Love Poems About Spiritual or Spiritual Love Poems
by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: spiritual,

Earth Life Purpose

It’s my belief we all are here because
God wishes us to know both joy and pain
to learn of life, and also we have flaws
so we’re on earth to reach a higher plane.

Our life experiences help us to find
those attributes we’re in possession of
that we can use to benefit mankind.
God wants for us to bless the world with love.

By knowing sorrow, we will also grow
to more appreciate the good in life.
Of insecurities we must let go
and trust in God to see us through our strife.

Our purpose then most simply put is this:
to grow in grace so we might taste of bliss.

by Charlie Smith |
Categories: love, mystery, spiritual,

Beautiful Mysteries

Divinity lives beyond description Alone, a weary heart cries from its pain Desire eager for its conscription Might truth and love turn this way again? Sweet mysteries, this life, in dreams of thee Yield fantasy's passion I dare to share Walk from this muse, I pray to live in me Conceding this, my love, unto your care On lifeless shadows, cast your glowing light Bring a blessed presence to this peace I seek Rest too this solemn shade, this endless night With angelic verse, but you could only speak For seeking dreams to dream from up above I cast my will and fate to seek your love

by Silent One |
Categories: devotion, emotions, love,

Critical Liaisons

A poets dream, she'll seduce with her eyes, pens will desire to praise her charming guise, but be cautious, she'll treat you like her book, explore each chapter with her detailed look. Drain your ink, smoking pages in to fire, drink your spirit like blood thirsty vampire. But now it seems she may have met her match, a poet who's heart, she's struggling to snatch. He holds scriptures, she's never read before, each musing, leaves her yearning to feel more. A heart breaker, who gives no man a chance, dream maker, who leaves women in a trance. A modern day Samson and Delilah - spiritual soulmate who could tame her.
Silent One 20 October 2020

by I Am Anaya |
Categories: spiritual,

The Supreme Source

The center of energy resides in my heart Wherein the seed of divinity shant ever depart Their joy's root anchors firmly, yet lightly In my I AM presence it shines ever brightly The Trinity is embodied in three glorious plumes Blue, yellow, and pink; It's grand sacred rooms Of Power and Wisdom and Eternal Love Father, Son, Holy Spirit; on earth and above The Threefold Flame I humbly seek To arrive at last to the spiritual peak With elation I fulfill my reason to be The Liberty Flame! My soul's eyes can now see At long last I've completed my life's fated course As my soul splendidly weds the One Supreme Source

by Sandip Goswami |
Categories: life, love, philosophy,


I asked to my father
Baba, What is life ?
He politely said to me, " Life is Duty . "

I asked to my mother
Maa, What is life ?
She said to me with smile, " Life is Responsibility . "

I asked to my teacher
Sir, What is life ?
He said to me with love, " Life is Education . "

I asked to my spiritual master
Gurujee, What is life ?
He said to me with confidence, " Life is Devotion . "

Today my son who reads in class nine
Asked me
Babai, What is life ?
I have said to him, " Dear, You are my life . "


( Father means BABA, BABAI and Mother means MAA in Bengali language .  Gurujjee means spiritual master in Indian society )

by Joe Dimino |
Categories: faith, happiness, inspirational, love, meaningful, perspective, wisdom,

Spiritual Law

Spiritual law of attraction: one can only receive by giving. One has to become love, if to know love for reception. What we hold in our consciousness is who we are and what we attract. Walls are all we think we know...better to live from a clean slate. Letting go opens our hands (hearts) for spiritual grasping. We are born dying obviously. It is not for death but our only way to life. It is illusion, the doorway not empty, not a space to pass through, but, in fact, a dimension of less encumbered being~ one dies to live dies to live...there is never lives to die. No darkness in creation...if anything, there is only self keeping out the light.

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: appreciation, beauty, life, longing, love, night, spiritual,

The Lingering of Longing and Life

'Neath nocturnal bloom
the essence of self
dwindles in a pillowed horizon
twilight dies a whisper -
your voice in my ear…

the pale goddess rises
mothering angel’s tears
tending till dawn 
a moon garden vigil
bearing witness to your visit

by Richard Palmer |
Categories: faith, religion, uplifting, prayer, love, prayer,


One more morning,after one more night,
One more thanks for keeping things right,
One prayer to bed,one as you rise,
Good morning God,thanks for another sun rise,
Prayer is the fuel that keep us going,
Through troubled times,pray for strength keep rowing,
And without fear step out,face the unknowing,
Although all around negativity blowing,
Every day,even one positive seed,try sowing,
Within my veins,God love is flowing,
God is my friend,the devil,not interested to know him,
Here comes the garbage truck,over there throw him,
Don't just say you love God,pray show Him,
Remember prayer keeps us,spiritual growing...

by P.M. Richter |
Categories: image, self, spiritual,

Spiritual Birth

grace will find you when thoughts fade away crushed with unbearable grief "losing your mind" suffering during a dark night of the soul the ego crumbles; revealing the light your soul consciousness "finding yourself" directly experiencing the divine sense of oneness where everything is connected at a deeper level there is but one consciousness appearing as many "awakened" breathless views are available with inner focus crossing a chasm with one final leap of faith you become blissful; radiating like the sun "experiencing enlightenment" revived with a new perspective humans are never perfect but our pure being is "love"

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: angel, baptism, beautiful, beauty, love, spiritual, stars,

Supreme Being

When you came to me the earth revolved then stood still
dressed jewel of purest sunlight circled in gold mere reflections 

Through the oceans wings sailing inside waves embrace 
we rise and fall drawing from a breathless air filled with Peace 

Caught up within the sparkle lustre that sings from an echo returning 
twinkling stars light warmly together ally an alliance between souls 

Captured brightly the spirit of eternal beauty brings, under glowing beams 
when we act together as one temple forever crowns the heart to Love

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: devotion, life, metaphor, spiritual, sun,

Naked Souls

Naked souls...
Find in each other a kindred spirit
That speaks divinely, without words.
Auras coalesce in euphoric passions
Warming hearts and bodies
That rise to ethereal heights.
Sentient beings aware of the gift
Love employs to infinite degrees,
Valuing the depths of harmonic harmony.
Let sunrise penetrate its heavenly hues
In veneration of nature connecting
With the psyche, intuitive of karmic
Laws in recompense of past regrets.
Unveil the opaque shrouds that keep
Truth occult by delivering the naked soul.


by Charlie Smith |
Categories: angel, prayer, spiritual,

Stand Guard True Angel

As we worship, bring the silence in gracious peace ring down the day. Stay the light that's stained with violence, deliver calm, pass ill storms away. Send to us your guileless servant, pure of faith and stainless heart. Confer to him a truce so verdant with joyous love and hope impart. Stand guard against faults that rage and spare less fortune from the cold. Lift these hearts, fallen, fled with age and never loose us from your hold. Share with us your saving Grace with harmony that men embrace. 08/06/2018 Rhyming Poem On Angels Contest Sponsored by Emile Pinet

by Bill Baker |
Categories: angel, god, heaven, life, love, spiritual, wife,

Sara, My Glimpse of Heaven

Oh, glimpse of heaven’s beauty sent,
To share my love before it’s spent.

To save me from a loveless life,
You’ve sent an angel for my wife.

To join with me down life’s long road,
To share and lighten lifetime’s load.

For joys and problems life doth hold.
We’ll build our love to make us bold.

We’ll do our best in this man’s land,
To serve our God and with Him Stand. 

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: death, hope, love,

- Angels -

                                                love, mystery
                                         beautiful, bright, caring
                         peaceful, spiritual, messengers, guardian angels
                                      powerful, sparkling, presence
                                                 hope, longing

26. June 2012
A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

by A.O. Taner |
Categories: august, beach, beautiful, cool, crush, deep, destiny, devotion, fantasy, feelings, first love, fishing, freedom, funny love, future, girlfriend, hope, i love you, i miss you, journey, joy, judgement, lost love, love, love hurts, meaningful, miracle, ocean, people, places, romance, sea, sensual, simple, spiritual, water, women, world,


Don't rush to wash off the sea salt 
drying on your skin;
the hopes it carries from other oceans,
those remain yet to be seen.

by Winged Warrior |
Categories: angel, love, spiritual,

Reflections In Twilight

Angels in twilight
Reflections of affections
Dancing in starlight

When angels entwine
Harmonic explosions of devotions
A love divine

When angels embrace
Roses and wine will make you mine
With satin and lace

When angels dance
Starlets on fire with great desire
A burning romance

When angels fly
Dropping wishes of kisses
Amidst the jasmine sky

When angels sing
Humming in orchestral celestial
Vibrations in their wing

When angels dream
Marshmallow clouds over the crowds
Sitting on soft lavish green

When angels cry
Tears of wasted years
Reflections in my eye.

Sponsored by: Brian Strand

by Kelly Deschler |
Categories: absence, death, devotion, grave, loss, miss you, spiritual,

Eternal Breath

I think about you, every single day,
Since from me, you were taken away,
Your absence has left my world cold,
Now I am alone, with no hand to hold.

I wish that I could bring you home,
So that your soul, shall need not roam,
I hope that you were given white wings,
To fly amongst, where the angel sings.

Within my heart, your eternal breath,
Shall now linger on, even after death,
My love for you shall never cease,
So, may you always rest in peace.

Written by: Kelly Deschler  

Gautami Phookan's contest - The Poet III

For Gail Angel Doyle's contest - "Eternal Breath"

by Richard Palmer |
Categories: life, uplifting, life,

Sweet Sweet Life

Our world,our country,our community,our home,
Where we live,learn,grow and play,
Where after life journey,no matter how short,
Our temple called flesh will lay,
So lets move with no delay,
To improve on our living each day,
Look around,see what needs to be done,
Lets approach it as if it's all about having fun,
Let not vanity lead you astray,
Or with you the devil will play,
Embrace God,have faith,please pray,
Live life, be considerate,give love,
And lets make our life a happy spiritual adventure....

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: devotion, inspirational love, prayer, religious, river, spiritual, spring, water,


sung buddhist prayers
released afloat spring rivers
    a skyward mist

AP: Honorable Mention 2020

Submitted on March 5, 2018 for contest HAIKU, THEME: WATER  sponsored by MICK TALBOT

by Besma Riabi Dziri |
Categories: heart, journey, joy, love, passion, spiritual,

Love Loud

Turn on the beats of the heart
And loud love.
The soul longs to hum
The tune of passion.
An upbeat aura of magic
Steering the ride.
An everlasting journey of love
Luring hearts to be on board.
A puff of spring breeze turning mild
Blankets of frozen feelings.
Breathe in the scent of love
Design a divine cocoon.
The music within is warm enough
To bloom.
Uncage fears and worries
Rejoice what of beauty
In can be filled.
Seize times of glee
And set the  soul free.
Turn on the beats of the heart
And loud love.

May 19th,  2018

by Frederic Parker |
Categories: spiritual,

To Be a Light Warm

The soul vibrates like a musical note
plucked by the changing universe of life
and within this realm, our conscious will float
with love as our true sword, we'll battle strife
we are the love born connected to all
to fight the dark if we wish to be whole
the conquered darkness we allow to fall
then seek the divine, and placed on love's scroll
names which are written, threads which are woven
to be a universal sacred cloth
where all of the love is interwoven
to protect our souls against demon's wroth
like water, we flow without any form
our souls merge with love, to be a light warm

contest Unity Consciousness

by Susan Jeavons |
Categories: blessing, faith, heaven, inspirational, jesus, spiritual,

Our Fathers Love

God touches us with healing hands 
if we will just believe
he’ll take away our every pain
our sorrows when we grieve. 

He’ll hold us in his loving arms 
and wipe away our tears
and in the darkest part of night
he’ll ease all of our fears. 

For God the Father’s love is pure
much purer than the snow
and when we accept him in our hearts 
it’s then that we will know 

that no other love can ever compare
to the love we feel inside 
for a father who loved us all so much 
that upon a cross he died. 

Even in our darkest hour 
his love will light the way
so that we might have eternal life 
with him in heaven someday.

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: inspirational love, love, spiritual, uplifting,

The Artistry of Your Loom

Transform me...

weave me slowly
into the silky essence
of ecstasy ~

spellbinding are your stirring threads
of silver and gold -
rich is your tapestry of tender tendrils --

and sacred is the union
of our
tantra breaths

Susan Ashley
July 6, 2018

*Tantra; Sanskrit: literally “loom, weave, system” - Wikipedia.
Tantra represents weaving strands into a unified whole; leaving this piece open to different interpretations of awareness, romance or spirituality based on your perspective*

~ First Place ~
Premiere Contest: July 2018 
Sponsor: Brian Strand

by Charlie Smith |
Categories: angel, rain, spiritual,

Angels In the Rain

In wisps from a gentle spirit, I do my crying in the rain. Softer grace, I must inherit, when only angels know my pain. Harps sacred music beckons thee as gentle rain bequeaths its will. From faith and love reveal to me an angels heart to shield me still. Angel In The Rain Contest. 06/13/2018

by Caycay Jennings |
Categories: appreciation, blessing, faith, god, heart, spiritual, thanks,

Heartfelt Thanks

Heartfelt are my thanks for all the blessings ever flowing in, out and through my life. I feel fortunate for each go-round with strife that arrived to design my soul’s truth dressings. My humbled breath streams awe when I feel His touch upon my grateful soul, heart, thoughts and actions. With love, He guides my steps to divine traction and lifts fear-based, stinking thinking from my clutch. I am delighted when harmony fills my home where family memories grow, glow and unfold. My simple life prospers me more than bars of gold. My soul greets days with heart-praise wherever I roam.
Brian Strand N November 10, 2018