Love Poems About Dedication or Dedication Love Poems
by Kp Nunez |
Categories: child, dedication, love, mother daughter,


Can a child ever forget, how deep a mother’s love abides

All those days since birth, till now I’m grown she guides

Remembering her smile, so tender, so warm as her embrace

More than soothes away my pain, my fear of failure and disgrace

Even in my dreams she comforts, her voice, her scent would stay

Never will her being mother stop, till when I’m old and gray.

26 March 2015
Contest : Acrostic on Mother's Day - 1st Place

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: friend, poets,

A Tribute To a Star

On you the angels did bestow
a glow your friends would come to know
as star-shine!

For even stars cannot outshine
your countenance. It's as divine
as starlight.

Oh, how you hush those stars, my dear,
from brightly shining when you're near;
they're star-struck.

I too am stricken by your sight.
I'd love to be with you all night
to star-gaze.

Shine on, sweet man, but do not burn
too long or strongly; stars might turn
to stardust!

Dedication to a special person!

by Michael Tor |
Categories: child, dedication, father daughter, feelings, forgiveness, heartbroken, love,

The Little Box

There's a little box found in my room,
With heartfelt memories, I won't open soon.

 A box of pictures, to reminisce.
They break my heart, it's you I miss.

 Portraits of my little girl, When daddy
left, it pained her world.

 Oh my precious, I'm deeply sorry,
for hurting you, and causing worry.

 A separation that brought you pain,
I wish my love that I could change.

 A love a father deeply feels,
 I pray in time, your heart would heal.

 The years are missing, they pass on by,
I call no answer, there's no reply.

 There is a blame I hold inside, and
sadly know the reason why.

 There's a little box found in my room,
full of heartfelt memories I won't open soon.

by Edward Ibeh |
Categories: dedication, destiny, love, people, romance, together,

A Bell Tolls For Two Souls

                              bell tolls
                         for two souls
                          crimson red 
                         with passion
                          they started
                      at opposite ends            
                  at full-throttle speed
                racing to meet halfway
             on the rendezvous rubicon
            then they collided exploding 

Date written and posted: 10/23/2016

by Jess Opperman |
Categories: death, dedication, grief, loss, love, miss you, sorrow, wife,

To My Darling

If I could will my heart to stop
and breathe a final breath
I'd sit beneath an old oak tree
and trade my life for death

The pain in life of losing you
is more than I can bear
how can a man be happy when
his better half's not there

Life's meaning's gone when I lost you
no purpose can I find
for you were but the reason i
loved life and cherished time

I cannot will my heart to stop
I'm waiting for the sign
from God to show His mercy to
unite us one more time

by James Burns |
Categories: dedication, devotion, faith, girlfriend-boyfriend, happiness, husband, love, passion, romance, wifeday, me,

The Luckiest Man

The Luckiest Man

I have found that not everyone is as strong
As the skies are wide and the days are long

But in life I have found there is this one
Whose bounty makes me feel as warm as the sun

And from the moment that she first caught my eye
I knew I’d be with her til’ the day that I die

That I would love and cherish her all the day through
And do all those little things we men are supposed to do

And spend my days lost in utter bliss
That I had this beautiful woman to kiss

And there’s one true fact ‘bout her being my girl
That makes me the luckiest man in the world

by Skat A |
Categories: absence, crush, cry, dedication, lost love, sad,

I'M So Jealous

~The One That Got Away~

Here I lay weeping

I sing a sad song to sleep 

Fire cracking bones

kicking, screaming, pulling hair

The moment, gone forever


by Christy Hardy |
Categories: dedication, sexy,

Oh Sexy Man

Oh sexy man,
in line ahead of me,
you look like a dream,
are you golden band free?

Oh sexy man,
you're looking at me,
my hair is a mess,
my jeans have holes in the knees.

Oh sexy man,
here you come,
asking for my number,
my hands just went numb.

Oh sexy man,
a movie will be fine,
then we will gaze at the stars,
and sip red, red wine.

Oh sexy man,
we are a perfect match,
together as one,
my fantastic catch.

Oh sexy man,
so kind, and strong,
I'll love you forever,
you complete my song.

by Edward Ebbs |
Categories: absence, age, angel, beautiful, beauty, bereavement, best friend, caregiving, christian, courage, death of a friend, dedication, desire, destiny, devotion, emotions, eulogy, farewell, fate, good night, goodbye, grave, heart, heartbreak, heartbroken, heaven, how i feel, humanity, husband, i miss you, leaving, life, loss, lost, lost love, love, marriage, meaningful, memorial, memory, obituary, perspective, remembrance day, sorrow, wife,

Lost My Song

When in this life I felt down
You were the one that was around

Maybe it was the way you held my hand
I knew in my heart you would understand

I miss the way we used to sit and talk
The times we didn't look at the clock

The way you walked in those tight jeans
Made me want to pull my skin and scream

I remember trembling at your touch
I love and loved you so very much

I am lost inside now you're gone
Baby you are still my life's song

When I look to the night sky, I tear
I miss you and wish you were here

Edward J Ebbs - 05/18/14

Written for a Contest, My Beloved Sweetheart

by Laura Breidenthal |
Categories: beauty, dedication, for her, heart, remember, romantic, sad love,

Eucalyptus Longing

The rushing wonts of action render these happenings unmovable,
These feelings, passionately felt, to dull words ill and strained
She clings, my koala, with chocolate eyes pining for my green
Though each time she lets me go, she leaves me docile and pained 

Once before I claimed her; yes, she did not turn away from me
But instead gazed on how the breeze could sway my branches
I wanted my bark to secrete the sweetest tears,
So she would know how eternally I yearn for her glances

For it is she alone, who can consume and digest my poisons
It is she alone—besides the sun—who gives me reason to stand erect

by Gary George |
Categories: anniversary, dedication, devotion, girlfriend-boyfriend, happiness, inspirational, love, passion, uplifting, wedding, wifelife, love,

You Are My All

When on life’s seas I’m tempest tossed,
And my hopeful smile is all but lost,
When I need to survive at any cost,
You are my anchor.

My life is filled with simple pleasures,
My loved ones’ smiles I count as treasures,
When kisses are how life is measured,
You are the standard.

As time soars on and birthdays fly,
My hair is graying,  I don’t care why,
My mind is sharp, but not my eyes,
You are my youth.

Love is patient, love is kind,
And to the lucky, love is blind,
But when it comes to love that binds,
You are my love.

by Poet Destroyer A |
Categories: addiction, adventure, body, dedication, happiness, heart, life, love,

Acting Out

.            Acting Out

Standing, lying, falling, crawling, I keep trying, crying, lying, rhyming, love is blinding
I play, obey, eat, -I digest, caress the softness, when I'm blinking, I'm found sinking 
I find myself thinking, walking, talking, mocking, craving, misbehaving, and dreaming
Shake, break, my heart can't take, I smile, in style, small thoughts, are all I got
I'm lazy, hazy, I get crazy, I shout, when in doubt, Acting Out, that's what I'm all about


by Juliet Ligon |
Categories: irony, lost love, memory, moving on,

I Forgot About You, But I Don't Remember When

I forgot about you,
but I don't remember when.

With all the thoughts inscribed to you, 
I once had to chase the pen.

My mind's now like an empty gas tank.
Oh, the roads we traveled... I can't get there.

The dedication page is blank,
because I can't remember what or where.

With all the adventures lived without you
and every brand new start,

with life otherwise filled, now I doubt you
ever existed in my heart.

Senility is what gets me through
each memory from beginning to end.

I forgot about you,
but I don't remember when.

by Lu Loo |
Categories: dedication, love,

A Backwards Poem-Needing Each Other

me needing you through good and bad times shared of joy and love with forgiveness linked into redemption saved through troubled times with truth is grace loving daily portrayed and pure is love through me needing you Forgive me, the "Backwards Poem" form is not an option on Poetry Soup so I listed it as a "verse". It is a form of poetry which can be read correctly downwards and upwards also. I used a strict syllable count of: 1-2-2-3-3-4-4-5-5-4-4-3-3-2-2-1 Date Written: June 30, 2016

by Audrey Haick |
Categories: dedication, on writing and words

A Tribute To the Highlander

His talent as a Bard explodes
From an exquisite mind it flows 
Through an instrument of script
Flooding parchment reverberating
Through the psyche creating waves  
Reaching the far ends of the universe 

Words of truth deep sentiment flourish
Propelling legitimate personal emotions 
Giving due praise to brave loyal and true
To God nature his love and fellow Bards and
The magnificent highlands he loves so well
Always uplifting inspiring and sharing 

Accept this tribute from an amateur a friend
With gratitude for reading commenting for 
Being just who you are, The Highlander

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: appreciation, art, beautiful, children, dedication, rain, rainbow,

Norway Rains

Norway Rains I love the rain Under my umbrella Staring at rainbows Wishing for dreams My stomach is hungry, so it seems I may be just a wee little kid In the country rain Still I know dreams do come true As Anne-Lise brings my favorite ice cream Smiles all, through and through Laughter echoes in the Norway rains
Dedicated to Anne-Lise from Norway!!!!!!!!

by Harry Horsman |
Categories: dedication, love, night,

Lavern Baker

Oh with a soul of fire
baby you’ll be crying,
like a heavenly choir
Tra la la, Jim Dandy,
oh how long will it be?
I can’t love you enough.
You, me and Tweedle Dee
together in New York,
just a lucky old son
happiness forever,
the big apple for fun
here where you’re no one’s fool.
We’ll dance to Ting-a-ling
do the bop all night long,
we’ll be doing you’re thing
‘Play it fair, Harbour lights’
hit after hit then more
shaking till morning bites.
Boy love that dancing floor
every night this dream
of you Lavern and me,
crazy man crazy theme
my very own club glee
every night this dream.

© Harry J Horsman  2012

by Panagiota Romios |
Categories: character, daughter, dedication,

Maria Elena, My Daughter

Maria Elena

M-is for Motivated, that really is you.
A-is for Aliveness, all the year through.
R-is for religion,you are a lover of God"
   and shows in all that you do.
I-is for Integrity, that honest spark,
   that makes you,you.
A-is for the Alacrity'with which you get 
   jobs done.

E-is for Endurance in work, home and 
L-is for Love, which in reality, your
    name should be.
E-is for Eager at each task at hand.
N-is for National, a woman proud uniquely 
    proud of this land.
A-is for Attractive, your skin, eyes and body, 
   that set men reeling.

July 27, 2019
Noon PST

by Fading Star Silence |
Categories: blessing, love, spiritual, spring, true love,

Ethereal Lanterns

The sparkling spirit of your love, 
merges with mine, 
dwelling in passages of time, as
my heart sings symphonies of 
ethereal lanterns, 
beaming upon golden poppies,
while drifting across haloes of 
glittering stardust. 

Our divine souls flutter full circle, 
when light meets dark;
a sacred union amidst 
cherry blossom petals, 
swirling in a helix of 
devoted scintillation, 
towards the sanctuary of 
our blooming dedication.

This faith in you 
is my heavenly glow, 
a paradise of hopes and dreams,
swaying to your deific verve—
the gilded moon my spotlight, as 
celestial lullabies serenade 
this blissful twilight, 
sheltered in your cherubic love.

by Humble B |
Categories: angel, baby, baptism, beach, birthday, boyfriend, caregiving, child, christian, christmas, courage, dad, dance, dedication, faith, family, friendship, happiness, happy, hope, inspirational, introspection, life, love, miracle, peace, people, prayer, recovery from..., religion, religious, romance, social, spiritual, stress, uplifting,

Love, Angels, and Music

LOVE God is always love Forever seek the kingdom; Praise the creator Keep giving what you can give Please endure until the end ANGELS Beautiful Heavens Protecting the meek ones earth Watching over us Helping us to cope with life Comforted with hope and trust MUSIC When you find rhythm You find your hearts inner core Celebrate the times Make them better than before Reminisce and dance all night

by Rosemarie Rowley |
Categories: angel, career, caregiving, class, dedication,

The Mad Secretary


Hunched over the computer, I am  mystical,
With mental white gloves and a karate belt - 
A daylight cursor, but on my bicycle,
A word and energy transformer, a flickering Celt.

Such metaphysics I can make into sensation,
Turned into binary formulae by the boss,
My passion is for punctuation- 
But the lingua franca doesn’t give a toss.

 I see the point.  I accommodate the pause.
I rinse the cups and make the coffee sweet,
I am saving myself for this man of laws,
Of Brehon provenance, who will entreat

Me to be his love, his partner and co-genitor,
Of a life graph, where he can trust the monitor.

(c) Rosemarie Rowley
From IN MEMORY OF HER (2008)

by Deborah Burch |
Categories: birthday, dedication, funny, happy,

Happy Belated Birthday Anne-Lise


     ?                      ?
                       A L
                       N I


7.27.2012©deborah burch

by Kristin Reynolds |
Categories: death, dedication, love

For Paulie: Rip

in this silence
the respirator breathes…
we did not know
his heart

*Inspired by Brian Strand's, Indelible Impressions contest. This was written the day after my 
Step-father-in-law passed away...he passed while we were in the room.

by Donald Williams |
Categories: dedication, girlfriend, holiday, passion, romantic, thank you,

Thank You My Love

The days go by, each hour and each minute, 
Sometimes I neglect to say certain things, but you know that I mean it. 
In light of this special occasion, I wanted to share a thought with you. 
So often I pass you by with only a gentle tug or two. 
Even without words, you know my feelings, 
Today is one day that has special meaning. 
I want to tell you that one thing you hardly ever hear, 
With passion from me to you, my dear. 
A whisper in the darkness and you look to see who. 
I want to say "THANK YOU" for all that you do.

by Dana Smith |
Categories: courage, dark, death, dedication, depression, devotion, dream, faith, happiness, jesus, life, love, metaphor, nature, pain, sad,

A Soul Awakened

She is the muse to her own sorrow; She is the digger of her grave. She is the painter of her ocean view and every fatal wave. She is the shadow of her Father; She is the darkness in your sight. She is the night without the stars surrounding pale moonlight. She is the music with no words; She is sweet love without the reason. She is your dreamer with submission cold by warmth with every season. She is your pet with cold intentions; She is your baby scared and shaken. She is the bold and pure- the lost and found, She is a soul awakened.