Love Poems About Cousin or Cousin Love Poems
by Sandra Haight |
Categories: children, cousin, family, fun,

Cousin Time

Cousin Time So happy is a home where cousins meet; their smiles and laughter make us feel upbeat, while aunts and uncles know that life's complete to watch their children share their love so sweet. Like brothers, sisters, cousins are so neat; they play for hours and later they retreat to their own homes, but know they will repeat that special time again when cousins meet. Sandra M. Haight ~5th Place~ Contest: Personal Memories Monorhyme II Sponsor: Laura Loo Photo #2, My Niece, and Nephews Judged: 06/16/2018

by Eleanor Sweet |
Categories: death, i love you, cousin,

R.I.P. Drew

R.I.P to the big cuz drew… Never did I think I would ever loose you…. Not this early in life…. I would do anything 
to have you in my sight…. Them guys that did that stuff just aint right…. I mean they had me up crying…. They 
had to be lying…. Its too soon for you to be up in the sky flying… I look to clouds up above… Wishing I can give 
you one more hug… Push and shove… Never let you go… Cause I love you cousin just had to let you no….

by Mbongeni Khoza |
Categories: africa, family,

Blood Ties

BLOOD TIES O Brother mine, aeons, we bathe in fiery pits; epochs, you quench your thirst, from my wells of wisdom… Broken by the mallet of Creation, away you went. Then came you. Likewise, your seed… Centuries you’ve suck me dry. Your nests glitter with my blood, atop my remains, your rivers flow. My seed dammed to the Throne… Bronze shackles, you gave! As cousin Arabia fuels your rage, Rage, rage, rage… As for in time you’ll kneel. And forgive I shall, for your sins are mine. O Brother mine. Timeless clocks, bring us together. As in fiery pits, we bathe. Our Seeds will bear fruit, Love and Peace… As to dust we wither.

by Corinne Curcio |
Categories: childhood, friendship, love


When I was 5, I loved a girl
Genie was her name
She was my very best friend
I know she felt the same
I'd always plant one on her cheek
At the end of play day
That is, until my mother cried:
"You shouldn't behave that way!

She's not a cousin
She's not a sister
She's a girl
You shouldn't kiss her!"

But I love girls
How can this be wrong?
There is no sweeter melody
Calling to me like a Siren's song
Whenever I am with them
I feel like I belong
Precious pretty pearls

For Danielle White's Contest "My Earliest Memory"

by Marius Alexandru |
Categories: 3rd grade, cute love, kid,

What Is Love, In the Eyes of Six Years Old Child

A kiss from my mom each night on my forehead,
A smile and a hug when I fall, from my dad,
Forgiveness from my brother when I play with his toy-car,
or from my sister when I eat the last candy from the jar,
A lick on my cheeks from Max, my new dog,
Miss Piggy, together with Kermit The Frog.

The hands of my grandfather throwing me up high,
The grandmother's pear compote or her sweet apple pie.
Lucas, my neighbor when he brings me his cat
Olivia, my cousin, letting me borrow her beautiful red hat.
The rain when we jump, just for fun, in the mud,
A soft blow on my scars, bandages for blood.

by Mellissa Brady |
Categories: cousin, family,

My Cousin

My cousin She is very special Very nice I had never had such a great cousin before Oh this cousin I know is special to me I love you Brandy

by Jacqueline R. Mendoza |
Categories: angel, beautiful, beauty, black african american, bridal shower, caregiving, celebrity, childhood, christian, cousin, daughter, death of a friend, devotion, education, environment, father daughter, first love, flower, children, for her, kids, how i feel, little sister, me, mom, mother, native american, nostalgia, people, poets, school, spiritual, student, woman, women, work,

Qualities of Health Engendering Women

They see strengths
Not the limitations
These are people who will make you proud of yourself
They will tell you why you’re special
Trust you to the point you have to answer their expectations
They make you better than you normally are
You can be proud of yourself
They respect you 
For what you’ve done
Where you’ve come from
They see what you’ve experienced something real
Respect you for your courage
They live by their rules
They do not expect you to follow theirs
They are at peace to themselves
They are not proving anything to you
They are good listeners
Sincere in their interest in you
You feel important
They are available for honest
Genuine discussion
Makes you want to share yourself

by Mohamed Salih |
Categories: africa, cousin, creation, feelings, happiness, love, wife,

The Deep-Rooted-Tree

It never falls never drys,greens forever
Whenever it extends,it grows moreover
Our love is like that tree,greens forever
On the deep rooted tree,friends forever
Each bird sings fruitly ,And sends clever
Each leave drops water and rains lever
We runabout  as pilgrims every year

by Liz Labadie-Reilly |
Categories: humor,

Ode To the Tomato

Thought to first originate in Peru,
It’s a true tomato  fact,
oval or round,  and juicy too
from beefsteak to compact.
Tomato!  be you red or green,
nutritionally you are boss,
whether topping a salad like a queen
or at the heart of pasta sauce.
Without you, ketchup would be taboo,
 saucy salsa you wouldn’t see
marinara, we’d have to do without,	
you’re  the soul of  the  BLT.
Cousin to the eggplant,
you grow on vines above,
in France they honor you by name,
known as the “apple of love”,
So Hooray for you sweet,seedy fruit
let us  all  stop and pause,
to  honor the rich ripe goodness you bring
with a hearty round of applause!

by Charmaine Chircop |
Categories: absence, bereavement, birth,

Haiku 68 Above the Sakura Tree ,Another Spring

cherry blossoms drift upon the wooden casket life after life
In memory of our dear souper friend Lucilla Carillo,and my husband's cousin David Chircop who finished this journey ,to start a better one. May your fragrance of love bloom in the highest of skies as it did on earth. 'Pls remember them,and their loved ones in prayer'.

by Malcolm Brooks |
Categories: adventure, black african american, death, future, judgement, poetry, success,

Sleep Is the Cousin of Death

I stay up through the nights.
Will I get to eat tonight?
Will I see the day I turn 21?
One-Day, will I feel the pain of a gun?
Will I die young?

Am I asking too many questions?
Does everything happen for a reason?
Is everything I go through one of God's lessons?
Will I go to Heaven?

I stay up through the nights.
Will I reach new heights?
Lord tell me everything will be alright.
Now I think I want to be in love with the lights.
I don’t want to fall to a Price.
Lord tell me everything will be alright.

I stay up through the night.
My eyes are getting heavy.
Am I ready to sleep?
Because Sleep Could be Deadly

by Njeri Hunjeri |
Categories: death, family, heaven, missing you,

Gone Too Soon

I still love you
I still miss you
I still wish to share with you
I still pray for you

"But she didn't even say goodbye"

"She is in a glorified body now, no more pain"

The only thing we can do, is to love and support each other

*To my cousin who went home today to be with the Heavenly Father*

by Tammy Reams |
Categories: desire, funny love, humorous, image, lust, women,

Blind Sex

Some say my cousin got around
passing on his bloodline
young and wild with a strong esteem
no matter who it was

Shame his bloodline has family ties
one was his sister Jean
his Pop's found out, boy what a scene
now I know why he's blind

T Reams 3/26/2015        contest sponsored by: Nette Onclaud
                                     'Let Me Feel Your Lines    #6 bloodline

by Vernette Hutcherson |
Categories: life, love, wedding, cousin,


I once dated a man named Larry
He one day asked me to marry
Though he was a real honey
He hadn't much money
So, I wed his cousin Harry

by Mansi Bharat |
Categories: brother, care, children, cousin, dad, daughter, father daughter,

My Family

My Family
I love my family from the core of my heart
From a far off distance and miles apart
Being a daughter is the best feeling
A family which is very understanding
I love my family
My dad,who is a superhero
My mom,who is above all
My sister,sweet loving and caring
My brother,who will be fighting but with lot of love and care
My grandfather,who gifted me on my first birthday a cute bear
My grandmother,who took care of me when I was sick
My aunt,who was there with me through out my thin and thick
I love my family,I love my family

by Brittney Lopez |
Categories: beach, blue, cousin, cute love, day, loss, love,


Do you know what's haunting?
Losing someone and hearing their name, voice, or you hear something that reminds you of them
And you go blue. A dark blue, but a beautiful blue because that's the best kind of haunting
A beautiful haunting its something you can love so much but hate even more.
It's rather sweet thinking of someone so much
It's rather real.

by Chris Bowen |
Categories: art, cousin,

Love of Art

summer'sby homestead
pretty little cousin girl
sheer dress,pressed against

by Cheyenne Nienhueser |
Categories: absence, anger, best friend, betrayal, conflict, confusion, corruption, cousin,

Heart Broken

Four years filled with Happiness,
suddenly ripped away,
When coming home from work to find out,
your not the only one he seems to want,
 she was suppose to be your best friend ,
 your beloved sister, 
It turns out she was only your competittor,
 to get your first and only love.
A heart so broken,
 a soul not at rest,
 or contented to ever love another.
Only to be comfortd by people who are considered your brother.

by Eve Roper |
Categories: love,

The Love of Two People

The love of two people is the root of a family
To love is to Believe
To love is to care 
To love is to have faith
To love is to trust
To love is to understand
To love is to stand by each other in sickness and in death 


Yes, this is my first poem. I started showing an interest writing poetry because of a cousin,  Lucilla Carrillo (Lucy). She would ask me what I thought of her writing. I have grown since then. 
Your first poem on Poetry Soup' Contest Info
Sponsored By:	Silent One

by Debjani Mitra |
Categories: beautiful, betrayal, black love, blue, career, cousin, emotions,

The Purple Belladonna

A demure damsel,  her prussian blue eyes. 
I astray all blurred, in subtle catalyze.
High cheek bones, beneath her caramel hair.
My purple veins pulse, in red wanton flare.

The pretty Belladonna smiles in cold blood,
Venom frolic my veins, they wilt in lava flood.
Extravagance of heaven, in blink of an hour,
I see lavender and lilac, in the toxic purple flower.

(Belladona in Italian means "beautiful lady",
 it is also a harmless looking poisonous plant with
purple flowers,.known as the deadly nightshade)

19th January,  2019
Submitted to Kevin Shaw Purple poetry contest

by Charmaine Chircop |
Categories: losssleep, cousin,

Waking Up In Heaven

Death doesn't exist,
We never die,
We just sleep
And awake again
In the garden of eden.

Who sleeps first
And who sleeps last,
We all have to sleep
One moment in time,
But we all wake up again
In the place of no sorrow.

Our dearest who slept already
Will wait for us to sleep,
When the time is right,
We will sleep and then we will rejoice.

My dearest cousin you just passed away today
At such a young age,
You were ready to sleep and wake up
In the land of happiness,

You are not with us in flesh anymore
But you are in spirit,
Dear cousin i know one day 
We'll meet again,
Till then all my love to you .

by Seren Roberts |
Categories: happy, love, birth, me, cousin,

Ted My Hospital Visitor

Lying in hospital was visiting time
My cousin walked in with a box so fine
Handed it over said it was for me
To open it when I needed company

The box said Teddy Bears Factory
Inside was Ted’s whole story
His birth certificate is complete
Many things including birth date

Was dressed with hat and scarf
Looked so funny, made me laugh
Specs sat on end of his nose
Looking ready to compose

But he was so good to cwtch *
Instantly loved him so much
Such thoughtfulness I wont forget
My Ted is my best mate

Helped me to recover quickly
My magic pill when I’m sickly
Took 29 years for a Ted so special
Came with love of highest level

*Cwtch  is welsh for cuddle

by Muhammad Abdullahi |
Categories: absence

Dedicated To My Cousin Abdullahi












by Katherine Braithwaite |
Categories: absence, abuse, betrayal, character, cousin, emotions, lost love,

In Such Captive Grief

How like a prison is my cubicle
How wary is  my body on this chair.
How still my heart and yet how truly fickle.
How fast it flies to you who are not here.

How elegant your letters and your thoughts
How gentle was your touch upon my throat.
And yet you killed  my words and all I brought...
You were no lover but a randy goat.

As in this mental jail I'm  neatly trapped,
I'll use this time to write and  also pray.
Perhaps my mind can extricate a map..
From which I'll plot the route to get away.

The prisons which seem external are inside
Yet in such captive grief some folk have died

by Jimmi Canada |
Categories: cousin, culture, earth, emotions, family, fire, giggle, hyperbole, international, introspection, love, magic, simple, slam, thank you, today, voice, weather, wine,


Metti blic,

over-top soars of the harmonica,

the ancient way takes thee and smoke...

With soliloquies we join the mast-

sanctify the allegory,

sustain some good~ing!