Love Poems About New Year or New Year Love Poems
by Brenda Meier-Hans |
Categories: love, new year, prayer, thanks, new years day,

New Years Resolution

Love more, when it is hardest to love.
Show compassion, always.
Be kind when deserved or not.
Be patient, when you are at the end of your rope.
Smile, when you are saddest.
Pray when you are at your lowest.
Thank God when you are at your highest.

Written by Brenda Meier-Hans 

by Pashang Salehi |
Categories: celebration, joy, new year, spring,

Persian Haiku 2

Persian Haiku 2

What a gorgeous view!
You and the flower garden,
I'm the butterfly.

Your eyes, the ocean;
The ocean colors your eyes.
Your hair is the wave.

Moon on the ocean, 
Your face is the reflection.
Always be alone.

I live with my heart,
All flowers are beautiful,
I love daffodils.

What a discussion,
I had with all my flowers.
Their breath smells nice.

3/20/2018 Haloo

Note: Iranians/Persians Celebrate today, the first day of spring as their new year. We call this day Norooz or Nowruz, it translates as New Day. From my family to yours,  Norooz Mobarak ....Happy New Year.

by I Am Anaya |
Categories: analogy, how i feel, new year,



The things  we wish to change 
remain the same

~Sans love

there is no chance of 
meaningful change

~Sans wisdom

it's inconceivable,
our intelligence proves futile
to our survival

~Sans the Guru’s 

they can’t steal our virtue
then sell it back to us

for the answers within

~Sans change

we shan’t flourish through time

“You only live once, but if you do it right,
once is enough”—Mae West

Happy New Year -2024

I Am Anaya
I Am Milo ,”)

by Silent One |
Categories: absence, love hurts,

I'll sleep before midnight

In the midst of celebration, I care not for confetti dreams. In fireworks there's no elation, so I ignore new year day memes. Only your lips can bring delight, so let me sleep before midnight. My soul is tired, my heart is worn. Without you what's the point of dawn?

by Blake Holland |
Categories: adventure, allusion, anger, art, color, confusion, cool, crazy, fantasy, fun, funny, music, new year, paradise, rap, riddle, rude, song,

Northern Suburbia

Your love is real 
the love you feel.
Your love is great 
the love you make.
Your records are on fire 
its your desire.
Take me out tonight
and go wild and crazy, 
or be fat and lazy. 
So I played some Doors 
and saw some whores. 
So I said goodbye 
and they all must die, fool. 
So dig my guts 
and eat my brain 
and then go insane. 
I don't
Care I love it 
so forget it, Punk!

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: nature, new year,

Ekphrasis 12 Line Max

New Year’s Eve

I need to feel the trade winds blow
To know they have my heart in tow,

Here in the twilight of this hour
I feel the grandeur of God’s power.

The Sun, a ball of golden fire
Rises with my heart’s desire

That this New Year will offer love
As Sol begins to rise above.

How wonderful, the winter sky—
With mist filled clouds that float on by.

Sweet birds of beauty on the wing,
Portends the gifts New Year will bring.

© Connie Marcum Wong

My Muse is the New Year
Contest: Ekphrasis 12 Line Max
Sponsored by Rick Parise

by Maryam Jameela Haniff |
Categories: inspirationalold, old, new year,

New Dreams

The ending of an old week
the beginning of a new month
and the memories of an old hour.

The dawning of a new day
the setting of an old sun
and the rising of a new star.

A perfect year has begun
your dreams lay not afar.

Start it with a smile
and make this coming year
a year worthwhile!

Hey people...soooo sorry I wasn't here to read all of your lovely poems in a long while,
I've been really busy with school....I wish you all a happy new year and I hope it brings
lots more wonderful poetry as well....I missed you all!....:) always, Maryam

by Paul Callus |
Categories: romantic, time,

A New Year - Time For Love

The New Year (Cornish Sonnet) 

The clock struck midnight; she came in
attired in silky flowing dress  
that matched her youthful glowing skin.
She clutched an hourglass in her hand
that showed the seconds evanesce
with every grain of trickling sand.

I put my bow to violin 
and played for her a melody;
I hoped her tender heart to win.
Champagne was popped and glasses raised
but she cared not for revelry...
into my eyes she deeply gazed.

The clock struck midnight; she came in.
I put my bow to violin.

4th January, 2015
Contest: Cornish Sonnet
Sponsor: Craig Cornish
Placed 4th

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: holidayworld, new year,

Happy New Year

Happy New Year 

H aving shelter and the means to keep ourselves 
A live doesn’t seem like much to ask, yet many
P eople strive just to pay the rent and somehow keep their
P oor kids fed.  Whatever can we say to those who
Y earn for just a bed? 

N ow I sit and wonder why we simply don’t 
E volve!  All the problems that exist, only 
W e can solve.

Y es, a New Year’s coming, and I hope we will 
E mploy helpfulness for those in need.  Let’s bring them love
A nd joy!  In this world of woe, we need to be a 
R ay of light, glowing, ever glowing though the world seem dark as night.

by Charlie Smith |
Categories: prayer, religious,

Happily Ever After-New Year Prayer

To you who brought the light to day giving life to every season if on this eve I may humbly pray for Grace to know my reason Hold fast my hand and bear my soul as I rise and meet my future lot loose fears that face the morrows roll from will my faith has taught Stay near my God, guide every step as I seek the fortune that awaits bless the road I traverse next hold me close with your embrace If in this year you call me home leave love in all the hearts I've known 12/27/2017 For New Years Contest Sponsored by Kim Rodriques

by Joe Dimino |
Categories: christian, inspirational, love, new year, spiritual, spoken word, truth,

Lost and Found

(a New Year's Affirmation)

I know not where
the morning light leadeth me,
nor who, as I led, went before

I know not if a sea, a woodland,
or a mountain ahead to climb – 
and, thus, my way to explore

For what I may see, may hear,
God, alone, knows true vision,
His worlds of sound, and where
our ultimate journeys are bound

As I must faithfully seek – 
if to redeem my soul; for this
earth its Lost and Found....

by Robert A. Dufresne |
Categories: friendshipchristmas, god, christmas, god, poetry,

Poetry Soupers Worldwide

Friends: Poetry Soupers,
Brethren of literary troopers,

I pray God to do my best
to wish us all a Christmas blest,

And if our loves ideas and bents
are not the same,
Perhaps we can meditate on
from whence we came.

At least in that light be together,
As Birds of a poetic feather.

I extend to you an olive branch
carried by peaceful Dove, 
And wish you
Mercy ,Wisdom and Love.

 We pray you have, Poetry Soupers 
 A joyous Christmas and happy New Year
May God bless All His literary troopers.

by Charlie Smith |
Categories: hope, prayer,

Happy New Year

May we all know and share God's grace of love through our next earnest endeavor with faith in new beginnings...


by Randy Johnson |
Categories: god, mom, new year, new years day,

Welcome 2019

I welcome 2019, I'm glad it's here.
I hope it will be an excellent year.
Many years ago on every New Year's Day, Mom cooked hog jowls and black eyed peas.
But I didn't like those meals very much, I wasn't pleased.
Sadly, I now spend New Year days alone because Mom is deceased.
I certainly hope that the year 2019 will be a year of prosperity and peace.
God has given me another year to live and for that, he deserves my praise.
I will love, praise and worship The Lord for the remainder of my days.
I hope that 2019 will be a good year for others and myself.
And I wish everybody a year of happiness and good health.

by Demetrios Trifiatis |
Categories: god, love, men,

Man's Greatness

A man,
Cannot achieve greatness in the 

Eyes of our Lord,


Selfless and just he becomes in

All of his ways!

© Demetrios Trifiatis
    03 January 2021

* I thank all my friends who have visited to congratulate me 
on the POTD honor! I also would like to thank the members of 
PS involved. God bless you all! Happy New Year!

by Josette Key |
Categories: love, philosophy, visionary, day, love,

Love Is

Love is my passion
Love is my creed
Love is my touchstone
Love is all that I need.

Without love there is no reason
for each new day, new year, new season.

From the day we are born
Till the day we depart
Love is there buried deep in our hearts.

So starting today, lets make a pact
That love will decide the way that we act.
Give love to your neighbors, brother and kin
And then maybe more love will start to come in.

by Bobby May |
Categories: life, metaphor, new year,

Newness of Life

This light has dimmed among the stars
Flickering from up above seen from afar
With a heart crushed by an asteroid
Crumbling into pieces falling to the ground

Let the earth swallow them up and go on
Growing life within sprouting a new one
Tasting the new waters from the rain above
Letting the sun give the soul warmth and free love

Let not the fall crumble these leaves
Let not the winter be cold and freeze
Let the spring bring a newness of life
Let the summer travel without strife

Cast your sorrows away starting a new day
Place your faith up above and find love
A never ending Summer, Winter, Spring and Fall
A new life given to all.

by Unseeking Seeker |
Categories: new year, new years day,

Happy New Year

Happy New Year, friends of the net Your words uplift my soul I love you though we’ve never met Your presence makes me whole Tied by a common bond Of you all heart’s grown fond With cape of soul search donned Love you, my dear Happy New Year 31-December-2021 Quietus

by Beata Agustin |
Categories: blessing, celebration, christian, god, jesus, new year, uplifting,


Let’s celebrate with mirth thanking the Lord for His love along worship glee praises’ worth. New year is blest filled by God’s grace and peace so free with zest. Delight hearts midst joy’s spree bright! Let’s celebrate with mirth filled by God’s grace and peace so free bright!

by Carol Sunshine Brown |
Categories: food, holiday, life, new year,

Pork and Kraut---Good Luck Meal

If it were not for the pork and black eyed peas
My husband would not be eating this meal with me
I love my pork and sauerkraut for our New Year good 
luck meal
Hubbie hates kraut and would take bad luck that is
just the way he feels
I will have the kraut and him the black eyed peas
Then he will share in the good luck meal with me

by Linda-Marie Sweetheart |
Categories: happy, love,

Message of Love

   "Message of Love"

Hi Poets, Ron here for my wife.

Linda-Marie, or Sweetheart, as many of you know her, insisted I
post a message of holiday love to everyone.

She is in the hospital right now for several issues but always
thinking of others.  Love is a very important part of her life and our
daily lives so she is sending lots of love to everyone this most
cherished of holidays and holy days.

Please spread this love to all throughout Life.

Wishing everyone a ..


Thanks for being great friends and extended family these many years.

Love, Hugs, Kisses, Joy, Happiness, Prosperity, Peace, Health, Love,

Ron & Sweetheart. 

by Jean Mcloughlin |
Categories: christian, christmas, faith, gospel, jesus,

Epiphany - Acrostic

EPIPHANY - Acrostic

They came from the East, the three wise men, 
Following a star that Prophesied a King,
A Shepherd of Israel Immanuel his name, in a
Stable in Bethlehem Precious gifts and adoration.
'I'd like to worship!', Herod declared.
Until in a dream the Astrologers were warned.
God’s gift of love for New Year, as foretold,
is Christ the heart of Yuletide and light of the world.

by Jean McLoughlin

by Perry Campanella |
Categories: beach, color, dark, fire, fun, giggle, happy, humorous, inspirational, international, july, new year, poetry, senses, voice, youth,

Caution - Fireworks

E-Z Glo Punk, Lightning Flash,
TNT Devices will burst, do crash
Southern Night, Piccolo Petes
       are hard to beat...

I like hand held Sparklers, Tanks
 flashing fountains, Solar Flare
 Six to #20 Gold I have to share,
 no incidence, no burns, thanks...

  Whistles blow, fountains glow,
 pop'n sounds, entire sky all aglow
 I love those colors, high an low
  trails eched onto my retina
  inspired me to let ya know

  Now you close both eyes
in pitch dark, what a surprise
  for you to see, right there
 darkness, absolutely  anywhere
beautiful trails of lights in motion
"Always read a label of caution"

by Kirstie Fontes |
Categories: holiday

Christmas Poem

Childhood memories of Christmases past
At this time of year a spell is cast
Pretty lights flash, causing feelings of cheer
A season that brings friends and family near
Musical tributes in the form of a song
Decorated stores with their lines oh so long
Sharing smiles and laughter with all those we pass
Giving gifts filled with love and toasting a glass
Sending holiday wishes to all who are dear
Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year!

by Lisa Fazio |
Categories: devotion, drink, january, life, marriage, together,

New Year

Love you
Me too
Pass me another red...