Love Poems About Birth or Birth Love Poems
by Kp Nunez |
Categories: child, dedication, love, mother daughter,


Can a child ever forget, how deep a mother’s love abides

All those days since birth, till now I’m grown she guides

Remembering her smile, so tender, so warm as her embrace

More than soothes away my pain, my fear of failure and disgrace

Even in my dreams she comforts, her voice, her scent would stay

Never will her being mother stop, till when I’m old and gray.

26 March 2015
Contest : Acrostic on Mother's Day - 1st Place

by Charlie Smith |
Categories: birth, childhood, prayer, religious,

The Treasure of Birth

It's hard to describe
that true sense of pride

that comes with the worth
of your babies birth

A child takes your heart
right from the start

and wills you to sow
a love destined to grow

From dress ups to cupcakes
from boo-boos to heartbreaks

it's all worth the pain
from the treasure we gain

Time spent together
can only be measured

in memories we hold 
as part of our soul

God keep this life
from turmoil and strife

give it love and care
and blessings to share

For all that we ask
is that we're up to the task

and do all that we must
to honor your trust.

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: angst, loneliness,

Living Hell

Damned by the devil's curse upon my heart
I pace the lonely bridge twixt love and hate
Stalked by death's shadow from the very start
Forsaken by the guiding hand of fate

My restless soul sleeps in the tangled thorns
Nursed by the acrid milk of bitter weed
Tormented nightly by old lovers scorned
And haunted by a score of sinful deeds

Pray, take me now to storm the gates of hell
Confront the wicked one and question why
Twas reason for my birth under his spell
To live a loveless life until I die

I curse this lonely life given to me
The fire of hell is all t'will set me free

  an original poem by Daniel Turner

by P.M. Richter |
Categories: image, self, spiritual,

Spiritual Birth

grace will find you when thoughts fade away crushed with unbearable grief "losing your mind" suffering during a dark night of the soul the ego crumbles; revealing the light your soul consciousness "finding yourself" directly experiencing the divine sense of oneness where everything is connected at a deeper level there is but one consciousness appearing as many "awakened" breathless views are available with inner focus crossing a chasm with one final leap of faith you become blissful; radiating like the sun "experiencing enlightenment" revived with a new perspective humans are never perfect but our pure being is "love"

by Silent One |
Categories: heaven, love,

When I'm gone

Meet in Eden's garden, where life first gave birth. A beautiful paradise, pure and serene. Amidst verdant petals, not seen on this Earth, flowing in rainbow hues on lush lawns of green. Like Adam and Eve, we'll roam in jasmine air, adrift in nature's splendour without a care. Sing lullabies with angels, as we hold hands. Watch fluorescent sunsets in eternal lands.

by Richard Palmer |
Categories: adventure, people, places,

Jamaica Nuff Love

Beautiful Jamaica,land of my birth,
This little dot,specially prepared by Mama Earth,
World best seasoning,grown by our dirt,
And the Jamaican Rum,bad nuh blouse and skirt,
Beautiful Jamaica,land so sweet,
A formal dinner or a party in the street,
Our vibes,our style so unique,
Our warmth,our culture,no other can beat,
Jamaica,Jamaica,land we love,
Touring Jamaica feel free like a dove,
Our rivers,beaches,beautiful sunlight up above,
Sample our tasty meals,you'll find one that you love,
Jamaica,Jamaica,land so great,
Great runners,great music,embrace our taste,
God or Jah Rasta Far I,embrace our faith,
Take a trip to Jamaica,it's never too late.....

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: christmas,

A Christmas Snow

I wish to see the beauty of a Christmas snow and hear the songs about a holy birth. Along the streets where lights are strung aglow, I wish to see the beauty of the Christmas snow. But most of all, I wish for love to grow in every heart till there is peace on earth. I wish to see the beauty of a Christmas snow and hear the songs about a holy birth.

by Kash Poet |
Categories: romance,

Let the Moon Watch

Trespassing moonlight-- I envy its touch on you and light a candle, let the moon watch from the sky thousand moons' birth in our love © kash poet ===========000============

by Michael Wise |
Categories: allusion, birth, cheer up, peace, philosophy,

Born Once Again

The gift of a new day
holds the promise of a new way

A new way of seeing
A renewed way of being

The shedding of old skin
A fresh place to begin

Resurrected once more
for the treasures in store

A farewell to the old
A chance for the gold

The sunshine above
Another day to love

With strength in your flesh
and a mind that is fresh

New ideas to conceive
with more grace to receive

To dance in the dawn
and forget what is gone

To sing like a bird
and speak a new word

To celebrate when
you are born once again

by Joanna Daniel |
Categories: death, roses are red, true love,

His Rose, Her Death


All she had wanted was a red, red rose,
That would quell the love of that handsome man, 
Alas! The rose tree was in winter's throes,
Unable to birth a rose of her plan;

So she said she will sing the whole night long,
With her heart against the thorn of that tree,
"Love is greater than life", rang out her song,
As her life blood fashioned his love ruby;

Yet, when her heart burst out in pain thereof,
When the crimson petals slowly opened,
He was not there to see her die for love,
Nor did he feel that love with blood deepened;

"Trust me baby, this is love," her last breath,
He never found out his rose was her death.


by Arturo Michael |
Categories: birth, blessing, love,

Sweetest Smile of My Soul

J ~ is for the JOY we feel at CHRISTMAS TIME

E~ for the EMANCIPATION of Our Hearts and Minds

S~ is for the SAVIOR Who Loved US on the CROSS

U~ with UNDYING FAITH Trust in the LORD


by Gary Radice |
Categories: birth, child, death, emotions, feelings, heartbreak, hurt, in memoriam, sad,


there's a little dog that's laughing
at a cow jumping the moon
and a cat playing a fiddle
on the wall of a bright room
where a mobile's hanging silent
waiting patiently to turn
like the pages on the bookshelf
that proclaim it's fun to learn
and there's a bible on a small crib 
with its cross depicting love
for a child born sadly sleeping
into arms of those above.

by Harry Horsman |
Categories: rain, spring,


spring showers sings in her mellifluous voice on the roof tops aids the new birth with sunshine's gentle love
© Harry J Horsman 2022

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: birth,





Emanates from 


March 20, 2017 for Joseph May's Light Up The Page 3 Poetry Contest

by Richard Lamoureux |
Categories: beautiful, devotion,


I am in my body
While floating above
A vessel for hate
Who chooses to love

A traveler of sorts
Roaming the earth
A pilgrim from the stars
who came here by birth 

Suffering is temporary
A lesson to learn
It’s for God’s Kingdom
I solemnly yearn

I am not merely
Just what you see
Not trapped in this body
I know my destiny 

Look in my eyes
Travel with me there
To a city of angels
Devoid of despair.

by Joanna Daniel |
Categories: god, jesus, joy,

Lord Jesus Christ, My Joy

Christ, the Lord of all tomorrows Lived a holy life of true worth Died for me, the Man of sorrows Angels proclaimed His virgin birth The wise men came in faith to see Messiah, king of all the earth His love was shown on Calvary When He paid the penance for sin He cried and died for you and me This woebegone world we live in We need His all-sufficient grace The wiles of the devil to win The hope of His return we face Giving us joy none can replace. 06.08.2021
For Regina McIntosh's "Jesus" contest

by Gordon Mcconnell |
Categories: change, life, remember,

Being Accepted As I Am

Having lived my own life
lessons you learn through time
ones that count for life
to forget would be a crime

Stammered every day since birth
enduring it all incredibly tough
but better things around my corner
believing it could be enough

One day God broke through
revealing His love in His blessed son
who had died for all my sins
to indwell me shows salvation's done

This God assured me of one thing
He accepted me just as I am
nothing I bring just to Jesus cling
this truth eternally brings me calm

(I have written this to pass on the main life lesson I've learned throughout my life that this  has kept me calm and how to live in the forward direction.)

by Bill Baker |
Categories: fear, giving, inspiration, introspection, life, light, love,

Universal Light

What is the gift the Creator doth give?
Providing a purpose for which to live.
It could be the consciousness He gave man.
The awareness we’re part of His grand plan.

Faith and trust in what’s physically not seen.
An eternal life, but what does that mean?
Thoughts that come to us from we know not where.
Caring without knowing just why we care.

Feeling the unity of all as one.
The gift of planets, the stars moon and sun.
Animals and plants, all things here on Earth.
The miraculous miracle that’s birth.

It must be more than just one of the parts,
All Truth starts inside of our hearts.

by Jl Sadberry |
Categories: angel, autumn, birth, universe,

A Zillion Stars

August eighth nineteen thirty-seven her tiny Spirit thus landed on
This distant planet, within a parallel universe her newborne galaxy..
Ancient eyes gazing as yet but another of their own; Celestial's child ?

* ...."Lawana Faye Workman-Sadberry, Born August 8th, 1937, 'Her Beauty,' 
A Journey Unto Love's Stars, May 16th, 2013 * 'I Love You Mom,' Always.... *

by Brenda Meier-Hans |
Categories: baby, birth, child, love, mother, son,


You came to me on angels wings
Your smile was so divine,
I looked into your big blue eyes
Not believing you were mine.

With skin so soft and hair of down
You came to me that day,
And as I held you on my breast
You stole my heart away.

Sweet child if you could ever know
The love I felt for you,
As the years flew quickly by
That love just grew and grew.

So I’ll just quietly watch you grow
Into a man my son.
I want you to know what a privilege it is 
For me to be your mom.

Written by Brenda  Meier-Hans
Gautami Phookans Contest:
The Sweetest Touches of Verse

by James Edward Lee Sr. |
Categories: black african american, caregiving, celebration, character, dedication, inspirational love, technology,

Garrett a Morgan


GARRETT A. MORGAN birth outside Paris, Kentucky
Inventor of Smoke hood model day respirator
Hair straitening combs, stop lights
Things for sewing machines
Yes! Mr. Morgan invented that

by James Edward Lee Sr.

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: birth, christmas, love, peace,

A Serving of Joy

A Potluck of People can be hard to Digest or assimilate

 Different customs Different taste

 Only One dish can truly Satisfy the human race
 A Serving of Joy  placed on the table by Love  on Christmas Day

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: cheer up, moving on,

- My Boat -

Love my name ~ but never take it
Feel my heart ~ but never crush it
Read my words ~ but never destroy them
Warm yourself in the sun ~ but share it with me
Listen for my sad song ~ comfort me
See my smile ~ laugh along with me
A poem from my soul ~ I will be happy to share
A thought taking birth
Eyes that see even in deep darkness
A human being
I travel in my little boat in the open sea ~ there's room for you too
The whole world in front of our feet
Sunrise and sunset
An adventure ~ if you want
Together ~ always
Not in a war zone
peaceful journey
an intoxication of love
that never
will end

A-L Andresen :)

by Guru Jad |
Categories: age, birth, journey, love, lust,

A Long Journey Made Short

Little Innocence was forged into the world 
A shrill Sound flickered around the expecting eyes
Laughter carved out of marble 
A statue thought to beat immortality 
Yet Fear had a surprise
It crept into the cradle with ease
Laughter was choked
Tears burst instead
And Sadness had a form
Evil found in youth a red soil
Jealousy marched with Envy
Lust befriended Desire
Until cupid threw a bunch of arrows
Adventure appeared
Excitement beyond description
A Thrill with no past
Sentiments were aroused
Pride threw some words
Ego played its part
And when Love meddled to defend its territory
The Heart bled in utter silence! 

© Guru Jad 2013

by Mark Woods |
Categories: best friend, for her, love, relationship, romance, true love,

Your Humble Servant

To me you are a sacred dream
Each warmest hope upon the day.
A glass of wish from precious stream
Bright trace of sun through clouds of grey.

My endless trust in times of need
Our secrets shared we do confide
In passions breath to one I’m freed
Past darkest hour you are my guide.

Protection is my granted gift
To strive for you my sole delight
No one event shall birth a rift
Forever yours my quest to fight.

Perfections promise I shall chase
it's luck you chose my life to grace.

23rd May 2016