Love Poems About Rictameter or Rictameter Love Poems
by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: happiness,

Oldest Rictameter

Purring contentedly just being with my love and basking in the afterglow of our ascent to the peak of pleasure, I now settle, spent and cozy, in the crook of his arm like a kitty - purring.

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: chocolate, kiss, love, nature, rain, sweet,

Sweetness - Rictameter

                Perfume, Flowers 
             A Gentle Rain-Shower  
        Candy Kisses, Chocolate Hour  
Spring Breezes, Sheltered Cover, Leafy Bower 
      The Sloping Curves of Your Profile 
          Tempting Lips that Beguile
               Love's Tender Smile

by Winged Warrior |
Categories: cry, loneliness, lost love,

Howling At Love

Like the wolf cries
Screaming foreboding skies
Yelling for your love till sunrise
The erring echoes of your love reprise
Tangled tears that follow surmise
Bitter sorrows capsize
With empty eyes

Sponsored by: White Wolf 

Place 5'th

by Melissa Wadkins Patterson |
Categories: love


Your tongue
spoke of constellations,
an unlicked sky gripping secrets
nonetheless, that mouth spat it's majesty
without ever stirring the air 
proving no white stardust
really adorns
your tongue

by CayCay Jennings |
Categories: desire, destiny, emotions, faith, heart, sky, soulmate,


Moon held and made
bathed-beams of love sonnets
dried by sun's own romantic pledge
of streamed warm rays on love's future solace ~
As days then nights honed my prayers
my pain slow climbed sky stairs
and found you there

... CayCay Jennings
August 31, 2018

by Jan Allison |
Categories: beach, moon, romantic,


shadows glisten
like sparkling diamonds
on lapping waves which wash over 
our toes as we stroll barefooted along 
the shore of the deserted beach 
how I love evening walks 
with you in the

Diamonds counted as 3 syllables*

Contest: Rictameter Me 
Sponsor: White Wolf


by Robin L. Gass |
Categories: love

Bed of Roses

The love
you've sown within
the heart and soul of me
grows like a lush summer garden
and I am filled with your tender beauty
I gather roses in the sun
and offer you bouquets
on petals sweet
we lie

by Robin L. Gass |
Categories: people, philosophy

A Good Factor

The things
we do come back
in three fold I am told
Hold this knowledge close to your heart
so what you choose to do unto others
is done with kindness, care and love
and in the end good will
come back to you
times three.

by Brenda Meier-Hans |
Categories: animal, best friend, dog, friend, friendship, love, thanks,

I'M a 9 Revised

                         You bring me peace
                    With your head on my lap
                 I gently stroke your wavy hair
            Lovingly I bend to kiss your forehead
                Thanking God for giving me you
                    You have become my calm
                            My loyal friend 

Written by Brenda Meier-Hans 
Used my Path Number 9
For Contest: Tell me your Number
Andrea Dietrich

by Meghan Hutchings |
Categories: appreciation, celebration, emotions, friendship, judgement, love,


Justice Colorblind love Equality for all Embrace mankind by character. Treat others as you want to be treated. Stand up for the rights of all men. Speak up against bias. Rise together! Justice
Submitting into Give me a Rictameter! Poetry Contest Sponsored by: M. L. Kiser Date: 02/14/2022

by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: faith, hope, inspirational, love,


~Always~ (Rictameter) Seek God Wants best for us Creator and Savior In my life He is always there God offers all His love to all mankind He helps us with all our burdens Entire earth needs His grace I pray to God Seek God. Dorian Petersen Potter aka ladydp2000 copyright@2012

by Valsa George |
Categories: appreciation, beauty, bird, song,

Blue Bird

Blue bird, you perch on trees, by the forest's far rim. Dressed in silk robes of sapphire hues, with tapering tail and a bill so sleek, singing in melodious strains, your sweet notes ringing loud. How I love you, Blue bird. July. 18. 2022 ~ Placed First~ Rictameter Sponsored by Caren Krutsinger

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: friend, friendship, friendship love,

Vi, My Neighbor, and Friend

Funny stories
Great personality
A hilarious memory
Her name was Vi, and she was the best fun!
Alzheimer’s took her brain over.
Dreaded disease for her.
Changed everything

by Kai Michael Neumann |
Categories: love,



Sea shells sound time

Cascades of love entwine

They float on a magic carpet

Lose themselves in delirious moments

A dream catcher harvests pure love

Passion smoothens the waves

Teases senses’


27th August 2018

by Joseph May |
Categories: heartbroken, rose,


 Come with their thorns,
 Love comes with thorns as well
 Leaving so many heartbroken
 Emotions then run over into tears
 As thorns of heartbreak pierce the heart,
 Something so beautiful
 Can cause such pain,

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: fantasy, love,

- the King and the Queen -


                                        King of Hearts

                                   He was deeply in Love

                              I will fill Your body with Love

                       My life can be lived in A new Dimension

                             I will give You a Diamond ring 

                                  My Queen and Goddess

                                      Queen of Hearts

                                             : I do

A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved 

- Thanks for my 3rd place in the contest -

by Robin L. Gass |

A Fair Warning

How deep
this pain and fear
runs through my aching heart
as I weep tears for flesh and blood
bruised by a life that is often unkind
my anger feeds on acid thoughts
as I prepare to crush
what has threatened
my world

and step lightly
for I am on your heels
know that you will fall by my hand
I will not rest until I destroy you
and I am sure all that I love
is safely out of reach
from your evil

by Pace Ink-U-Script |
Categories: heaven, love, marriage, spiritual,

Our Love Ascends To Heaven

Heaven awaits til our last waltz amongst the wind, mimicking that of yesterdays...(Sigh) Nature applauds as we continue in harmony; never ceasing til the last tear. Dust we form... transcending to Heaven
Pace, G INK-U-SCRIPT 09/05/2013 Contest Title: Just Nine Lines Visual #1 1st Place Winner

by Tom Quigley |
Categories: granddaughter, heartbreak, history, lost love, racism,

A Day In a Town

Evening. A harbinger, the breeze is redolent with petrichor. Soft rain begins. Across my bucolic demesne, I see My erstwhile dalliance’s town Ephemeral it was But such passion lives on That day A willow tree Where serendipity Turned propinquity to romance The epiphany of our love brought not Open doors, but a higher fence. Ancient love eons old Recalled from my wheelchair. Jade eyes Chocolate skin Casualty of hate. Granddaughter rolls me back inside Efflorescence crunches under the wheels Her eyes flit to the ebony Young man down the road Perhaps times change. Hope lives. 4/10/16

by Cecilia Macfarlane |
Categories: love, marriage,

Lingering Love

~ Aura ~
                     Surrounds the place
              Where a wedding was blessed
     Two souls shared their vows and their hearts
  A long life, joined dreams, love beyond measure
       Their presence lingers though their gone
                   Magic of love prevails
                       Glowing brightly      
                            ~ aura ~

Visual 1
Just Nine Lines contest 
Cecilia Macfarlane

by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: angel, beautiful, emotions, love,

M O O N G L O W - the Rictameter Style

~Moonglow~ (Rictameter) My Love Heart for you beat I see beams of moonglow You're my one and only true love My heart belongs to you and there's magic Darling when I think of you and Each time I see the moon I dream of you My Love Dorian Petersen Potter aka ladydp2000 copyright@2015
November.28.2016 ~Author's Notes: The " Rictameter" is a very popular invented poetry form or style that just popped up on the internet in the last decade. No one seems to take credit as the source. The "Rictameter" has a scheme similar to the Cinquain poetry form or style.

by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: beautiful, food, health, love,

Delicious Food - the Rictameter Style

~Delicious Food~ ( Rictameter ) Awesome Delicious food Chicken stir-fry to eat All the vegetables are great Onions,green, red peppers,carrots,mushrooms Full of flavor and so healthy Chicken is so tender Serve it with rice Awesome! Dorian Petersen Potter aka ladydp2000 copyright@2012
October.04.2016 ~Author's Notes: The Rictameter is a popular invented poetry form or style that popped up on the internet in the last decade or so. No one seems to take credit as the source for it.

by Nicole Signorelli |
Categories: devotion, girlfriend-boyfriend, love,

To My Inmate

Do I love you.
Forever, I’ll be there.
Holding you in a tight embrace,
Everlastingly clutching you with care.
As far apart as we may be,
Our souls will stay intertwined.
As one we’ll be,

by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: angel, beautiful, emotions, love,

So Tenderly - the Rictameter Style

~So Tenderly~ (Rictameter) I feel Your love always So very tenderly Caressing face, all my senses In the air you whisper softly my name It makes my whole heart and soul soar Just so beautifully Always your love I feel. Dorian Petersen Potter aka ladydp2000 copyright@2016
December.02.2016 ~Author's Notes: The " Rictameter" is a very popular invented poetry form or style that just popped up on the internet in the last decade. No one seems to take credit as the source. The "Rictameter" has a scheme similar to the Cinquain poetry form or style.

by Clifford Villalon |
Categories: faith, family, passion,

Holy Week

Palm fronds on doors
Or blood painted on walls
Faith and love of you, all that calls
Reminiscing Lord's works that saved the World
Veracity of His word shows
Men and women who bows
And praise His name
A Flame