Love Poems About Paradise or Paradise Love Poems
by Frederic Parker |
Categories: love,

Soft Is the Sea

Along the feathered edge, a red sun-sets
To bind the evening in dreams eyes explore
Two hearts will greet, till' paradise begets
Love leaves impressions as waves swirl to shore
These caps of white will churn warmly the sand
The world will pass, the change of light is missed
Lonely eyes search for their yearning dreamland
When lips taste fire in a hungry kiss
As night arrives to shelter silhouettes
Soft is the sea to these two souls afar
In a twilight's pulse when the tide resets
And hands hold tight to await the Daystar
The fate of these lovers sealed in evermore
Tomorrow's memory from the seashore


by Kim Rodrigues |
Categories: morning,

Morning Light

O the warmth and the depth of the sun, o’er us, for the yellows and reds, as they throw their shine on the maples and oaks and the pines, caress of the pale and ebon - all the blossoms stress. And the flit of the robins, and rest on boughs, as they lift up our spirits in singsong light. We’ve a glimpse of once-paradise-sourced delight. The long rays of God’s arms - they lean down to rouse. Each new day, flows our way, and it fits like glove, and we stretch out our arms like a child, and smile, as we’re wrapped in the Dayspring’s colors and style. All our senses awake, as God pours out love. 8/23/2022

by Paul Callus |
Categories: change, sad,

The White Roses Died With You

We planted roses in the spring
when love was floating in the air.
A diamond glittered on your ring
reflected in your hazel eyes
the rainbow hues of paradise.
We had so much to give and share.

The months went by, the roses bloomed,
but when one day an ill wind blew – 
no mercy shown – our dreams were doomed
to wither slowly and decay.
That fateful night you passed away 
all the white roses died with you.

[Pub. PS: It’s Poetry: An anthology of contemporary poetry from around the world 2020] 

Rhyme scheme: A-B-A-C-C-B  D-E-D-F-F-E
Contest: Rhyme Time 7 ~ Deep and Dark 
Sponsored by Lu Loo
Placed 1st

© 27th December 2018

by Silent One |
Categories: heaven, love,

When I'm gone

Meet in Eden's garden, where life first gave birth. A beautiful paradise, pure and serene. Amidst verdant petals, not seen on this Earth, flowing in rainbow hues on lush lawns of green. Like Adam and Eve, we'll roam in jasmine air, adrift in nature's splendour without a care. Sing lullabies with angels, as we hold hands. Watch fluorescent sunsets in eternal lands.

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: faith, paradise, prayer, religious,

- Heavenly Hugs -

Unique is the discipline of love 
Understanding God's law
Faith holds supreme commander

Sometimes we have to fight 
our way through a concrete jungle
stone cold dreams nightmare evaluates 

Rocking the cradle unworthy desires 
no peace or rest for the wicked deeds
in order to find the answers to hopes prayer
Truth pointing us directions 
within our code of moral conduct 
which supports us in our voyage
In the walk of life chaos grips hearts consumed with hate 
Without faith our souls identity will become dust 
Needing hugs from heaven to survive 

A Collaborated Poem 19.11.2015
Anne-Lise Andresen, and Liam Mc Daid
(tercets unrymed)

by Agona Apell |
Categories: angel, girlfriend, happiness, love, marriage, romance,

The Proposal

We are all born angels but gradually grow
into men;
A few of us, though, do angels remain,
And you, golden you, are the like of them:
You whom Paradise led me to
And back to Paradise leads me daily;
Whom Fortune fished from my dreams to
lay by my side...
If you wish me love, wish me you,
And if I should make you happy, make me

Then for a day you’ll be my bride and forever 
my pride.
And side by side with hearts, sweat, & tears
We’ll each day labour at the blessed wheel
By whose fateful spins our home shall be 
Towards destinies atop golden hills
That Heaven wills as our dwelling place.

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: beauty, emotions, feelings, heart, love, pain, paradise,

A Teardrop Falls

A teardrop falls deeply—slicing and aching  
hurt twisting knots around the deepest fingers 
love you from my heart warmest emotions so 
in each kiss of your beauty I feel all of you 
worth the suffering and pain that happens 
gaining rewards in the end—undiminished love 
happiness such a precious gift for us forever 
the teardrop falls now freely in your honor
it spills warmly and gently in your name love 
as grace is my honor to bear this noble sacrifice 
with joy and I find you now my sweetest sunshine 
with happiness being my one-way ticket to paradise 

Gary Bateman and Liam McDaid – A Collaborated Poem,
Copyright © All Rights Reserved (June 9, 2015)

by Justin Bordner |
Categories: destiny, devotion, i love you, soulmate,

The Halo of Her Heart

When you laid your hands upon my naked heart
feeling the flex of it's fire, accessing the innocent desire,
holding the form of a new need, I swear, that's when love did start,
your touch became my tradition, the wine of your wisdom my lovely teacher,

From the fine feathers of your soft steel wings
I write poetry of storms in paradise and of love in your eyes,
sympathizing with my sage solitude, yet subduing the sadness it brings
you offer me everything an angel owns, halo and bloodroots, and together we rise -


by James Marshall Goff |
Categories: faith, , cute,

Sundown In Paradise

My blessing basket is heavy with heaven's gifts,
Tomatoes the size of my fist, eggplants so cute,
And fresh heirloom beans bursting with pride.

The sun, orange on the horizon, frames a pair of
Snowy Egrets above, wings folded in glide descent,
Angling towards their roost.

A solitary Cricket, at home in the cabbage patch,
seesaws a hypnotic greeting, then hushes
As I pass.

A Monarch Butterfly wisps past my head, enjoying
Nectar from scattered flowers. The scent of herbs,
Blossoms and love settles softly in my heart.

I know life can be hard, but this moment, just
This moment, I'm filled with such Grace from
God I only stand in humble gratitude.

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: love, nature,

No Gold Nor Silver

No gold nor silver, weights my needy purse
Spun silk and finery I have no need
Such poverty of wealth be not God's curse
For bless'd the man who covets not for greed

My wealth is in the lilies of the field
The colors of the sunsets thrill my soul
Fruit trees and animals provide their yield
And stewardship to nature is my toll

But verdant forests do not warm a bed
The moon and stars, though friends, are silent stones
And lonely is the footpath which I tread
For one true heart, I'd share my pauper's throne

A golden heart and pauper's paradise
For love and happiness, a humble price

  Daniel Turner

by Frederic Parker |
Categories: poetry,

Love's Kiss

To feel love's tender touch with gracious hand
When hearts render treasure to paradise
Desires allowed to express understand
To let passion confess without device
To know brush of fingers to be sublime
As eyes slowly crush quiet in their pause
When hearts quiver on borrowed time
They'll deliver to love its purest cause
To seek lover's lips with its soft caress
Equips a mouth with need and silence held
A message burning in hearts  both confess
Stirs heart beats yearning,  lover's lips will meld

  This quiet pause love alone can render
  As it comes to cause complete surrender

contest Your Best Rhyming Poem -2

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: life, love,

- Love and Care -Collabration -

Its easy to become what you fear..
                 Could bring you down,or shift you into high gear

                          Embrace the hope you see in others..
               A neighborhood filled with loving sisters and brothers

                              Love and care for eachothers..
                      Always a helping hand and some leftovers

               Smiling faces in the streets,children playing in paradise
                     Come on over,check it out while we roll the dice..  

June 29th 2012

Anne Lise & Arild Andresen

* Collabration with my lovely hub
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

by Frederic Parker |
Categories: poetry,

To Never Cry

The mist from love found drifting in its realm.
Lifts only when the sun begins to rise,
And clears away the mist, to overwhelm,
In elegant colors it will revive.
To still the heart, to dwell in paradise,
And bathe in splayed soft light two lover's form,
With lover's wings so gentle they entice,
To merge with kisses soft, tender and warm.
Love's a heart that welcomes with consent.
Between the flowers fresh with morning dew, 
And purifies the garden with sweetest scent.
They welcome sun's cascading light that's new.

How true the love that's born beneath the sky.
To love the purest heart and never cry.

by Simone Segal |
Categories: loveme,

Tranquil Paradise


You are the dream, that smothered my nightmare

Your being, is as fresh as the morning dew

I feel your presence like the warmth of the midday sun on my skin

Your smile melts me into floating oblivion 

Your voice comforts me in an embracing hold

Your kiss is where I could spend eternity

Your words are an echo of my thoughts

Your love is tranquil paradise

I am forever yours  

Living in your love

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: romance, romantic,


in one's mind
beauty in the eye
that of the beholder

with love
sweetest darling
played using
the silken cords
on a spiders web

weaving together
feelings touching tender
soft and so
very beautiful
fall weak
at the knees

emotions churning
unbelievable softness
like those of a child
in tenderness

how this world
from so many colours
drawing from your eyes
looks and shines
amazing beauty
full of adventure

love it shines
in the light
of a thousand candles
flickering dancing
sweet gentle breeze
in the soul 

softly landing
floating spirits
loves beauty
a million miles away
in another space
known as 

~ ~ ~ ~

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: love,

Lost in Love

I search,
Am I a lost cause?
I speak to all, to friends
To enemies.
Where can she be?
My love is nowhere to be found.
I search for her daintiness,
Her dark black fringe,
Her lithe contours so marvellous.
Her red full lips.

Am I pursuing a foolish dream?
A glimpse.
That’s all I ask.
I will be in paradise.

Tell her it was just a random remark.
I love her till the end of times.
And I wander around the main streets,
I am not much I know,
But I need her.
I saw a glimpse of her.
She smiled.
But it could not be her!
Her hair was red.
Could she have played a trick on me?
I only see red now.

by Mike Gentile |
Categories: dream, happiness, how i feel, peace,

Where Is My Moon River

Where is my Moon river
                          To carry me away  
Where nothing can bemoan me
                  And sun forever shines

Gliding every cradled wave
                         Every mellow tune
And leaving hate behind me
                     For lands of only love

Where is my Moon River
                       My floating paradise
Where pain does not exist
         And minds are safe to wander

Dreaming is my guide now
                 I know it can come true
That one day we’ll be free
                   As one, we’ll sail away

by Fading Star Silence |
Categories: blessing, love, spiritual, spring, true love,

Ethereal Lanterns

The sparkling spirit of your love, 
merges with mine, 
dwelling in passages of time, as
my heart sings symphonies of 
ethereal lanterns, 
beaming upon golden poppies,
while drifting across haloes of 
glittering stardust. 

Our divine souls flutter full circle, 
when light meets dark;
a sacred union amidst 
cherry blossom petals, 
swirling in a helix of 
devoted scintillation, 
towards the sanctuary of 
our blooming dedication.

This faith in you 
is my heavenly glow, 
a paradise of hopes and dreams,
swaying to your deific verve—
the gilded moon my spotlight, as 
celestial lullabies serenade 
this blissful twilight, 
sheltered in your cherubic love.

by Sandip Goswami |
Categories: feelings, love, pain, philosophy, symbolism, tribute, truth, woman,

Kashmir-The Woman

Kashmir is the innocent beauty of nature
It lifted me above all mire dark and dense.

Kashmir is the divine smile
It gifted me a peace beyond all of my sense.

Kashmir is the sorrow
It showed me a combined pain of poverty, corruption and terrorism.

Kashmir is the beautiful helpless unmarried woman.
Whose neighbors are trying to capture her body not sweet heart.

Kashmir is the paradise on earth without dream...


by Emile Pinet |
Categories: angst, bangla, dream, fantasy, feelings, imagery, imagination,

In a Perfect World

If we lived in a perfect world, love would naturally abound. And in this utopic dreamworld, there would be no hurt to be found. Peace and brotherhood would nourish hope and idealistic dreams. And Nature's critters would flourish, in our oceans, rivers, and streams. From rare orchids to edelweiss, flowers would encircle Earth's girth. And we'd all live in paradise; a virtual heaven on Earth. All diseases would disappear, and no one would die of hunger. And only crying happy tears; even the old would feel younger. But alas, the world isn't that way; disease and cruelty persist. And starvation is here to stay, for warfare and famine exist.

by Blake Holland |
Categories: adventure, allusion, anger, art, color, confusion, cool, crazy, fantasy, fun, funny, music, new year, paradise, rap, riddle, rude, song,

Northern Suburbia

Your love is real 
the love you feel.
Your love is great 
the love you make.
Your records are on fire 
its your desire.
Take me out tonight
and go wild and crazy, 
or be fat and lazy. 
So I played some Doors 
and saw some whores. 
So I said goodbye 
and they all must die, fool. 
So dig my guts 
and eat my brain 
and then go insane. 
I don't
Care I love it 
so forget it, Punk!

by Craig Cornish |
Categories: world war ii,

D Day

A place where peace should reign, yet terror grows.
A paradise where blood and children lie.
A beach where young boys played and now men die,
with liquid crimson waves that evil sows.
The cliffs now bow and weep and look below,
where from their shoulders cast a deadly tide.
A peaceful nighttime vista now belied
by daylight's bloody battle of the foes.
As dreams replace the din that's all around
and life drips slowly there into the sand,
it's faith and God and love that now surrounds
these ever grateful souls that have been found.
Brave comrades in this fate so proudly stand
to be delivered now where they are bound.

by Kp Nunez |
Categories: beach, beauty, imagery, nature, romance,

Tropical Paradise

Birds doth fly above the sky,
flowers fair and nigh;
as the sun comes shining by,
wet white sand to dry.

Soft the breeze from gentlest seas,
sweetly strums guitar;
lassie sings of love and sees
sailor from afar.

19 April 2015

by Richard Lamoureux |
Categories: change, dark, fruit,

Paradise Lost

Before the days when man first sinned
Angels traveled upon the wind
Everything magic shone in the night
Fairies fluttered, wings shining bright

Eve was perfect with long flowing hair
Sensuous body, delightfuly bare
Adam's body strong, he was a sight
They played by day and made love at night

Everything perfect, living in the trees
Yet trouble called upon a gentle breeze
The serpent said taste, this fruit so grand
Eve so entranced, she ate from his hand

She saved fruit for Adam, he took a bite
The garden went dark, no more magic light

A sonnet in The Wind Contest.
Written September 9th, 2013
Sponsored by: Poetess Darkly

by Anbes Rawal |
Categories: age, death, death of a friend, fear, music, paradise, people,

We All Die

My piety,my poetry ,my love
All are in vain
my music, my love ,my mind
All are running insane

My rhymes are all crooked
I can't write a perfect song
Looks like my life is worthless
my music, my poetry its all gone

Behold the paradox,
In these old rhymes 
living in a worthless life 
All these times 

The music's almost over
just need to turn out the light
I need just one leap
Need to show on last fight

I need to create something
something that makes you feel
the goal isn't to live forever
Its to create something that will