Love Poems About High School or High School Love Poems
by Honestly J.T. |
Categories: america, for her, for him, friend, friendship, growth, how i feel, international, journey, love, racism, school, social, together, truth, uplifting,

One World

Love is not a color,
No hue, neither a race.
All of our blood is the same, 
That runs deep within our veins.

If we could lift up each other,
And know that we all care.
If we help our sisters and brothers,
There's a bond that we'll share.

©2013 Honestly JT

by James Fraser |
Categories: daughter, death, depression, father, girlfriend-boyfriend, hope, husband, life, loss, lost love, mother, sad, wife

Suicide Mind

What makes the decision
To flick the switch
To end ones life
For the sake of it
Troubled, debts
Bullied at school
Fork in the road
To let death rule
Mums, dads
Daughters and sons
What ever affects them 
They just can't outrun
Sadness and tears
By all left behind
Will they ever understand
Suicide Mind

by Besma Riabi Dziri |
Categories: beauty, destiny, faith, love, school,

At a Crossroads a Poet Is Born

I hold my papers and pen
not a poetry to write
it is the school year again
one other journey in time.

My ever burning concern
would my words find their way
as all my candles I burn
to meet yearning faces each day.

A thirst for light in young hearts
I lend my soul, the blanks I fill
and then a whole story starts
quenching feels would be a thrill.

When my pupils take my notes
would they read devotion in many a line
my fear, a quote or a word floats
my quill unveiled in heart shrine.

I hold my pen with great zeal
two paths I walk, a heart is torn
my love  how can I conceal
at a crossroads, a poet is born.

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: crush, funny love, humorous, teacher,

Teacher's Pet

As I look back, it all seems funny now
Recalling all those awkward teen age years
I pushed the limits farther than allowed
Supposedly when young, we had no fears

Infatuation caught me with the blues
My heart was swollen by love's gentle sting
It was a crush that only left a bruise
Left by the diamond in her wedding ring

The first day I laid eyes on her, I fell
The lightning bolt she was, that shook my world
And to this day I swear I'd know her smell
Could she have read my mind, she'd likely hurled

I hated school but never missed her class
She said she loved me 'cause I made her laugh

  original poem by Daniel Turner

by Mary Nagy |
Categories: angst, daughter, family, funny, happiness, life, love, car,

Princess Needs a New Car

Princess just wants a new car.
I have told her that hers will go far.
'Oh, it's really not cool
driving this crap to school.'
'Do I need that emotional scar? '

'The kids will all laugh at the rust.
When we race, I'll be left in the dust! 
I will save up some cash
then we'll make a mad dash
to the car dealer surely you trust'.

'He will make us a wonderful deal
and I'm sure you will know how I feel.
I will love you so much, 
My siblings... I won't touch.
Just get me behind a new wheel'! 

Now she'll be cruisin in style.
She'll be happy for only awhile.
There will always be better
and we'll try hard to get her
a car that will make princess smile.

by Evrod Samuel |
Categories: love, lust, senses,

Arouse Me


Enchant me 
Serenade me 
Touch me

Raise my temperature
Heighten my senses 
Make me tingle all over 

Apply your hands to my trembling body 
Caress the heaving contours 
Of my pliant body

Feel the rhythm of my passions
Boiling within 
Explore all of what I have to give 

Arouse me 
Titillate me 
Enhance my desire 
Make me tingle with your soft kisses

Own me 
Mould me 
Control me 

Free me of inhibitions
School me in desire 
Pleasure me 

It’s not all about me 
But of you and I becoming we

by Brandee Augustus |
Categories: childhood, love, nostalgia, school, teenme,

His Smile Awaits

He was my very first daydream
I thought about him all the time
Something about him made me beam

Seeing his face was so sublime
Making good grades in class was a breeze
It was his smile that was my motivation
Liking him came with such ease
Every thought of touching him came with hesitation

All I had was the way he looked at me
Waiting for his glances became my prize
A chance encounter filled me with glee
I wanted so much to feel the warmth of his eyes
Thinking of him is a great memory 
Smiles like his have become few and far between

by Craig Sipe |
Categories: love,

Her Wuthering Letters

You get to a point where 
you can’t read them anymore
and consider yourself a grown-up.

But it wasn’t until I was fifty-two 
that I threw them away. 

How long could they hide
in a high school brief case
next to a box of sweaters 
in the attic?

So…into the Dumpster Doodle-Doo 
they went: her Wuthering epistles, 
and my Heathcliff’s angst

Risen to the “beep beep beep” 
of a trash trawler’s chaw.

By then she was a preacher’s wife
in Pennsylvania, and I was running

Manufacturing trades for a defense 
plant in Rhode Island,
a job for which I was 
wholly unsuited

They were two new skins 
for the both of us 
only one of which
had been redeemed.

by Brenda Meier-Hans |
Categories: brother, fun, happy, mother daughter, sister,

I Am

I am mother (father) sister daughter
Favourite aunt, SELDOM rant
Pan Flute player, dragon slayer 
Own nothing pink, at least I think
Teach Sunday school, kids find that cool
I am not to lean, I’m sure you’ve seen
Curly hair, I seldom swear
But if I do, God help you
Sing in a choir, now I’m on fire
Love my dog, I want a blog
I am very kind, at least in my mind
Love good movies, never been much of a sleaze
I just gave you a look inside my book
So for now I take a bow.

I am female
Sorry I just found a fluffy beautiful pink bath robe.

Written by Brenda Meier-Hans 
Frank Herrera’s Contest:
I am

by Maryam Jameela Haniff |
Categories: inspirationalold, old, new year,

New Dreams

The ending of an old week
the beginning of a new month
and the memories of an old hour.

The dawning of a new day
the setting of an old sun
and the rising of a new star.

A perfect year has begun
your dreams lay not afar.

Start it with a smile
and make this coming year
a year worthwhile!

Hey people...soooo sorry I wasn't here to read all of your lovely poems in a long while,
I've been really busy with school....I wish you all a happy new year and I hope it brings
lots more wonderful poetry as well....I missed you all!....:) always, Maryam

by Isabella Lenniro |
Categories: addiction, boyfriend, break up, for him, heartbreak, high school, society,

The Day I Learned

The day I learned,
you were in love with
I cried.
The day I learned,
none of it was real,
I cried for weeks.
The day I learned,
you never loved me,
I wanted to die.
There must be an iota of feelings,
or you wouldn't have said I love you,
at least on the outside.

by James Peranteau |
Categories: love, son,

Your Golden Hug


       In each other's arms
          tightly embraced
with the warmth I receive from
                 no other

these words from the depths of
             his little heart
        past his precious lips

“I’ve been waiting for this Pops”

         “what’s that son”
whilst wrapped in his warm grip
          was mine query

     “Your golden hug Pops
          your golden hug”

   az off to school he did trot

by Kennedy Lea |
Categories: care, celebration, child, courage, emotions, feelings, first love, for her, for him, girl, girlfriend, growth, high school, how i feel, i love you, kiss, love,

Shortest Love Story

Our elbows collided, 
'cause my desk is wrong-sided.
Made for a lefty, 
When I write
with my right.

by Richard Lamoureux |
Categories: addiction, celebration, firework, sensual, sexy,

Lessons Learnt In Life

Taught me
To love her
So completely
Inch by precious inch
Me   a   willing    student
Not  once    was  I  discouraged
She helped me practice night and day
With her there were no  l i m i t a t i o n s
I was given the    f r e e d o m   to express
In time she became a  w i l l i ng  student
She  could  no  longer  resist  my  touch
Her an~~~instrument~~~of pleasure
Sweet notes escaped as she moaned
Time      no  longer     mattered
R e s i s t a n c e     futile
Floating. ~~~~ up
F r o m  her

For Silent One's contest
"You don't learn anything about life in school"
Sometime "HARD" lessons are the best.

by Stefani Nicole Jeppesen |
Categories: depression, grief, high school, loss, pain,

The Broken Ones

A light turned dark and gloom
Needing help but was invisible
Buried in the shadows 
Dark thoughts consuming
A mission brought upon them
Soon to be completed

Warning signs not to be seen
Being warned but not knowing
Unsuspecting they fell
Into the traps of the dark
Bringing panic upon them
Tried to flee but failing

Terrified but united they stand together
They helped and supported one another
United till the end, but not to forget
Love the broken ones

by Ernesto P. Santiago |
Categories: love, recovery from...

Finding Time To Love Again

We talked about poetry
Over cups of coffee and cigarette
In a café full of prowlers of pleasure
And skippers of wisdom
On a wintry day 
That was numbing my patience

The bitter taste of coffee 
Energized my words, 
Fluttering like cherry blossoms of spring, 
Right from my heart, timid, but with lots 
Of rhyme to offer,
And it beat
Faster than the hands of time
As I looked at you
With your eyes, teasing...

And I almost forgot
To take my «I love you, Dad» kid from school
‘Cause of your Angelina Jolie
Lips that giggled my widowed soul

by Hgarvey Daniel Esquire |
Categories: death, life, love, high school,

Death - Reborn - Balassi Stanza

As I take my last breath
The pathway to my death
Is the Arc of a Rainbow

In Darkness, unforeseen 
With a Soul, so unclean
As a Raven’s or a Crow

I can feel this new Life
Sounds of bagpipes and fife
An Eternity, to Grow 

Inspired by Dr. Ram Mehta’s Contest
              “ Balassi Stanza “

Author’s Note : Dr. Ram has Taught me more English
Than my Jr. & Sr. High School Teachers : Combined

by Barbara Gorelick |
Categories: childhood, education

Back Then (Prime)

       Wood stove
                     One big room
                           Teacher, six grades, love
                                         Chaos, respect, learning, fun
                      Dodge Ball, lunch box, blue crayons, Huckleberry Finn

For Nigel's contest, sigh...way back when...

by Christopher Grieves |
Categories: anti bullying, dedication, for teens, friend, friendship, friendship love, high school, missing you, teenage,

Tea For Two - ::new audio::

Take us just as we are;
The rough and the smooth.
Accepted and loved.
With nothing to prove.

Need us too;
Or that's what we hope.
Ask yourself this:
Are you sick, phat or dope?

Gather together in twos, threes or fours.
Uplifting each other.
House and hearts;
Open doors.

Share the mountainous journey,
the struggles, the views.
Friends are honest and patient.
All colours. 
All hues.

Whoever they are, whatever they're like;
Be they short, wide or lanky,
called Steph, Steve or Mike..
We should give as we take
and be present, for sure.. our friends are forever.
And maybe.. some more.

by Courtney Webb |
Categories: forgiveness, life, school, sympathy, teen,


you pick on the innocent
pray on the weak
leave the unwanted in your dust
harming all in your path

they go home
bruised and beaten
filled with tears
a lump in their throats

still breathing
still a love in their hearts 
yet they have more strength
than you ever will

by Sandra Haight |
Categories: change, world,

If I Could Change the World

Keep technology
but bring back the old values
of those former years-
when love of God and country,
respect, pride, and honor ruled.

Bring back old values
of family, friends, church, school,
solid like they were-
with new tech and old values,
we'd have the best of both worlds.

April 12, 2016

~2nd Place~
Contest: The Good Samaritan
Sponsor: Craig Hawkins
Judged: 12/21/2017

by Paula Goldsmith |
Categories: animal, death, dream, humor, school, teen, youth,

My Ruthless Dreams Collaboration

Up early and off to school I must go
Full of pep and not too slow,
That was then when I was young
This is now a new age I have begun,
How I hate them as I climb out of bed
Early mornings are for the dead,
Unreasonable I must seem
Unyieldingly demanding where is my coffee cream,
But I did love them bed and pillow
Seems so long ago I dreamed of an armadillo,
Now they‘re ruthless dreams
I just can’t do them with ice cream,
I’m now past my prime teens.

8-23-2019   "for contest COLLABORATION sponsored by Line Gauthier"

by Hadia Faisal |
Categories: 1st grade, angel, anxiety, beauty, books, break up, night,

I Walk the Night

Time for this girl to cuddle up bed..
But of course after two, I sleep like dead.

I try hard to get my beauty sleep.. 
but number of thoughts at a time creeps.

Sometimes left and sometimes right...
Then come into mind, my bro’s fight.

Miss those night of romantic chat..
Which slowly turn into a verbal spat!

Some memories brings tears in my eyes..
Yup, the eyes which makes you hypnotise!

Tell all thoughts to get a grip.. 
again, cross my mind, that school trip.

Miss those love which knew no bound.. 
yeah, the same, that gave me wound!

This way and that, I frown and see
So, there is no one left but me..!!

by Mark Koplin |
Categories: mother daughter,

Dear Ava Rose and Cora

Dear Ava Rose and Cora

I’m so sorry my babies for making you cry.
Mommy didn’t want to leave without saying goodbye.
Sometimes important tasks are left undone.
But I will be up here watching you with God’s loving son.

I will be in your hearts as you continue to grow.
Mommy loves you so much, and this you will always know.
Your family and friends will always be there.
They will fill in for Mommy when you need extra care.

Work hard at school and take care of each other.
You are your sister’s keeper, so love one another.
Both of you are special, there is nothing you can’t do.
Hold onto each other, I will always love you.

Love, Mommy

by Phil Capitano |
Categories: death,


I have a disease
and it’s killing me,
I don’t put up guards,
too open for my own good.
I say what I feel
and I feel too much,
this Earth school is too dense.
My heart’s too big,
it makes no sense.
It seems I love Earth
but it doesn’t love me.
I’m not fearless,
not invincible
but I am invisible.
So, goodbye, dear friends,
I’m going back to the sky.