Love Poems About Wind or Wind Love Poems
by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: autumn, love, nature,

Fall In Love

F eeling enraptured, Autumn dances in the wind, then undresses.
A s bright robes fall to the ground, her passion paints the twilight skies.
L ike a nymph, she beckons, tossing her fiery auburn tresses.
L ongingly she sighs - September’s bliss lingering in her eyes.

I ndian summer days come; then they go.
N ights though chill, embrace her in indigo.

L ater, in November, her sweetness wanes.
O ctober cannot stay forever loving her.
V acantly she gazes through freezing rains.
E ndearments whispered - cease - when Fall loses ardor.

by White Wolf |
Categories: art, beauty,


Shadow not over the words of love Love is a language known only to the heart Hear it in the wind and the birds above Paint it on a canvas skin and call it art Eternal beauty walks among us all Seekers of knowledge may know its name But true wisdom lies in hearing its call As the oceans cause the moon to wane Its gentle touch, abundantly crystalline Euphoric in nature, its secret is kept With its healing powers all part divine Though many an angel from love has wept Compassion and caring, make love's trinity And kindness a guide that leads to bliss So make love your one and true reality For you are worth much more than this

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: life, lost love, sad love,

Tin Foil Hearts

On pensive planes of wraith-like existence,
Are stoic shadows feigning affection;
Crimson lips of withering consistence,
Have lost their craze for craving confection.

Tear-filling prisms tilling a rueing sphere,
Pathos prowling, pity's wild and roaming;
Reminisce wind-blown is tumbleweed drear,
Bathos like bramble bur clings in gloaming.

Tin foil hearts' echo sad droning down-beat,
Rose petal ballet two rust figurines;
Today's gray sleet does douse yesteryears' heat,
Apathy's ennui directing the scenes...

Love once aflare in fanfare marigold,
Lies now a wizened weed, dried and stone cold.

Susan Ashley
November 2, 2017

by Michelle Faulkner |
Categories: lost, muse, writing,

The Poems I Never Wrote

These are the roads I didn't take
A pause too soon, a turn too late
Lost in the love I never spoke
The poems I never wrote

Gone are the moons I didn't chase
The sun-bloomed wind I didn't taste
The skylines I left incomplete
The stars I didn't seek

Muted are songs which may have brought
A silent music to my thoughts
Fading traces in dim sunsets
Autumns I never kept

Verses yet rise through foggy climes
Reveries of forgotten rhymes
If fractured light once more takes flight
I still have poems to write


by Paul Callus |
Categories: love hurts,

One Last Embrace

My whispered words trail to a halt
Her sobbing muffled by the wind
Beneath our faithful trusted tree
Concealed from Luna’s prying eyes
We share the pain of anguished hearts
As time draws near for us to part
And take divergent paths of life
To quell the urge of bridled love.
When dawn approaches we shall leave
With nothing else but memories
Unloosing hands from this embrace
Our shattered dreams can’t be replaced.

--- --- --- --- --- --- ---  
Hugs Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Craig Cornish
Placed 3rd
Chosen p.o.t.d. on 8th June 2020

© 7th June, 2020

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: deep, dream, lost love, love,

Kiss the Wind

I lay down
A lazy Sunday afternoon
The first winds from the north
Blowing snow like a blanket upon our souls

I fall asleep, in a haze of dreams
Where there she appears and forgive the obvious
The woman of my dreams
Never undressed, mind nor body

Here, in my delusion I beg for her heart
Tears roll down upon her chest
I whisper softly, tell me, tell me
You are my twin, in coldness and the dark

Entwined, we breathe slowly in silence
Words have flowed like the tears of the past
I hold on, in love, in desperation, in ecstasy
I caress her hair, and whisper be mine


Then I awoke, another sad day

by Pailey Gordon |
Categories: 9th grade, love, nature,

The Music of the Wind

Helicopter seeds
from my maple tree
drift down,
from the strong branches above.
They all fall around me,
I am encapsulated by the swirling seedlings.
Snug within their warmth,
the wind sends me on my feet.
Dancing with the music of the air 
that is rushing through my hair, 
I inhale the sweet, mellow essence of what life has granted me. 
Then I exhale the words,
"I am thankful for this life and the road, no matter how rocky, has served its purpose".
As I leave this place,
I hum the tune of the masterpiece conducted by the wind
that rustled in this tree.


by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: beauty, heart, introspection, passion, philosophy, wine, women,

A Question of Love

Loves promenades towards emptiness
	longing is a void
darkness of a million universes
where mythical black holes
chant of timeless desires

Yearning for carnal eternity
where candles never die

Two of us
	never met
	oceans apart
	gasping for affections
	in different times
	winds may have swept
	this way or that
	never seen

Wind and candle lie in death
so lost
in emptiness

by Wren Rushing |
Categories: house, light, love,

Lighthouse On the Shore

There is a lady all dressed in light, who stands above the jagged shore at night. To guide the sailing ships to safer seas and beg the wicked storms for calmer breeze. She ever shines her light across the bay, in hopeful search for love that sailed away. He left the land with plans to bring back gold, to ask her hand to wed, the story's told. When his ship met with tempest gales, the waves ripped the hull, wind stripped the sails. The lady waits at night for him on shore, as he still lays with gold on ocean floor. Sometimes you see her lonely light afar, it shines in the sky like a distant star. 12/16/18

by Paul Callus |
Categories: change, sad,

The White Roses Died With You

We planted roses in the spring
when love was floating in the air.
A diamond glittered on your ring
reflected in your hazel eyes
the rainbow hues of paradise.
We had so much to give and share.

The months went by, the roses bloomed,
but when one day an ill wind blew – 
no mercy shown – our dreams were doomed
to wither slowly and decay.
That fateful night you passed away 
all the white roses died with you.

[Pub. PS: It’s Poetry: An anthology of contemporary poetry from around the world 2020] 

Rhyme scheme: A-B-A-C-C-B  D-E-D-F-F-E
Contest: Rhyme Time 7 ~ Deep and Dark 
Sponsored by Lu Loo
Placed 1st

© 27th December 2018

by Michelle Faulkner |
Categories: death, lost love, memory,

Your Last Wish

"recently scenes of early life have stolen into my mind, like breezes blown" - Samuel Taylor Coleridge

I walk the shore alone beside your voice
How alive it seems, chiming with the wind
Its chant as ancient as the sea

Here, the cliff where we first saw the sea
Here you proposed with a shake in your voice
My whispered 'Yes' snatched by the willful wind

Your last wish: your ashes, set free on the wind
The waves break sadly, forlorn from the sea
As I turn to the pull of yesterday's voice

Your voice on the wind lures me to the sea


Past Memories, 'T' Form contest
Sponsor: Constance La France
Form: Tritina

by Skat A |
Categories: beauty, dream, flower, love, marriage,

Dandelion Dream

-Dandelion Dream-

I stand close with a fistful of flowers
My tiny bouquet made of dandelion dreams 
They fade with one gush from the wind
I stand close with a fistful of flowers
Holding on tight to jagged leaves 
Sprinkles of sand fall over my needs
I stand close with a fistful of flowers
My tiny bouquet made of dandelion dreams 


by Daniel Cheeseman |
Categories: seastars,

Sailors Follow

Those stars that sailors follow
Guiding less the sea to swallow

And the night seas black as tar
Beyond the wave a land afar

Halyards taught, blocks in tallow
Breezes fresh and salt swallow

Timbers creak, white horses foam
Callused hands and oceans comb

And the stars pull them forth
South, east, west and north

Cabin boy or salty jack
Afore the mast, bare their back

Seas of glass or howling gales
Stands his watch what ever ails

For them the ocean a magic place
For every dawn a changing face

The face of his one true love
The wind, stars, skies above

by Elaine George |
Categories: autumn, love,

One Autumn Night

Beneath a moonlit black velvet sky
Where scarlet leaves from the Maple fly
On November’s  wind and breathless sighs
And a lone coyote’s distant cry
You and me where hints of winter lie
Frost nipping our toes as autumn dies
I am warmed by the love in your eyes

by Tim Smith |
Categories: friendship, love,

Test of Time

Secrets blowing in the wind Another gift, another lift Words whispered from the soul Echoing in the chamber of my heart Looking ahead to the dreams we'll have It's what we believe in No turning back Chosen ----- Frozen Lost in love Lost in life Wiping away all the tears Soothing all our fears Together our friendship will survive the test of time

by Elizabeth Wesley |
Categories: seasons, me,

Autumn Memories

Spring chased old man winter from his place
And silenced him with her capricious face
Sometimes a tear, sometimes a smile;
She would beguile
My lazy feet
To dance in some leafy bowered retreat.

When dreamy delightful summer flies
And looks at me with laughing eyes;
She draws me to her clover fields
And my heart yields
To her winsome wooing
And her siren song is my undoing.

One day I saw the sudden flare
Of autumn's wind blown crimson hair;
She stirred the whispering leaves and then
I felt again
A yearning glow
Of years remembered long ago
And I lived the dream I never knew
Of lost memories and my love for you.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: death, love,

Breath of Love

In autumn’s wind, I look up to the sky. How sweet the breath of love upon my face! In rustling leaves, I hear you softly sigh; in autumns wind, I look up to the sky and see what time and death cannot erase. . . In guise of sun’s bright rays, you are nearby! In autumn’s wind, I look up to the sky. How sweet the breath of love upon my face! Written 2/7/2015 for the Contest of Gail Angel Doyle

by Elizabeth Wesley |
Categories: love,


There is no more I need to know
We're lost in the night;
Washed in the candle glow
Of shimmering light.
In this moment longings flare
The time is now;
So much we have to share.
Hear the night wind as it sings
It fans the fire;
Remove your things.
The darkness dances and dips
The firelight flickers and falls
From your toes to your lips 
As shadows skim the walls.

by White Wolf |
Categories: love, romance,

Lovers' Feast:

Passions burn in the depth of night, Lovers yearning to be entwined, Against the wind these birds own flight, A trail hidden it's hard to find. Emotions soar high out of sight, As love explodes in hearts so warm, They hold each other close and tight, Embraced they lay in loving form. This is how love can be for most, Ever daunting to say the least, But when it's found it's grandiose, So succulent thy lovers' feast. In their arms lie and be adored, And feel the fires as they once roared. (Eight syllables per line)

by Elizabeth Wesley |
Categories: loveautumn,

My Song To You

Come to the meadow just you only,
Where autumn weaves her spell;
On hills and purple moorlands lonely,
Where the magic of her presence dwells.

Beneath blue sky and fields of heather,
With soft humming of honey bees.
And I'll hold you, just us two together,
To share the scent of autumns leaves.

We’ve time to share asters in the meadow,
With all that we love best;
With the swallows wings and your shadow,
And summer's grass that built the nest.

To hold and hear the soft wind singing,
To see your hair tossed and blown;
And meet the bluebird softly winging,
Through heaven and earth, we too fly alone.

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: love, poetry,

What Causes Me To Love a Poem

What causes me to love a poem 
Is one that lingers in my mind, 
A poem of a kindred spirit kind,
The kind that makes me feel at home.

A solemn poem that makes me cry,
Or one with clever wit and flair,
Or one with sentiment to share,
A poem that causes an awestruck sigh.

The best would sparkle with romance 
The kind that Chris Green writes to prove 
Superlative his words of love, 
Melodic rhyme that woos one to dance

Under a starlet diamond sky 
As poetry whispers in the wind
A sonnet forms in mind to send
Along with dreams to wayward fly.


~Third Place~
Contest Name FAVE | 
Sponsor Line Gauthier 

by Yvonne Evanoff |
Categories: lost love


Speak not of glorious visions past. 
The dark remorse of woe 
into the nightly splendour fades, 
Where now, I too must go.

Weep not the tears of duty here, 
Nor utter words withheld 
That may have given liberty, 
And had the power to meld.

Fear is but a childish word 
That fills the heart with dread, 
No more will rage direct my path, 
Nor turn this weary head.

The north wind blasts against my cheek 
Where tears did fall, short time ago, 
The salty streams have turned to ice, 
Repentant floods no more will flow.

I see the dawn break splendidly, 
It melts the air around, 
And bends the flower’s head toward east, 
In trance-like motion bound.


by Francis J Grasso |
Categories: devotion, joy, love,

Martha's Poem

I will love you like tomorrow Like the days that come to me Like the warmth of summer sunshine Like a wind that blows me free To hear the song of nightingales Beneath a crescent moon To share each simple pleasure On a rainy afternoon In the silence of a morning Deep within a restless sea Walking through the darkness And with everything in me For every precious moment That lives in effigy Love will grow within my soul To reach eternity And when we gather moonbeams After twilight steals the hours, Sleep with me through endless days Among a sea of midnight flowers.
written Aug 23, 2018

by Charlie Smith |
Categories: desire, dream, love,


If only love befell your heart like fragrant scents of new spring hay the joy my dreams would too impart if such a verse I'd dare to say Feel the chances of a raindrop touch the tenderness of a rose pray the music will never stop before the wind of winter blows Let's weave tales of this love's history I am heartbound, please take my hand walk with me through all life's mystery for what only we might understand I know the sweetness of your smiles They take me back to childish wiles Poem Of The Day 11/05/2017

by Joseph May |
Categories: moon, passion, romance, stars,

Beyond the Stars

Dulcet scent of jasmine wafting through the air
 As moonbeams daub the swaying trees with silver hue
 Luna's glow prescribes romance, the twinkling stars
 make love a happenstance, as the wind whispers passion,
perchance ecstasy will ensue.

 I see her silhouette in shapely form moving
 with the rhythm of the trees, my heart flutters
 as she gets nearer, then she falls into my embrace
 and our lips meet, and our passion blazes.
 Was it folly to believe that our love would last forever
 or would it sink into the dank realm of heartbreak
 But that thought perished into the fire of our passion 
 as we blissfully drifted beyond the twinkle of the stars
