Love Poems About Baby or Baby Love Poems
by Joe Dimino |
Categories: change, christian, confidence, god, love, truth, wisdom,

Baby Steps

I took a walk with God today,
His pace far more casual than
mine. His voice a bit softer,
calmer. His visions, far more
loftier, but not views to impress
me...more like, to bless me. Not
stepping to me out-stride – more like,
to lovingly guide. His tone to instill in me
self confidence, and not His awesome
dominance. I took a walk with
God today...met Christ along
the way – and together we made a turn 
toward Home....

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: abortion, baby, cry,

The Heartbeat of My Life

Mama don't take my breath away

My only chance to love and play

I know you're hurting I can tell

Mama don't give up on me as well

Mama I long to touch your face

Feel the beauty of your grace

I dream one day to see you smile

Mama don't ever say Goodbye

by Jan Allison |
Categories: humorous, nursery rhyme,

Jack and Jill Re Written

Jack and Jill went up the hill With thoughts of making love Jack hadn’t got a condom So cut a finger off Jill’s glove The glove was far too small for him And it didn’t fit his todger Now they are proud parents Of a baby they called Rodger! 1st October 2016 Another poem written after being inspired by Ilene Bauer's poem three blind mic

by Winged Warrior |
Categories: longing, love, romantic,

'trust Me Baby This Is Love'

Breathe my love, for I breathe for you
Thru cyan skies and oceans bathing blue
Speak my love, for I lonely listen for you
Vivacious vivid voices of a sensuous spew

Dream my love, for I only dream of you
Lavish green meadows in the morning dew
Sing my love, for I symphonically sing for you
With Angelic ambiance within heavens view

Cry my love, for I calamitously cry for you
Lachrymal layers of our binding brew
Dance my love, so I may dance with you
In melodic moonlight that I may woo

Love, my love, so I may love with you
Through echoing eternity just the two.

Trust Me Baby This Is Love - Contest
Sponsored by: Mystic Rose

by Paula Goldsmith |
Categories: age, baby, cry, food, life, old, youth,

From Young To Old

The story of life from young to old is the same old story told over and over.
We start out and end in diapers.
We start out and end with no teeth.
We start out and end eating soft foods we do not like the taste of.
We start out and end falling down.
We start out and end needing care.
We start out and end crying day and night. 
We start out with nothing and end taking nothing with us.
We only have the precious time between young and old to live a life of love to others.
The story of life is the story we leave behind.

Date Written: 6/7/2019
A contest on aging Poetry Contest  sponsored by  Emile Pinet

by John Watt |
Categories: bird, lonely, lost love,

Little Wren

Wren, wren, hungry wren,
what do you see today?
A lonely man with scraps of bread
he could have thrown away.

Wren, wren, little wren,
what do you see in me?
A smiling man who seeks out birds
for his society?

Wren, wren, with baby wren,
how do you treat your young?
You feed them well, as I once did
and teach them songs you've sung.

Wren, wren, there with your mate,
you ask me where's my love?
"She soars on higher breezes now,
the kind we both dream of".

Wren, wren, little wren,
what do you see in me?
A smiling man who seeks out birds
for his society?

written 24 Mar 2023

by Paula Goldsmith |
Categories: baby, happy, mom, parents, sad, wedding, youth,


"A mother's love is made in heaven." Quote Written By Poet

She was a young and beautiful bride,
then her handsome husband died.
The fast car came out of nowhere,
there was nothing left but prayer.
Life was about to take her on a wild ride,
but she could not go and hide.
A precious baby girl was born,
she was told to be happy and do not mourn.
For now she is dressed in pink and is nameless,
lying in the hospital crib blameless.
Loving adopted parents would come,
and save her as she sucked her thumb.
Somethings can start out bad and end up good,
our new name is parenthood.

by Edward Ebbs |
Categories: absence, age, angel, beautiful, beauty, bereavement, best friend, caregiving, christian, courage, death of a friend, dedication, desire, destiny, devotion, emotions, eulogy, farewell, fate, good night, goodbye, grave, heart, heartbreak, heartbroken, heaven, how i feel, humanity, husband, i miss you, leaving, life, loss, lost, lost love, love, marriage, meaningful, memorial, memory, obituary, perspective, remembrance day, sorrow, wife,

Lost My Song

When in this life I felt down
You were the one that was around

Maybe it was the way you held my hand
I knew in my heart you would understand

I miss the way we used to sit and talk
The times we didn't look at the clock

The way you walked in those tight jeans
Made me want to pull my skin and scream

I remember trembling at your touch
I love and loved you so very much

I am lost inside now you're gone
Baby you are still my life's song

When I look to the night sky, I tear
I miss you and wish you were here

Edward J Ebbs - 05/18/14

Written for a Contest, My Beloved Sweetheart

by James Fraser |
Categories: baby, kiss, life, love, passion, people, places,

When Love Creates

Eyes to eyes now meet Tenderly our lips touch We, adventurous Rhythmic vibrations rejoice When love creates little ones .

by Paul Callus |
Categories: baby, joy,

Time For Tears

The wait has been too long but now it’s time
To hold with love what she yearned for
No words for joy but grateful tears.

The radiant face aglow with sparkling tears
Cradling her child for the first time
She knows it’s been worth waiting for.

The fruit of mutual love she’s thankful for
She feels its breath and sheds warm tears
A lasting bond will grow in time.

A precious gift is born; it’s time for tears.

1st line of each tercet & final line = pentameter
2nd & 3rd lines of each tercet = tetrameter

19th July 2014
Contest: Tritina Challenge
Sponsor: Craig Cornish

by Evelyn Judy Buehler |
Categories: eve, nature, nice, night, romantic love, sun, sunset,

The Terrace

Huge red-orange sun slowly recede,
Upon the sky seem to bleed;
Whispers of night, calling home,
Such sunset days rarely spent alone.

Look ahead to starry skies;
Not time for early goodbyes.
Without love cannot the heart grow-
A new day comes beyond the rainbow!

Warm Paris breeeze gently blow-
Roses atop the bureau;
Music with a certain ease;
Smooth jazz, if you please.

In darkness of shadows, waits he!
The night is young-for me!
Stars appear, quiet avenue.
Farewell dawn skies of baby blue.

When from misty dreams awakes,
When tomorrow sunrise overtakes,
Come listen music play,
On gold terrace of the sunny day!

by Joanna Daniel |
Categories: death, roses are red, true love,

His Rose, Her Death


All she had wanted was a red, red rose,
That would quell the love of that handsome man, 
Alas! The rose tree was in winter's throes,
Unable to birth a rose of her plan;

So she said she will sing the whole night long,
With her heart against the thorn of that tree,
"Love is greater than life", rang out her song,
As her life blood fashioned his love ruby;

Yet, when her heart burst out in pain thereof,
When the crimson petals slowly opened,
He was not there to see her die for love,
Nor did he feel that love with blood deepened;

"Trust me baby, this is love," her last breath,
He never found out his rose was her death.


by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,

My Love Is Real

A pre-lit Christmas tree sparkles the entrance Monet, Van Gough, and Wassily Kandinsky prints adorn the walls of her sitting room a dozen painted roses sit in a faux crystal vase and the smell of apple pie lingers in the air coming from her Scentsy candle warmer resting upon her replica baby grand piano The seconds tick loudly from the tree house looking cuckoo clock as I wait patiently I wait down the stairs she comes waltzing ever so gracefully ever so elegant in her bright flowing yellow dress accented by beautiful costume jewelry my heart skips a beat as we kiss hello and I know yes I know This love is real

by Caycay Jennings |
Categories: love, nostalgia,

Pictures of You

I love looking at pictures of you. I stroke your hair, touch your check – I even pat your nose and just grin. Such sentimental heart peak No better grin could seek. I love looking at pictures of you. My eyes glow looking into yours - My fingers trace your sweet face. Such tender sweetness flows. No love has stronger glow. On your pictures, I love to dwell For since you were but a morsel I have been your softest sell. I love looking at pictures of you, My baby sister love pastel.
... CayCay October 30, 2016

by Karla Deal |
Categories: for him, i love you, love, romantic,

Your Love

Your Love

Your love...
Makes me love you more
Your love is what I truly adore

Your love...
Cast a spell upon me
Love me now,
Set me free!

Your love...
I hold close to my heart,
Please don't ever let me depart
I knew it was true love
Right from the start

Your love...
Set me on fire,
Because baby it's you,
My one true desire

by White Wolf |
Categories: longing, love, poems,

Trust Me Baby This Is Love

The turtles roam where the butterflies go How can I say what your love means to me A poem I write to hopefully show To convey with tender words sincerely My love for you continually grows For in my heart I hold your loving smile Inspiring me to write you endless prose Our time too brief though your love does beguile All I can offer is my heart to you In return for yours that will never stray I promise you I shall always be true Hear my words of love and let them convey Of my undying love until the end For now this love poem to you I send
23~June~2017 For Trust Me Baby This Is Love contest Sponsored by: Mystic Rose

by Lynn Marie |
Categories: happiness, hope, inspirational, introspection, life, love, nature, uplifting,


A weeping willow gently sways amidst
A baby robin taking its very first breath.

They were young, in love
And knew no other
This was their moment, to be cherished forever.

Her body so beautiful, so delicate to touch
His masculinity soared over the sky above.

Entwined as ivy, united as one
They soaked in the passion of the blazing hot sun.

A girl's silhouette shyly covers her hand
As a starried eye boy becomes a man.

by Bill Baker |
Categories: kiss, love, passion, romantic love, soulmate, true love,

Tenderness, a Pathway To Unfathomable Love

Kiss me as you’d kiss a baby,
softly to show your love.
Touch me gently,
as you would someone hurt and afraid.

Hug me and hold me tightly,
that I might feel secure and protected.
Smile at me and laugh with me,
so I can see your joy and inner peace.

These are the things that sooth my soul,
inviting me to join you in a loving relationship.
These are the traits that will open my heart,
allowing love to flow freely.

Agree with me that we each have the right to be authentic,
and we’ll be free to be the best we can be.
Now two shall be one as passion is unshackled,
we shall frolic in unfathomable love.

by Harry Horsman |
Categories: dedication, love, night,

Lavern Baker

Oh with a soul of fire
baby you’ll be crying,
like a heavenly choir
Tra la la, Jim Dandy,
oh how long will it be?
I can’t love you enough.
You, me and Tweedle Dee
together in New York,
just a lucky old son
happiness forever,
the big apple for fun
here where you’re no one’s fool.
We’ll dance to Ting-a-ling
do the bop all night long,
we’ll be doing you’re thing
‘Play it fair, Harbour lights’
hit after hit then more
shaking till morning bites.
Boy love that dancing floor
every night this dream
of you Lavern and me,
crazy man crazy theme
my very own club glee
every night this dream.

© Harry J Horsman  2012

by L'Nass Shango |
Categories: hopelove,

I Love People, Yes I Do

I love people, yes I do,
Fight against invisible lines
Barriers of words
Sentences figuring escape
I love people, yes I do,
For every scrap of all
Of you is only me
A little scrap of you.
I love people, yes I do,
Share all the joys and pains
In natural disasters and wars
Leaving me pox marked
With scars
That blemish our brief eternity.
I love people, yes I do,
In diverse nonconformites
Where beauty like a baby sleeps
An innocent cradle for the truth,
Before the unloading
Of docking ship.
I love people, yes I do,
If only we would believe
That we all 
Can just get along
I wish all the wines were in my song.

by Nicholle Selah |
Categories: passionme, me,

Make Love To Me

Look at me like you'll never see me again
let your eyes drink me in like the sweetest of wines
(look through me)

(Can you see my soul?)

Kiss me, sweet and innocent like your first
thrilling like prom night
(let me taste your love for me)

Caress me with sure and convident hands
slide your fingers over my skin
Nerve endings fire... isn't science sweet?
(You make me shiver)

Combined the three as two become one
Pulses rise, tempetures

Enter my world baby
(Over and over again)
Bring me closer to heaven with each stroke
We can explore it together.


by Eve Roper |
Categories: baby,

Hush-A-Bye, Baby You Have Stolen My Heart

An infant so very small, with its little noise that never does impose. small little hands, ten perfect little fingers, small little feet, ten perfect little toes kitten softness, invites a fingers touch, a kiss on its nose. Hush-a-bye, baby, flawless pure love, princess in pink, a prince in blue it snuggles and steals mortal's and God's soul with just a coo. 7/30/2019

by Darlington Lordkelvin |
Categories: beauty, how i feel, true love,

Divine Beauty

I stand like an inverted portrait on your wall
Bollixed Like a lost wallet in a mall
I remained Glued to you all day and night
Like a scabbard to the waist of a knight

Your inexplicable uniqueness got me riveted
And leaves me feeling complete like a script that has been vetted
The sun is full of envy of your brightness
Even Your shadow divulges your uprightness

Your smiles makes me feel like the clock has stopped ticking
And energetic like a baby in the womb that's kicking
You are the moon, I am the night
In my darkness hour, you are my light

(c) June 2019

by Richard Lamoureux |
Categories: best friend, change, friendship, growing up, journey, Lullaby, mother daughter,


He’s a sad Bunny
With floppy ears
Sadly button eyes
they can’t shed tears

Bottom of the pile
New toys on top
He needed Beth’s help
To hippity hop

With imagination 
she brought Bunny joy
He was her best friend
More than just a toy

Many years now passed
Beth searches for Bunny
A gift for her baby
who names Bunny Honey

Bunny’s happy again
That fuzzy lovely feel
Hippity hop heaven
Love makes Bunny real

Bunny’s round tail
has long been gone 
But Bunny still sings
lovely bunny songs

She cuddles him close
Pets worn floppy ears
Bright Bunny button eyes
with no need of tears.

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: baby, father, love, mother,

Loving Arms

Loving Mother
  precious baby in her arms
entering the taxi

Loving Mother
  precious baby in her arms
walking to the departure gate

Loving Mother
  precious baby in her arms
boarding the plane, takes a seat

No matter where she may be
  precious baby feels 
'I am in my loving mother's arms' 

We too have a loving parent --
  no matter our location ~
We too are in the loving arms
  of our Father in Heaven