Love Poems About Inspiration or Inspiration Love Poems
by Linda-Marie Sweetheart |
Categories: love, me,


"TOUCH" I want to touch your life and leave a mark ... ... a deep impression ... So you will think of me and of my smile ... ... my sweet expression ... I long to touch your life and leave a sign ... ... a warm inscription ... So you will care for me and keep in mind ... ... a clear description ... I need to touch your life and leave a joy ..,. ... an inspiration ... So you will love me soon in reality ... ... not imagination ...
*For S.K.A.T.'s give it to me straight contest ...

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: beauty, love, moon, night, romance, romantic love,

Allure of the Moon - Haiku

      of the moon pales -
luster lost 

            to the
                   c a n d l e l i g h t 
          in your eyes

Susan Ashley
March 20, 2021

*not for a contest but inspired by the “Let’s Get Creative With Haiku” poetry contest sponsored by Constance La France. Thank you, Constance, for the wonderful inspiration.*

by Maureen Mcgreavy |
Categories: funny love, woman,

Disarming Disarray

Out there
With her flair for chasing inspiration 
She draws you in her reason
Connecting dots and constellations


She takes you by the hand
Her world as messy as her mind
You need a guide

And as you wade through her chaff
Her heaps of half thoughts
Her every whim expressed
The only thing you know for sure is

Out there exists

Date: 11.19.2019

Contest Name: Disarray

Sponsor: Nina Parmenter

by Akkina Downing |
Categories: happy, inspiration, love,


Love is a thing

You can't see it nor can you touch it
But you sure can see and feel its effect

A deep affection that fills you joyfully 
You are drunk on happiness

It's always understanding 
To accept the good, the bad, and the weak

It has no cultural condition 
It sees no boundary nor race

It's fearless and flawless 
It just flows limitlessly 

It's God's love
Nailed to the cross for you and me

It's in you and me 
It's I love you and you and you and God

I am drunk on happiness 
Because HE loves me unconditionally 


  Akkina R Downing

by Sunshine Shine |
Categories: abuse, courage, deep, heart, inspiration, love, poetry,


Just because she roars
Doesn't mean she doesn't feel 
You don't know her ordeal
Stop and think before you squeall
You don't know what she has to conceal 
You couldn't possibly know how she feels

She hasn't made any deals
She tries to be real
And Before you appeal 
You should love her enough to let her heal

by Poet Destroyer A |
Categories: beauty, care, creation, imagination, inspiration, lonely, love hurts, metaphor, nature, rain, sad love, september,

Gentle Summer Rain

She writes about Fall's beauty in the rain 
The falling raindrops' dance ascribing thence 
Bespoken verse that lightens her refrain 
before the time they met - her steps commence. 

She listens to the soft and rhythmic thrum, 
her love turned to escape and cloudy string 
Where nimbus mistletoe fell, tears to become 
Their kiss of Autumn was symbolic ring. 

The first light cotton mists with summer rays 
While skyward cheerful laughs adorn the land, 
their ceremonial dance diffuses grays, 
affectionate embrace, where dreams expand. 

Upon September's sky the raindrops gleam 
With half of hidden Sun to laugh and beam.

--------- 8-29-13

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: beauty, dance, happiness, inspiration, music, uplifting, world,

Be the Poem

the world craves
more artists
creative souls
sensitive antennas
conceptual skills
performing arts
artisans of beauty
the world craves
more expression
more love
more magic

your life is your gift
back to the universe

be the poem
that moves the world

Published in my 24-page photo/anthology book ~IN THE GARDEN OF MY FANTASY~ 2023

Read on air by invitation  ~  July 14, 2021  'WORDS & MUSIC'

AP: 2nd place 2021, Honorable Mention 2021

Submitted on July 13, 2021 for A BRIAN STRAND JULY 14 POETRY CONTEST sponsored by BRIAN STRAND - RANKED 1ST

Originally posted on June 20, 2019

by Carol Sunshine Brown |
Categories: emotions, encouraging, friendship,

My Poetry

M y eyes see what your heart is feeling
Y our feeling are written into poetry

P ain, love, wonder, inspiration
O nly you can make me see, hear, feel you
E ven though only words you have written
T hey touch my heart and mind deeply
R equiring me to write a poem so full of feeling as
Y ou are my poetry

by Richard Lamoureux |
Categories: beauty, fun, giggle, inspiration, love, stars,


I want to eat Pizza
While wishing on a star
To taste the taste of happy
By being where you are

We’ll choose to be silly 
Not afraid of mistakes
Skinny dip at midnight
and skip pebbles on lakes

Why not dance together 
While howling at the moon
Or become little children
and watch a cartoon

A world infused with laughter 
can change how we think
From this fountain of youth
We’ll both gladly drink

For nothing could be better
Than sharing it with you
Because getting into mischief 
Is a blast if there are two!

by Johnette Loefgren |
Categories: lost love, people,

Last Stages of Love

You're in the last stages
of lost wages,
of empty pages,
of spent rages,

You're in the termination 
of inspiration
of imitation,
of expiration,

You're in the culmination
of emulation,
of exploitation,
of domination

of me.

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: inspirational, motivation, uplifting,

On the Road To the Sky

Nothing ventured
Nothing gained
If you’re giving up
Then tell me, who’s to blame

The road’s ahead 
Time is now
Make that change
You’ve been dreaming of

Open up your heart doors
And set your soul free
Feel the inspiration
The sunshine and breeze

Whatever it takes
However, life goes
Give it all the love inside of you
Believe you’ll achieve your goals

And if you have to rise to meet your destiny
Then take to the Sky
Fly up high…
High, High, High

by Robert Lindley |
Categories: art, creation, deep, humanity, inspiration, life, symbolism,

Dark Earth Folds In the Heart's Red Bloom

Dark Earth Folds In The Heart's Red Bloom

You and I and all we do
Know not, til our hearts are through 
The press of life, what things we be
Root or leaves or shade of tree.
You and I and all we seem
May be but as a drift of dream
In the eyes of One who gave
Self to love and love to save,-
Yea, all the deeds that men have wrought
Mere flower of dream, flame of thought,
Break of waves on a drear shore,
Scent of the wild rose on the moor.
Yet we have seen, and hold it sure,
That out of shame come forth the pure;
Dark earth folds in the heart's red bloom;
In vain, we build the soul a tomb.

R.J. Lindley
1976 or 77 ?

by Michael Alexander |
Categories: inspiration, introspection,

A Poem, the Poet

This pen writes not a story, 
but a life upon a page; its glory. 
Love for the writing; the heart,
thumping, beat after beat, never apart.
Conceived of bones, the ash; this pen, 
to ink bleeding veins, attached. 
A cut, this scrap; of emotions peeled. 
The scaring tissue; with Soul is healed. 
Lightning arcs through nerve endings' link;
Dreams are sparks. Thoughts, the ink.
Not a story, but a life and a pen.
For this is a poet, his poem with no end.

by P.S. Awtry |
Categories: celebration, inspiration, love,


she hums a tune so joyful 
that all the songbirds hush
her countenance so lovely 
that all the flowers blush

her gown such shimmering glory
it makes the stars grow dim
and all her lambent radiance
she wears because of him

January 2, 2019

by Regina Mcintosh |
Categories: appreciation, beautiful, blessing, love, mom, mother, parents,

A Mother's Love

As a child, I stared at her She was my world And she was beautiful Inside and out She smiled like the stars Shimmering and sparkling Radiating kindness Her spirit was like love Blending warmth and hope Hues of inspiration Tangled with excitement Her eyes were bright green Laughing like the wind Welcoming my heartbeat To pound for her, breathing In the wonder of this joy A mother’s love in colors Vibrant as life, enlightened By shadows of beautiful dreams Faith, hope, love – joy and peace Her blend, a melody from His hand Poured out, raining down, affection

by White Wolf |
Categories: inspiration, poetry, poets, writing,

Do With Heart

If only for a moment our love bloomed,
If only for a spell we would consume.
My heart torn open I bear a deep wound,
To be thy Sun and you to be my Moon.

Alas, my dear, we were not meant to be,
For there is no future for us at all.
But, don't read into my words completely,
Because I still answer to nature's call.

Does a flower turn its petals away?
In the day when the Sun is out to shine?
For what is the reason that children play?
The reason that the poet writes his line?

We know deep inside, we all must take part,
And whatever that may be, do with heart!

by Charlie Smith |
Categories: inspiration, journey, prayer, spiritual, war,

A Soldiers Prayer

Wearily I walk this rutted road Knowing this life led yet is mine Due is all ransoms for my soul To every witness I leave behind Lift my heart to spare no love To be a light for shadows cast I draw my strength from God above With hope that seeks the will to last

by Paige Hind |
Categories: beautiful, blessing, god, inspiration, love, nature, prayer,

As Snow Falls, Spring Falls

On my heart, a winter swathed 
Her spring flowers only right for 
When chill itself dons out windblown—
Attached there by my faithful arm.
Green there and here tell on you soft,
Your story's places in the snow—
While meek flakes sleep on my
From your heart, I shake only warmth.

The spring's time to melt frozen gauze,
My whisper in the landing seen
On ice's shine to you,
The winter sun— winter's end be,
When the looking snow further falls—
Our intercession, heart-to-heart.

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: inspiration, life, light, love, nature, spiritual, sun,




         the many

           to lift in light

         and reach for the peach for the greater good

     golden the vast sea of black-eyed Susans

  merging in shine


    a lone


Susan Ashley 
September 24, 2020

~ Third Place ~
Contest: Double Tetractys 3
Sponsor: Eve Roper
Picture # 2

*syllables checked on 
1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 10, 4, 3, 2, 1*

by Besma Riabi Dziri |
Categories: allah, beauty, deep, desire, inspiration, longing, magic,

A Journey of Rarity

How I long to see me
on a walk of possibilities
a journey of rarity
a world of no worries
wide opening the gates of boundaries
the mind lines crossing
the heart chambers stretching..


Set on the branch of my heart
rest with your Love
feel home and feed soul
My senses I would close
My mind I would set loose
A sweet surrender
the Self wings carefree..


How I long to dream of me
detached as I could be
One and only me!
sweet and true be!
No sound
dares a quiet mind
or mutes a heart’s glee..

by Panagiota Romios |
Categories: imagery, inspiration,

The Night Has Eyes

Your splendiferous day is finally complete.
Your grateful heart smiles, with joy replete.

Knowing you survived this day’s travails.
Unecessary, for you to get any hurrrahs and hails.

In your serene bed, beneath a soft quilt, you retire.
Knowing you did your best, and in some hearts, lit a fire

Outside, you observe, the deep onyx skies has eyes.
That love and care for you, ‘tis absolutely no disguise.

You surely are a child of a stupendous, watchful, universe.
Sent to planet earth, to express your vivid truth in verse!


by Charles Messina |
Categories: life, love,

Every Grain of Sand

As I sit on the beach...on a warm breezy night 
With my pole by my side, waiting for a bite 
I reach down and try to fill my hand 
And try to hold every grain of sand 
Each grain is a life, a life here or gone 
From generations...a passed baton 
To hold them they all feel touch 
God's gift, I love...I love so much 
On a warm breezy night, I sit on the beach 
Stretching my far as they'll reach 
Every grain of sand...sent down from above 
God's gift; so much, I love  

(Every Grain of sand- Lizz Wright)
Musical Inspiration Poetry Contest 
Sponsored by Joseph May 

by Bill Baker |
Categories: fear, giving, inspiration, introspection, life, light, love,

Universal Light

What is the gift the Creator doth give?
Providing a purpose for which to live.
It could be the consciousness He gave man.
The awareness we’re part of His grand plan.

Faith and trust in what’s physically not seen.
An eternal life, but what does that mean?
Thoughts that come to us from we know not where.
Caring without knowing just why we care.

Feeling the unity of all as one.
The gift of planets, the stars moon and sun.
Animals and plants, all things here on Earth.
The miraculous miracle that’s birth.

It must be more than just one of the parts,
All Truth starts inside of our hearts.

by Rahul Bhatia |
Categories: hip hop, hope, inspiration, love hurts, poems, rap,

Love Or Help

You live to love, When you love to give. That life you never had Like forever, had no wealth. Still had a hand to help. All I have is dreams for myself grand plans for world and words to rhyme with strength. The world will change, it depends on range of rage or love we raise. Well thats a phase of world, where we stay some for months, some for days or its a game we play and score to glee. All above, We live to love and we need to give.

by Carol Sunshine Brown |
Categories: friendship, on writing and words, people, words, heart, write, heart, me, write,

My Poetrysoup

M y eyes see what your heart is feeling
Y our feelings you write out as poetry

P ain, love, joy, wonder, inspiration
O nly you can help me see, hear,and feel you
E ven though only words you have written they
T ouch my heart and mind deeply from within
R equiring me to write a poem so full of feeling as
Y ou become my poetry I write from my heart
S mile, laugh, cry, whisper, or shout
O pen your heart, mind, and soul
U tter your words on paper or screen
P oetry is where I see and feel your soul

Tons of comma fun!
contest of Russell Sivey

Written by: Carol Brown
3rd Place Winner