Love Poems About Ottava Rima or Ottava Rima Love Poems
by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: passionheart, heart,

Song For My Love, My Sweet

"A woodland path in the dappled sun, hushed and quiet "

At last you’ve come for me, my love, my sweet! You’ve come through tranquil woodland, with the breeze, along that path where once we used to meet and with the sunlight streaming through the trees! With passion in your eyes and wings for feet, you’ve come for me, and all my anguish flees. You are so near, I hear your wild heart beat. You’ve come for me, my own wild heart to seize. Alas! The woods have vanished with the gleam of my waking dawn. It was but a dream.
Written June 9, 2011 by Andrea Dietrich Inspired by the Contest "A Woodland Path" sponsored by Constance la France ~ A Rambling Poet ~

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: love,

With Joy Overflowing

Romance is in bloom when it's new and sweet like rose buds opening. Love is growing! The flutter feeling each time that you meet; the kisses and the knowing you are glowing! The realizing that you feel complete and your heart with joy is overflowing. Nothing else could be more worth living for. Oh, to keep it going forevermore! Written May 7, 2017

by James Fraser |
Categories: beauty, holiday, i miss you, love, passion, vacation, valentines day,

Kiss Me Quiet

It's near midnight, whilst we moonlight walk Palm tree lined fairway, Crickets singing Hands clenched in loving vacationed talk Hearts in wanting pound, Batangas is bringing We, she and I, now amidst our intending lock Serenity is the scene blessed by lunar watch So late, but joyous we, soon our lips are speaking Clouds now hover as we witness natures rain Our apartment is distant, we welcome given Through broken lunar light, stroking her mane My hands in taken then, sensuously they're driven Kiss me quiet is whispered, hearts now in reign Walking, slowly walking, absorbing to us this night Hearts in touching pound, Batangas has brought .

by Frederic Parker |
Categories: beautiful, love,

The Covering Mist

The moon gave silent shadows to our form
As we lay beneath its splayed softer light
The time spent is instinctual and warm
As mist from the lake engulfs us from sight
The depth of suspended droplets transform
And roll across us in sheltered delight
To be covered by moisture's misty air
Leaves a mystery,no trace of us there

Contest Through The Mist
Frederic Parker

by Sharon Ruebel |
Categories: happiness, love

Fall Brings New Love

Welcome in the Fall of life Spring enters

Loves emptied heart replenished with his touch

I become his Muse and he is my center

Lips burning passion captured in his clutch

Shared breath nothing compares to this splendor

Two bodies align in time they are flush

Worn hearts beating young with exhilaration

Once again falling into loves temptation

Contest: New Love
Sponsored by, Jarred Pickett 
Ottava rima

by Jan Allison |
Categories: spring,

Sensational Spring

Spring's arrived at last, she wears her green dress as I go rambling on lush verdant hills This season's so special I will confess I pick some beautiful gold daffodils their xanthic colour relieves any stress after depressing days of winter chills Fluffy newborn lambs gambol in the fields I love the rebirth that spring always yields Spring Poetry Contest Sponsored by Regina McIntosh NB poetic licence used ... I never pick wild flowers just ones growing in my garden 02/20/21

by Paul Callus |
Categories: love,

Oblivious To Love

She walks barefooted in a slit swing dress
on verdant grass; her hair a blaze of gold.
Light wind is teasing with a sweet caress
I look in envy, yet my tongue I hold
lurking in shadows, yearning to profess
my deep emotions, but I am not bold. 
Her perfume hits me, wafting through the air.
Of my existence she is unaware.

Contest: Form 'O' ~ Only One
Sponsor: Broken Wings
Placed 2nd
18th May 2017

POTD 20th May 2017

Ottava Rima consists of eight 10 or 11 syllable 
lines, with a rhyme scheme of ABABABCC.

by Kristen Bruni |
Categories: loveme,


All wrapped up like a newborn perfect and new
I look at you with a blank slate, I'm in love
Is there anything that I can give you
Please handle me with the softest kid gloves.
When I start to unwrap and you can see
My imperfections like the moon lit with love
Do not run, do not hide, just sing  out loud
Then reach out to consume me and hold proud

by John Gondolf |
Categories: dream, love,

Millions of Reasons - Or

Sitting here thinking this warm night in June;
   dreaming of moments spent talking with you.
Fitting my thoughts ‘round the beams of the moon,
   streaming from heaven through night’s navy blue.
Knitting together the notes of a tune;
   scheming forever your heart to ensue.
Billions of stars that are shining above;
   millions of reasons to fall in your love.

June 16, 2019

by Geoffrey Brewer |
Categories: life,

The Winnowing Or


Wake of harvest, came time for winnowing
Separation loosing chaff from the grain
Bake of bread that gave them a bestowing
Creation: body nurture that they’d fain
Make in life, a time for spirit growing
Valuation of virtues not to strain
Then we might cherish food for soul above
When we winnow, retain the grain of love

by Regina Mcintosh |
Categories: god, hope, love,

Pure Love

Amazing, His grace falls across my soul Lifting me up, stirring such perfect light Assuring me of One who will console Breathing hope into me so I’m alright He silences all doubt so I feel whole Yearning for love that will always requite Listen to His whisper – gentle peace This wonder of pure love will never cease OTTAVA RIMA Poetry Contest Sponsored by: L MILTON HANKINS September 4, 2022

by Regina Mcintosh |
Categories: feelings, kiss, longing, marriage, meaningful, passion, relationship,

This Feeling

His kiss whispers with blood pulsing anxiously
The eagerness of his mouth tastes honey sweet
His lips have me clutching him frantically
Within dim light, his eyes and my own eyes meet
Slow, soft passion has me yearning happily
In his hands, my heart feels the marvel of heat
Where he goes is surely where I need to be
Nothing can stop the feeling this brings to me

November 28, 2019
Love Me Like You Mean It Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Julie Leigh Rodeheaver

by Unseeking Seeker |
Categories: self, spiritual,

Self portrait

How may we describe the fragrance of our soul,
which dwells within this earth vessel we adorn,
as we shape shift, hoping one day to feel whole,
noticing that we are with each breath reborn,
whilst enacting playfully, our ordained role,
nonchalant in tempests of both praise and scorn?
Transcending opposites, we’ve reclaimed soul’s light,
with love drenched heart pulsating with bliss delight.

by Unseeking Seeker |
Categories: spiritual,

Light of Self

Simply by allowing life to carry us,
essence of presence vibrates with love and light.
As ego recedes, fears no longer nonplus 
and we’re drenched in bliss mists, by day and by night,
content in time stretched peace, aboard God’s love bus.
Heightened delight accompanied by clear sight,
ignites nodes within, that the false falls away,
whereupon we see soul’s light, as clear as day.

by Vince Suzadail Jr. |
Categories: fantasy, romance, time,


If I could travel back in time I would
Return to the great age of chivalry
To meet Sir Lancelot and Robin Hood
In Merry Old England is where I'd be
I would raise my sword for all that is good
And kiss the hand of my fair lady
To scale the castle wall with the moon above
Just to spend a night in the arms of my love

by Constance La France |
Categories: love, sweet,

Sweats and Sweets

The day began with stress, coffee and sex,
Hot sweat was running down my face and back;
Today, our wedding day and we are wrecks.
He gives me some sweet chocolate to snack,
Our love is endless, I tell the kleenex.
My dress is tight, sweating, panic attack!
He gives to me donuts, a big dipper,
But sweet, this love, today and forever.

May 25, 2015

Poetry/Ottava Rima/Sweats and Sweets
Copyright Protected, ID 05-676-957-25
All Rights Reserved, 2015, Constance La France

by Russell Sivey |
Categories: light, psychological, tree,

Shining Purple Glow

Light shines, maybe it emits from the tree It casts a purple hue throughout its field There are light violet highlights that I see I will always be one to view its yield Anyone who walks on by would be free To see its power by the light it wields Love the glow that emanates from inside Mighty is this tree, inspiring all sides Russell Sivey

by Russell Sivey |
Categories: cry, life, lost love,

Outline of a Ghost

I see tears that pour down my crying face Reaching illusions of my life alone I see the outline of a ghost in space Transparent and see thru, seems to have grown My tears just enlighten and fill with grace It won’t go away, it’s stuck to this zone Memories flood my senses, hurt creeps in Ghost is my lost love, buried deep within Russell Sivey Just a made up poem…

by James Fraser |
Categories: beauty, desire, i love you, kiss, love, passion, romance,

Speak To Me With Kisses

Speak to me with kisses, whispers she Awaiting her towards me, I'm now prowled Temptress this tigress now visions thee Naked to bare, touching skins, toweled Quenched lips adorned in kissing spree Limbs like ivy never creep amidst love Such caressing engulfs torso's aplomb Upon me she resides bodies now thrive Nails like claws embedded, indent deep Synchronicity thrown towards thirsts drive Internally they kiss, so wondrous in seep Resonating sighs now carved, their strive Ivy like limbs retire, silenced torso's rest Speak to me with kisses, whispered she .

by Richard Lamoureux |
Categories: friendship, me,


What is a friend except a part of me
My friends are love songs I was born to sing
They are gifts who choose to really know me
The ones who I trust with my everything
True friends are the ones who truly can see
What I have inside that I'm meant to bring
They push me so hard and still let me be
The fabric of my life, the weaver weaves
Friends make me better, help me to believe

First attempt at form

by Paula Goldsmith |
Categories: bird, easter, flower, love, peace, spring, world,

Spring Is Coming

Spring in all it's glory is now coming,
with flowers and birds and Easter this year.
New baby birds will be in their nests singing,
for all of us to hear with a loud cheer.
Many glorious church bells will be ringing,
they will be heard by young and old my dear.
This year the world needs to find love and peace,
without love and peace we will all just cease.
Date Written:2/17/2021

by Guru Jad |
Categories: devotion, love, women,

To Women

No mortal has triumphed to conquer your appeal,
From Enkidu's Shamhat to Cain's Aclima it starts
Longing for possessing you was part of the ordeal,
For lust grew unfathomed with the first love darts
Craving carved its roots in men with a hefty zeal,
Until it blurred our nous with the serum of hearts
Till now the journey keeps marching without retreat
If all is summoned, faith to you until the endmost beat!

© Guru Jad 2013

by Jemmy Farmer |
Categories: love,

Young At Heart

While skimming pebbles on sapphire sea,
You caught my eye with a cheeky smile,
Then later still we set our Pooh sticks free,
We watched them sail away in single file,
No grown up talk as I like you crazy, see,
So what if sometimes we play juvenile,
For soon enough you’ll kiss my waiting lips
And grasp love’s gentle breeze on fingertips.

Form: Ottava Rima

by Lewis Michael |
Categories: anxiety, bereavement, betrayal, depression, emo, hurt, suicide,

Hanging By a Thread

As I hang from a cord of silken repent
No hesitation for the lives I leave you
Please quarter my faith and unwind this lament
I know not of her love and drown in the truth
We have searched for some solace in time spent
And now in the darkness you have found limbo too

She dances around the gallows as I sway
Singing songs from her demons born from the day.

by Liz Labadie-Reilly |
Categories: history, nostalgia, time, time,

I Love To Boogie


A time of platform shoes and wild psychedelic art,
fondue, mood rings, glitter balls,bell bottoms with a flair,
John Travolta danced his way to every female heart,
lava lamps, paisley shirts and Farrah Fawcett hair.
“I Will Survive,” Stay'in Alive,” topped the music chart,
thigh high boots, hi heel pumps, the comfy bean bag chair,
The BeeGees rose, The Village People here for a just awhile,
mixing upbeat funk with a bit of soul gave disco special style.

IN ANOTHER TIME  Poetry Contest
Liz Reilly