Love Poems About Sound or Sound Love Poems
by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: autumn, lost love,

Lilah of the Lilacs

Like violets were her eyes when first I spied the lady with a sweet child’s face who peeked at me from bushes that she stood beside, alluring Lilah, beaming, apple-cheeked! And so it was that more and more I found myself among the lilacs in that place where first we’d met, that I might hear the sound of Lilah’s laugh and glimpse her angel’s face. On fragrant garden paths we knew the thrill of blossoming affection. Poetry was time we spent! But when my love fell ill, the autumn of our bliss was not to be. . . I visit Lilah now where she’s at rest nearby the lilac blooms she liked the best.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: love,

After the Party

After the party and all our great fun,
new friends were trickling out my front door.
With their goodbye hugs, they left one by one,
and I was left feeling surely “the more
the merrier” was a phrase that was true
with my apartment now emptied of sound!
But through the night, I’d been noticing YOU.
Unlike the others, you’d just stuck around.
You told me you’d waited all night for the chance
to be with me only. My heart skipped a beat.
Putting on music, you asked for a dance!
The moment was magic, and you were so sweet.
Today we still dance to that same song.
After the party, my prince came along!

June 29, 2019

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: beauty, emotions, feelings, imagery, love hurts, music, passion,

Callused Fingers

Callused fingers press vibrating strings, drawing passion from a violin. And with burnished wood snug to his cheek, the violinist plays from his heart. Subtle vibes saturate my being as crying strings elicit feelings. And expounding on love's betrayal, music stirs the imagination. His bow hangs like a lingering kiss, savoring the taste of ecstasy. And then, with tears trickling down his cheek, he unleashes unbridled fervor. Experiencing pangs of rapture, sound slips the bounds of reality. And every note penetrates my heart, igniting fiery flames of passion. 5/7/2015

by Quoth Theraven |
Categories: body, devotion, truth,

The Wait

No end where love's found
no beginning, though there must've been
I can't recall, seems it was always there
going on and on..

No life better known, restless like the forest
hearts awaken at new sight and sound
teasing I see, so pleasing..
two corners lifting at your mouth.

You can go on now, find me..
the place you always knew
waiting, silent as a stone
body and soul lost to you.

A place with no beginning
no tomorrows, nor sorrows
we'll leave them at the gate.
Oh my love, I can't breathe,
can hardly bear the wait.

by Elaine George |
Categories: death, love,

The Stone

Alone in a meadow in the pouring rain
I find the stone that causes all my pain,
As I stumble through the fog in disbelief
I fall down upon my knees and sob in grief

The fog horn cries her mournful sound
As my heart falls down, beneath the ground
Crying out to God for mercy all in vain
To take away the stone that bears your name

Author:  Elaine George

by Harry Horsman |
Categories: love, thank you,

In So Many Ways

Your willing lips encased entwined with mine   
The taste as soft as the morning cast dew,
Emerald eyes the clarity of wine
Brings to mind the wondrous Castle to view.
Your voice as sweet as Thrush in harmony
A chorus awakened to the sunlight,
Penetration of love in litany
In deep alliteration morn till night.
Embraced in shackled touch with bonds thus bind
Oh I will of words pen of this love found,
You took a sad heart upon like did find
Staid the exterior yet ardour sound.
Your love's reflection my happiest days
This need to tell you in so many ways. 

 © Harry J Horsman 2013

by Lu Loo |
Categories: love, passion,

Secrets of Passion

The sheets beneath the shadow lights a spark, for whence we laid down he nestled his head. Our enchantment lights magic in the dark, but so much is spoken with words unsaid. For love can be given without a sound, and received within the silence of night. Freely nurturing with touching, profound, nevertheless understood without sight. Let us keep the secrets of passion calm, yet exalt beyond the whisper of breeze. Free from apprehension and busy qualm, longing for our souls to be hushed with ease. For as long as we remain free from sound, our mystical romance will be unbound. ~28 April 2016~

by Joseph May |
Categories: lost love, relationship,

Words Left Unsaid

Words left unsaid as teardrops fell
 The price of love, their hearts would tell
 And so they parted, love took flight
 And left their hearts to lonely nights
 Each unable to break loves spell

  Distant sound of the old church bell
 Rang through seasons they knew so well
 Winter to spring, summer shone bright
 Words left unsaid

 Each had a broken heart to sell
 As fire within they tried to quell
 Memories fade in Luna's light
 Stars wished upon twinkle in sight
 Love's distant star, flickers farewell
 Words left unsaid
 Contest Name: Form U- U pick 'em
 Sponsor; Broken Wings

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,

Christmas Wish

When i wake from my happy dream 
I remember magic did appear 
Angels sang and freedom rang 
and you and I were there 

We sat amongst the flowing fields 
with fauna all around 
I held you tight through the night 
never making but a sound 

Before we woke three words we spoke 
which were meaningless until today 
as we kissed under the acient oak 
I asked you if you'd stay 

For I have dreamt and I have wished
for a love that will ring true 
so a Christmas Wish I ask of you 
is for you to love me too.

by Robertina B. |
Categories: encouraging, inspirational, peace, uplifting,

Candle Light

The sun sets..
Darkness surrounds..
There is a candle burning..
Candle light ..
A flickering flame..
A tender flame that glows so lovely..

Peace and quiet..
Silent and still
Only the sound of a slight crackle..
By a warm glowing candle..

In my moment of silence..
In my moment of serenity
I softly whisper a prayer of gratitude..
A heartfelt prayer of pure Love..

My entire being had been lifted by divine love..
The flame of the candle had died..
For I am now the flame of the candle..

Glowing with divine love and light..

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: faith, silence,

Silent Faith

Silent Sun

Shines for all to see

Silent moon

Lights the night with stars that never speak

Silent people

Go walking thru their silent world...unheard

Silent voices

Speak of life’s unspoken dreams

Silent hearts

Cry a river of tears onto the sea

Silent Love

Waits patiently for love to be free...naturally

Silent hope

Burns of Fire deep down inside

Silent faith

Know somehow we will survive

Silence be...

In silence of sound I breathe... Silently

by Judy Bonin |
Categories: fantasy, imagination, loss

Dream Light

Hardened solid is the clay
That shapes the way I am today
I dream escape from endless grief
Restoring child-like belief

Experience has made me cold
Stolen who I was before
Left behind half of a whole
Changed the essence of my core

I wish to dance in brilliant light
Cleanse my soul with gentle rain
Slumber sound in dark of night
At dawn awaken without pain

Soar up high in skies above
Gaze down upon meadows green
To once again believe in love
To have faith in things unseen

Memories that formed the clay
Although impossible to do
Will them all to melt away
And live the bliss that I once knew

by Aysha Nuwas |
Categories: betrayal, conflict, hope, sad,

Blue Skies Over Sunflowers

In eastern lands, where once did roam
The winds of peace, and fields of home
Now echoes sound of bombs and gun
As war in Ukraine, is far from done

The sky once blue, now turned to gray
With smoke and dust, that won't away
And children's laughter, now replaced
By cries of pain, in this historic place

With each new day, new battles fought
As brothers clash, with brothers sought
And homes once filled, with love and grace
Now lie in ruins, in this darkened space

Oh, how we long, for peace to reign
And end this war, this endless pain
Let hearts unite, in hope and prayer
For Ukraine, for peace, and love to share.

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 9th grade, angst, anxiety, death, i love you, i miss you, imagery,

A Little Too Quiet

It's a little too quiet now, I can no longer hear his voice. And yet, the sound of his laughter is still prevalent in my dreams. He died; his soul is in heaven; it's a little too quiet now. And all that I took for granted, morphed into precious memories. His final goodbye broke my heart; and I could hear myself screaming. It's a little too quiet now; and the silence is deafening. I pray to a merciful God; to keep him alive in my thoughts. I'm used to hearing his heartbeat; it's a little too quiet now.

by Patricia L Graham |
Categories: bullying, dark, depression, grief, murder, poverty, time,

Slaughtered Innocence

The hideous and the humble
Blood peppers falling snow
As world hurtles to the tipping point
Life chokes on ignited air
Wrenching love from hungry mouths
Stars fall without sound
Some weep helpless, day through night
Ever wondering how
Never knowing why ...

by Paul Callus |
Categories: love, rain, water,


I am not a rain dog
With my tail between my legs
Dying to run home in haste
Away from showers that gradually increase 
And then come pounding heavily down 
Like sheets of splintered pearly glass 

I am not a loner
Who leads a wasted life
On doorsteps sharing aching pain
With others who live rough
Deprived of warmth and comfort

I am a lover
I inhale the smell
Enjoy the caressing feel
Of seductive teasing raindrops 

They fall around
With sweetest sound
Passionate the call

It echoes
I hear


16th October, 2014
Contest: "I do not know"
Sponsor: Andrea Dietrich
Placed: 4th

by Joseph Spence Sr |
Categories: devotion, faith, hope, inspirational, life, time, visionarylove,

Amazing Grace

The soul whom the Son sets free
is free indeed,
Unlocking the rusting shackles
of oppression,
Allowing life’s amazing grace
to shine with His embrace,
Transformation of soul’s darkness
to light’s brightness,
The uplifting revelation of God’s
truth of freedom,
His extraordinary and infinite power
shining love every hour,
Preservation and hope for life
His love abound, no strife
How sweet the sound—
Wrapped in His embrace
Singing Amazing Grace! 

17th Place Honorable Mention/Certificate
Poetry Soup's International Poetry Contest
July 1, 2007

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: angel, beauty, dream, emotions, feelings, love, sun,

Lost In Loves Space

love the style of your morning kiss 
dancing lips deeply dazzling bliss

Catch you after curtain calls my dreams tonight 
until the sun kisses your eyelids with golden light

Beautiful in one's mind weakness sang a dream
just floated to you dancing upon sunshine beams 

Captivating ball of flames burning bright not the past 
radiating golden warm future holds destiny our torch shines a light everlasting

Holding inside believing crowning beauty silently whispers without sound 
Rising as night's tears leave a dew upon the ground 

Crystal blue clear the happiness within joy brings
inside every wish was your desire softly feathers touching wings embracing sing

by Bryn Strudwick |
Categories: mystery,

Crimson Rose


You stand once more beside the harbour wall
This is the third night I have seen you there.
I watch you from a distance, proud and tall
A shaft of sunlight glinting in your hair
What is it draws you to that spot each day?
What thoughts of sadness occupy your mind?
The memory of a love far, far away,
A yearning for your homeland left behind?
Sad seagulls’ cries provide the only sound;
You reach out, casting something on the sea
And then, oblivious to all around,
You slip away still steeped in mystery
      I look down where the water gently flows.
      It’s empty save for one dark, crimson rose

by Keith Bickerstaffe |
Categories: angst,


He hurries home late from the office
and hesitates out on the lawn,
the mists are swirling like her dress,
the moon is frowning down.

The music in her soft blue eyes,
that hungry look upon her face
makes him tremble like a teenager
fumbling his first date.

Hoping she's gotten home safely,
beguiled by her lingering perfume,
his wife and kids are sound asleep,
he tiptoes through the family room.

Bedeviled by such fervent yearnings
full-compounded day to day,
a strangled heart, a tortured soul,
old love, new love - there is no easy way.

by Katrina Keller-Cole |
Categories: love hurts, relationship, sorrow, time,



Yesterday I forgot the shade of your eyes
I struggled to remember your touch
Today I forgot the sound of your voice 
Each day I don't miss you so much
In the end you only brought me sorrow
I wonder what I won't remember tomorrow

by Vijay Pandit |
Categories: love,

Unsung Verse

What's behind the terse, unspoken sound
One that abruptly inserted a period
Invoking a sigh in the middle of a sentence

Was it the uneasy voice of her heart's lyrics
Announcing your song is still incomplete
Or ambivalence of despondent music
Reluctantly strumming devoid of melody

Perhaps it’s time for your bashful words
To complement echo of the unsung verse

Disclosing explicitly to her anxious world:

You saw it in the smile of her cheerful eyes
And heard it from symphony of dulcet vibes
And felt it in the ballet of her delicate touch
When she held you close in an intimate hug
While mellifluous whispers of love spoke 

December 8, 2021

by Charmaine Chircop |
Categories: death, longing, love,


He left her side
Going...   She knows not where

The last sound of footsteps
fading away

But...   He will come back

Looking through old photographs
Love letters and places

He will be back.

He will come back     to her caring arms
Her compassionate eyes
Their secret ways      and her smiling face.

He will be back

A little bit too early

A little bit too late.

Far too late 

Far too late   to unlock the door to his desired faith.

Far too late     for begging apologies

No one has ever returned from the dead.

Just  a poem :)

by Shanta Sumaiya |
Categories: april, bangla, i love you,


i can remember the day
first met with you
i saw the blue deep eyes
that was the day
fall in love with you....

i can feel you around me
when you are not there
you are my oxygen
i can breathe lively here
in love everything is fair......

my heart beats for you
my sleep dreams for you
my sound sing for you
just wanna to say
i love you....

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: creation, inspirational, rainbow,

I'M All Alone

I am the Earth

The Stars and the Seas

In the Silence of Angels 

I'm in the Breeze

I am of Sound

A Musical played by the Wind

A Rainbow over Mountains

The Hope of Flowers in Spring

I am the dream

The dream of my Soul

Whenever lost I remember

I am my home

I am a Man

In the Image of God

A Universe full of Wonders

I‘m made for Love 

I am Me

Born to be Free

On the Wings of a Prayer

Fly my heart back to thee

Yet I'm all ALONE.... This the Journey of Me....