Love Poems About Soccer or Soccer Love Poems
by Cherie Durbin |
Categories: children

There's a Sport For Everyone

"There's a Sport for Everyone" is a children's song, sung to the tune of "The Farmer 
in the Dell".

There's a sport for everyone,
There's a sport for everyone-
Baseball, soccer, basketball;
Sports are so much fun!

Bonus activity: Ask each child which sports they participate in or would like to try. 
Explain that there is a sport for everyone, no matter your physical capabilities. Some 
sports like English horseback riding may require more mental skills than physical. Tell 
children, "If you try a variety of sports, you're sure to find one you love!"

by Perrin Peacock |
Categories: birthday, dad, daughter, light, soccer, sports, travel,

Ciel Elise

Ciel, on your birth day ‘twas true to say
Heaven’s bright light rays rain’d down from above
Fast forward to fifteen years to the day
Now it’s you that brings light, laughter, and love

Kind, calm and caring, words under control
Wait! Who’s that fleet girl in cleats with the ball?!?
Rocket shot from right wing shoots straight to goal
Through back of the net...ball, keeper and all

French horn, piano, and ukulele
Swimming with sea turtles and manatee
Beautiful music and places to stay
Your trips oft start with Airbnb

Beacon of bright light for love, hope, and peace
Sweetest of sweet hearts, our Ciel Elise

by Sydney Bates |
Categories: dream, first love, children, kids, soccer, sports, teenage,

Soccer Star

From the moment your foot first touched the ball
The look on your face said it all. 
This is what you were born to do.
Growing up, you would continue to play, you just knew
Soccer wouldn't be ready for you.

Year passed, and so did you, as you became a star.
The training you've had would take you far.
How far you asked? Championship Game, here you came.
With a minute left, you shot the ball hard and upset.
But luckily, Whoosh! The ball exploded into the net.

by Arty Rico Jones |
Categories: celebration, soccer, sports, travel, world,


I love Soccer with a passion 
The game is rough
Skills are required
You play with your feet not with your hands
You do long kicks to make you close to scoring
You can score with your feet or your head
The goalie uses his hands to prevent scores
The sport is popular around the world
Every four years the World cup is played
Players represent the country they love
Fans travel from around the world to support their country
The crowd goes wild when a goal is scored and the players celebrate
The commentator yell's out the sound of........Gooooooooool!!!!!

by Patricia Lawton |
Categories: football, soccer,


Footie on the Telly.

Footie on the telly, England verses France.
They'll kick the ball into the net then do a silly dance.
The fans they like to chant a song, they love to sing and shout.
Then there'll be roars when England scores, France will lose no doubt.

The crowd all roared as France just scored the score now stands one nil.
Now second half has just begun, England could take it still.
France get another in the net, they've just upped the score two nil.
Were not a team to give up yet, to do our best  we will.
Then we start to feel defeated as our fans have lost their roar.
Then at a glance we take a chance as England shoots to score.

by Joseph Furdeck |
Categories: soccer, sports, war,

Keepers of the Game

For this we stand
and hearts we wear,
upon our sleeves
we know no dread.

We rest alone
yet share this love,
the beautiful game
with our army, 
our blood.

With arms outstretched 
body twisted and torn,
we pray for a fingertip
to shield us in this war. 

As the shot skips wide
and we clash with our foes,
this battle is won
as we rise up for more. 

This life we have chosen,
the soldiers of our game,
the generals of our clan,
the drivers of our faint.

So if you opt to take part
in this combat we so love,
please have no faint of heart
for us keepers we have none.

by Andrew Crisci |
Categories: discrimination, hate, love, soccer,

If Peace Is To Thriumph

The Melting Pot is a city
where everyone seems
to live in harmony...
although racism and hate 
sometime make ugly headlines!

On Saturday Ballotelli
brought glory to Italy,
we was praised for his decisive goal;
how can we, as a civilized nation, allow haters 
to spread prejudism among us and build a thick wall?  
It's ignorance that causes
unkindness to others
of different colors and faiths!

My adapted city should be an example of hope
for everyone who wants to make it their home;
I have lived here and seen changes in people
who came together when tragedy stroke:
the wrathful hurricane Sandy was one of them!
If peace is to triumph, there must be love in all!

by Anindya Mohan Tagore |
Categories: first love, memory, soccer, teenage,


Way back then when I was just ten
My brain was purely devil's den
All sorts of studies - made me ill
Opened books were my sleeping pills

Started looking at girls - through pane
Way back then when I was just ten
From the elder sis of my friend
Got first love letter - 'was refrained

Playing football was my passion
Wear bell bottom - was the fashion
Way back then when I was just ten
There was Phantom and no Ben Ten

First fight with peers, first taste of blood
First taste of kiss on my taste bud 
I used to live - in a bye lane
Way back then when I was just ten


by Kishan Sharma |
Categories: love hurts, memory, middle school, miracle, miss you, missing you, slavery, soccer, solitude, sorry, spiritual, stars, sunshine,

Love Connection

Love is you,my dear, you are mine,
My heart and heart are you mine.

You are only my every moment,
I know that you know it.

The love of both are tied together,
Mind you are mine and you are mine.

My luck and wealth are you mine.
You stay only in my heart,
Do you know how to know this?

Since birth is my birth,
 you have separated from me since then.

Just got to meet a little late,
We do not have any clue about it.

Love is you,my dear,
You are mine,
My heart and heart are you mine.

by Craig Schaber |
Categories: art, imagination, love, i love you,

Look Okay I Have No Clue What To Say

Look okay; I have NO clue what to say,
To be honest your
Peanut to my butter
Moon to my ocean
Di** to my Con***
c*m to my v*g . 
Yes I went there.
But I love you so much 
You are always there for me. & I love your many accents
We can be on the phone for HOURS and have no dull moments.
We both enjoy the love for soccer & both enjoy the love of men. 
We both know each other’s secrets (;
& we both get each other’s joke.
& I swear your goanna be saying
"I need the lord”
"Oh my goodness"
"This is too much"
Before the end of this month.

by Margarita Lillico |
Categories: poverty, soccer,

For the Prince and the Pauper

It is what it seems - Another boy's dreams Of Ronaldo fame. His shirt is a shame, His goal is the same - True love for the game. March 16, 2021

by Solomon Ochwo-Oburu |
Categories: relationship, sensual,

I Met Her During Soccer Match

ever since that time I met her
during a soccer match
her originally pale love
grows as sweet as football made in heaven
in a stadium designed  for two players
not watched over by any referee

by Jimmi Canada |
Categories: abortion, appreciation, memory, motivation, moving on, poets, teen love,



cigar litany,

sun-glass villainy,

functional function-ability-

operating a pertinence undue to the mean-streak-

my man was a real porter but not so Greek-

hella' greedy like the weak,

hairy in ecstasy,

sternly speeding within his hoarse feet,

he'd leverage the wage against a narrowing bridge,
fitting neatly into scenes,

he'd soccer around his thing to bring out the majority of me.

by James Horn |
Categories: allegory, analogy,

God's Water Wade Horn Haiku

God's Water Wade Horn Haiku

In heaven was made;
My love away will not fade;
God's water did wade.

Jim Horn

Hope Thailand Boys soccer
team will all survive.

by Khayelihle Bongiswa Gamedze |
Categories: football, soccer,

Leo Messi

I love a person small,
He sprints alike a young gazelle.
And when he turns afront the goal;
He does is so very well.

He's got seven ballond'ors,
And he's got six golden boots.
He's counting seven hundred and more
Of goals scored with his left foot.

He won hearts of generations
That have seen his two feet run.
He won the World Cup for a Nation
That has been dreaming for the sun.

He's a poet that runs in the field,
And the green grass kepps him through.
His courage is the only shield
That helped him go through.

All hail the king of football,
All hail heroes of the globe!
All hail the football GOAT
That wears the golden robe!

by Pheko Motaung |
Categories: africa,

Our God of Africa

Our god of africa
He does not leave in books
He is always broke
He plays diski with us
The crowds love him


by Tyrone Johnston |
Categories: childhood, depression, friendship, inspirational, life, school, sports, teen


Sitting on the ledge
Watching Harry play soccer
Girls cheering him on
Homies showing love
God i wish i can be a chick magnet
Getting goodnight texts every night
Watching bachelorettes fight over me
But I will never be a chick magnet
That's just the way I am

by Steve Michael |
Categories: passionlove, passion,

My Passion

My passion is sports, always has been, always will be...

Be it, pro football, college football, baseball, college basketball, pro basketball,
hockey or soccer, I love it all...

I live and die by my favorite teams, be it the Braves, Cowboys, Penn State or Flyers, I'm
a passionate and emotional fan...

I cheer loudly when they do good, and yell even louder when they screw up...

I love my teams, and, I'll never apologize for my passion for them....

by Jay Smith |
Categories: introspection

James Downing

Strong, Emotional, Talented, Caring
Brother of Thomas
Lover of Music, Art, and Soccer
Who feels Love, Curiosity, and Paranoia
Who fears Betrayal, Failure and Loss
Who would like to see Wales, Brazil, and Austria
Resident of Davis, California

by Matt Starking |
Categories: 11th grade, 12th grade, africa, soccer,


A bond of love and friendship,
A unity of hearts and minds,
A spirit of togetherness,
That leaves us feeling so sublime.

A hope that binds us all,
A strength that we can share,
A dream of peace and justice,
That will take us anywhere.

A promise to stand together,
Through good times and bad,
A commitment to our values,
No matter what we have.

A chance to make a difference,
A courage to be brave,
A willingness to listen,
And show we all behave.

A pledge to never give up,
A light that will never dim,
A bond of solidarity,
That will never end.

by David Bose |
Categories: first love, growing up, youth,

Naive Days Lost

Oh, Youth—naïve days lost,
Just learning life
In baseball cleats,
With soccer balls,
Days school bells rang
And girls, girls, girls:
Light lilting laughs,
Smooth budding curves
In sweaters tight,
Lean stockinged legs,
And perfumed air
Enshrouding each …

Oh, Youth—long, restless nights
When life knocked hard—
Those turned-down dates,
My anxious heart,
A stolen glimpse,
Small hand in mine
And, then, that night
Soft lips I kissed,
A boob I touched:
First teasing love,
My spirits soared;
Oh, Youth—where have you gone?

by J.Koladi Samson |
Categories: passion, fire, fire,

I Swallowed a Fire Fly

I Swallowed a Fire Fly  
Birds of words perched
On branches of life
Love streamed from mind
Like a melody.
It's getting dark
A soccer game of fertility
Hot rain and plough furrow,
Seeds in labor pain
A fire fly flying around.

Volcanic ashes shroud love
Desert storm howling over life
I sitting on the window sill
Enmeshed branches of blood streams.

Fire fly buzzes around me
Deeply irritated
I stretched at
An unnatural angle
And swallowed the fire fly.

Later to come to know
The fly was the burning ember
My soul rotating while revolving
In it's fixed orbit, preordained.

by Marilyn Williams |
Categories: blessing, celebration, confidence, deep, dream, feelings, fun,

Be a Winner

Whether you are a Star at Baseball, Football, Soccer or any Game you chose to be in: Dance, Lottery or just a high school Spelling Bee. Be a Winner. Love the game, make yourself invincible. Have a plan inside and out. Be kind to yourself and be fair to all. Don't go insane, but let your goals be known. Pray on it, Stay on it. Get rid of the I can't do this. Say it's in the Bag. Don't get reckless. Stay in the moment. Chose to be a Winner. Say it every time and every minute you play. Second best just don't count. Play, Pray, Be, Agree, you are a Winner. YOU ARE A WINNER!!!

by Maria Elena Enriquez |
Categories: heart, heart,


Soccer is to smile for
don't be afraid to soar
You just might enjoy it
Soccer is something to cry for

Play a little More
And you will love it to the core

Everyone knows that with it
your going to learn
and see how healty you'll be
and how much your heart will yearn

You will excercise and 
Forever feel energized
and you'll know that
Soccer is real by the way that you feel

That's why it's so popular
Soccer is not just any sport
or any sport of sort
Thay's why in your heart soccer is a star

Soccer is to be with friends
Always playing, hoping it never ends

by Harlow Yappen |
Categories: books, cheer up, happy, imagination, love, magic, wisdom,

A Nook and a Storybook

I would give anything for a nook and storybook,
Since books take you into an exciting new world!
Maybe you can pretend that you are a famous cook
Or you find a necklace that is perfectly pearled.

You might possibly be a cave explorer,
Or a fairy with magical powers.
You might be a soccer goal scorer,
or an ordinary talking flower.

For all one knows, you could be anything
if you have an imaginative mind.
Just step into that fairy ring of words,
and give your mind a good hard grind!