Love Poems About For Her or For Her Love Poems
by Honestly J.T. |
Categories: america, for her, for him, friend, friendship, growth, how i feel, international, journey, love, racism, school, social, together, truth, uplifting,

One World

Love is not a color,
No hue, neither a race.
All of our blood is the same, 
That runs deep within our veins.

If we could lift up each other,
And know that we all care.
If we help our sisters and brothers,
There's a bond that we'll share.

©2013 Honestly JT

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: funny, love, sad,

How Long

I've never kissed a pig with my eyes closed
Nor have I ever held a hand of time
However, there was once when I proposed
But that was back when I was in my prime

I still recall how much she loved to dance
She'd laugh at me and make my face turn red
She taught me all the secrets of romance
That love was what one did, not what one said

I search the shadows for her purple hue
I take her mem'ry everywhere I go
Its smile has it's own special shade of blue
Its  taste so sweet no one could ever know

They tell me only time mends broken hearts
I wonder just how long before it starts.

   by Daniel Turner

by Robert Lindley |
Categories: appreciation, creation, emotions, happiness, joy, love, magic,

Prayer For Her, This Wounded Heart Healed

Prayer For Her, This Wounded Heart Healed

Please keep this dream in my lost life
remove painful sting and life filled with strife
Let her dance and sing another sweet tune
as I hold her under this, merciful God's moon.

An excerpt from:  "As I Hold Her Under This, Merciful God's Moon"
(written 7/26/2015)
For- Your Best Poem #2 contest, sponsor	Shadow Hamilton

Now Submitted for contest: July 19, 2019
Contest: Arbitrium Divisa 3
Sponsor: Gregory R Barden

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: deep, dream, lost love, love,

Kiss the Wind

I lay down
A lazy Sunday afternoon
The first winds from the north
Blowing snow like a blanket upon our souls

I fall asleep, in a haze of dreams
Where there she appears and forgive the obvious
The woman of my dreams
Never undressed, mind nor body

Here, in my delusion I beg for her heart
Tears roll down upon her chest
I whisper softly, tell me, tell me
You are my twin, in coldness and the dark

Entwined, we breathe slowly in silence
Words have flowed like the tears of the past
I hold on, in love, in desperation, in ecstasy
I caress her hair, and whisper be mine


Then I awoke, another sad day

by Andrew Fairchild |
Categories: for her, innocence, integrity, love, rose, snow, trust,

Sonnet 28 'I Think I Know the Name of Purity'

I think I know the Name of Purity,
It is Your Name -- it holds clear water well!
A Chalice carved almost to shattering,
A white rose, that alone, grows in the dell
With drops of ice adorning its still face
The warmth of heart that comes with falling snow
The few flakes that adorn your lashes, by grace
Delightful cold that creeps up from below
Loquacity that speaks only the Truth,
Amazed by every small, delightful thing
Ubiquitous praise and unbroken Youth
Right Trust, that gave your finger to the Ring
Inevitable Joy, and whispered Love
E'er faithful, that this all is from Above.


Submitted for:  Standard Poetry Contest 175

Sponsored by:  Brian Strand

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: longing, love hurts, romance,

My Love She'D Lent


I followed her where'er she went
Lured onward by her fragrant scent

She clasped his hand, a handsome gent
How could she know my love she'd lent

I died one thousand deaths inside
Choked back my tears with wounded pride

How long such anguish could I bear
My heart asunder to let tear

The hour had come to make my move
My love for her I had to prove

Unsteady I, and quite unsure
Just how to break the news to her --

My tongue was still despite I tried
'To ask her this: 'Please be my bride.'

      ~ Iambic Tetrameter ~

        December 30, 2019

by Vijay Pandit |
Categories: dance, desire,

Entertainer-Anacreontic Couplets

Charmed by her exotic glance She enchants a sexy dance In costumed display of art Strumming rhythms of joyful heart Choreographing slow grooves In graceful, musical moves As gestures paint passion themes And song of love stokes their dreams When desires-enamored spree Hypnotized in tunes of glee But look closely, watch her sigh Hear the bawl of tearless cry When crowds deceitful extol Exhibit of anguished soul As smiles aesthetic hide pain And feigned visage cries disdain Cheer for her to turn the page For she longs to leave this cage Leave realms inebriated Of drunk notions, ill-fated

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: appreciation, forgiveness, love hurts,

An Unpaid Debt

With less tomorrows than I've yesterdays
In looking back I have but one regret
Before that last tomorrow fades away
I wish that I could pay an unpaid debt

Back to a summer day so long ago
How frivolous we were with innocence
Two kids in love and way too young to know
Decisions made in haste have consequence

In tenderness I'd kiss away her tears
I'd tell her I am sorry for her pain
Give back the love I'd carried all those years
Convince her that her gift was not in vain

I'd ask for her forgiveness on my knees
Tears of contrition I would surely weep
Then thank her for life's sweetest memory
And with her blessing peacefully I'd sleep

  October 10 2016

by Laura Breidenthal |
Categories: beauty, dedication, for her, heart, remember, romantic, sad love,

Eucalyptus Longing

The rushing wonts of action render these happenings unmovable,
These feelings, passionately felt, to dull words ill and strained
She clings, my koala, with chocolate eyes pining for my green
Though each time she lets me go, she leaves me docile and pained 

Once before I claimed her; yes, she did not turn away from me
But instead gazed on how the breeze could sway my branches
I wanted my bark to secrete the sweetest tears,
So she would know how eternally I yearn for her glances

For it is she alone, who can consume and digest my poisons
It is she alone—besides the sun—who gives me reason to stand erect

by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: mother,

Unbroken Chain of Love

Was there ever a time she doubted my love?
As a child, did I let her know how much her acts of kindness meant? 
No one will ever love me as she did.
Decades have passed, but my heart still yearns for her touch.
Ageless is the affection for the mother who lives in my heart.

*Written March 15, 2015, in honor of my mother who passed far too young in 1984.

by White Wolf |
Categories: angst, conflict, love,

One Must Remain:

Like a thunderbolt through the heart, She was beauty, a work of art, A snowfield on a summer's day, She was an angel here to stay. Such loving eyes to gaze upon, How could I ever do her wrong, The moment of truth did come then, As I wrote with paper and pen. Was she truly the love for me? This is something that I must see, Plainly my love for her was torn, To walk in two worlds I was sworn. One of love the other duty, Neither shall wane but one must be. (Eight syllables per line)

by Jeremy Martin |
Categories: mother, me, love, me,

For My Mom

Though many songs are written of angels
I must add to the empire 
This small hymn to a woman, a champion of life 
Nameless here, but named in all things good and pure
I'll stand beside her work, her artistry astounds the stars 
And all light that is given is humbled in her presence 
Every worry is smoothed away, all tears absolved 
God, let me take her sadness into me and carry it for her
Until I am old, and then I'll have my chance to see her once more 
I am not a religious man, but she brings the divine to me  
And cradles me forever in her selfless, adoring arms 
I love you mother, I love you
I will always love you

by Lin Lane |
Categories: grief, sorrow,

Hello Sorrow, Hello Grief With Tim Smith

Tim's poem, Hello Sorrow, was the incentive for my continuance of the sorrowful emotion in Hello Grief.

Hello Sorrow

There you are old friend— 
 I knew that you were here 
  wrapped alone beside desolation 
   hidden deep amongst despair 

Hello my sorrow there you lie— 
 in the wallow of disdain 
  shun me forth in misery 
   regret infused past pain

          ~     ~     ~

Hello Grief

Here you are once again
  I knew you would return
   as a shadow of my sorrow
    when for her arms I yearn

Hello grief, my haunting friend
 ghostly memory of my heartache
  how long will you remain 
    for a love I must forsake

by Mark Anthony Cotterman |
Categories: art, love,

Poetry Is

Poetry is white lights falling upon rainbows and snow
Casual exchanges blinked upon a shared pillow
Lip prints etched inside an antiquated photograph
The obligatory holding of hands as a lost-craft

Poetry is the scent of morning kisses
Words that blossom, an arrow that misses
Umbrellas unopened on a drizzling day
A trail of lovers unable to find their way

Poetry is an evening sparrow chasing the moon
Two silhouettes cascading into a spoon
Roses blown from a closed casket
The loneliness of waiting for her to ask-it

Poetry is the answer to what if and why
Tissues capturing the tears but not the cry
Rubies polishing a heart to an imperfect shine
The undefined likeness of I, Me and Mine

by Tim Smith |
Categories: for her, love, muse,

My Muse Resides

I see in creases no others found
where souls seem low 
and duty bound

where sparkle waits
in dreamlike states

amid anxious eyes
here her smile lies

I see in darkness under guise of moon
where beauty moves
no heart's immune

where kindness roams
alive in poems

held deep inside
my muse resides

by Regina Mcintosh |
Categories: appreciation, beautiful, blessing, love, mom, mother, parents,

A Mother's Love

As a child, I stared at her She was my world And she was beautiful Inside and out She smiled like the stars Shimmering and sparkling Radiating kindness Her spirit was like love Blending warmth and hope Hues of inspiration Tangled with excitement Her eyes were bright green Laughing like the wind Welcoming my heartbeat To pound for her, breathing In the wonder of this joy A mother’s love in colors Vibrant as life, enlightened By shadows of beautiful dreams Faith, hope, love – joy and peace Her blend, a melody from His hand Poured out, raining down, affection

by Harry Horsman |
Categories: love, life, universe,

Pockets For Her

In here I can be anything
that you desire,
your lonely soul, your heartstring
even become your ring your locket,
I can evolve to become
your strange universe
one to mould to create.
In here I can become your salvation
help to correct your natural order,
restore your universe
and in it place my life
in your willing clutches,
where life would become magic,
and I the magician able
to fix your dreams and wishes,
and long to become
an indelible part of you
when becoming your life long crutches!

© Harry J Horsman 2013

by Johnny Sumler |
Categories: lovelove,

Sonnet 19

Cupid, why hast thou cursed me with thy bow?
Enchanting my desires and compliments
Unto a woman who seems not to show
The same affections of my hearts contents

Of vibrant colors I pick each a flower
Laying them by her doorsteps where I daze
I dream of her awake at sunlight hour
Kissing her image that my mind displays

Yet I am like the rain above her head
The way she runs away from showered gifts
I never knew inside my heart could shred
Heartbroken by her distant love that drifts

Only if thy arrow and bow had missed
My fate and love for her would not exist

by John Gondolf |
Categories: loneliness, longing, love,

Aching For Love

She sits alone in quiet of the night as thoughts of him wrap ‘round her yearning heart, and whispers ‘cross her skin; her flesh excites while longing for his touch when they’re apart. She yearns to gaze into his eyes of blue while feeling his caress engulf her soul, and have their hearts eclipse as love renews; she longs for his return to make her whole. She reaches for her parchment and her quill to iterate her feelings and her doubts; for him to know her longing thoughts instill, and from this poet's pen, a poem pours out, “My lonely spirit aches while you’re away, and longs to feel your love as hearts replay.”
August 30, 2018

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: death, devotion, life, marriage, time, true love,


It broke her heart
when Franco died
he’d been her soul mate
wed over fifty years
he’d been her life

For her Franco
she had a ritual
lit a candle every night
so he would know
how much she missed him

Today would be a special day
she felt it when she closed her eyes
wouldn’t be lighting any candle
she took her one last breath
set down the path to join her Franco

AP: Honorable Mention 2021, 2nd place 2021

Posted on October 20, 2019

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: love,

A Birthday Picnic

In a secluded tidy sandy bay 
In the delightful month of May
My love and I spent a whole day.
I had to show without delay
And thus, my feelings would convey
That my love was not hearsay.

I gave her a lovely bouquet,
With a red rose, a fragrant spray,
Bubbly champagne for her birthday,
Delicacies I had to pay
And fruit we ate without delay.
Celebrate her fine soul so gay.
Pure happiness for us that day.
How we kissed and sang, mere child's play.
Ran across the sand, a mock fray.
Admired the flight of a lone jay,
We rested under the sun's ray,
Then plunged into the sea to stay
Until crimson evening we'll lay.
Time up but happy for the day,
Retired to our rented chalet.

by Richard Lamoureux |
Categories: best friend, change, friendship, growing up, journey, Lullaby, mother daughter,


He’s a sad Bunny
With floppy ears
Sadly button eyes
they can’t shed tears

Bottom of the pile
New toys on top
He needed Beth’s help
To hippity hop

With imagination 
she brought Bunny joy
He was her best friend
More than just a toy

Many years now passed
Beth searches for Bunny
A gift for her baby
who names Bunny Honey

Bunny’s happy again
That fuzzy lovely feel
Hippity hop heaven
Love makes Bunny real

Bunny’s round tail
has long been gone 
But Bunny still sings
lovely bunny songs

She cuddles him close
Pets worn floppy ears
Bright Bunny button eyes
with no need of tears.

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: love,

Lost in Love

I search,
Am I a lost cause?
I speak to all, to friends
To enemies.
Where can she be?
My love is nowhere to be found.
I search for her daintiness,
Her dark black fringe,
Her lithe contours so marvellous.
Her red full lips.

Am I pursuing a foolish dream?
A glimpse.
That’s all I ask.
I will be in paradise.

Tell her it was just a random remark.
I love her till the end of times.
And I wander around the main streets,
I am not much I know,
But I need her.
I saw a glimpse of her.
She smiled.
But it could not be her!
Her hair was red.
Could she have played a trick on me?
I only see red now.

by John Henry Galas |
Categories: beauty, body, cute love, for her, funny, i love you, princess,

You Are Beautiful

I don't care if you are inaccurate.
I don't care if you're a tomboy.
I don't care if you're an oval or a circle.
I don't care where you come from or what you were.
I don't even care if you have a coconut cream pie-in-the-face.
You are good.
You are perfect.
You are a princess.
And I will always love you.
Like you should love yourself.

by Vera Duggan |
Categories: animal, farm, horse, may, , cute,

My Molly May

My Molly May

I had a little pony
I called her Molly May
So often I would venture out
And feed her bales of hay.

So then she’d frolic
Kick her heels up high
Round and round she would run
Looking sweet as she passed by.

She’d run until she was worn out
Then to the stable she would go
I’d bed her down then for the night
My love for her each day would grow

She was my, cutest Molly may
This pony always made my day.

25 September 2014