Love Poems About Technology or Technology Love Poems
by John E Wordslinger |
Categories: love

These Words

I would like to thank you for your visit.
I have removed these poems for a distant future book publication.
I believe we poets, can make a difference
in this world. We live in the 21st century,
we have tools( technology), we have our past,  and imagination.
We just don't have the courage, because
I guess most are afraid to fail, to loose money.
All I have to say is we can't take money with us,
when we die. I also say hasn't mankind failed enough,
and isn't mankind worth the effort, our children is worth the effort..

Thank you, and my your God Bless you

John E WordSlinger

by Anna Hopper |
Categories: age, change, remember, time,

The Good Old Days

It’s a feeling that never fails
To follow a generation
Triggered by sights and smells
A nostalgic way of thinking

A one up on millennials 
Knowing the correct way
It’s all the vibes and feels
Of back in the good old days

A love/hate relationship
For the progression of technology
Every day we use it
But reminisce the “used to be”

An expression of disappointment 
Across a slowly, shaking head
And subconscious judgement
Of how others break their bread

One thing is for certain
History will repeat
This earth will keep turning
Beneath our aging feet

by James Edward Lee Sr. |
Categories: black african american, caregiving, celebration, character, dedication, inspirational love, technology,

Garrett a Morgan


GARRETT A. MORGAN birth outside Paris, Kentucky
Inventor of Smoke hood model day respirator
Hair straitening combs, stop lights
Things for sewing machines
Yes! Mr. Morgan invented that

by James Edward Lee Sr.

by Felix Abbey-Mensah |
Categories: love, visionary, wife,

Love and Technology

The stars up yonder glitter in one accord
The fast moving clouds shaped like a blunt sword
The fireflies in the distance light up our meadow
Their lights cast sparingly on our corning glass window
Our mansion was carefully crafted and built
In the country side, it has this magnificent tilt
Made of expensive material and state-of-the art technology
It was a beauty to behold considering its unique topology
My wife lay on the third floor of an enchanting bedroom
Kissing and caressing sloppily her handsome groom
And voice-commanding the lights to give us some privacy
As we gradually climbed to technological ecstasy

by Sandra Haight |
Categories: change, world,

If I Could Change the World

Keep technology
but bring back the old values
of those former years-
when love of God and country,
respect, pride, and honor ruled.

Bring back old values
of family, friends, church, school,
solid like they were-
with new tech and old values,
we'd have the best of both worlds.

April 12, 2016

~2nd Place~
Contest: The Good Samaritan
Sponsor: Craig Hawkins
Judged: 12/21/2017

by John E Wordslinger |
Categories: love

To Be With You

I would like to thank you for your visit.
I have removed these poems for a distant future book publication.
I believe we poets, can make a difference
in this world. We live in the 21st century,
we have tools( technology), we have our past,  and imagination.
We just don't have the courage, because
I guess most are afraid to fail, to loose money.
All I have to say is we can't take money with us,
when we die. I also say hasn't mankind failed enough,
and isn't mankind worth the effort, our children is worth the effort..

Thank you, and my your God Bless you

John E WordSlinger

by Anthony Biaanco |
Categories: age,

The Meaning of Tattoos

This old poet's words are dying...
slipping into damp craggy times
though never calling out for help
still reciting-still reciting.
Thoughts exploding from gray volcanic lungs
planting shiny seeds made of          my          diamonds.
Onto the desert of an indifferent world.
Lost in the me of their scratchy egos
doll-eyed souls raped by the gears of technology.

Now I'm staring down the last of the embers. 
No dry kindling left.
Youth smirking at my dog eared years.
Yes-I am jealous of you because I want to make love 
within eternities frame.
but don't have the faith to do so.
Yes I am old and envious-
but my tattoos and battle scars 
are still etched in bold font.

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: america,

The World Has Turned Angry

The world has turned angry.
Families have been replaced with technology.
Swiping and dinging has replaced listening and learning.

Drivers are enraged; impatient, unkind.
They plow over each other, like angry puppies
Because they must wait their turn.

Instant gratification has become the go-to now.
We want it immediately – information, food, attention.
The world has turned angry. The families are gone.

Technology has replaced love and kindness.
People spend more time in cars driving frantically
Than they spend in homes.

No one is listening to our children.
They sit in front of a tablet poking buttons
Wishing someone cared.
The world is sad.

by Ethan Michaels |
Categories: technology,


love technology?\Good, it brings together\People worlds apart

by A.O. Taner |
Categories: addiction, april, best friend, computer, confusion, courage, culture, cute love, earth, emotions, encouraging, environment, fantasy, farm, feelings, funny love, garden, happiness, happy, i love you, i miss you, inspirational, internet, irony, july, june, kiss, loneliness, love, magic, me, metaphor, nature, parody, repetition, satire, science, social, technology, tree, women, world, youth,


follow on facebook,
adore on pinterest,
fall in love on instagram,
kiss on a hunch,
all under a tree.

by A.O. Taner |
Categories: beautiful, beauty, character, cheer up, computer, courage, culture, cute love, deep, desire, destiny, first love, for her, girlfriend, guitar, hope, i am, i love you, i miss you, imagination, inspiration, internet, loneliness, lonely, love, love hurts, meaningful, miss you, missing, missing you, nonsense, nostalgia, philosophy, places, relationship, science, science fiction, simple, technology, tribute, true love, wisdom,


teardrops appeared on my tablet
on both sides of the glass
mine on top
hers underneath,
shed from miles away

which was which
who was where
did not matter
any longer

real or virtual,
all merged into one 
- a brook of joy
running through the valley of time
destined for 
unchartered pleasures

by Duke Beaufort |
Categories: satire, technology, war,

It's All In How You Say It

While ours kill with flair and finesse
Banned weapons can make a fine mess
Since guys without class
Can possess poison gas
O-bomb-a will make an address

There's hype and there's hysteria
O-bomb-a needs criteria 
To send friend Bashar   
Wrapped presents from afar
His gift of love for Syria

by Rudolph Rinaldi |
Categories: abuse, computer, funny, health, love, social, technology,

On the Fancy Package It Came In

on the fancy package 
it came in
it did not say
that smoking this 
might  be bad for your health --

in a dark corner of the room
I lit up my iPhone
smoked it 
and felt

by Chris Hagy |
Categories: christian, earth, faith, internet, spiritual, technology,

Device In Hand

In this world of this and that
Likes and follows and tit for tat

Some fritter and Twitter the hours away
Completely unaware there is more to the day

Tweak and Tweet every little thing
Only interrupted by the occasional ring

Unaware of the Life all around
For the device in hand which both empowers and confounds

All this convenience can ease the mind
And yet simpler things can be so divine

Like Mother Earth breathing beneath our feet
And yet our attention seems out of her reach

Just listen to the Spirit inside that calls…
There is only One to follow…
And He will love us all

by Torian Lockett |
Categories: allegory, art, black african american, devotion, education, faith, funeral, life, love, mystery, nostalgia, religion, science, visionary


From a three-sided angle
Astrological purpose is unmangled
Triangle on top
Square on the bottom
Bright halo around God
Our tears fill His bottle
A Pyramid is a monument to death
A Tabernacle of wealth
Which comes into effect
When there's no longer breath
Is it mourning or celebration in stealth
Beyond Technology
Architectural prophecy
Geometrical philosophy
The place where Kings and Queens lay
Buried on a sun-disk
Dedicated to Day
The final form to decay
Hands form this shape
When they're positioned to pray.

by Rudolph Rinaldi |
Categories: fun, funny, funny love, humor, humorous, technology,

Phone Sex

I am lying in bed
With my lady 
Ready to voyage
to hades

when she whips out
an  iPhone
named Teddy
sometimes Freddy 
once Eddie

she texting and tweeting  
her friends on line
or reading  
romance novels and 
books on how and where to dine 

she ignore me
that’s fine
me biding my time
waiting patiently  for  sex
between the  texts

by Beena Sudheer |
Categories: confusion, cute love, dedication, depression, dream,


I feel young
But I am not young
I feel old
But Iam not old
I am on the way of living
Enjoying  the  life style
Its Rhythm,passion & technology
I prefer the new
Respect the old
But don”t belong to either
I want to become a new old style
A style of happiness , a blend of beauty
No boredom , no restrictions-
I care health living and laughing.
Be smart
Be tension free
Am I young?
                       Beena Sudheer(GHSS Veliyancode HSST-Political science)
                    Pin 679563

by Daver Austin |
Categories: easter, universe,

An Easter Greeting


Were one to dwell
On nature’s complexity – 
The Earth
The Galaxies
The Universe
That soul might increase man’s knowledge

Take a pretty flower
Examine every fiber
Classify the root
And with our modern technology
Somehow benefit the here-and-now –
Better health
Longer life
A few happy hours
Victory through complexity!

But life’s main ingredient
Said Jesus Christ
Least complex of nature’s qualities
Which merely says
“Come unto me”
In walking    breathing faith
Leave the probers to their grasping, mental
      days and ways
“Come unto me”
In walking    breathing faith
And all will be simplicity

Happy Easter
With love

Dave Austin

by Rudolph Rinaldi |
Categories: fun, funny, love, technology,

Re-Cycle Me

When its thought
To be
All over 
Put me through a cross
Cut shredder 
And store me 
In a cardboard shoe box

When the technology is right 
Re-cycle me 
As a vanilla ice cream pop
With a dark chocolate cover
To be eaten 
And loved 
Just one more time

by Kurtis Scott Aka Curtis Futch Jr |
Categories: adventure, technology,


this is a game
the ease my pain
its insane
love the sound
its ir roll down
its better jump polling
i love

by Abdullah Alhemaidy |
Categories: farm, life, nature, technology, weather,

Nature Nature

What is going on twigs of trees!
Stillness and tranquility of nature
Twitter of birds, sense of life
Silent Love
Away from industrial screens,
Malicious false.
Farm life
Rich language
Human greed
Dragging man to deprivation
From his ancient pure inherent nature of life
To jails made of concrete, rush, and  hardship.
Is that civilization and progress?

by Alesha Roche' |
Categories: adventure, art, black african american, dedication, love, passion, love,

Human Technology

I love the way you love me
            the way you hate
I love the way you open your eyes
            the way you close them
i enjoy your company
            peace of mind
i enjoy the absence of your soul
            as well as tardy
I do this all with the will of God's good grace

by Alesha Roche |
Categories: art,

Human Technology

I love the way you love me
            the way you hate
I love the way you open your eyes
            the way you close them
i enjoy your company
            peace of mind
i enjoy the absence of your soul
            as well as tardy
I do this all with the will of God's good grace
Copyright © Alesha Roche' | Year Posted 2012

by John Goodman |
Categories: absence

Technology Enabled Me

i am an artist
i write because i feel
i write because somewhere the self censor button got removed, and
this thing we call technology
enabled and liberated 
will i become famous?
i dont know
i dont know
im just writing this poem to you right now
hoping for some peace
in this crazy world
hoping for some truth
hoping for some love.

by Shan Vitor |
Categories: crush, love, sweet, technology,

Behind Her Keyboard

I'm falling,
Like the bangs on her forehead
And when she blows it up
It's me that's being blown away

Such pure white skin, I can't resist
To near a reasonable distance
Enough to see her deep in her soul
Enough to muster a normal conversation

Because to me she is
A star in broad daylight
A nightingale in chaos fields
A butterfly in my garden of thoughts

Blurry it may as I do this
Yet this is my only way of expression
How one day I hope she reads this
As I type behind her keyboard