Love Poems About Flying or Flying Love Poems
by Beryl Edmonds |
Categories: hope, love, relationship,

Glimmers of Love

How long will I love you, often you ask Forever and a day, my love will last Till there’s no blossom or leaves upon trees Or pretty daffodils dancing o’er breeze. Till clouds cease to form patterns in the sky All seas and rivers begin running dry Till all poets have no poetic prose Or night has no beginning, day no close. Till no man or creature walks upon earth Gold or silver has no value or worth Till there are no birds flying on the wing Or voices aren’t heard and no one can sing. Till the day we take our Heavenly place Living for eternity in God’s grace With time to dance among stars up above Darling I send this in glimmers of love.

by Mike Gentile |
Categories: flying, hope, how i feel, journey, uplifting,

Another Chance To Fly

Each day I live and wake to see
         the scarlet sun that shines for me
and listen to a feathered song
                      inviting me to sing along

I know I’ll find just what I seek
though rain may come to kiss my cheek
for with each day, with every sigh
        there comes another chance to fly

The bluest blues of azure seas
              are calling me now to appease
to leave behind an angry man
                 and wing away, I know I can

With love and grace, I’ll find the way
       as I then glide through twilight gray
and to the clouds, I say goodbye
          here comes another chance to fly

by Silent One |
Categories: analogy, perspective, philosophy,


At first 
love floats like a snowflake,
until it melts in your hand.

Then it falls,
like an Autumn leaf,
eventually swept away in the breeze.

Sometimes love offers mercy,
like April showers to rose petals,
but no rain can save from decay.

Love wants to be free like a kite,
flying colourfully in bright blue skies,
but grey clouds ruin its flight.

One day love will descend like sunset.
Maybe we are born to fall -
but love will always ascend again like sunrise.

by A.M. Demotte |
Categories: flying, love, romantic,

To Fall Or Fly

The act of falling

Isn’t hard.

Anyone can do it:

step off an edge,

be pushed, or jump.

The key is to

find the one

tumbling through

space and time,

at the exact same

rate as you;

grab on tightly,

and in grounding,

each spread an arm

and fly.

by Richard Lamoureux |
Categories: change, flying, god, heart, longing, prayer, strength,

Please Give Me Wings

Wash my heart and make it clean
Remove the grime from where it's been 

Take my idle hands make them yours
Use them to open holy doors

My cracked lips long to sing your praise
Be my Mistro the rest of my days  

Guide my calloused feet along your path
I wish to know Love and not your wrath

Take my arms place them around the poor
Help me realize I need less not more

Plant your precious thoughts in my mind
Change me from selfish, make me kind

let me see your face with my eyes
Remove my ignorance make me wise

Apart from you I cannot be whole
Thank's for this reconditioned soul

One day my life will end, I know it's true
Please give me wings, so I can fly to you

by Tim Smith |
Categories: flying, journey, love, places, travel,

Fly To Me

Fly to me my love on the wings of hopes and dreams come and be my passion a lover's symphony Be my guiding star light show me all of nature's best come and be my pillow where my weary head can rest Take my hand and walk with me on life's ever winding road keep me safe and steady hold me in our home Let's sleep beside the moon tonight camp inside the corners of my heart be my one and only my desire, my love, my start

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: angel, beauty, flying, love, metaphor, mirror,

Faraway Queen

The moonbeams bore you in a cradle of light smiling   
warmly a cold blue winter moon rocking over and back thoughts

Midnight mystery howling to a silver reflection deeply echoes whispering winds
over Snow Mountain faraway dreaming stars twinkle in your treasure jewels 

Lost trying to catch your trail freedom inside love the spark igniting 
magic believing in a fairy tale ending dust in a thousand dreams enchanting

by Seren Roberts |
Categories: horse, love,

I Lay My Head

I lay my head  upon the softness of its mane
My white charger, no knight for a swain
as I am the gallant rider looking for love.
Riding the green valleys with mountains above,
looking for hope in natures  fertile plain

A dream, a carousel  of  tears  and  pain
With bobbing horses making  a colourful train
Flying above a sure sign of hope, a dove
I lay my head 

Imagination in play as I search in vain
Why from happiness  must I abstain
My empty heart crying out to those above 
Praying each night, please bring me love 
Grabbing a handful of the silky white mane
I lay my head

by Kristen Bruni |
Categories: love


Face to face body leaning
Clothes flying fast to the ground
Breath becoming loud and quick
Disappear in love

by Seren Roberts |
Categories: love,

The Moment - Tanka 2 Contest

Green grass stroke the skin 
Touching feeling the moment 
Hearts flying skyward seeking 
Crescendo of song .... 
You without sin shall forgive. 

Penned 17 March 2015 

Tanka 2. 5-7-7-5-7

by Richard Lamoureux |
Categories: death, life,

In Twenty Years I Might Be a Tree

I Might Be a Tree

In twenty years I pray I won't be gone
placed six feet beneath a manicured lawn
I'd much prefer to give old death the slip
To guzzle life instead of just a sip

Mind and spirit together playing song
I'll rest a bit but not for very long
You see, there is so much I wish to do
Yes many years can feel like just a few

The company of those I truly love
will lift my spirits like a flying dove
The flowers that I plant will be in bloom
Beauty will surround me in every room

The ground might open up and swallow me
Don't worry I'll reach up and be a tree!

For Brenda's "You 20 Years from now" contest.

by Johnette Loefgren |
Categories: lost love, on writing and words, sad,

The Oracle In Love

She laced her eyes 
closed with the ties
    of lover's binding vows

     she's flying blind
to prick your mind
    with thoughts 
   she's writing now.

She's gained conclusions
      from her flight,
and virtues from your smile,

     she felt your face
  in blinding grace,
     she glorifies your style.

    The double helix
spirals on
   to form us as it may,

    we choose another one
to be
   a place for us to stay.

The atmosphere 
    there crackles,
with lightning
    on her tongue,

    She spins around,
in sightless sound,
     and shatters..........
          deaf and dumb.

by Robertina B. |
Categories: emotions, freedom, inspirational, uplifting,


The gateway to forgiveness is liberation..
Upon the awakening..

There is freedom..
Freedom thrives..
Broken wings..

Free as a bird..

Flying gracefully..
The ball and chains of entrapment..

Thrive in delectable liberty..
Where forgiveness melts away the pain..
Unforgiveness disappears. 

The beast of burden lifted joyfully..
Upon the deep blue sky..
Splendid wings soar..


As you are carried by the wings of deliverance and love..

by Joanna Daniel |
Categories: appreciation, art, music,

Girl Playing Lyre

GIRL PLAYING LYRE - by Tadeusz Styka I'm a sweet girl, Playing my lyre, Music does whirl, Quenching heart fire, Hair flying free, Eyes lost in dream, Lyre defines me, Sad strains soft scream, Song of the lyre Calls out to you, Hands do inspire Melody blue, I look for you, As hands thrum tune, And implore you, Hear my soul croon, Lyre chords haunt you, Fingers strum slow, Love notes taunt you, Air set aglow!
25th March 2023

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: lost love,

Once I Had

It's a long time ago 
that I flew high and thought
that’s like a carrion crow
flying over a deserted plateau
could bring its prey so much woe.

Once I had a rose, a ruby rose,
someone stole it; my death throes.
It vanished like yesterday's snow.

I saw it as a television show
my heart that was so much aglow,
knew you decided to let it go,
like a third-rate picture show.

I wended my way through shadows,
sometimes was lost in meadows
or languished beneath the shady willows.

It was then too late for me.
I lay beneath the ugly Judas tree,
wondering how could he
have stolen my love from me.
But does he kiss you passionately?
as I, a bird of prey, did?

by Silent One |
Categories: absence, feelings, longing,

Bouquet with Flying Lovers

two souls in flight above a swirl of blooms blossoming in timeless love

by Jack Ellison |
Categories: funny, mirror,

A Zulu Warrior

Do you sometimes see a Zulu Warrior Staring back from the mirror in the morning! A nasty fierce looking bad tempered dude Obscenities flying out without warning Crabbing bout having to make a living But enjoying all the many accoutrements If it wasn't that, it'd be something else People just love to complain and vent A shower and shave, you're almost human Not one person will ever suspect That a member of the Zulu Warriors tribe Was a coworker of great respect Do you sometimes see a Zulu Warrior Staring back from the mirror in the morning! © Jack Ellison 2012

by Kiran Bantawa |
Categories: autumn, beauty, desire, earth, fantasy, first love, for her, girl, girlfriend, i love you, image, lust, nature, november, october, passion, relationship, romance, teen, teenage,

With You In Autumn Evening

The sweet songs of birds, We hand in hand across the lawn, Pansies white yellow and violet Tossing their heads in the breeze. Somewhere the sound of falling leaves. The sound of squirrel cracking the walnut. Calm weather warm sun, White fluffy clouds forming different shapes, A passenger flight in the blue sky, Sun born in the horizon and about to fade in the horizon, Both our heartbeats echo inside of chest, Shutting and opening of our lips, Your unkempt hair flying backwards, Yellowish west sky. Heart shaped fig leaf's shadow. If I could stop this world from spinning, I would do so, Just to be with you In this autumn evening.

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: dedication, love, metaphor, universe,


     Suddenly I was caught 
In the whirlwind of you.
     Tumbling, tumbling...
My heart beating faster
     Flying, soaring the heavens.

The universe in its vastness
     Swallowed me.
Your brilliance penetrated
     The darkness as a distant star
And I felt myself being pulled
     Into orbiting around you

Eternally seeking to be eclipsed
     By your grandeur and beauty,
To be warmed by your nearness
     And kissed by your light.   

© Connie Marcum Wong

That's Why I Love Him Contest
Sponsor Lewis Raynes

*Dedicated to my husband Michael whose 
sun sign is in Leo ruled by the sun.

by Vera Duggan |
Categories: bird, food, summer,

Pink and Grey Galahs

I see a pair of Pink and Greys
They fly on by my way
They seem to be so filled with health
To me they do have so much wealth

They're so majestic in the sky
As I see them flying by
And when they land upon a branch
It really puts me in a trance

Trays of seed I have for them
On which upon they land
Such a lovely sight to see
I could almost feed them from my hand

I love to see them feeding there
As the seed these two birds share

by Eleanor Sweet |
Categories: death, i love you, cousin,

R.I.P. Drew

R.I.P to the big cuz drew… Never did I think I would ever loose you…. Not this early in life…. I would do anything 
to have you in my sight…. Them guys that did that stuff just aint right…. I mean they had me up crying…. They 
had to be lying…. Its too soon for you to be up in the sky flying… I look to clouds up above… Wishing I can give 
you one more hug… Push and shove… Never let you go… Cause I love you cousin just had to let you no….

by Jan Allison |
Categories: caregiving, dedication, lost love, mental illness,

Living With a Stranger - Emotive Write

You stare at me with vacant eyes It’s like living with a stranger Tears and tantrums we both despise Where is the man I once loved? Locked inside your own little world Sometimes a piece of music makes you smile But every day I know I’m losing you I’m losing you bit by bit I no longer get greeted with a loving kiss These days you lash out uncontrollably I get battered and bruised by your flying fist But I’ll never give up loving you NOT written from personal experience of living with someone with dementia 08~07~16

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: beautiful, butterfly, emotions, love, moon, romance,

You Lead Love

As the moon smiles 
beams pearly white 
silver shadows dancing 
in the souls warm sweeping energy 
Sweetly brushing butterfly wings 
floating inside flying to the sound 
Echoes floating in each flutter 
touching a warm dainty voice sings 
magic chanting 
I am to the mantra off your life 
graced each step 
one like a swan in flight 
always flying forward 
Never stepping back
finding everything in peace 
inside out shines beautiful 
dancing the night away

by Davor Miljkovic |
Categories: appreciation, cute love, desire, metaphor, romantic,


Poké Balls flying
Many trainers are trying
To catch Pikachu,
But one is humbly saying
Of the whole world, I'd pick you

by Rick Richardson |
Categories: beauty, flying, imagery, journey, light, rainbow, sky,


Sailing feathered clouds across the blue sky
Haloed sundogs clinging to white mares’ tails
Storied concentric glories way up high 
I’ll leave a soft rainbow colored contrail

Sailing feathered clouds across the blue sky
Flying towards the sun’s healing golden crown
Come and sing when you see me sailing by
Let go the darkness and let light resound

Sailing feathered clouds across the blue sky
Shards of memories and rose colored ice
My love my love my love let go the sigh
Please remember me to the by and by
