Love Poems About Moving On or Moving On Love Poems
by John Watt |
Categories: death, grief, love hurts, november, winter,

Winter's Gateway

November, as the poets say -
autumn's demise, winter's gateway.
Its shortened days and longer nights
descending, death is in her sights:
leaves fall, as is their yearly fate,
while beasts prepare to hibernate.

November, as my lady lies
so silent, moving not her eyes -
with ashen skin, lips cold as death,
I wait in vain to feel her breath.
Her soul immortal, this I know,
yet in this life I'll grieve her so.

Written 26 November 2020

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: devotion, heart, love, spoken word,

If You Love Her

Listen to her with all of you
   Your fists clenched
   Your lips together
   Your head moving, slightly, side to side 

Perched on the edge of your seat
   Tilt your spine forward
Search for the soul deep within her eyes
   Gently ... Don't frighten her

Make her feel she is the most important person in the whole world 
   Nothing else matters except what she is telling you 

Hear what is in her voice 
   Her interests ... become yours 
Capture her heart
   Never let it go

by Joseph May |
Categories: moon, passion, romance, stars,

Beyond the Stars

Dulcet scent of jasmine wafting through the air
 As moonbeams daub the swaying trees with silver hue
 Luna's glow prescribes romance, the twinkling stars
 make love a happenstance, as the wind whispers passion,
perchance ecstasy will ensue.

 I see her silhouette in shapely form moving
 with the rhythm of the trees, my heart flutters
 as she gets nearer, then she falls into my embrace
 and our lips meet, and our passion blazes.
 Was it folly to believe that our love would last forever
 or would it sink into the dank realm of heartbreak
 But that thought perished into the fire of our passion 
 as we blissfully drifted beyond the twinkle of the stars


by White Wolf |
Categories: poets,

Decompression of the Heart

The absence of love plays on my mind,
I search within, but love, I cannot find.

Another wasted day, just frittered away.
Can't bring myself to see, it's all because of me!

Dark clouds are moving in, my soul's screaming out.
There's no place I wish to be, my mind consumed with doubt.

My body's numb, this pain has won,
As I lift my pen to write again,
these words flood out before my eyes.
It's not until then that I realise!
That all my struggles are not my demise,

and all my woes as far as a poet goes,
For now, a smile creeps on my face.
Finally, I have found that loving place.

by Skat A |
Categories: absence, cry, desire, feelings, moving on, sorry,

Houston We Have a Problem

"When returning love, becomes to Late"

From her eyes
His name the name
She mumbles silently 
3 rivers, 3 years, 2 many tears
She loves him endlessly

Sending her soul
A free feeling, 
Finally, he fell
Engaging, equal to the spell
Morning, mountains and more
Move across a new age moon
His heart happily 
Traveling towards hers
Dashing dandy, onto her dinner plate 
Too long she waited, 
She's not hungry, her heart self healed 

3 rivers 3 years 2 late
Her tears faded his rusty name 


by Phil Capitano |
Categories: language, poetry,

Dance With Me

Writing is dancing with words...
     a titillating tango with verbs delicious...
          a sultry waltz with rhythm and meter...
               a hot rumba with randy adjectives...
                    a forbidden dance with unnamed nouns...
                         if this has not left you wanting more
                         then I shall dance with words no more.

Poetry is a pure passion play
     of alliteration and words dancing in line,
           a quick-stepping, twin-tapping salsa,
		a seductive rhapsody in rhyme,
		     moving metaphors, measure and time…
			   my love is wrapped in this poetry
			   so will you please come dance with me?

by Lin Lane |
Categories: hope, endurance,

Hope Is My Anchor

Hope is the anchor that secures my soul
Needed for endurance as the Bible foretold
One of three qualities, along with faith and love
I am filled with hope to honor my Holy Father above

Hope in God's promises lightens my heavy load
It's instilled in me when I venture down a dark road
Hope has power to keep me moving in the right direction
And there I will find the mercy and love of God's protection

Hope is a means of trusting in what will be
Faith in the unseen; that is what hope means to me
Life without it fences me inside a brick wall without a gate
I believe in the Word of God;  I do not adhere to destiny or fate

April 30th, 2016

by James Inman |
Categories: death, lost love,

The Fading Light

I watch the sun's smile gleam on the petal as it drifts beneath the Dogwood tree moving from sunlight to shadow we once burned bright like the sun shining on everyone until heaven spoke now you are gone and my light shines no more

by Melissa Schwartz |
Categories: introspection, lost love, love,

In Forbearance

Where was I 
when repo men invaded,
boxed me up within his cool heart
fragrant in its distaste of warmer climates?
You know,
climates governed by love.
(Daydreaming of knights, that's where.)

Now I have only so much patience remaining
for this slapstick brain-
a nasty reminder, the heckler of my heart,
what spews sensibility
when I simply yearn to err. 

And I scarcely have time to mourn
his devil's smile
leaving southward in moving vans
transporting my pieces
(all the valid ones)
with him
as I sit numbed,
next to climbing ivy poisoned by my disbelief,
unpaid for.

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: emotions, feelings, light, moon, sun,

I Feel Love

Hotly breathing upon the heartbeats murmur  
where a thousand doves warmly flutters inwardly 
taking one's breath away beyond breathless chants 

Golden miracle of the sun born deeply soft crowning jewels 
dewdrops within the night's reflection sparkle glisten 
where a moon leaves the loving imprint behind timeless

Wings marveling land adoring the haloed vision framed beholding  
oceans whisper softly across the tides moving sands 
each little step up brings us slightly closer to heaven

by Francis J Grasso |
Categories: death, grief, life, lost love, motivation, moving on,

Morning Light

The calm that comes with morning light.
Lying here... from an untroubled night.

Alone, awake after restful sleep.
No tears left, no tears to weep.

Dreaming where dreams were never seen.
Free from all that might have been.

By myself with a pristine heart,
to begin again; a brand new start.

No more fear as I arise.
No sadness here to burn my eyes.

Only peace to guide my way.
No more guilt to mar the day.

My spirit rises in the sun,
as life again has just begun.
written 01.20.2017

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: river, romantic, water,

Romantic Waters

Romantic Waters

Romance dwells in moving waters
Cerulean lake lapping the shore...
Moonlight cast across the waves
As the sea sings of passion's amour.

Kayaking on the Russian river
In twilight's softest silhouette...
Feeling the droplets from Niagara
Lovers kiss near romantic falls.

Skinny dipping in an aqua lagoon
To cool before a night of passion.
Lazing next in hot spring waters
Encompassed in aurora's lights.

Lotus blossoms bask in waters
Of loving mem'ries so sublime.
Romance dwells in moving waters
In love straight from Nature's heart.


by Jean Murray |
Categories: adventure, future, moving on,

Past Present Future

P erhaps it's time to let it go.
A ll that pain you suffered so.
S train on your heart and soul.
T ime to release and let go.

P eer around at your life now.
R elish the love your children give.
E njoy your work as you always have.
S it and relax at end of day.
E nergised by renewed hope.
N ever again to ever succumb
T o being abused by anyone. 

F acing the future with a smile.
U pteen reasons to celebrate. 
T he joys of living and giving.
U ncertainity will always remain.
R emember to count your blessings.
E mbrace often those you love.


by Juliet Ligon |
Categories: irony, lost love, memory, moving on,

I Forgot About You, But I Don't Remember When

I forgot about you,
but I don't remember when.

With all the thoughts inscribed to you, 
I once had to chase the pen.

My mind's now like an empty gas tank.
Oh, the roads we traveled... I can't get there.

The dedication page is blank,
because I can't remember what or where.

With all the adventures lived without you
and every brand new start,

with life otherwise filled, now I doubt you
ever existed in my heart.

Senility is what gets me through
each memory from beginning to end.

I forgot about you,
but I don't remember when.

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: appreciation, devotion, joy, soulmate, together, true love, universe,

Melting Point

The moment I saw you
I fell in love with the universe.
Like raindrops rippling a still pond,
our concentric circles coalesced -
moving past duality and melting into oneness.

Susan Ashley
May 14, 2019

*dedicated to my soulmate and husband, Bill*

~ First Place ~
Contest: May 2019 Premier 5 (Max 5 Lines)
Sponsor: Brian Strand

*The Sufi poet Rumi wrote; “The lover asked his beloved, do you love yourself more than you love me? The beloved replied, I have died to myself but I live for thee.”

by Richard Lamoureux |
Categories: kiss, longing, passion,

A Noteworthy Passion

I wonder if a human heartbeat sings
Will lonely people witness perfect song
As Passion plays upon these lovely strings
What noteful kisses capture can't be wrong

Young bodies merging into blissful tone
She succumbs to his perfect passion pitch
True heartfelt music crushes even stone
The harmony of love makes them feel rich

Rise lovers pleasured treble heating air
Young dancers moving slowly within beat
A trumpet playing fuelling what they share
Each movement foretold in a music sheet

Praise lover's anthem written in the song
Yes music as a heartbeat beating strong

For Brenda Chiri's Sonnet contest
If you are going to have a first date do it in style!

by Wilma Neels |
Categories: love, passion,

'exploring the Shadows'

as he enters he switches 
off the lights 

particles of light peep 
through the blinds
the air filled with tension 
we haven't been here in this 
space in what seem like ages 

the smell of flowers so 
I shield myself from his gaze 
his hands move over my face 
he gently kiss my nose, 
slowly moving to my forehead

the ease in which he does it 
calms me
serene in preparation
as he expertly yet gently 
awake all those senses 

which lay dormant

the moment is now
it is just the two of us 
while we explore - 
flirt with the senses

the shadow moves over our 
naked bodies


by Tim Smith |
Categories: sky,


Sky, so simple and demure 
when yellow brushes blue 
hid in amber hue 

Wisps a wind calm carried long 
white puffs of day float by 
breaths of passion cry 

She winks her love befell a fold 
slowly moving closely through 
grandeur shines anew 

Secrets held a spinning orb 
shots seen round the world 
lovers dream unfurled 

Sky, so simple and demure 
you'll always be so true

by Sally Eslinger |
Categories: desire, imagery, light, love, moon, music,

Spring Enchantment a love poem

Spring Enchantment (a love poem)

As wisps of clouds creeped
overhead before a storm moving quickly east,
the moon lay down his vanilla beams 
to dispel the darkness hiding our bared feet — 
set side by side — romantically
touching for warmth, for love, for eternity,
hopefully, to envelop us, like the coming rain
in our lives’ thundering, combined heartbeats
…joined into those duets passion will release
all about from the great springs of yearning.

(c) s.y. Eslinger 3/2024
Thanks be to God——

by Charles Fuller |
Categories: inspirational, life, love, passion,

One Moment of You and I

Azure mirroring 
Overpowering the senses
Pithy eyes moving
Upon twin horizons
Trembling breathed echoes
Holding silence closely
Sensations of a cacophony
Rhythmic intensity flashing
Transparent intentions firing
As eyes close 
Lips faintly caressing
Sweet passion
The goodnight kiss…

by Terrell Martin |
Categories: animal,

That Soaring Spirit

A bald eagle landed in a tree,
right next door to me.
I heard his screech and saw his wings, 
unfolded wide as if a king.
Proclaiming his own mighty throne,
majestic, proud and all alone.
I thought how long he’s been revered,
by our nation and others for countless years.
I thought about his strength and pride,
perched up there before my eyes.   
As I stood watching his beauty, grace,
before again, he embraced that wild blue space.
Above, below, and all around,
he took to sky like love, unbound.  
Leaving me enraptured, to smile and stare,
at that soaring spirit 
moving ever higher, 
way up there.

by Poet Destroyer A |
Categories: beautiful, blessing, change, moving on, thank you,


Stopping by with a sweet hello to all

Mentally, I'm not over my issues
However, I am Physically well 

I do miss everyone, even the new poets.
Hopefully, my friends know, I miss them 
I am sorry to say, these 6 months have been the worst experience ever
Even I endure heartbreak and pain. 
One step at a time, 
I'm experiencing a big change (a good one)

Hello, and Hi, sending a small smile to all...... 


by Rola Safi-Henson |
Categories: death, emotions, farewell, father daughter, moving on, sympathy,

Letting Go

As I lye awake and think of you
my heart always feels so blue.

I try my best to move on, but it's hard to do 
since you've been gone.

Thou my heart feels like it's bleeding, I can't 
stop how I'm feeling.

People say time will heal the pain but, at times
I feel I'm going insane.

I pray to god everyday, he makes my 
pain go away.

I will always love you with all my heart, and know 
that one day the healing will start.

But, until that day comes around I will never forget
when we laid you in the ground.

So, please God help me understand why daddy let go of my hand.

by Charmaine Chircop |
Categories: absence, for him, love, moving on,

Till the Sun Fades

.erased for personal use.

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: cheer up, moving on,

- My Boat -

Love my name ~ but never take it
Feel my heart ~ but never crush it
Read my words ~ but never destroy them
Warm yourself in the sun ~ but share it with me
Listen for my sad song ~ comfort me
See my smile ~ laugh along with me
A poem from my soul ~ I will be happy to share
A thought taking birth
Eyes that see even in deep darkness
A human being
I travel in my little boat in the open sea ~ there's room for you too
The whole world in front of our feet
Sunrise and sunset
An adventure ~ if you want
Together ~ always
Not in a war zone
peaceful journey
an intoxication of love
that never
will end

A-L Andresen :)