Love Poems About Color or Color Love Poems
by Pace Ink-U-Script |
Categories: love,

The R-O-S-E


T~hirty-two steps through the yellow-green grass led me to you.
H~aving to choose which one; my heart with no doubt chose you.
E~very rose bloomed quite differently, though nothing meretricious like you.

R~ed is known to be the favorite color to man; color blinded; my soul desired you.
O~f all the roses, my senses were captivated and comely to you.
S~ome men may pick more than one rose; but, I only want you.
E~ven mother nature so pulchritudinous can't compare to you.

Pace, G


by Honestly J.T. |
Categories: america, for her, for him, friend, friendship, growth, how i feel, international, journey, love, racism, school, social, together, truth, uplifting,

One World

Love is not a color,
No hue, neither a race.
All of our blood is the same, 
That runs deep within our veins.

If we could lift up each other,
And know that we all care.
If we help our sisters and brothers,
There's a bond that we'll share.

©2013 Honestly JT

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: color, life, poems,

Write Your Name

Paint the world of words so bright

Brush the canvas with pure delight

Be the rainbow coming out of a storm

The sunrise of a beautiful morn

Paint the world as you would wish

For what is written expresses it

Hearts maybe black or blue

A bright smile colors I love you

Paint it as a blind man sees

Hear it as the deaf conceives

Blank spaces upon your walls

Interpretations are meant for all

Paint the world and let it be

You are you and I am me

No left,right or middle lanes

Colors are one and the same…write your name

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: love, rose,

By Any Other Name

If love could have a color, I suppose
it wouldn’t be just any common shade.
I’d name it for the colors of the rose.
In heaven’s hues this flower is arrayed!

From chaste love’s hush of pink to heady rush
that’s shown by cardinal or crimson red,
the rose reveals the grades of ardor’s blush
unto the time it’s thought that passion’s fled.

But in the tint of amaranth, the fire
endures; in purple deep it can transcend,
while yellow blooms in bliss that does not tire,
and white’s fidelity will have no end.

Though black the bud, a red will grow thereof.
By any other name, the rose is love.

by Eve Roper |
Categories: dream, love, spring,

Dreams Hued In Cherry Blossoms

She walks underneath the pink sunshade trees dressed in flowing antique white bridal gown. Un-dissuaded heart, to laugh, love, a peace drawn to fragments of leaves rustling around. The start of spring; radiant glow of pink. A fountain of cherry blossom petals trace down to the ground dressing the green. A wink of amorous scene of warmth of her grace. Enthralled by sensation of sweet scent tease, gold sunshine rays' columns stand and solemn. Poetic strokes of emotions to please, a life draped in dreams hued in cherry blossoms. A blank canvas rich in true color spun in glaze memories not to be undone.

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: life, seasons,

Another Season

For years, I've watched my seasons come and go
Beneath the pines along the River Brine
I've drunk my fill of robust summer wine
Survived the stinging lonely winds that blow

Now once again spring brings her color show
Rebirthing beauty by Divine design
And even though my days are in decline
I'll add her mem'ries to next year's bordeaux

The rose inside my heart is in full bloom
Amongst forget-me-nots and memories
A sign to me that love in me abides
Intoxicating me with sweet perfume
Another season blown in on a breeze
That seem to come and go like changing tides.

     3/21/2023                             Daniel Turner

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 12th grade, beautiful, character, feelings, how i feel, imagery, imagination,

The Color of My Heart

Sketch tomorrow leaving today behind, following the footsteps of yesterday. And feel the ripple of all life combined; empty your thoughts; take all but love away. Emblazon upon your mind a blue sky gilded by the golden hue of sunrise. And ponder a dragonfly zipping by, watching its beauty materialize. Blend the yellow of a buttercup's glow with flashes of flickering firefly lights. And walk the Earth, yet, let no footprint show, respecting life by honoring its rights. Mix well until presumptions fall apart; and thus reveal the color of my heart.

by John Gondolf |
Categories: color, love,

Colors of Love

Deep within my hidden pastel dreams
are soft sweet colors of a newborn spring
dressed up in mauves and pinks and windham creams
while giving hope to love and all it brings.

Painted in the colors of the dawn,
like pinks and purples of the morning sky,
magenta dreams will bloom and love will spawn
as newly mated hearts begin to fly.

And thus our lilac love has taken flight
while sharing orchid thoughts without remiss;
soft words and fuchsia touches in the night
are punctuated with a crimson kiss.

The coral sun rays beaming from above
are raining down these colors of our love.

October 23,2024
Poem of the Day - October 24, 2024

by Roy Pett |
Categories: beauty, change, color,

Thought Changer

Catching sight of unwanted reflection 
through my eyes I observe my murky mind
lifeless, inactive, defying action
just a blank canvas, raw, pure, unrefined,

desire to inject substantial color 
inspired pastels to brighten the darkness
eyes opaque though restrict light, much duller
impulses, brain requesting less Starkness,

my poor mind is without shape or structure 
until my thoughts turn to the one I love
blissful images, colorful picture
changing this abyss, no more mourning dove,

she changes my thinking without restraints 
such beautiful colors my mind she paints.

by Eve Roper |
Categories: winter,

The Color Palette of the World Has Changed

The color palette of the world has changed.
Wispy painters brush clouds line a clear calm sky.
The day is dry and cold, powdery snow starts to fall.
Flowers have ceased budding and spilling over in the garden;
yet the passion, fragrant, rosebud cherry and amber
honeysuckle vine, twines round the wooden arbor,
inviting the few scarce bees to come to its nectar.
Forbearance wooden starlings and mourning doves
move on with their singing and coo-OO-oo throughout the day.
Warm breath onto the cold window, a traced note of love.


by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: children, color, fun, nursery rhyme,

- Build Play and Learn With Lego -

                                    Lego in many fresh colours
                                    they belong to my brothers

                                 Hocus pocus, endless adventure
                                    turning up the temperature

                                  They love these building blocks
                             driven by imagination, create a red fox

                             There are no limits to what you can build
                        The Eiffel Tower probably 300 meters, so thrilled
                                       The world's best playtime
                                         ... evening or daytime

by Casarah Nance |
Categories: color, love, rainbow,

Rainbow In My World Today

There is a rainbow in my world today,
With every word your write my way.
Colors of emotions flow in harmony,
as they spread across the sky in unity.
Wrap me in your red, orange and blue,
fill me with the violet passion of you.
You make the sky shine after that rain,
softly your soul pushes away the pain.
In every luxurious line that you say,
you are the rainbow in my world today.


by Eve Roper |
Categories: nature, winter,

painters brush

The color palette
has changed of the world .
painters wispy brush
clouds line clear calm sky.
Day is cold and dry,
Fine snow starts to fall.
Plants have ceased budding
bent, spilling over
yet passion, fragrant,
unadorned jasmine,
honeysuckle vine,
knit wooden arbor.
untiring starlings,
early mourning doves
move the day with their
inviting singing
and soft coo-OO-oo
throughout the chill day.
Ardent breath, note traced
of love, a heart shape
onto cold window.


by Lycia Harding |
Categories: assonance, autumn, heartbreak, remember, sad love, summer, winter,

When Winter Comes, Remember Me


When Winter comes, remember me 
beside you on those ivory sands
If frozen fingers reach for thee, 
arise and fling aside her hands

As you awake on shortening days, 
when Winter comes, remember me 
We'll pray that Frost forsake his grays 
and set arrays of color free

Light snow may fall so subtly, 
bright notes on parchment sheer as sleet,
when Winter comes. Remember me,
that I might play each shimmering sheet

Short interlope of Summer gone, 
I'm owed no scope of reverie 
but hope you will, from this day on, 
when Winter comes, remember me....


by David Meade |
Categories: love,

Haiku 32 Color Love

golden earth tones 
              brown - sky blue - red yellow leaves
                           your love colors me

David Meade
Live Generously

by Tonytocaa Camacho |
Categories: courage, discrimination, freedom,

To Be Free

The color
Of mankind
Echoed in 
Our minds
The Realities
Of life
The ethnic
Flow of
Our blood
Giving us life
Giving us hope

We were 
Color blind
The world
Didn't understand
The differnt
Shades of 

We were free
Of that kind of 
That brought 
Many of us
To our knees 
Even as you 
Lay in my arms
While our church
Was ingulfed 
In flames
Whispering to me
Be free my love
Be free
Lesser men would
Have gone mad 
You see
But not I 
I would not 
succumb to
That kind of 

 All rights reserved
   A.camacho jr.

by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: lost loveme, longing, love, me,

Color Me Blue

Color me blue
As I think of you
A love once true
Has lost its radiant hue

Tomorrow I begin anew
How?  I haven't a clue
A love once true
Has now faded blue

Where is the joy we knew
Happiness that grew
A love once true
It's gone; it flew

I know we're through
All around I see blue
A love once true
Leaves me longing for you

Wondering what I can do
No more to pursue
A love once true
Has left me so blue

I eat my words, I chew
Taste like a worn shoe
A love once true
Has gone askew

Did I misconstrue
I strove to continue
A love once true
Until you withdrew

Color me blue

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: happy,

Kaleidoscope Eyes

My eyes, some days, a flirty blue,
wink cerulean skies at you.
Let’s dally in sun’s gilded rays.
A flirty blue, my eyes - some days.

At evening time my eyes flash bright
as emeralds in sultry night.
Come bathe with me in passion’s clime.
My eyes flash bright at evening time.

Romantic eyes, with whisper of
soft lavender for one I love.
In gossamer, I’ll mesmerize
with whisper of romantic eyes.

In early morn, a green, pearl-gray
reflects your face in velvet day.
This placid hue my eyes were born-
a green, pearl-gray in early morn.

(My eyes actually change color with the contact lenses I choose to wear

by Marty Owens |
Categories: passionred, love, red,

Crayon of Bright Red

Red is the crayon that I love to use.
So vivid and bright without any abuse.
I color so lively and make each stroke count.
Even making the water red in the fount.

In my pictures the hair on everyone's head.
Yes you guessed it, they're all a bright colored red!

The seasons of summer and winter and fall.
I color them all red without any appall.

So if you're an artist you plainly can see.
Everything will be red if you depend on me.

If you've heard like me, as it's often been said,
That "Passionate people always love red!"

by Jeff Burris |
Categories: nostalgia,

A Flower

I love the smell and softness
of a flower as it lay
spread in splendid color 
and sweet aroma stayed
like a virgins' kiss
with inviting touch
that gently opens
to give itself away.

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: beauty, love, passion, red, sun,

Fifty Shades of Red

She indulges in sensorial delights
Marked with the color of ecstasy
The passion she drinks is diluted with eroticism
The moon melts with her gentle gaze
Honey drips from her luscious lips
Like ruby flames sweeping desert dust away
Oasis of churning lava explodes within her fiery spirit
 seducing the sun with her golden skin
Far away from Love's imprisonment
She builds her castle of desires
Imprinted with 
                  FIFTY~~~~~ SHADES OF~~~~~~RED

A Collaboration With Liam Mc Daid and Red Fiery

by Charlie Smith |
Categories: beauty, love, spring,

A Song To Spring -Contest

The joyous scent of living
          That leaps from life's perfume
     Spring murmurs its beginning
          From hope and dreams in bloom

     The choir of color sings of thee
          With hues in rich new verse
     As if this song was meant to be
          From rhymes all well rehearsed 

     As petals graced with morning dew
          Rise softly towards the sun
     So in Spring hope doth renew 
          Its perfect Love for life begun.

by Freddie Robinson Jr. |
Categories: color, love, rainbow, romantic,

Gray Area

Sometimes when matters are in the gray,
it ain’t always black and white
There are times when emotions are deep blue,
canary yellow thoughts can make us wanna fly, shy away
Then, bright orange glowing memories
bring gentle, evergreen smiles
As time’s seasonal change sunset down on us
Being lifelong lovers, we got
amethyst purple hearts of courage
that beats with 
ruby red rhythms of loving perseverance
Here at this humble, brownstone garden abode,
two pink carnations have budded and bloomed
Now looking at the graying of the skies,
we can see the rainbows in each other’s eyes
Reflecting the soul spectrum of our love

by Vijay Pandit |
Categories: love,

Paint Us As We Are

Thinking of you I’m painting of love
Ascribing endearing brushstrokes
Ambivalent of my reach to inform
As I adumbrate upon soul’s canvas

Come build this portrait with me
Emblazon those empty spaces
Color them boldly as you please
Embolden contours of your wishes

And when your heartbeats speak
Indulge them in enamored feelings
Savoring love’s treasured meaning
As flame of passion ignites within

Clasp this wave beckoning now
Lift us, dear, to crest from trough
Glide merrily riding tides of awe
But paint us, my love~ as we are

April 1, 2022
Placed 1st: A Brian Strand Standard Contest

by Gabrielle Jordan |
Categories: betrayal, color, lost love, love hurts, perspective, yellow,

Sandpaper and Phantom Rainbows

When I saw him last, 
He wore grey bananas on his feet 
He had a pirate’s hat between his teeth 
Long last the man from Oliver Kitten arrived on the shores of my head 
How was he to bring such a large basket of straws and ask me to bloom a white rose 
You have been back he said with a twirl of a red gem 
Yellow kittens for my pleasure, 
Only one black dog
Keep roaring up the hill, don’t stop 
Take the bottom off the wheel
You won’t need it soon 
You are on your way down 
The pink parade will catch your fall 
Dolphins everywhere 
Even under my old brown coat