Love Poems About Ninette or Ninette Love Poems
by Paul Callus |
Categories: love,

Gambling On Love

love can be a gamble treading on sand in uncharted land hoping to quench the craving of parched hearts - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A Ninette Poetry Contest Sponsored by Emile Pinet Placed 2nd © 30th May 2020

by Harry Horsman |
Categories: rain, spring,


spring showers sings in her mellifluous voice on the roof tops aids the new birth with sunshine's gentle love
© Harry J Horsman 2022

by Jan Allison |
Categories: beach, children, nature, sea,

Wonderful Waves

Waves kissing tiny toes splashing, cooling. Ebbing and flowing on golden sands where children love to play. 07~16~16 Checked with how many syllables 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1 Contest One Stanza Only sponsored by Broken Wings

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade, 9th grade, emotions, feelings, love, soulmate,


We are more than lovers we are soulmates, you’re my missing half. I’m part of you and you are part of me. (Ninette) 05/24/2020

by George Aul |
Categories: life, love,


I said
to your heart
what's on my mind
would you love me more
or would you run
away from
me and

For "Ninette" contest sponsored by Joann Grisetti.

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 10th grade, 9th grade, christian, faith, feelings, god, love,

Faith Is Blind

faith is blind deaf and dumb trusting that God needs no defending it does not ask Him for proof of His love (Ninette) 08,02,2019

by Hiya Sharma |
Categories: angel, dream, first love, love, poetry, romance, stars,

Rose-Quartz Haze

When jade Specks of desire carved a raven calamitous shape of coal-crescent, losing the last soil once
My lilac heart of rouge runes, shimmered in galaxy, lathered with embers of laced life for soul of thou
I float in rose quartz haze befogged upon starlit symphony's hymnal moondust, strolling in perfumed 'You'.

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade,

Know Yourself

listen hard
your strengths and talents
love yourself well

by Kim Merryman |
Categories: love,

Love Is a Verb

Love is a verb, not just a feeling, not just a pretty word. Love reaches out, meets a need, touches hearts.

by Ninette Carey |
Categories: betrayal, dark, destiny, grave, love,


Living in the Dark

Never truly finding the light

A glimpse here and there

Only to be stolen again

By Loves Selfish Snare

Resting in a open coffin

Awoken now and than

Only to be duped for Prince Charming Evil Sin.........

I close my eyes and heart once more

And return to my destine box

Hopefully Never to be Kissed
Putting Emily's Heart to Rest

And in Her Dreams

 She Once Again Couples Her Eternal Bliss.......................
The Corpse Bride......

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: beautiful, change, feelings, love,

True Love-Ninette

True love is the one thing that changes you, shaping who your are, and yet does this so subtly, it don't hurt. Written Oct. 8th , 2015 for “ Ninette - Poetry Contest”.

by Clifford Villalon |
Categories: emotions, feelings, for her, for him, love, valentines day,

Reds, You and Me

in hearts
beats in darts
feelings on hold
never crease or fold
beating untold
young or old
your heart

by Clifford Villalon |
Categories: love, peace,

Peace of Nine

we sow
grains so small
fonder that grow
in places for all.
Harvests we reap
love we heap

by Shane Cooper |
Categories: god, love,

God's Loving Mercy

As the
Tallest peak
Deep as the sea
Gods loving mercy
Enwraps mankind
With his grace
From on

by Sandra Haight |
Categories: love, mother,

A Mother

A mother is a sponge blotting tears and fears throughout her life absorbing pains and burdens of her kids Sandra M. Haight ~3rd Place~ Contest: Ninette Sponsor: Silent One Judged: 10/13/2015

by Hija De La Luna |
Categories: i love you, i miss you, life, loss, love, memory,

Memory - a Ninette

Neurons on fire.
You are the one thing.
The many things.
I let go.
But not.

- maria

by John Lawless |
Categories: break up, lost love, suicide,

Broken- Ninette

BROKEN Damn that day eye contact love at first sight failing visions lie whispered good-byes body found beneath dam 10/11/2015 submitted to Ninette – Poetry contest sponsor – Silent One

by Meenakshi Raina |
Categories: best friend, hope, love,

All I Need

pure is your heart with no veins of hate
your simple smile wipes my worries
you fuel my wings with hope
liberate me from past,
all I  need in life
is your true love
you   calmly
touched my

April 26, 2017.
Form N - Ninette or Nonet - Poetry Contest 
Sponsored by: Broken Wings

by Karam Misra |
Categories: humor, humorous,

Everything Rocks

I love to sip whiskey on the rocks and hang out with the jocks wife hates this all marriage is on the rocks
~30 Jul 2016~

by Cheryl Koko Koomoa |
Categories: autumn, emotions, heart, i love you, relationship, romance,


Flower girl Nice and easy Sweet and breezy Looks like a summer eve Wild flowers in bold colors Flirty smile,make believe Her seduction schemes Renoir romantic, In his dreams Daylight He awakens His heart's been taken Her honey girl kisses sweet With her seductive persuasion Wine and romantic elation He'll be married soon By sway of moon Goodnight

by Juliet Ligon |
Categories: bible, encouraging, endurance, god, jesus, love, true love,


                            show love,
                            in spite of
                      feelings. Express
                        for others, just
                          as Christ did
                                for us

Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.
Phillipians 2:3 KJV

Ninette Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Caren Krutsinger

by Gabriel Sundman |
Categories: lost love, love hurts,

Missing You Ninette

you left
my heart died
I can't move on
Everyday I miss you
Love me again
Hold my hand
Kiss my

8 October 2015

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: i love you, teen love,

Falling In Love the First Time

First intense
Eliminates sense
Feels alone
Only one
Who Knows

by Nayda Ivette Negron Flores |
Categories: forgiveness, life, love, smile,

Lessons of Life Ninette

One you have
Forgive truly
Live with a passion
Love intensely
Smile a lot
Don't lose

For Ninette Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Silent One
Fourth Place

by Demetrios Trifiatis |
Categories: joy, love,




              Of our hearts

            We implore you

         Your subjects to be

           In your kingdom

                 Of delight

                  and pure


© Demetrios Trifiatis
    11 October 2015