Love Poems About Sympathy or Sympathy Love Poems
by Janetta Harrington |
Categories: lost love, love, sympathy,

Peircing Silence, Screaming Thoughts...

Here in my room,
I lay in my bed,
With every thought of you,
Intruding my head,
Like snapshots in my brain,
Of the last thing you said,

My gut is violated,
And I twitch with rage,
I cannot free myself,
From this anxiety ridden cage,
And in this chapter of our life,
It seems I can't turn the page,

This torture is much worse,
Since you have been away,
I am so scared,
That away is where you'll stay,
And no matter how hard I try,
I will have to lay here in my room,
Alone one more day.

By Mac Holmes. Janettas grandson. 
Written sitting in my room alone still waiting...

by Chris Hagy |
Categories: absence, animal, christian, death, encouraging, sympathy, uplifting,

A Greener Pasture

Though my stall here is empty now
If you listen close...
You can hear me running through a greener pasture
Your sorrow opens the gate and releases me free
Thank you for rescuing me from worldly darkness
And giving me love unsurpassed
So that I may now run with others so loved...
But never forgotten
I am a child again young and lean my spirit afire
And oh how our spirits thrive here
Never again to feel the pain of the earth
Hear me running!
For your tears have watered the grasses for me
In God's Greener Pasture

-originally written for Kae Surrah
 an Arab rescue mare

by Ashley Beaudre |
Categories: death, depression, loss, lost love, love, recovery from..., sad, sympathy

Slowly Dying

I'm overcome with grief
as I slowly die inside.
They tell me this is normal, 
and everything will be alright.

I can't seem to eat a meal,
or close my eyes to dream.
All I visualize is your face, 
then accidentally scream.

I can't seem to leave my home, 
whats the point anyways?
Without you standing by my side
life is nothing but a waste.

Maybe soon enough I'll join you, 
as I slowly die inside.
When I finally enter the gates of pearl
everything will be alright.

by Rola Safi-Henson |
Categories: death, emotions, farewell, father daughter, moving on, sympathy,

Letting Go

As I lye awake and think of you
my heart always feels so blue.

I try my best to move on, but it's hard to do 
since you've been gone.

Thou my heart feels like it's bleeding, I can't 
stop how I'm feeling.

People say time will heal the pain but, at times
I feel I'm going insane.

I pray to god everyday, he makes my 
pain go away.

I will always love you with all my heart, and know 
that one day the healing will start.

But, until that day comes around I will never forget
when we laid you in the ground.

So, please God help me understand why daddy let go of my hand.

by Ernesto P. Santiago |
Categories: childhood, father, hope, life, love, social, sympathy, god, god, joy, me,

The Godfather

I’m a man, just simply a man;
once a child with no other distinction.
I am neither your first son, nor last.

I cannot alter what God has planned, 
nor stop sun to shine, 
nor stop the rain he’s cast.

So, I seek a solution to the paradigm
of angst and joy of life,
of the person I should be now.

Though life’s full of mystery and of misery,
you were there to give me hope and dignity,
no wonder I always love to be with you.

But, when God decided...
we couldn’t say, “No!” 
You left me with his everlasting glory.

As time passes, I realize the greatness of 
love and joy on the day of my friend’s son,
I became like you, a loving godfather.

by Jan Terry |
Categories: celebrity, death, obituary, suicide, sympathy, tribute,

A Tribute To Robin Williams

A good man's gone, loved by us all
on the screen both big and small.

The fire is cold, the lights are out.
His soul's moved on, without a doubt.

The laughter's gone that masked the pain.
The house is still and peace does reign.

He fought his battles on life's wild ride,
but lost his war with the demons inside.

How can one thrive on acclaim and wealth
without the love of one's own self?

I hope you found the peace you sought.
The life you lived won't be forgot.

July 5, 2015

by Katrina Salem |
Categories: adventure, art, confusion, daughter, dedication, devotion, fantasy, funny, growing up, happiness, hope, imagination, inspirational, life, love, mystery, nature, on work and working, on writing and words, passion, peace, romance, social, sympathy, teen, thank you, time, travel, tribute, uplifting, visionary, words,

Enigma's Calling

Extraordinary, I am 
Craving for unusual thoughts
Endless exploration without boundary
Understanding  the gift I shouldn't fought
Invisible drawings in my mind
Playing with the words in my head
My passion
The food of my soul
I feel so lucky
The random thoughts
A lifetime companion
A self esteem builder
A goal planner
Be my forever life saver
I write more
I talk less
I want to please
I chose to bore
What tickles me the most
Is to know what I'm for
Thinking is my love
When  my mind goes empty
That's when I hate
My day dreaming lust
Organizing things in my mind
Playing roles of simulation
Where images of art is my vision
And words of attitude is my heart

by Anastasia Browning |
Categories: confusion, love, sympathy,

Crazy Things

Its not u, its me
Im tellin u cuz its crazy.
Crazy things happen dont u c
Crazy things happen wit u and me

Its hard to say goodbye
When u know everythings a lie
Its hard to say whats inside 
Cuz every word makes u wanna cry

Dont u c whats happening
Im going crazy
I need u in my life cuz 
Its eatin me alive

These things happen all the time
Theres no need to lie
Just hold on to your love
Through these...
"Crazy Things"

by Neldy Jolo |
Categories: dedication, education, history, life, love, nature, nostalgia, peace, people, philosophy, political, sympathy, visionary

Back To Origin

People are commonly different
Symbol of diversity piece
Pure race doesn’t exists

Color and creed are just an identity
Believe only in human history
God sculptured them from clay

People are equally created
Having many opposites
But respecting others taste

When everyone is treated equal
Nothing appears but peace in hand
Discrimination, disunity and, suffering won’t be born anymore

Written to advocate to suppress racism
Bandar Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia
10:30-11:00 am, November 13. 07, Tuesday

by Ernesto P. Santiago |
Categories: lost love, love, sympathy

Stained Love

Emotional me
is out from my verbose head
like a winter flower with
petals, so much like
hankies of a sleepless god,
to wave in such elegance
my charm over you,
again and again, ‘til your
smile, left to death by the strides
of your rococo
lover, is awakened and
becomes my choka poem

by Gina Archibald |
Categories: death, dedication, devotion, faith, family, loss, son, sympathy

Heaven Just Could Not Wait

Mommy, Why do you cry?
Daddy, Why weep?
The angels up here.
Are so loving and sweet.
What a beautiful place,
No sadness or fears.
And whatever you ask,
God always hears.

His love surrounds me,
I am not alone.
I am comforted and loved,
I am happy at home.
So, here for you,
I'll patiently abide.
Keeping our mansion ready,
Warm and cozy inside.

I'm very close by,
And in your hearts I will stay.
I'm not really gone,
I'm just a heartbeat away.
The angels were singing,
As they opened the gates.
As you see, for me,
Heaven just could not wait.

by Victor Apeanyo Jr. |
Categories: lost love, love, sad, son, song-sympathy


A place still lies
Lonely and untouched
Every night it cries
Seeking for its walls to be patched

A place still lies
But dead in its self
With broken memories
And an empty shelf

I struggle to find myself
In the midst of all the strife
But above me a cloud of darkness
So thick, full of sadness

The place will still lie
But not utter a cry
It shall continue to die
Because no one asked why

by Ernesto P. Santiago |
Categories: death, love, on work and working, on writing and words, people, sad, sympathy,

His Legacy

Up into the sky 
he soared 
like an Angel

With us 
down here-- 
at Soupland, watching him as he soared 
like an Angel;

So gentle… 
and brave 
he was,
a strong love he had, sharing it till the end, yet

His breath
could not resist the resounding call 
of Heaven 
and he left, 

Leaving us his poetry, for 
when great storms come in, his laughter 
will dry our tears like rain.


for Tom Bell, a great poet who taught us all-- 
to laugh and to smile…to learn… and to give.

by Courtney Webb |
Categories: forgiveness, life, school, sympathy, teen,


you pick on the innocent
pray on the weak
leave the unwanted in your dust
harming all in your path

they go home
bruised and beaten
filled with tears
a lump in their throats

still breathing
still a love in their hearts 
yet they have more strength
than you ever will

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: angst, anxiety, emotions, feelings, friend, lonely, sympathy,

A Crippling Feeling

I feel empathy for people that cry and try to bring their suffering to light. I can feel the joy within their world die, and I know in my heart that it isn't right. Loneliness can be a crippling feeling that's more devastating than people know. And that kind of hurting requires healing, or it'll fester and soon begin to show. Depression’s veil shadows a sad soul as it sinks amongst the tears where dreams drown. And hope oft levies a terrible toll when there's no way up, and you feel held down. Life has no purpose if it's lived alone, without love, one may as well be a clone. (Sonnet) 2/7/2018

by Constantinos Grigoriadis |
Categories: fantasy, happiness, life, love, passion, sympathy, universe,

The Universe Close To Me

I was not alone inside my loneliness
I had company, stars flowers and birds
But when you came in my life
I saw the universe close to me.

Copyright Constantinos Grigoriadis © All rights reserved

by Emily Kroeger |
Categories: death, life, loss, love, sad, sympathy, time

The Cancer

I've watched her vanish and dietirate into withering roses.

The pain that takes over her body is spreading fast and furious,

and only weakens her!

How can she bring so much light into a room of darkend souls, with her smile,

When she has only those two weeks to remain?

Why her a mother and new bride?

She doesnt want to miss a thing in her young boys lifes.

But... she already knows how it will be and how it will come.

Six days, six days she had before the death withen her took 

one last breath, and she vanished into the atmosphere and left.

by Mary Thompson |
Categories: animal, beauty, butterfly, change,

My Butterfly

My Butterfly

Furry little caterpillar in
your coat of black and brown

It's so very hard to tell
if you are up or down

From your lofty branch
you fall onto a leaf below

Only to decide again 
that's not the way to go

you are so steadfast 
in your flight

I have such sympathy 
for your plight

As you inch about to and fro
I wonder why I love you so

Then as the miracle
of life's performed

With golden wings 
you are transformed

Your former self left stiffly dried,
no more a furry coat inside

Now as you glide on currents high
I need not wonder ,why I sigh...

Tis you I love, my Butterfly!

Author Mary Thompson

by Alesha Roche' |
Categories: death, loss, lost love, love, sympathy, me, me,

Tell Me It Isn'T True

Tell me it isn't true
That he didn't hurt you too
Tell me that your not crying
Please tell me your lying
Why I ask you
Why I say
Why should this happen today
Onlt 13 years
Now we shead 13 tears 
13 forever
Will my soul recover
My days and nights gets longer
Wondering if my days will get shorter
Feeling my heart getting heavy
The wish to hear his voice is driving me crazy
In loving memory Christopher Monte' Rivera

by April Marie Johnson |
Categories: death, depression, friendship, life, loss, lost love, love, song-sympathy, thank youlife, time,

Remember You

I open my eyes
to another day
as the sun climbs
I fade away
im carried to a place where i feel no pain
carried to a time before you went away

I still feel you close, feel you here
in this life we chose its all so clear
when I remember you, remember you

I close my eyes
from another day
as the moon blinds
I fade away
im carried to a place where i feel no pain
carried to a time before you went away

I still feel you close, feel you here
in this life we chose its all so clear
when I remember you, remember you

by Jc Hawkens |
Categories: angel, autumn, courage, lost love, love, poetry,

She Held My Heart

She Held My Heart
Poetic expression by JC Hawkens

On a Crisp Autumn day
I met an Angel of such gentle Grace
The warmth of her smile
The soothing of her voice
The melting of my heart

And within that faithful day
She listened to my sad story
And she Judged me not
She replied not in sympathy
But in truth she offered
Confessed her own troubles and doubts
She showed me that I was not alone

Mended my soul
Healed my splintered Heart
Shared a careful whisper
A soft touch

It is but only once in a thousand years
That one happens upon an Angel
And knows with a single smile
That this woman holds my Heart

If only I had the Courage to tell Her!!

by Joe Flach |
Categories: introspectionmen,

Skin Deep

On the surface she was beautiful
But she was ugly deep inside
Yet always she was surrounded
With many men by her side

On the outside she was ugly
Her beauty was deep within
She was always left by herself
Shunned by all the men

Showered with gifts and compliments
Never wanting for a date
Even though inside her heart was dark
Intoxicated with hate

Full of love and sympathy
Always lending a helping hand
Never receiving a single call
Avoided by every man

We can be so shallow
Deceived by our very own eyes
If we could only learn to see with our hearts
We men would be surprised

by John Loving Iii |
Categories: devotion

Phyllis Is Synonymous

Phyllis with passion
of love not hate
Phyllis with joy
that words can create
Phyllis with love
being more than just kind
Phyllis with happiness
just like wine
Phyllis with compassion
for our fellow man
Phyllis with sympathy
so we will lend a hand
Phyllis with pride
so we will not stand aside
And Phillis with the Holy Spirit
so our God will be near by

by Carolyne Lloyd-Hartley |
Categories: daughter

Strong Child of Mine

Been blessed with a girl, so perfect, so small then she says her first words in no time at all pull up your socks theres a new world called school her teachers complain, She's acting the fool a boy's caught her eye, she's now on cloud nine but I,m only sixteen, don't be scared, we'll be fine! the hurt and the pain as the baby stays sleeping not meant to be, I say as I'm weeping times a great healer as she soon bounces back three grandchildren later, she's now got the knack now in wedded bliss, and studying hard she never looks back, there's no sympathy card life toughens you up in the harshest of ways and my love is all yours till the end of my days

by Katherine Stella |
Categories: death, dedication, family, health, imagination, inspirational, life, loss, lost love, love, mother, people, philosophy, sad, sister, sorry, sympathy, thank you, uplifting, visionary

Just Reach

just reach your hand out to the sky
pull your loved ones back to your side

lets get to say one more goodbye
for we never wanted them to go away and die

as now the days and nights lay 
in such sweet disguise

so let us once again our lord
stare into their illumating eyes

as we reach out for them 
in your broad horizon sky

and get to hold and kiss them
even if their not by our sides

for if this is however feels when we die
then I'd like to be that angel in that sky

so I can just reach out right back
and wipe their tears too from their eyes

Tribute To Our Loved Ones
On The Other Side
May You All RIP