Love Poems About Seasons or Seasons Love Poems
by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: tree,

My Tree's Seasons

spring wakens my tree - a bejeweled perfumed bride. . . . love birds make their nest summer’s yellowed lawn beneath my tree’s sombrero. . . . grass breathes sweet relief fall’s quick change artist - from green to gold to crimson. . . . disrobed, my tree naps

by Elizabeth Wesley |
Categories: seasons, me,

Autumn Memories

Spring chased old man winter from his place
And silenced him with her capricious face
Sometimes a tear, sometimes a smile;
She would beguile
My lazy feet
To dance in some leafy bowered retreat.

When dreamy delightful summer flies
And looks at me with laughing eyes;
She draws me to her clover fields
And my heart yields
To her winsome wooing
And her siren song is my undoing.

One day I saw the sudden flare
Of autumn's wind blown crimson hair;
She stirred the whispering leaves and then
I felt again
A yearning glow
Of years remembered long ago
And I lived the dream I never knew
Of lost memories and my love for you.

by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: love, seasons,

November Dreams

We lie ‘neath the oak on a carpet of brown leaves that lost their amber glory. With eyes tightly shut, we envision spring’s return— hoping our love does the same.

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: angel, death, grief,

Life Is For the Living

Today another angel got her wings
Promoted for a job well done on earth
Rejoice! In heaven, all the angels sing
His grace has filled her with angelic mirth

Though quickly earth reclaims the pyre's ash
How swift the ceaseless seasons of the sun
Grief fades and loneliness becomes the lash
A harsh reminder of that special one

But in our times of sad and dark despair
Our angel fans the dying flame of love
No longer suffering, her joy she shares
Reminding us she's waiting up above

This life is for the living, not the dead
Our day will come, when no more tears are shed

June 21 2019

by Lin Lane |
Categories: love,

Tender Is This Love

Love has taken a firm grasp of my soul,
ridding me of chill and bite of hoarfrost
Strong arms rescued me from the Winter's cold
Etched upon my heart is his name,  embossed

He soothed my senses and woeful sorrows,
offered moonbeams to dispel darkest nights
Erased the reasons for my brow's furrows
Lifted me from harm and set my world aright

He drowned me in crashing tides of passion
then revived me with life's breath in a kiss
Pray, heart,  keep beating in such sweet fashion
ne'er to be slain and cast in death's deep abyss.

Tender is this love through nature's seasons
with gentle reminders of heart's reasons

by Michelle Faulkner |
Categories: nature, romantic love, spring,

April Romance

My heart returns to you like spring
Awakening with April rain
As pale petals tenderly cling
To promises of daylight's gain

I turn to you like seasons do
Dewy and fresh from winter's depth
Seeding our love in rainbow hues
Green life misting our mingled breath

Your eyes, once shy, now warmly bloom
Vast meadows of poppy sweet red
Our future in rosy perfume
Even after two decades wed

Once auburn, more silver does grow
Yet gleaming with color's recall
A blossom kept beneath the snow
You are my spring, summer and fall

by Joseph May |
Categories: lost love, relationship,

Words Left Unsaid

Words left unsaid as teardrops fell
 The price of love, their hearts would tell
 And so they parted, love took flight
 And left their hearts to lonely nights
 Each unable to break loves spell

  Distant sound of the old church bell
 Rang through seasons they knew so well
 Winter to spring, summer shone bright
 Words left unsaid

 Each had a broken heart to sell
 As fire within they tried to quell
 Memories fade in Luna's light
 Stars wished upon twinkle in sight
 Love's distant star, flickers farewell
 Words left unsaid
 Contest Name: Form U- U pick 'em
 Sponsor; Broken Wings

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: life, seasons,

Another Season

For years, I've watched my seasons come and go
Beneath the pines along the River Brine
I've drunk my fill of robust summer wine
Survived the stinging lonely winds that blow

Now once again spring brings her color show
Rebirthing beauty by Divine design
And even though my days are in decline
I'll add her mem'ries to next year's bordeaux

The rose inside my heart is in full bloom
Amongst forget-me-nots and memories
A sign to me that love in me abides
Intoxicating me with sweet perfume
Another season blown in on a breeze
That seem to come and go like changing tides.

     3/21/2023                             Daniel Turner

by Richard Lamoureux |
Categories: angst, lost love,

Land and Sea

Do you wish to hold me?
We can drift on the sea my love,
under the stars above.
You were my lovely dove so free,
who captivated me.

I thought I’d never be so glad
and still inside so sad
For the love we both had, is gone.

As we approach the dawn
I will think, “Once upon a time,
you were meant to be mine.”
So now my heart does pine away
Wishing that you would stay

I know that you will say, good bye
Still I will wonder why,
you chose another guy, not me.
Him on shore, me at Sea~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Inspired by Brenda Chiri
She introduced me to this new form.
The form is called Luc Bat.
Check out Brenda’s poem titled “Seasons”

by Emmanuel Samson |
Categories: death, faith, imagination, lost love, love, nature, on writing and words, philosophy, sea, seasons, song-time,

Stairway To Heaven

Now my tendrilled soul,
Has found its pergola-- Christ--
To wind its way up....

by Abe Lopez |
Categories: love, sea, seasons

The Love of "fall"

F alling in love with Winter; she’s ice cold dressed in snow white lace 
A ll the while dating Summer, who’s still sizzling hot
L ove affairs bruised with revengeful reds, oppressed oranges, and yelling yellows
L eaving Summer with a promise to one day rekindle their love

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: seasons,

A Song of Seasons

I sing a song of springtime.
The earth is green and fair.
Life comes again with scent of rain,
and love is in the air.

I sing a song of summer.
The sun is climbing high.
We laugh and run and have such fun.
How blue becomes the sky!

I sing a song of autumn.
Trees wear their brightest gown.
It’s trick or treat, then bittersweet
as leaves are falling down.

I sing a song of winter.
I sing it soft and low.
The days grow dark and short, but hark!
We bask in Yuletide’s glow!

Written April 5, 2016 
Used now for Strand's 'COMPLETELY YOUR CHOICE (28)any form any theme' Poetry Contest

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: abuse, christian, religion, wisdom, women,

Good Friday

Good Friday

Nailed to the cross
you all say it was a good Friday
It was not for me
my blood mocked by soldiers
nor was it good for you
you haven't learned
in ten thousand seasons
there is no Lord
only things you do not know
you claim glory
a bankrupt human emotion
I told you no to religion
you made me one
you will kill each other
to say I am love
You are nothing more than a simulation
in my child's bedroom
  You are less than ants
	in the scheme
of the universe
	Orthodox Russians
		Raging genocide
when will you learn?

by Moonbee Canady |
Categories: daughter, family, funny, happiness, life, love, mother, nature, nostalgia, peace, people, seasons

Its Raining...

Its Raining…

God’s Cleansing Tool
Cloud-Concerto… How Cool !
Plop-Plop Plopping into Pothole Pools
On the Grass, Pavements and On My Own-Sweet- Fools…

who, don’t have Sense enough, to get out of the Rain…
… I think I’ll go Join Them… Again


by Marty Owens |
Categories: passionred, love, red,

Crayon of Bright Red

Red is the crayon that I love to use.
So vivid and bright without any abuse.
I color so lively and make each stroke count.
Even making the water red in the fount.

In my pictures the hair on everyone's head.
Yes you guessed it, they're all a bright colored red!

The seasons of summer and winter and fall.
I color them all red without any appall.

So if you're an artist you plainly can see.
Everything will be red if you depend on me.

If you've heard like me, as it's often been said,
That "Passionate people always love red!"

by Silent One |
Categories: loss, lost love, love hurts,

Lost To Words Poetic

Humble heart naked like a winter tree, yearns for seasons to remain evergreen. Furtive eyes have disturbed this reverie, soul stands still like nonchalant figurine. Walking away to leave one heartbroken, her shallow soul left no apology. Regret kills the tongue from words unspoken, lost are lyrics from our anthology. Wounds so deep, nerves drown in crimson fluid, tears bleed sorrows lost to words poetic. Ink seeks metaphors to show whats ruined, so the heart feels peace like an ascetic. In the midst of pain, veiled scars do not fade, constant reminder of all mistakes made.

by Mel Merrill |
Categories: heaven,

I Wonder If In Heaven

On earth, as it is in heaven,
Or the Bible tells me so--
I wonder if in heaven,
Will the winds of autumn blow?

Or will there be a garden,
Will the morningglory grow--
I wonder if in heaven
Will the springs of summer flow?

And just beyond the pearly gates
Will the seasons come and go--
I wonder if in heaven
Will there fall a flake of snow?

Or will my love be waiting there;
Shall I find my crimson rose?
And marvel at her beauty...
The smile Da Vinci knows.


by Dale Gregory Cozart |
Categories: love, romance, seasons, summer,

A Resplendence of Sunflowers

As brief as summer you swept
across my heart's desert
like a Santa Ana wind's hot caress.
Now the eastern passes
are still as virgin rocks
unto a land whispering 
of forgotten wildflowers.
In your absence marigolds bloom not
with the disappeared mockingbird.
Only as the last petals
of amaryllis wither do I ache.
You brought me a translucence 
of amber for my burnished bouquet.
Love was an ebullience of golden wheat,
our laughter a resplendence of sunflowers.


by Christina Bowring |
Categories: lost love,

He Is Gone

Silence like a bird without song
Lost rays of heat when day was long
Cool breeze of seasons gone

Past words of love that go amiss
Romantic days so full of bliss
Promises are long gone

Lifetime of love that seemed fleeting
Flames of passion now retreating 
Years that have come and gone

Memories just left to enshrine
When love was once so truly mine
All that before - for he is gone! 

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: seasons

A Springtime Song

Soft showers fall and robins call. 
The scent of grass is sweet.
Meadows green and saplings lean
in warmth of April’s breeze.

The skies are fair and in the air
the lilacs’ fragrance wafts.
Small buds first show, then quickly grow –
delighting bees and wasps!

May’s flowers beam and streamlets gleam
along the mountain slopes.
Colors sing and everything
is life and love and hope!

by Anais Vionet |
Categories: 11th grade, care, christmas, feelings, holiday, humor, teen,

Old Fashioned Christmas

It’ll be an old fashioned Christmas,
with Santa due down the chute.
I bet he Purells his reindeer, 
and Lysols his hazmat suit.

It’s an old fashioned Christmas.
We’ll all have on our masks,
and our muffled yuletide carols,
will be just like seasons past.

We’ll observe all the guidelines.
We’ll eat six feet apart.
We’ll have disinfectant under the mistletoe,
and keep safety in our hearts.

Sure, it’s an old fashioned Christmas.
One unique to the times.
The love this year might be careful,
but the feelings are genuine.

by Besma Riabi Dziri |
Categories: anger, beauty, blessing, feelings, forgiveness, friendship love,

Beauty From Him We Derive

Who am I not to excuse and forgive
when the Solo God, His mercy would give.

Rage inside, I plead to God to erase
though much of pain has on the face left trace.

All the seasons barged into Springtime
and the Rose has to keep her scent sublime.

The birds would chirp and hail a rising dawn
as night would echo the woes of a swan.

Mind and heart are forever friends and foes
heart sins and mind reasons, one to dispose !

Sweet bitter life! blest to taste and survive
The Mighty, Beauty from Him we derive.

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: love, romance, true love,

I'Ll Love You Sweet and Tenderly

Love is in your Angel eyes
So beautiful the stars would cry
Sun shines through the clouds to view
Rainbow's kissing sky of blue

Love is in the air you breathe
Flowers bloom in summer breeze
The night is jealous of the moon
Softly caressing the face of you

Memories of you survive
My heart could never say goodbye
We may be the past, I know...
You're the voice that soothes my soul

I want you and I always will
Until the day my time stands still'
Forever, you'll be a part of me
I'll love you sweet and tenderly

I need you and I always will
All seasons lead me back to Spring
Forever, you'll be a part of me
I'll love you sweet and tenderly...

by Charlie Smith |
Categories: love, seasons,

Season of Love

A glistening snowflake
blown by Winter's kiss
melts gently on a heart

Asleep in the arms
of a sweet melody,
as fragrant as the
soft Spring coolness
of morning's dew

A first awkward 
touch that felt
of Summer's glow

A voice that echoes
from your senses,
like rain through
Autumn's cascade.

As time gives
a moment chance,
Love lends its loyalty
with such a deepening


by Mike Hauser |
Categories: life, love, nature,

Nature's News

The only news these days I need
Is sung by birds in high top trees
In the middle of the forest deep
That's the only news I need

Tells me all I need to know
Natures plans in rays of hope
All the news that's fit to run
Singing of seasons to come

The outside world can have its faults
No need for me to know them all
Only the good news that nature brings
That's the only news I need