Love Poems About Pets or Pets Love Poems
by Lindsay Laurie |
Categories: pets,

The Closer I Am - Loss of a Pet -

Sometimes I think 
I wish my heart was made of stone.
That I never loved
and the world would just leave me alone,
because it seems,
when one passes on, the other frets,  
so the closer I am, the harder it gets.

The longer I live
the more heartbreak shatters my mind,
but life goes on,
and time hands me further love to find.
So the memory
stifles the pain, but in no way forgets,
for the closer I am, the harder it gets.

I feel so alone
in a crowd that just cannot understand,
for they cannot see
the linking, which continues hand in hand ...
When all walk away
it is I crying, and filled with regrets,
when the closer I am, the harder it gets.

by Brenda Meier-Hans |
Categories: best friend, fun, love, pets,

The Dog of My Life

Shakespearean Sonnet

I remember the day I picked you,
With your sweet little puppy dog eyes.
For my heart was searching for love too,
When I looked down and heard your soft cries.

Your brothers and sisters were running,
They were after a fallen clothes peg,
But there was a puppy so stunning 
Trying hard to get up on my leg.

Four years it has been since that moment
And I thank God daily for his gift
Each day you give me such enjoyment 
Your love has given my heart a lift.

Today I know as clear as can be,
I didn’t pick you; rather you picked me.

Written by Brenda Meier-Hans 
Sponsor Shadow Hamilton 
Contest: Pets

by Gary Smith |
Categories: bird, humorous, language, pets,

Captain 'Effing' Flint

My parrots name was Captain Flint,
Boy that bird could swear.
I never invited visitors,
So blue was the air.

He'd squawk "pretty effing polly"
Or "give us a cracker you t##t"
I'd never heard such swearing,
I never taught him that.

I bought him off a sailor
Who was heading back to sea,
He said to me, "you'll love him
He's such good company."

And what he said was right
He entertained, it's true.
I said "who's a pretty boy then"
He squawked, " well not effing you !"

The profanities just got too much,
I sold him, with regret.
But the house seems so quiet now, 
Without my 'effing' pet !

by Sai Lin Lip |
Categories: africa, friend, grandchild, moon, stars, sunset,


Man loves friends
Babies have toys as friends
Children have peer groups as friends
Young men like making friends
Friends can become spouses
Entrepreneurs have ambitions and dreams 
as friends
Stars are friends of the moon
The splendid glow is the friend of sunset
The shore is the friend of the sea
We are friends of our grandchildren
Pets are man's friends
Only genuineness and sincerity of heart
Showing a true love
Only sincerity and cordiality
Is a sign of friendship

by Rob Carmack |
Categories: christian, faith, god, heaven, hope, love, pets,

One Day Boo

Blessed are those that before already knew
the living ark for in him they 
found Heaven one day Boo.

His light casts no shadows — it goes right thru,
all tears will be wiped away in 
God’s Heaven one day Boo.

Angelic songs comfort animals too,
nothing will ever die again
in Heaven one day Boo.

Find sweet Smudges among the flowers blue
and tell her mother is coming 
to Heaven one day Boo.

I have already started to miss you,
tomorrow always comes too soon,
til Heaven one day Boo.

Written: 08.07.20 – 08.09.20
Contest: All Pets Go To Heaven
Sponsor: Constance La France

by Richard Lamoureux |
Categories: best friend, change, friendship, growing up, journey, Lullaby, mother daughter,


He’s a sad Bunny
With floppy ears
Sadly button eyes
they can’t shed tears

Bottom of the pile
New toys on top
He needed Beth’s help
To hippity hop

With imagination 
she brought Bunny joy
He was her best friend
More than just a toy

Many years now passed
Beth searches for Bunny
A gift for her baby
who names Bunny Honey

Bunny’s happy again
That fuzzy lovely feel
Hippity hop heaven
Love makes Bunny real

Bunny’s round tail
has long been gone 
But Bunny still sings
lovely bunny songs

She cuddles him close
Pets worn floppy ears
Bright Bunny button eyes
with no need of tears.

by Rob Carmack |
Categories: animal, best friend, dog, humorous, love, pets, thanks,

Sonnet Chiweenie Boo

Your dad, a Dachshund once stuck in Chihuahua.
The best of both in you, with that expectant
Confusing carpets for the lawn enigma.
I know….the raining….getting wet….you can’t.

As coldness chills the room, a sheet for you.
The perfect tucking of in, but you moved!
I ponder, just how crazy is my Boo?
The sheet’s thread count too low to be approved?

Your dance in circles, spinning on the floor.
Rewards and treasures known upon the racks.
Induced by meals and that one pantry door.   
In such a fury, choking on the snacks.

I know what God’s book says, I’ve searched it whole.
But still, I hope you have a little soul.


by Jan Allison |
Categories: cat, pets,


Poshpaws was our beloved pussy cat She would clean her fur when sat on the mat Loved to be stroked, we could tickle her tum Her purr was loud like the noise from a drum Large emerald eyes would sparkle and gleam Her coat so soft with a beautiful sheen She would lie in the sun from dusk till dawn Rouse from her dreams with a pussycat yawn Dad did not like cats - that’s what he would say But on his lap Poshpaws would always lay She’d follow my Dad all around the house Make no noise, be as quiet as a mouse She slipped away from us aged only ten Buried in a beautiful shady glen Written 11~23~14 Contest: I love my Pets Sponsor LuLoo

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: pets,

The Nail Biter

He bites his nails beside me on the bed
so loudly!  This strange habit is most grating.
I’d like to throw a pillow at his head,
but he would just continue, not abating.

I’m used to just how vexing he can get,
like when he begs for food that I am eating.
When someone comes to call, he gets upset;
then settles down and gives a gleeful greeting -

Unless the visitor is someone small!
He sits and stares if I pick up a child
then panics if the infant starts to bawl.
I love my doggy though he gets so wild!

Although a naughty child himself is he,
how sweet and trusting is his love for me.

by Nicholas Windle |
Categories: animals, devotion, friendship, happiness, love, pets,

Thoughtful Paws

Place your hand upon my coat,
Watch me shiver so,
Pure ecstasy with you I feel,
Through my eyes I touch your soul.

For ill be there at your waking,
My tail, wagging to and fro.
In the evening bring you comfort,
When the days, stress has took its toll.

Can there be a friend so loyal,
Who will be there when you call?
In this ever changing world,
Some things never change at all.

by Donald Meikle |
Categories: animals, friendship, love, pets, love, me,

Cat Proud

A part of what you are to me
Knowing you are free to be
apart from me
and yet
I am no longer free
to be alone from thee
so hold my heart my love my soul
for you are all that keeps me whole
Upon this sea of life and storm
I hold your love to light and warm
my every breath
on every turn with you I yearn to be
to hold you close to feel you blink
your breath upon my face
refreshes me as we embrace
and then I sink to deep contented sleep
a well fed cat
in Summer sun
whose furry dreams 
have just begun
paws atingle purrs  aloud 
whisker flicking joy and proud
as only cats can be

by Baalak Baburo |
Categories: angel, animal, appreciation, best friend, love, pets,

Warmest Welcome

Through the door, running
Hair flowing magically
Welcomes me, my dog.

by Fritz Purdum |
Categories: dog, heaven, love, pets,

Good Dogs Go To Heaven

She had four long legs and a curved tail
with a smile that made you happy
She had big ears and eyes full of care
and ways that were fun and sappy
She had a big heart and a loud bark
She could look dumb but be so smart
She was loyal and true
She could chase away the blues
and she always knew
that I loved her too
I miss her so
Hard to let her go
Good dogs go to Heaven
she will be waiting for me at the Pearly Gates
Peter will let us in
She jumps with joy as I hug my friend
asking with those big soft eyes
trying to keep mine dry
why are you so late
it's hard for a dog to wait

by Lindsey Pritchett |
Categories: animals, childhood, death, lost love, love, pets, sad,

My Long Lost Friend

He was my best friend
His name was Snoopy
He was a beagle
My favorite pet.

I got him on Christmas day
He was just a little pup
I loved him so much
Then God took him away.

He was out hunting 
He never came back
He was gone 
Just like that.

I wonder every day
Where is he
Alive or…

I still miss him so
I cry at night
Missing him
Missing him.

by Jerry T Curtis |
Categories: humor, pets,

Pet My Pet

Well I love my little poodlab-shitziddle
Though His paws are really large and his legs are rather small
And his body's kind-a chubby 'round the middle
His hair is like it's crocheted to his body
But he's covered by some bangs both north and south
Which make his feeding time, for me quite awkward 
"Cause, I'm not sure at what end I"ll find his mouth

by Dennis Davis |
Categories: animal, caregiving, dog, identity, love, pets, prayer,

My Dog and Me

Lord help me to be
                                    the person my dog
                                    thinks I am

by Charlie Milne |
Categories: animals, death, friendship, life, loss, lost love, love, passion, pets, sad

She Waits.

I see her still in twilights shroud
At visions edge she’s standing still
She lives on for me, but makes no sound
Her presence felt , a loving glow.

She watches me with sightless eyes
The look that speaks but makes no sound
Where shadows spill she lingers now
But when I look I cannot see, just feel. 

She should be here if fate were kind
My partner in the quite times
I miss the things she needed that I gave.
That giving soul that has now passed.

She waits, I know she does.
The bond that held will always be
She was my friend, my love, my charge.
Now my pain, my loss, my memory’s dear.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: holiday, me,

Giving Thanks For 2015 and Every Year

G od’s love and all the things He’s given me:
I ntelligence, abilities, free will,
V im for living life, the poetry
I nside me, for the muse is with me still!
N ew life that I’ve been lucky to see grow
G randchildren who keep me on the go!

T he list of what I’m thankful for goes on:
H ealthy fun activities I do,
A nimals I’ve kept as pets - now gone,
N ature, movies, food, the friendships true,
K indnesses shown to me, and the last:
S ouls I’ve loved both now and in the past.

Written 11/20/12
but it applies to every year that I am alive.

by Cecil Hickman |
Categories: animal, death, feelings, friendship, pets,

Little Girls Heidi

This day we free you from pain
Soulful companionship you gave.
Eyes of love looked over my disdain.
Tail of happiness wagged with rave.

Dalmatian your breed, with a loving creed,
Named, Heidi, in youth with innocent face,
Growing beautifully as a spotted breed,
You gave us love, we could never replace.

Mourn thee for a while, and then moved by style.
You loved me, now thee is free.
I have no denial, thou has heavenly compile.
We shall love thee, beyond eternity.

date 11-07-2013

by John Lawless |
Categories: dog, love, relationship,

Gait Keeper

Gait Keeper

The limp is more pronounced on days like these,
cold rain and chilling breeze.  The hitch in his giddy-up
causing his head to angle slightly, correcting for the
sway.  His eyes seem a bit less bright yet still alert
while the tail, that ever enthusiastic metronome of
friendship, wags, and waits.  So we walk a little slower,
a little less far, sharing the tempo of age and a
love that knows no desire to walk alone.


submitted to – Beloved Pets – Poetry Contest
sponsor – Francine Roberts

by M.P. Shaudd |
Categories: animal, dog, hurt, i love you, i miss you, loss, pets,

The Empty Window

There's a paw print and a nose streak still on the pane
Your toy lays there so quiet with no one to play
My heart breaks but I know that you're in a much better place
As I reflect on all of our walks we took down the lane

Some say a bridge waits for you near a perfect rainbow
There's few things that bring pain like an empty window
You sat there looking out whenever I'd go
Then show your loyalty with kisses when I came back home

The pain of the waiting and watching you go
Reminds us just how fast young life grows old
Your memories bring smiles yet we want you to know
We'll forever be saddened by the empty window

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: dog, fun, joy, love, pets, sweet, uplifting,

Love Bug

June bug
Sweet love bug
Please don’t shrug
Or be smug
My precious darling pug
With you I’ll share my mug
When at my heart you tug
You’re in for a big hug
Let’s cuddle and be snug

AP: Honorable Mention 2021, Honorable Mention 2021

Posted on November 3, 2018

by Jessica Amanda Salmonson |
Categories: animal, dog, happy, humor, joy, love, pets,


My name is Spenser
No dog is denser
I'm not well smarted
But I'm big hearted
If you was hurted
I'd be alerted
And I'll come racing
To lick your facing.

by M. L. Kiser |
Categories: animal, cat, humor, pets, poems, poetry,

Sweet Slumber of Nip-Laden Dreams

Ah, sweet slumber of nip-laden dreams; the milk of mother moon bestowed, a blessed drink and lactose-free to this mine humble, feline throat. Running freely through outer space, I touch upon thy blessed universe. My home of emerald and lapis lace, is where in I lay in furred repose. Chasing neon rainbows in nebulae bright, my dreams are filled with gold doubloons. I’ll spend them on treats and nip-delight, and chase away any greedy tycoons. A feline black as obsidian night, in a home filled with human love; among the faeries and tree sprites, mind flies just like the doves.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: pets,

The Dear Three

Oh, how I love
the dear three
I can’t get
enough of!
Any day -
not one pet
could there be
as sweet as they.

Each day they’re here when life gets hard.
My pup so cute and small;
one cat with yellow eyes
with great pride I regard.
One cat, curled-eared and white,
is clever, I surmise.
Those three – I love them all.
They are my comfort and delight.

(Each stanza has a rhyme scheme of A/B/C/A/D/C/B/D)
Sept. 5, 2022
For the Charlie New-Ku Poetry Contest of Charlie Messina:
 A rhyming haiku with two stanzas. The first has a syllable count of 4,3,3,3,3,3,3,4 and the second has a syllable count of 8,6,6,6,6,6,6,8.