Love Poems About Monorhyme or Monorhyme Love Poems
by Isaiah Zerbst |
Categories: animal, girl, happiness, innocence,

Una and the Lion

This world of trouble soon will pass
For there beyond the crystal glass
A lamb and lion tread the grass
Beside a lass, beside a lass

This cord of present time shall break
And hate and fear shall flee and quake
Oh, may all vice this earth forsake!
And love awake! And love awake!

Oh, see him walk 'neath mighty trees!
The king of beasts; what strength and ease!
Yet now content this lass to please
Her hand to tease, her hand to tease

Behold! A pleasant form and face!
The child of beauty crowned with grace!
Fair Una treads at even pace
A better place, a better place

~ The form is Monotetra~
~Based on the painting 'Una and the Lion' by Briton Riviere.

by Elaine George |
Categories: autumn, love,

One Autumn Night

Beneath a moonlit black velvet sky
Where scarlet leaves from the Maple fly
On November’s  wind and breathless sighs
And a lone coyote’s distant cry
You and me where hints of winter lie
Frost nipping our toes as autumn dies
I am warmed by the love in your eyes

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: butterfly, children, poetry,

Love At First Sight

I caught a butterfly a week ago.
Her wings had painted eyes of indigo, 
Surrounded by a ring as white as snow.
So pretty I just had to let her know.
She flapped her wings and put on quite a show,
Then kissed my cheek before I let her go.
I sure was glad I stopped to say hello.

     Daniel Turner

by Richard Lamoureux |
Categories: angst, appreciation, beauty, desire, endurance,

Not So Easy Rider

I wish to return to beauty
instead of the mundane
To marvel at rainbows
glistening in the rain

To feel melancholy 
Life’s mysteries to explain
Choo Choo engine progress
days chugging like a train

The mysteries of oceans
far deeper than my pain
Why do I live carelessly
while others have to strain

I was born out of love
yet love is hard to maintain
My spirit begs me to listen
why do I yield to my brain

Yet desire keeps growing
I pray it will not wane 
Life’s a horse to be ridden
I’ll cling tightly to its mane!

by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: lost loveme, longing, love, me,

Color Me Blue

Color me blue
As I think of you
A love once true
Has lost its radiant hue

Tomorrow I begin anew
How?  I haven't a clue
A love once true
Has now faded blue

Where is the joy we knew
Happiness that grew
A love once true
It's gone; it flew

I know we're through
All around I see blue
A love once true
Leaves me longing for you

Wondering what I can do
No more to pursue
A love once true
Has left me so blue

I eat my words, I chew
Taste like a worn shoe
A love once true
Has gone askew

Did I misconstrue
I strove to continue
A love once true
Until you withdrew

Color me blue

by Jessica Arteaga |
Categories: happiness

Greatest Transport

I like to be somewhere were I can't be traced
I world of magic or stuck in the replay of my outtakes
A thousand pictures saved and phrases enjoyed take place
I could be a mystical being or an animal having race
I could be a goddess, or remembering when I ate Daddy's plate
Pretending I'm kissing a movie star or the kisses of my love; can't replace
O yes, my funnest and greatest transportation, are the ones that my mind would make.

by Christina Bowring |
Categories: love, passion,

Loving Eyes

Loving eyes that burn to see
as my desire holds fast to thee.
So much yearning to be free,
Oh, how his passion taketh me!

Flames of longing blazing away,
Consuming my being every day.
No poetic words needed to say;
A secret love not for display.

Loving eyes that oft I miss
devouring me with a silent kiss.
My heart beats to the sound of his,
A tuneful melody in pure bliss.

Move as one in harmonic motion,
Stirring passion with devotion.
Evokes unbridled emotion -
Love more potent than any potion.

by James Inman |
Categories: anxiety, dark,

Living In the Dark

It is the night, in deepest dark, that death foretells
the demon heart in which all lonely feeling dwells.

Yet, in plain sight, our eyes can’t see what life impels,
emotion’s plea, our deepest sorrow love dispels.

Blind are caustic ink filled visions, all light repels,
like charred decisions, ash from crematory tells
a tale where quietus intrepidity sells
the silent impetus toward a life of many hells.

Walled inside this ebon murk, my emotion wells;
beyond they lurk, those who are sane, their tale retells
how life is to live, and the end but brief farewells.

Though my will may bend, it is I that death compels.


by Vijay Pandit |
Categories: fun, wind, word play,

Wind That Blew

Once I talked to the wind that blew
Ignoring me, like a free bird it flew.
If the wind ever saw me I've no clue,
Surely it didn't appear in my view.

Softly then a breeze came through,
Could it be the wind I just spoke to?
Swirling, whirling, it whispered too
Hinting of romance scripted for two.

When dawn shined on morning dew
Amber desires on horizon it drew
In golden emotions on panoramic hue--
A portrait of love that beckoned you.

Beneath the canopy of cobalt blue
Roses bloomed, smiling as you do
Cheering your arrival, lilting to woo--
Wind that blew was dream come true.

June 27,  2019

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade,

Luna Moths In Mid Flight

Luna moths in mid flight
giving the world a sense of delight
they seem evermore bright

things will now be all right
I love the sense of air and light
Luna moths bring in me in the night 

I wish I may I wish I might
Live a life so nice and tight
That some day I can return so bright 

And be a luna moth in mid flight
Giving the world a sense of delight
Warming up creatures of the night

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: love,

A Birthday Picnic

In a secluded tidy sandy bay 
In the delightful month of May
My love and I spent a whole day.
I had to show without delay
And thus, my feelings would convey
That my love was not hearsay.

I gave her a lovely bouquet,
With a red rose, a fragrant spray,
Bubbly champagne for her birthday,
Delicacies I had to pay
And fruit we ate without delay.
Celebrate her fine soul so gay.
Pure happiness for us that day.
How we kissed and sang, mere child's play.
Ran across the sand, a mock fray.
Admired the flight of a lone jay,
We rested under the sun's ray,
Then plunged into the sea to stay
Until crimson evening we'll lay.
Time up but happy for the day,
Retired to our rented chalet.

by Melani Udaeta |
Categories: emotions, feelings, lust,

Third Base

Love bites took me to a new place
 tiny teeth marks I can't erase;
Laid back you looked for my entrance,
 passing third base, passing third base;

Hungrily you nipped at my soul, 
ripped the lace of my camisole;
Whispered on my skin 'Keep control..
stay in your role, stay in your role.

by Sandra Haight |
Categories: children, cousin, family, fun,

Cousin Time

Cousin Time So happy is a home where cousins meet; their smiles and laughter make us feel upbeat, while aunts and uncles know that life's complete to watch their children share their love so sweet. Like brothers, sisters, cousins are so neat; they play for hours and later they retreat to their own homes, but know they will repeat that special time again when cousins meet. Sandra M. Haight ~5th Place~ Contest: Personal Memories Monorhyme II Sponsor: Laura Loo Photo #2, My Niece, and Nephews Judged: 06/16/2018

by Joanna Daniel |
Categories: christian, freedom, happiness, jesus, song,

Set Free

Lord Jesus Christ, You have set me free
From the clutches of hell for eternity
By shedding Your last drop of blood for me
On the Cross of Calvary;

Jesus, You are my Lord and destiny,
My friend forever in the years to be,
By Your grace, with faith I follow Thee
And every day, You are guiding me;

Of Your love, I sing with glee,
For it is my pleasure filled duty,
Let the whole world hear and see,
Lord Jesus Christ, You have set me free.

26th May, 2016

by Carole Duet |
Categories: freedom, spoken word, truth, youth,

A Little Knowledge

We are judged by lies and by someone else's crimes. They think they know so much but a little knowledge is dangerous stuff. They can't forget what others did to them to make the truth appear so dim. So now we must fight or be in dark light. Give us people who are strong who know right from wrong, Give us those who are proud to fight for our youth and for truth. We stand for freedom of the mind and love of a different kind. Stand up oh ye brave hearts and do your part. Let freedom of speech ring because a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Carole Duet; Copyright: Jan. 8, 2018; All Rights Reserved

by Michelle Faulkner |
Categories: child, dedication, girl, hope, niece,

A Poem For Pearl

May you fall, so you may rise
May your horizons surpass your skies
May your future fill your eyes
May you make mistakes that make you wise
May your laughs outnumber your cries
May you wear your beauty, undisguised
May you stumble, so you may sympathize
May love take you by surprise
May you catch the light of fireflies
May your dreams flower to full size
May you hear your song - and harmonize.


by Aqeb Be-Nazir Ibn Minar |
Categories: adventure, art, confusion, dedication, devotion, faith, fantasy, forgiveness, space, time, travel, uplifting,

Vindictive Sanctuary

Introduction: Blindfolded the world fades today, optimism awaits tomorrow...

Lies have many expressions
Can make one follow the mistaken,
Love has countless sensations
Can make one feel awaken,
Seek out the truth from its buried nation
As the deception has made it forsaken

No one knows where you’d disappear
For things you care is what you feel,
No one knows of what you hear,
One day you will deem what’s real
Ask Almighty to steer you clear
Help you save from your ordeal

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: dog, fun, joy, love, pets, sweet, uplifting,

Love Bug

June bug
Sweet love bug
Please don’t shrug
Or be smug
My precious darling pug
With you I’ll share my mug
When at my heart you tug
You’re in for a big hug
Let’s cuddle and be snug

AP: Honorable Mention 2021, Honorable Mention 2021

Posted on November 3, 2018

by Jan Allison |
Categories: i love you, mother daughter, tribute,

My Amazing Mother

My wonderful mother who I love and adore From the day I was born you have been my mentor You give me a huge smile when I walk through the door I cherish time spent with you like never before M Monorhyme Contest Sponsored by Broken Wings 12 syllables per line Checked with how many syllables 04~12~17

by John Beharry |
Categories: bird, joy, love, music, mystery, nature, sweet,

Tropical Nightingale

Perched on a sturdy branch on yonder tree Pouring out your heart in sweet melody With a full throated birdsong rhapsody Filling me with such joyful ecstasy Do you sing sweetly to woo your lady Who listens somewhere on a nearby tree Her heart must surely melt at the beauty Of the song you sing so effortlessly Is your song a joyful testimony To honour nature's musical bounty Given to creatures from earth, sky and sea Whose music blesses all abundantly Or is it part of a profound mystery Heralding a supreme divinity Which pervades all silently and deeply O bird, I'll ever be grateful to thee

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: love, romance,

This Night So Soft

This night so soft, like warm cashmere,
I touch your face; you are so near!
You kiss me sweetly; in my ear
you whisper words that are sincere.
I pray the moon won't disappear.
Please - Make this last forever, Dear!

By Andrea Dietrich
April 10, 2012

For Russell Sivey's 
1-6 Lines of Romance & Love Poetry Contest

by Pandita Sietesantos |
Categories: autumn, beautiful, night, romance, universe,

Under Stars One Autumn Night

Under Stars One Autumn Night
One breathtakingly beautiful Autumn night, when sublime supernovas wondrously ignite, showering the universe with blazing orange bright, enveloping all with total madness and moonlight, precisely at the stroke of mystical midnight - just love me totally holding me tight, ‘neath a starry blanket of heavenly autumnal delight!
09-06-2014 Contest: One Autumn Night (In Just 7 Lines) Sponsor: Poet Destroyer A Placement: 11th

by Eric Boddie |
Categories: art, dedication, for her, friendship, love, poetess,

First Tribute 2

"Ligella 2"
by:  Eric L. Boddie

Lasting more than just a couple of days
In total awe, your pen leaves me amazed
God Is In your ink, it's not just a phase
Everything about you is what any heart craves
Love knows you well, your journey has been paved
Lust knows you better, any REAL man wants you, I must try to behave
All I know is this Spiritual Beauty that you gave...

by Lu Loo |
Categories: dog, silly,

A Happy Hound- Nursery Rhyme

Once upon a time when no one was around,
A lost puppy was born in a hole in the ground.
When he ate scraps, he made the strangest sound,
A high pitch whine that would always resound. 

He found a blanky in the streets that was profound, 
And used it to hide to avoid the pound. 
It soon became warmth when he was cold bound, 
And made him the happiest when he frowned. 

One day a girl saw him, and love did surround, 
Took him home with care; he was a happy hound!
In loneliness and sorrow, he no longer drowned,
No longer was he lost; he was finally found!


Nursery Rhyme 3 Poetry Contest
Eve Roper

by Charlie Smith |
Categories: beauty, love, religious, stars,

Perchance To See

Within my view, behold such rare a sight
     From beauty's glint felled heart doth race to flight
     Love's warmth takes stage bathed in its shining light
     That raised fates hope to such a wondrous height
     Impossible to still the "ifs" that might
     Must too bare shown such stars from heavens night
     Nor from this poet's pen with such pleasure write
     Only Grace from God's hand could gleam so bright.

     Monorhyme Mania-Contest
     Sponsored By John Hamilton