Love Poems About Blank Verse or Blank Verse Love Poems
by Keith Bickerstaffe |
Categories: love,


Pink and perfect mystery 
to which I ply my finger, 
she ripens so exquisitely
the longer that I linger

and fluff the modest blossom
with my gentle loving hand,
teasing, ever pleasing
so that now I understand

how beautiful the flower
that yields without duress,
blooming now so fully
in the warmth of my caress.

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: art, beauty, inspirational, philosophy, sad,

The Park Bench

The Park Bench

I wish I was a poet
With magical words
To make people see all of the absurd
Tears fly, paintings in pastel die

When we look into our mirrors
We sometimes miss
What love dumps upon all of us
We shed tears, for we forgot to shed fears

I have no legs, nor any crutches
So my voyage has ended
I only observe
Sadness upended

When goodness is confused
When gestures are refused
When the kiss that could have been
When a poets tear seems obscene

The one who hears is often deaf
The deaf sometimes have nothing left
If I could give a kiss away
I would give it to lovers with hearts that sway

Drawing love on paper in may

by Silent One |
Categories: desire, romance, romantic love,

To Touch the Untouched

She is soothing music, but an unwritten script. A silent movie, but visually, cinematic elegance. Infatuated lyrics thirst to compose onto tones of her curves. Her tongue is a sensual dance, a serenade of sensitive sensations. Her lips a path to pristine passion, her eyes a gateway to heaven. But she is grandeur of purity, a distinction of innocence. Fate must learn patience, in the pursuit of desire.
Simple Musing Silent One 8 March 2020

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: love, nature,

The Rose Bowl

The sky is a gigantic bowl of pink turned upside down, spilling soft rose petals that peeked out from beneath snow white billowed clouds till - fully blossomed - they burst forth. Growing radiant at the edge of twilight, they’ve scattered as rubescent streaks falling, lush and luminescent, as we watch in solitude. No parade this evening - just you and I aglow, wishing for an eternity to be like this: so splendidly in love. . . in the pink. Title and first line changed back to original Submitted Oct. 5, 2021 (#8 word - Rosy) for '''R'' Contest, New or Old' Contest Info Sponsor: Constance La France

by Joe Dimino |
Categories: change, christian, confidence, god, love, truth, wisdom,

Baby Steps

I took a walk with God today,
His pace far more casual than
mine. His voice a bit softer,
calmer. His visions, far more
loftier, but not views to impress
me...more like, to bless me. Not
stepping to me out-stride – more like,
to lovingly guide. His tone to instill in me
self confidence, and not His awesome
dominance. I took a walk with
God today...met Christ along
the way – and together we made a turn 
toward Home....

by John Watt |
Categories: film, love,


I am a silent movie,
a corny melodrama
played in black and white
with an observable flicker.
A little tramp
accompanied by ragtime piano.

You are pure A-list 
Dolby digital
THX, IMAX laser, 
Oscar winner
3D blockbuster.

And yet you love

Written 26 Apr 2020

by Poet Destroyer A |
Categories: confusion, emo, emotions, fear, feelings, pain, sad,

Am I

AM  I ?

Am I Just Standing Here, or Am I Just Dead?
Am I So Full Of Fear, I Lost Myself Instead?

Am I A Nobody, that you can't defend me?
Am I Just Invisible, and you really don't pretend.

Am I Blind, Or I Just Don't Wish To See?
The Love I Cannot Find Is Right In Front Of Me!

Am I Hearing the Truth,
Or Have I Just Been Deceived?
Who Can I Trust?
Who Can I Believe?

Am I So Mad I Just Can't Understand,
Or Am I So Sad I Need A Shoulder And A friend?

Is It Just Me, 
Or Am I All Alone?


I wrote this poem 22 years ago
I was pregnant, scared and alone:-(

by Jennifer Proxenos |
Categories: wisdom,

Who Will I Be Tomorrow


If what I am,
And what I do,
Makes me who I’ll be tomorrow,
If what I say,
And what I don’t,
Makes me who I’ll be tomorrow,                                            
If what I think,
With heartfelt wisdom,
Makes me who I’ll be tomorrow,
If what I see, 
And what I feel,
Makes me who I’ll be tomorrow,
If what I speak,
Be it right or wrong
Makes me who I’ll be tomorrow,
If I am ugly,
To those I love,
Makes me who I’ll be tomorrow,
If I could dare,
To hide a sin,
Makes me who I’ll be tomorrow,
If I only take,
And never give,
Makes me who I’ll be tomorrow,
I’ll have to stop and think,
Who do I want to be tomorrow!

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: art, heart, lost love, love, muse, philosophy,

Desire Love Romance

All lovely words
when understood

All so misconstrued
silence envelopes our delusions

Desire, we lust the attention
at the forfeit of philosophy

Love, we crave at Kings expense
	at times
		Sacrificing those whom love us true
			spilling blood at humanities alter

Romance, we desire for loves embrace
knowing serpents sell snake oil remedies

Beware the soft spoken 
cringe when you hear words only a token

Seeking the truth, not platitude
discover love, in those that.........

Breathe actions, not poetic verse

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: appreciation, love, poetry,

Caress My Soul Sweet Poet

Love's tend'rest touch, your gentle words reveal
Caress my soul. sweet poet, with your verse
Write dulcet lullabies which make me feel
Secure, like infants held at breast to nurse

Turn tears of sadness into peaceful streams
Make whispered breezes whisk my strife away
Put passion in my fantasized daydreams
Paint troubles in to flowery bouquets

And even though I know they're not for me
I steal your soothing love just like a thief
This load I carry lightens suddenly
Because my broken heart has found relief

Your words are like a song, please sing to me
Sweet poet, how I love your poetry

   an original poem by Daniel Turner

by Phillip Garcia |
Categories: daughter,

Who Can Argue Miracles Exist

Who Can Argue Miracles Exist?

No man, be he grandiloquent or coarse;
             be he a learned novel or tattered page;
             be he devout in faith or drenched in doubt;
             be he a man replete with shame of sin:
No man (unless an empty man who flaps like cynic’s skin)
             who has watched the early sun come out
	     or heard the song of sparrows spared the cage:
No man in love with his daughters:  No man in love with his universe.


Submitted for:  Let's Have an Argument
Sponsored by Kevin Shaw

by Gregory Richard Barden |
Categories: analogy,


my fingertips
touch ...
tender, but with melodic intent
you tremble
just SO ...
and sigh sweetly
the delightful answer
to my questioning hands
a gentle press ...
your supple curves against me
fitting me like dovetail
your quivers ...
soft-thrumming my flesh
matching your moans
the hushing pulse of your body
urges me on ...
your swan-like neck
satin beneath my hot palm
as it moves lower
pressing ...
deft digits dancing across you
like a wild Spaniard
we are ... one
our purpose, the same
oh, sing to me now
let my passion be your cry
let our lullabies of love and desire
move souls ...
and ache hearts
my beloved ...

by Charmaine Chircop |
Categories: love,

Your Breath Within Me

Erased For  publishing

by Jan Allison |
Categories: forgiveness,

Forgive and Forget

I asked you what I have done wrong But there is no response - just a stony silence No words can convey my guilt, my inner sadness This will be my last goodbye My final letter to you my love Tears flow down my ashen face Tears of sadness, tears of regret Drip Drip Drip Drip Tears fall on the paper as I write They mingle with the damp blue ink The inky water leaches into the paper Its colour starts to bleed and spread Until it fades into nothingness I am empty, devoid of emotion I can say no more Forgive me for being me Forgive me for caring Forgive me for loving you Goodbye forever 02~15~15

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: angel, baptism, beautiful, blessing, heaven, light, love,

Stepping Into Heaven

Under your heavenly gaze magic appears perfect 
a thousand whispers sail through the oceans current 
each wave warmly echoes of a sun filled promise 
Our time is held when precious jewels they glimmer 
every breath gasps breathless holding dearest soul
where the silken ribbons circle around a gift tied 
wrapped within angel rays floating inside heartbeats

by Caycay Jennings |
Categories: longing, passion, romantic, senses, sensual, sexy, sweet love,

Sensual Silky Colors

I have loved and been loved -  I have shared ivory love bliss colors.

I have ridden sapphire airs of crimson ecstasy and touched silver stars.

I have felt gold, silky, lilac joy move and embrace my harlequin heart.

I have melted to tangerine delight caresses tingling my willing, fuchsia skin.

I have been lifted and turned and tossed  -  on sensual, erotic 
waves that travel bold - through and between me                                                                                 

... CayCay Jennings
March 11, 2016

by Silent One |
Categories: love,

To Love You Upon My Last Breath

When the last rain drop has fallen and final word has been spoken. When mercy is no longer our saviour, remember, each time your heart beats, with every sigh on the tip of your tongue, my only wish was to forever love you, stronger than the light that shone at sunrise, warmer than the rays from that golden orb, more powerful than the radiance of the moon and with greater devotion than the stars.
Silent One Simple Musing 17 February 2018

by Charlie Smith |
Categories: love, mystery, spiritual,

Beautiful Mysteries

Divinity lives beyond description Alone, a weary heart cries from its pain Desire eager for its conscription Might truth and love turn this way again? Sweet mysteries, this life, in dreams of thee Yield fantasy's passion I dare to share Walk from this muse, I pray to live in me Conceding this, my love, unto your care On lifeless shadows, cast your glowing light Bring a blessed presence to this peace I seek Rest too this solemn shade, this endless night With angelic verse, but you could only speak For seeking dreams to dream from up above I cast my will and fate to seek your love

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: butterfly, flower, life, lost love, love, metaphor,


Your love touched me…
As a butterfly softly alights on a flower.
I didn't notice until you flew away.


Bite Size Poem no.45 Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Line Gauthier 

*Note: This poem is about not realizing you 
love someone until it is too late.

by Maureen Mcgreavy |
Categories: beauty, butterfly, sad love,

Bluewing Falling

Her magic is drawn 
from an ocean's 
million hues 
boundless skies

slain by her trembling perfection 
you grab hold of her 
to save yourself 
and you do not mean her any harm 
you just want to feel what azure feels like
to experience the depths of cerulean 

but her cobalt dust 
rubs off all over you 
your being  

indelibly indigo stained 
as the beauty you wished to possess 
lays crushed 
at your feet

July 13th, 2018

by Vijay Pandit |
Categories: love, sunset,

Find Me Then

Find me then, when gilded ruby sky
Adorns mauve twilight on canvas pink
Pleasing ardor of magenta dreams
Tinting smiles in brushstrokes tangerine;
Find me then, when ocean's blue bosom
Scintillates waves' vermilion passions
As sun's orange glow folds in embrace
Caressing kiss of love --find me then.

June 11, 2020
Placed 3rd: Repeat the phrase poetry contest
Nine syllables per line (
Sponsor: Nette Onclaud

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: color, life, poems,

Write Your Name

Paint the world of words so bright

Brush the canvas with pure delight

Be the rainbow coming out of a storm

The sunrise of a beautiful morn

Paint the world as you would wish

For what is written expresses it

Hearts maybe black or blue

A bright smile colors I love you

Paint it as a blind man sees

Hear it as the deaf conceives

Blank spaces upon your walls

Interpretations are meant for all

Paint the world and let it be

You are you and I am me

No left,right or middle lanes

Colors are one and the same…write your name

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,


Slowly ever so slowly overcome with emotion building up ever so effortlessly inside passions burning ever so swiftly reside deep in my heart sweet smells of your luscious gateau roam free a slight breeze blows in your hazel hair enhancing your essence enticing me slowly ever so slowly I wrap my arms around your aphrodite-esque waist squeezing ever so slightly whispering "love me"

by Paul Callus |
Categories: love hurts,

One Last Embrace

My whispered words trail to a halt
Her sobbing muffled by the wind
Beneath our faithful trusted tree
Concealed from Luna’s prying eyes
We share the pain of anguished hearts
As time draws near for us to part
And take divergent paths of life
To quell the urge of bridled love.
When dawn approaches we shall leave
With nothing else but memories
Unloosing hands from this embrace
Our shattered dreams can’t be replaced.

--- --- --- --- --- --- ---  
Hugs Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Craig Cornish
Placed 3rd
Chosen p.o.t.d. on 8th June 2020

© 7th June, 2020

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: beauty, kiss, light, love, morning, romantic, rose,

It Happened On a Misty Morning

Wettened by the mornings dew 
Closely spaced where rows of roses grew 
Footprints stained the cobblestone 
Where my love and I had walked, alone

Sweet light's tryst with blowy mist 
The fog and the dawn waltzed as we kissed 
Fertile bliss of rosebud lips 
Strands of sunlight round my fingertips