Love Poems About Prose or Prose Love Poems
by Elaine George |
Categories: rose, winter,

A Winter Rose - a Sonnet

I walk through the glistening virgin snow
That covers the sorrow of autumn’s death 
Where I find on a bush a frozen rose  
Its beauty held ageless in winter’s breath 

How I long to touch those petals again 
Those moist velvet lips that promise such bliss 
Opened in passion whispering my name 
As I drift in dreams of a breathless kiss 

Oh! To pluck this rose from the winter snow 
And hold it closely to my aching heart
And free it from that ice so bitter cold 
That now my love keeps you and me apart

But if I were to pluck this winter rose 
Would all its petals fall upon the snow?

by Quoth Theraven |
Categories: imagery, lonely, love, perspective, poetry, winter,

The Dove In Your Eyes

How fast to wiles I fell my damask rose,
awake from slumber slept untold ages.
To gaze so deep in ocean eyes repose,
and print whispered prayer on mind's pages.

Your soul in gleaming shadow found complete,
a thirst no other want or wish contrived. 
Nor cherry grown upon the branch so sweet, 
without cold and dark of Winter survived.

What heart loved without a madness looming,
secure from injury sure to tarnish.
Unbroken, though lone in sadness' glooming,
and held away from love's fruited garnish.

How true the dove devoted in flight still,
that lasted in love, more than ever will.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: love, nature,

The Rose Bowl

The sky is a gigantic bowl of pink turned upside down, spilling soft rose petals that peeked out from beneath snow white billowed clouds till - fully blossomed - they burst forth. Growing radiant at the edge of twilight, they’ve scattered as rubescent streaks falling, lush and luminescent, as we watch in solitude. No parade this evening - just you and I aglow, wishing for an eternity to be like this: so splendidly in love. . . in the pink. Title and first line changed back to original Submitted Oct. 5, 2021 (#8 word - Rosy) for '''R'' Contest, New or Old' Contest Info Sponsor: Constance La France

by Pace Ink-U-Script |
Categories: love,

The R-O-S-E


T~hirty-two steps through the yellow-green grass led me to you.
H~aving to choose which one; my heart with no doubt chose you.
E~very rose bloomed quite differently, though nothing meretricious like you.

R~ed is known to be the favorite color to man; color blinded; my soul desired you.
O~f all the roses, my senses were captivated and comely to you.
S~ome men may pick more than one rose; but, I only want you.
E~ven mother nature so pulchritudinous can't compare to you.

Pace, G


by Linda-Marie Sweetheart |
Categories: love,

Crayon Caresses

"Crayon Caresses" blue velvet sky caresses pink cotton candy clouds beneath a gold umbrella red heartbeats breathing loud. a yellow Sun kisses skin of silky bronze glowation footprints carve love in brown sand while white waves crest formation. green trees hide secret embrace while purple passion prowls viewing an orange sunset rose petals play on towels. silvery stars illuminate beach as amber heavens sleep magenta magic smiles so sweet chase black and grey to ocean's deep. ...crayola rainbow lovers' leap ...
*Written by: Linda-Marie The "Sweetheart" of P.S. *For Tracie's Paint The World Contest ...

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: life, lost love, sad love,

Tin Foil Hearts

On pensive planes of wraith-like existence,
Are stoic shadows feigning affection;
Crimson lips of withering consistence,
Have lost their craze for craving confection.

Tear-filling prisms tilling a rueing sphere,
Pathos prowling, pity's wild and roaming;
Reminisce wind-blown is tumbleweed drear,
Bathos like bramble bur clings in gloaming.

Tin foil hearts' echo sad droning down-beat,
Rose petal ballet two rust figurines;
Today's gray sleet does douse yesteryears' heat,
Apathy's ennui directing the scenes...

Love once aflare in fanfare marigold,
Lies now a wizened weed, dried and stone cold.

Susan Ashley
November 2, 2017

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: writing,

Writing a Love Sonnet POTD

If only I could write you a sonnet,
Iambic pentameter and what not,
Let my muse mull profoundly upon it.
I must write it quickly lest I forgot.

It will have to stress real passion, love,
Mention a rose if I really must
But for heaven's sake leave out the white dove,
Still do mention the red moon that I trust.

Compare her eyes to some fragrant flower,
And wish to taste her full strawberry lips,
Scheme to meet her in a quiet bower,
Clouds enfold us in mythical eclipse.

Will she come, will she go, my marigold?
Ah, my poor love sonnet has now gone cold.

POTD 14 September 2020

by Vijay Pandit |
Categories: love,

In Realm of Love

In realm of love, you are the awe of mystique~
Musings of smitten soul, passions bespeak,
When glances romantic lure enamored night
To dance of fantasies moonlit revelries ignite
Waltzing with stars scintillating opaline skies, 
As smiles endearing emanate from your eyes
Beaming missives esoteric, vying to explore,
Secrets of heartbeats extolling echoes of yore,
Adulating present as tomorrow’s dream soar
To domains heavenly, croons of love implore,
Infatuated by aroma your redolent vibes impart,
Abloom in elixir of the rose inside my heart.

March 26, 2023
Poem of the day on March 27, 2023
Placed 1st: The Rose Inside My Heart Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Mystic Rose Rose

by Ink Empress |
Categories: dance, deep, love,

Lucid Dreams

Last night I dreamt that I was dancing in soft foggy mists designed in pearly bows, frolicking from thin fluffy silver waves- blanketing moonlit skies within hour less hills and jasmine fields free flowing through blue bliss lakes, in lucid motions, as seamless ripples reflect a sweet rhapsody of a golden rose sprouting amidst glistening rays, as I name mauve stars with your love

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: beauty, kiss, light, love, morning, romantic, rose,

It Happened On a Misty Morning

Wettened by the mornings dew 
Closely spaced where rows of roses grew 
Footprints stained the cobblestone 
Where my love and I had walked, alone

Sweet light's tryst with blowy mist 
The fog and the dawn waltzed as we kissed 
Fertile bliss of rosebud lips 
Strands of sunlight round my fingertips

by Ink Empress |
Categories: love,

Leaves of Love

My heart bleeds sultry stars from beams up high, as planted promises sprout leaves of love, blooming through the rose haze of moonlit sigh, like balmy feathers of a diamond dove. You are the muse, quenching this muted ink, like the warm essence of a bonsai dream, kissed by the rain, as sparks from the sun sink, tracing verses of my poetic stream. Yet the world knows not what you mean to me~ you are the sonnet I weave with soft swirls and pastel petals aching to breathe free, bathed in the shimmer of Juliet’s pearls. Tonight, meet me where the stars never die~ we’ll be more than mere rhymes lost in the sky.

by Elaine George |
Categories: beauty, god, me, prayer,

A Gift From God - A Sonnet

I am a wish, a prayer, from mortals lips
That reached heaven and  touched God’s fingertips
And returned to earth wrapped in flesh and blood
A gift from God’s unconditional love

So love and cherish me as God does you
And guide and teach me well in all I do
And together, a garden we will grow
Filled with the fragrant beauty of the rose

And on the day I reach maturity
And feel the need like leaves to leave the tree
To show the world the colors that are  me
Rejoice in all the beauty that you see

For I am your  child the gift that God gave
No More than a wish and a prayer -  away.

by Elaine George |
Categories: hope, love, nature,

The Promise of Spring - a Fibonacci

Kiss you
While you sleep
Lady dressed in white
And melt your cold heart  made of ice

Will rise
High into the sky
And fall as raindrops from God’s eyes

Buds below
Where now you will grow
With me - in the bloom of a rose

Author:  Elaine Cecelia George

* Note:  This poem is a Personification as well as a triple Fibonacci

Brian Strand's 'Image Contest':     First Place
John Heck's  '12-in-one' Contest:  First Place

by Andrew Fairchild |
Categories: for her, innocence, integrity, love, rose, snow, trust,

Sonnet 28 'I Think I Know the Name of Purity'

I think I know the Name of Purity,
It is Your Name -- it holds clear water well!
A Chalice carved almost to shattering,
A white rose, that alone, grows in the dell
With drops of ice adorning its still face
The warmth of heart that comes with falling snow
The few flakes that adorn your lashes, by grace
Delightful cold that creeps up from below
Loquacity that speaks only the Truth,
Amazed by every small, delightful thing
Ubiquitous praise and unbroken Youth
Right Trust, that gave your finger to the Ring
Inevitable Joy, and whispered Love
E'er faithful, that this all is from Above.


Submitted for:  Standard Poetry Contest 175

Sponsored by:  Brian Strand

by Besma Riabi Dziri |
Categories: africa, beauty, happiness, home, pride, tribute,

Your Love I'Ll Ever Bear

I want to word my very Love for you
though as a shy child, I start to stammer
a beloved Mother, my sole bijou
as I am of your prime Land enamoured.

A rose breathing the scent of your terra
born and bred knowing no other home soil
how can I bear the burn of your Summer
anger and worry within my chest boil.

I want to paint my very pride in you
with drops of my blood and ivory star
then draw your nature and beauty anew
how would my poetry meet who you are?

To my dear mother, shall I, You compare?
TUNISIA, Your Love, I'll ever bear.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: love, rose,

By Any Other Name

If love could have a color, I suppose
it wouldn’t be just any common shade.
I’d name it for the colors of the rose.
In heaven’s hues this flower is arrayed!

From chaste love’s hush of pink to heady rush
that’s shown by cardinal or crimson red,
the rose reveals the grades of ardor’s blush
unto the time it’s thought that passion’s fled.

But in the tint of amaranth, the fire
endures; in purple deep it can transcend,
while yellow blooms in bliss that does not tire,
and white’s fidelity will have no end.

Though black the bud, a red will grow thereof.
By any other name, the rose is love.

by Christina Bowring |
Categories: lost love, rose,

Fading Rose

When love blossoms, in full bloom, the rose of bright scarlet dances with sculptured petalled passion as alluring fragrance enchants to ignite senses and heart aplenty with no ration. When love wilts dripping blood red petals that fall and piercing thorns linger with deaths silent call the rose fades, withers, decaying at its core and once of beauty before is now no more.

by Silent One |
Categories: analogy, perspective, philosophy,


At first 
love floats like a snowflake,
until it melts in your hand.

Then it falls,
like an Autumn leaf,
eventually swept away in the breeze.

Sometimes love offers mercy,
like April showers to rose petals,
but no rain can save from decay.

Love wants to be free like a kite,
flying colourfully in bright blue skies,
but grey clouds ruin its flight.

One day love will descend like sunset.
Maybe we are born to fall -
but love will always ascend again like sunrise.

by Ink Empress |
Categories: deep,

tied to the moon

when air-brushed stars croon.. my soul sways, tied to the moon lost in twinkling tune seeking for rose light from plum reveries tonight~ questioning twilight.. am I not fine art metered refrain to restart music of your heart.. but will rivers heed thoughts that stream in neon fields~ of teal auroras .. swirling and twirling… vinyl rhythms of warm astral~ spirits cloaked in sage… in silence, I dream in a bed of lilac clouds~ of you, me, and love..

by Ink Empress |
Categories: gospel, weather,

Hyacinth Hymn of Healing

In a hyacinth bed of seven stars, winter fairies waltz in pearl elegance~ a token of faith engrossed amidst scars, while skies drizzle rain in fruity essence. Angel of sleep seeks through frost's icy thorn, fallen feathers soar towards jasmine moon, when lotus light within soul is reborn, listen to the tree of life sigh and croon. Somewhere between daisy dusks and rose dawns, seeds of sun unfurl promises in gold, sowing herbs of hope across sequined lawns. In the realm of healing, love I behold.

by Tom Valles |
Categories: christian, easter, god, good friday, hope, jesus, love,

Three Days Prior

Friday, three days prior;
The Son was scourged and bleeding.
Sunday, when He rose again-
A spotless Lamb proceeded.

Friday, three days prior;
The Son had cried: “forsaken?”
Sunday, when He rose again-
The keys of hell were taken.

Friday, three days prior;
The Son of God was dead.
Sunday, when He rose again-
Trembling demons fled.

Friday, three days prior;
The Son was laid to rest.
Sunday, when He rose again-
He bore a Royal Crest.

Friday, three days prior;
The Son was in a tomb.
Sunday, when He rose again-
The Rose of Sharon bloomed.

Friday, three days prior;
The Son was set in stone.
Sunday, when He rose again-
He claimed His rightful throne.

by Silent One |
Categories: analogy, lost love, love hurts,


she was a caterpillar, i her cocoon she was the music i her dance she was the rose i her thorns she was lost among the stars i showed her the moon i drifted like a tepid breeze but she was lost in the storm she was right i was not wrong she lit the fire i burned like hell

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: life, seasons,

Another Season

For years, I've watched my seasons come and go
Beneath the pines along the River Brine
I've drunk my fill of robust summer wine
Survived the stinging lonely winds that blow

Now once again spring brings her color show
Rebirthing beauty by Divine design
And even though my days are in decline
I'll add her mem'ries to next year's bordeaux

The rose inside my heart is in full bloom
Amongst forget-me-nots and memories
A sign to me that love in me abides
Intoxicating me with sweet perfume
Another season blown in on a breeze
That seem to come and go like changing tides.

     3/21/2023                             Daniel Turner

by Winged Warrior |
Categories: longing, love, romantic,

'trust Me Baby This Is Love'

Breathe my love, for I breathe for you
Thru cyan skies and oceans bathing blue
Speak my love, for I lonely listen for you
Vivacious vivid voices of a sensuous spew

Dream my love, for I only dream of you
Lavish green meadows in the morning dew
Sing my love, for I symphonically sing for you
With Angelic ambiance within heavens view

Cry my love, for I calamitously cry for you
Lachrymal layers of our binding brew
Dance my love, so I may dance with you
In melodic moonlight that I may woo

Love, my love, so I may love with you
Through echoing eternity just the two.

Trust Me Baby This Is Love - Contest
Sponsored by: Mystic Rose

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: beautiful, care, flower, heart, love, magic, moon,

Held Upon a Moonbeam Sighs

Visions of a way forward 
raising the curtains dream magic
stepping into the spotlight view 
captivating under a harvest moon

Rocked in the cradle of thoughts 
your the flower sweetly awakening 
deeply flames warmly embrace sunshine beams 
growing beautiful rose petals tenderly touch deeply

When I trace your heart's echo 
kissing this soul softly within dewdrops 
weeping starlight tears of a breathless sigh 
where the sunbeams dance with brilliance

Golden inside your rays honey 
deliciously lights up priceless perfect 
holding the breath for a moment love 
our time shining purely unique sharing