beyond life’s disappointments and decay.	

There, enjoying happy times we once knew
before death’s greedy sickle swept the grain
and left me longing for love’s rendezvous 
in some glad tomorrow beyond earth’s pain.

I wake to mundane days as they are now,
blank and persistent sameness to my way;
I acquiesce to fate and humbly bow,
accept no partner in my sad ballet.

I shall wait; sodden skies must someday clear.
In dreams I see you just like you are here.

Copyright, May 8, 2022
Orphan Sonnet Poetry Contest
Emile Pinet, Sponsor

by Pandita Sietesantos |
Categories: bereavement, death, love,

We'Ll Be Together Again

We’ll Be Together Again
On another chilly, Autumn day,
woeful winds wipe my tears away.
With him gone, like the moon I’m all alone,
in a dark universe, heartbroken, and forlorn.
I never took his precious love for granted,
my beloved one was all I ever wanted.
Now my world eclipses in shades of gray,
but I know we’ll meet in heaven someday.
Under wings of an angel he’s at rest,
dear God, please grant me one final request.
To join my soul with his forever,
when my earthly bonds You do sever.


Contest:     Poems that Paint a Picture - 2
Sponsor:     Silent One
Placement:  2nd