Love Poems About Voice or Voice Love Poems
by Charlie Smith |
Categories: blessing, nature,

Natures Gift

It's how the stars are lit at night
     and how the dew drops glisten
     How evening shadows mock the light
     and it's how the silence listens

     From the gentle sway of trees
     that bid such fond adieu
     Songs in a summer breeze
     a voice so clear, so true

     The glory of such symmetry
     so more than fills the eye
     To the beauty of such poetry
     this hopeful heart draws nigh

     In natural peace all love is born
     To live and thrive each blessed morn


     Poem Of The Week of 3/19/2017
     Best New Poem of the Month 4/01/2017

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: god, inspirational, nature,

Evening Song

Conducted by the Hands that gave them voice
Sweet songs of evening soothe my weary soul.
Oh, how I love to hear the birds rejoice
As frogs and insects hum adagio.

Each night I sit and watch the sun go down
Accompanied by song that has no score
Each night His orchestra holds me spellbound
That's why each night, I come right back for more.

Yet I am just a simple country boy
These nature songs were my first lullabies
E'en to this day they bring my heart such joy
And on occasion tear these simple eyes

When moon appears to watch the sun depart
My only thought, "My God, how great Thou art."   

                   Daniel Turner

by John Gondolf |
Categories: longing, love, romantic,

Carpe Noctem

Up above the moon shines brightly;
starlight touches earth so lightly;
passions teasing impolitely.
Midnight whispers, “Carpe noctem.”

Blowing soft the summer breezes
through her hair as nighttime pleases,
and the moonlight softly teases.
Voices urging, “Carpe noctem.”

Standing close our bodies facing;
hand in hand our fingers lacing;
gentle touches, hearts are racing.
Longings begging, “Carpe noctem.”

Wonder where her thoughts are leading;
do my eyes reveal my pleading?
Will she, with her voice conceding,
whisper softly, “Carpe noctem?”

January 10, 2022
Carpe Noctem - Latin for "seize the night"

Poem of the Week - January 16, 2022

by Silent One |
Categories: love,

You'Re the Poem

If only this poetry could define, how your presence takes me towards cloud nine. Your touch brings sensations that feel divine, yet, my tongue is quiet, fighting this muse of mine. Waiting for the moment our lips can greet, your sweet voice takes control of my heartbeat. I sigh hallelujah, as our eyes meet, the taste of your mouth makes my life complete. Suddenly the pen flows like buoyant streams, describing love that's only seen in daydreams. I'm just a star within universal schemes, basking within the passion of your moonbeams. Our love can't be hidden in a metaphor, you're the poem my pen will always adore.
Silent One 3 February 2019

by Joe Dimino |
Categories: change, christian, confidence, god, love, truth, wisdom,

Baby Steps

I took a walk with God today,
His pace far more casual than
mine. His voice a bit softer,
calmer. His visions, far more
loftier, but not views to impress
me...more like, to bless me. Not
stepping to me out-stride – more like,
to lovingly guide. His tone to instill in me
self confidence, and not His awesome
dominance. I took a walk with
God today...met Christ along
the way – and together we made a turn 
toward Home....

by Silent One |
Categories: death, loss, love,

Indigo Inkwell

My hands are tired, so I let my brush rest, unable to paint Autumn's loneliness. How much I miss you can never be stressed. August has left behind blank emptiness. Sitting by the window in the corner, watching the world in its colourful hues. I search for your face among the murmur, but all I'm left with is a muse with blues. In simple stillness your voice echoes loud. Each stitch I weave I see you before me. Memories remind me of what we vowed. Without you there would be no artistry. My palette is dry without your pastel, all that's left is an indigo inkwell.

by Kp Nunez |
Categories: child, dedication, love, mother daughter,


Can a child ever forget, how deep a mother’s love abides

All those days since birth, till now I’m grown she guides

Remembering her smile, so tender, so warm as her embrace

More than soothes away my pain, my fear of failure and disgrace

Even in my dreams she comforts, her voice, her scent would stay

Never will her being mother stop, till when I’m old and gray.

26 March 2015
Contest : Acrostic on Mother's Day - 1st Place

by Charmaine Chircop |
Categories: absence, love,

In Purple Fields We Dance

Stay a little longer come closer to my heart Breathe dew breeze on my neck's nape do not yet depart Play for me bagpipe music Blindfold all my starving fears Let the dulcet tones of your voice give us back those harvest years Make of the citrus moon a ballroom Hold me firmly from both hands Lift me high to touch the star-sky Show me how young peasants dance Let my soothing fingers trail across your caloused sun -soaked skin In purple fields Come chase me in that place our souls have been Take me away with you where this world is out of sight Where unspoken thoughts and heartbeats are enough to blaze the night.

by Michelle Faulkner |
Categories: death, lost love, memory,

Your Last Wish

"recently scenes of early life have stolen into my mind, like breezes blown" - Samuel Taylor Coleridge

I walk the shore alone beside your voice
How alive it seems, chiming with the wind
Its chant as ancient as the sea

Here, the cliff where we first saw the sea
Here you proposed with a shake in your voice
My whispered 'Yes' snatched by the willful wind

Your last wish: your ashes, set free on the wind
The waves break sadly, forlorn from the sea
As I turn to the pull of yesterday's voice

Your voice on the wind lures me to the sea


Past Memories, 'T' Form contest
Sponsor: Constance La France
Form: Tritina

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: appreciation, beauty, life, longing, love, night, spiritual,

The Lingering of Longing and Life

'Neath nocturnal bloom
the essence of self
dwindles in a pillowed horizon
twilight dies a whisper -
your voice in my ear…

the pale goddess rises
mothering angel’s tears
tending till dawn 
a moon garden vigil
bearing witness to your visit

by John Watt |
Categories: light, love,


Your incandescence drew me to your flame
Moth-like, I gravitated to your light
Then feigning nonchalance, I asked your name
The music of your voice set me to flight
And added several inches to my height
When you inquired of my name I saw stars
Stellar arrays beyond Venus or Mars
Puncturing through the thick shroud of the mask
I use to hide my stories and memoirs
My lady! All you had to do was ask!

written 18 Aug 2020

by James Marshall Goff |
Categories: lost love

Silent Hearts

Silent Hearts

silent hearts
words left unsaid
never find their voice

4:20 pm
© All Rights Reserved

by Freddie Robinson Jr. |
Categories: introspection, joy, love, romantic,

I Got a Love

I got a love that's never gonna die
Your love has breathed new life into me,
has filled my heart that was once empty
I got a love that's alive and spry
A fragrant violet voice has revived the old bones,
turning back the clock is a good thing
Gave me a pep in my step, a soul zing
Your love rekindled the flame that was long gone

How could you know that you would affect me so,
make me to rise up from my slumbering deep
Go walking to the garden of orchid waking dreams
A shower of kindness make the seeds of your love grow,
blossoms of smiles move my undressed heart to weep
My love for you will never die, for it has been redeemed

by Richard Lamoureux |
Categories: break up, desire, lost love,

Whispers of Your Soul

I wanted to hear your whisper
Yet I could only hear you shout
Your soul filled with all it's turmoil
Filled my own heart with so much doubt

By holding tightly to our pain
Silence became extremely loud
The softer notes within reason
Couldn't be heard above our proud

Were we lovers of the darkness 
Cutting through silence with our knives
Shredding perceived insecurities
In hopes of saving our own lives

Some dances were not meant to be
I heard the anguish in your voice
You took a walk, didn't look back
Loving another was your choice

Then I heard a different whisper
Bubble up, from inside of me
Lessons learned, from a broken heart
Meant freedom from insanity

by Larry Smith |
Categories: love,

To She: Drawn To Thy Beauty {quatrain}

Drawn to thy beauty, grace rains down;
     I choose this drowning than a drought – 
Where ten thousand are called mine own;
     Yet, deny thee and live without.

Skilled not enough to understand;
     Words unheard, find their voice through thee;
As I reach out then find thy hand;
     I see light take darkness from me.

Chaos knits together unity:
     Thoughts run free, once captive in chains;
Cleansed from fear in thy purity;
     Would I leave, canceling such gains?

by Harry Horsman |
Categories: love, thank you,

In So Many Ways

Your willing lips encased entwined with mine   
The taste as soft as the morning cast dew,
Emerald eyes the clarity of wine
Brings to mind the wondrous Castle to view.
Your voice as sweet as Thrush in harmony
A chorus awakened to the sunlight,
Penetration of love in litany
In deep alliteration morn till night.
Embraced in shackled touch with bonds thus bind
Oh I will of words pen of this love found,
You took a sad heart upon like did find
Staid the exterior yet ardour sound.
Your love's reflection my happiest days
This need to tell you in so many ways. 

 © Harry J Horsman 2013

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: allusion, angst, destiny, humanity, introspection, life, loneliness,

I Do Not Exist

I have been erased
no face
no name
Silence invades

I speak yet have no voice
no soul
no heart
Darkness I embrace

Invisible to the mirror
Into society I peer
no one sees
what does not exist

Asleep or awake
there is no existence to partake
Possessions collecting dust
While what does not exist rusts

Who am I, that never existed
That bleeds but never lived
Murdered by love
no matter

I do not exist

by Lu Loo |
Categories: love, music,

Black and White

United Colours: Black and White Sponsor: Silent One Your tune sweeps me so high and free but then I hear B sharp with tears and in sweet trance I swoon in dance with your souls notes while your voice floats on the soft strings as a bird sings you still move me with black and white grand keys ***I used picture number one for this poem*** ~Date Written: March 6, 2016~

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: autumn, love, nature, sweet love,

One Special Yew

I want to merge with this old Yew,
To travel through its rings of time.
Back when it's sprout had just begun
Near Blarney's river so sublime.

Where ivy climbs the castle walls,
A quaint sized foot bridge leads to where,
The old strong Yew still charms today
As autumn chills with crisp clean air.

I felt compelled to climb it's limbs
To sit embraced by its sweet love.
To its spirit, in whispered voice,
I then professed the same thereof.

How strong that memory still keeps
As other trees I've come to know
Bless me with their cool umbrella,
I see that Yew in vigil glow!

© Connie Marcum Wong

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: devotion, heart, love, spoken word,

If You Love Her

Listen to her with all of you
   Your fists clenched
   Your lips together
   Your head moving, slightly, side to side 

Perched on the edge of your seat
   Tilt your spine forward
Search for the soul deep within her eyes
   Gently ... Don't frighten her

Make her feel she is the most important person in the whole world 
   Nothing else matters except what she is telling you 

Hear what is in her voice 
   Her interests ... become yours 
Capture her heart
   Never let it go

by Debjani Mitra |
Categories: cute love, love, passion,

In Your Lockup

sweet and citron voice, fondled a whisper
did you say, "O my Love,  pulling me close 
refreshing spring water,  cooler and crisper 
restless eyes now crave, to forever repose

a vista of orchids, into my soul you dive
where a frantic heart, beats in your fervour
No more secrets, so effortlessly you arrive
in every corner, dreams in vain endeavour

in swarm of thousand kisses, I slowly melt
impetuous arms hug, a wild maddened sea
faintly glowing cinder, every cell now felt
an embrace, in your lockup, you set me free

Dated 7th June  2020

Featured third in  best new poem list
Sponsor	craig cornish
Contest Name	Hugs |

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 9th grade, angst, anxiety, death, i love you, i miss you, imagery,

A Little Too Quiet

It's a little too quiet now, I can no longer hear his voice. And yet, the sound of his laughter is still prevalent in my dreams. He died; his soul is in heaven; it's a little too quiet now. And all that I took for granted, morphed into precious memories. His final goodbye broke my heart; and I could hear myself screaming. It's a little too quiet now; and the silence is deafening. I pray to a merciful God; to keep him alive in my thoughts. I'm used to hearing his heartbeat; it's a little too quiet now.

by Paghunda Zahid |
Categories: joy, love, smile,

Just Your Face

Futile is the sun to a heart in awe
And trivial is the moon's cosmic fame

All these voices are nothing but noises 
These Flowers are like invisible stars

For what's it that the universe contains 
Nothing... but your face to keep me sane 

Only your voice brings exceptional joy
Only your lovely smile can make me fly

Syllable count: 10 per line
27th July, 2020

by Demetrios Trifiatis |
Categories: love, voice,

Thunderous Voice

There is no more a thunderous voice than the whisper of love!

© Demetrios Trifiatis
     25 October 2022
As always,  I would like to share the honor of POTD with all my good friends, 
who have helped me for over one decade now, by visiting and commenting on 
my humble poetry.  I also thank the officials of the site for their contribution.
God help all of you, my fellow poets.

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: longing, love,

The Blue of You

the moon tonight through your eyes
my sky is in your voice
and how i miss you so

Submitted on September 27, 2022 for contest 2022 POETRY MARATHON MILE 15 sponsored by MARK TONEY

Originally posted on September 13, 2022