Love Poems About History or History Love Poems
by Charlie Smith |
Categories: desire, dream, love,


If only love befell your heart like fragrant scents of new spring hay the joy my dreams would too impart if such a verse I'd dare to say Feel the chances of a raindrop touch the tenderness of a rose pray the music will never stop before the wind of winter blows Let's weave tales of this love's history I am heartbound, please take my hand walk with me through all life's mystery for what only we might understand I know the sweetness of your smiles They take me back to childish wiles Poem Of The Day 11/05/2017

by Cecil Hickman |
Categories: history, life, love, mystery, nature, science, space

Half-Lit Moon

Haze up in the heavens encircles this orb.
Half-dark, half-light, shines from above.
Twinkles of light appear to absorb.
Fractions of darkness within lighted glove,

Speaking to lovers held in each other’s arms.
Answering questions of science to some,
Floating around spreading blessed charms,
Listening close at times, hearing a hum.

Lovers for centuries, graciously, captured by,
Sweet serenity and magical mystery,
Others entranced with secrets, which fly.
From words written and spoken in history.

Satellite, orb, lady, they are all the same.
Mythical goddesses, gripped in flame.
These tales have spread so many games.
This object seen most nights has no shame.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: peace,

My Country 'Tis of Thee

When children are taught never to forget
conflicts’ lessons, to love all humans,
to honor those through history
who, selfless, wrought liberty. . .
Then will spangled dreams for
our peace be fulfilled
as God imparts 
grace on

For Brahm Bailey's (Your) Country 'Tis Of Thee Poetry Contest
Note: The Etheree form was created by Etheree Taylor Armstrong (Feb. 12, 1918-March 14, 1994). She was born in Arkansas, USA and is known for using this form a lot.

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: art, culture, history, poetry, sorrow, symbolism,

No Words

No words

Where there are tears
There are no words

Where there is music
There are no words

Where there is painting
There are no words

Where there is love
There are no words

Where there is passion
Words run and hide

Where there is sadness
There are no words

Where there is poetry
The poet attempts justice to the word

Where there are tears
The poet mystically appears

Where there is death
There are words

Proclaiming dominance to all before
Music art and philosophy

For not all are artists and musicians
All we have left are words and sorrows

How so very sad
And so very absurd

by Bruce Adams |
Categories: love,

Distant Love

Oh, love from a distance
     Such passion is mine
     I never thought possible
     An ocean's deep mystery line
     Soulmate's hearts beat as one
     From only the written word
     Openness, honesty, is all it takes
     World history, such passion unheard
     Her beauty astounding,  angel in disguise 
     Jealous Kings of Europe would have fought war
     Her kindness and humor melt coldest hearts
     Brilliant and creative too, she makes my heart soar

     My distant soulmate, who I may never meet
     Shared love from a distance, a powerful, magical feat

by Anil Deo |
Categories: analogy, art, history, love, voice, wisdom, words,

Poetry of Love

Many march into a new month
Themes as old as winters warmth -
Love that is, no matter the weather
Poets write to heal, feel, reveal other
Ways to taste words, kiss reality
"Witnessing" not judging, that's poetry

by Donald Meikle |
Categories: history, lost love, water, water,

Running Tide

Knee deep in surf
The water clung to her
Changing silk gown
To wrinkled shiny  skin
Never had I envied ocean water so
But then t'was I who'd let her go
Drowning in green eyes
With fear of clinging ties
Holding me back

by Joseph May |
Categories: history,

Nd - Ablaze

Henry VI and Napoleon were crowned Kings there
 A hunchback found his lady fair,
 But heartbreak comes to Notre Dame
 As she is now in flames

 Joan of Arc, whose reputation was maligned
 Was beatified there in 1909
 But heartbreak comes for Notre Dame
 As she is now in flames

 The flames have died, the lady stands
 She'll be restored and again be grand
 Where once,  the hunchback, with heart aflame
 Found love and solace with this Dame

 Notre Dame In The News Contest
 Sponsor: Kim Rodrigues

by Stephen Tefft |
Categories: boat, river, water,

An Empty Boat

An empty boat pulled up upon the shore
Would slide back into water if it could.
But if it has at some time lost its oar?
Well, just more doldrums that must be withstood.

It’s hard to let go what you love to do,
Especially what you were meant to be.
The river ever flows out of our view.
Our present quickly becomes history.

That doesn’t mean you’re no longer a boat!
Don’t ever let them say you have no worth!
From the beginning you were made to float,
And there is nothing else like you on earth!

So sit now, reminisce upon your shore…
And ponder what the future has in store.

Picture #2, Life Spent Alone
Choices Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Sara Kendrick

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: family, history, pride, rose, tribute, women,

Genealogy Rose

Great grandmother Rosa Grandmother Maryrose And Mother Roseann Daughter April Rose Granddaughter Kayla Rose Granddaughter Ella Rose Love all my Roses // ¦¦ \\ // ¦¦ \\ // ¦¦ \\ // ¦¦ \\ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦
AP: 3rd place 2021 Posted on October 13, 2019

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: allusion, art, beauty, history, love, psychological,


Come to my boudoir Cheri
I am here all for thee
In red and lace
I shall entangle you will love
Entice you with lust
Tease you till desires run dry
You shall be the knight who rides my thigh
In the bonny highlands we shall have our romp
Meadows and fields of summer scent and breeze
I shall wrap you in my honey warmth
Mine, all mine you will be
Wrapped, entwined around my wee finger
Enslaved with love
My love
You belong all to me

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: history, nature,

- Once Upon a Time -

Out of love foretold
in thousands
secret raptures from the old
Illusions coves for their powerful voices
A place where our ancestors once walked

Where trees listening
and disperse seeds of hope
Creation marvelous portrait
About the harmony - it is said
that it can develop strong band

It is a reality that can
compare with the wildest imagination
Ancient villages built of marble and stone
Wind chimes a rhythm that beckons
Mystery melody that asks us to join

A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

by Michael Jordan |
Categories: death, family, health, history, life, loss, lost love, love, natural disasters

Black Sunday {personification In Couplet Form}

I was as high as the eyes could see
A giant dark cloud of pure misery

I seemed to roll as one with the wind
A giant black wall that had no end

I stripped the land and left it bare
Of the lives I destroyed, I didn’t care

Those who stayed I covered in dust
As their children died I broke their trust

From my hell many families did flee
Left to wander homeless in misery

I changed the word these words are true 
Black Sunday brought darkness on you

I didn't see any direct link but just goggle
pictures of the dust bowl and you will see
what i have written for Brian's Contest.
The Dust Bowl - Alexandre Hogue - 1937

by Anna Hopper |
Categories: age, change, remember, time,

The Good Old Days

It’s a feeling that never fails
To follow a generation
Triggered by sights and smells
A nostalgic way of thinking

A one up on millennials 
Knowing the correct way
It’s all the vibes and feels
Of back in the good old days

A love/hate relationship
For the progression of technology
Every day we use it
But reminisce the “used to be”

An expression of disappointment 
Across a slowly, shaking head
And subconscious judgement
Of how others break their bread

One thing is for certain
History will repeat
This earth will keep turning
Beneath our aging feet

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: goodbye, history,

- Kiss Paper Goodbye -

An ocean of papers
         A collection of a lifetime
         It's not about love letter
         Documents and receipts
         Paper that has been yellowed
         from ancient times
         Dust dancing in the sunlight
         Everything has to be markuleres
         How many kilos
         Nobody knows
         A new generation
         Paperless society
         Computer world ~ thanks

     - A whole week with smiles, memories and tears - 

     18.08.2015 A-L Andresen :)
     Copyright © All Rights Reserved

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: break up, conflict, goodbye, history, hurt, relationship, sad,

Saying Goodbye

How do you say goodbye
To someone who has shared
So many days so many hopes
So many nights so many dreams

How do you say goodbye
When the love has dwindled
Explanations all been heard
All the tears been shed

How do you go separate ways
Without looking back
Without easing back into one more try

How do you turn and go
How do you start anew
How do you say goodbye

AP: 3rd place 2020

Posted in March, 2018

by Joe Flach |
Categories: love,

She Is Love

When she gazed at me
I knew it was my destiny
I knew the rest of me
Would tell her history
I was in love

When she spoke to me
I felt my knees grow weak
I could hardly speak
Enwrapped in her mystique
I am in love

I knew it from the start; I felt it in my heart; we would not be apart;
I knew it that first day; she took my breath away; I felt the earth start to sway;

I was in love
I am in love
She is love
When she gazed at me
I knew it was my destiny
I knew the rest of me
Would tell her history
I was in love
I am in love
She is love

by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: discrimination, history, humanity, immigration, political, racism, social,

Make America White Again

"Make America White Again"
Will never make any sense
Despite the tweets of "GENIUS" Trump
Or Republicans like Pence

Brown-skinned people filled this land
From one end to the other 
And though they had their differences
"Eve" is everyone's mother

Though some are prone to cast a stone
Or ridicule their brother
What makes a nation great again
Is love for one another.

by Kirstie Fontes |
Categories: family, happiness, love, love,


I look upon a sea of flowers, I see your face, and we talk for hours.
You see we have such history, you will never know what you mean to me.
You have given so much love and care, I would be lost if you weren't there.
You give of yourself, and you give of your heart.  You are beautiful, loving, and 
caring, and smart.
You shared with me the love of song; I realize that it's been too long, since I 
thought of you as you truly are.  In the darkest times, you're a SHINNING STAR!

by Neldy Jolo |
Categories: dedication, education, history, life, love, nature, nostalgia, peace, people, philosophy, political, sympathy, visionary

Back To Origin

People are commonly different
Symbol of diversity piece
Pure race doesn’t exists

Color and creed are just an identity
Believe only in human history
God sculptured them from clay

People are equally created
Having many opposites
But respecting others taste

When everyone is treated equal
Nothing appears but peace in hand
Discrimination, disunity and, suffering won’t be born anymore

Written to advocate to suppress racism
Bandar Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia
10:30-11:00 am, November 13. 07, Tuesday

by James Fraser |
Categories: brother, daughter, father, history, husband, life, loss, lost love, mother, people, places, sad, sister, son, wife

Marble In Columns On Green

On a slope graced with green
White marble stands in proud salute

For beneath these engraved pillars of memory
Lie the resting places of heroes

A solitary green fir looks down
As if sheltering the lost and the taken

So many names, from all walks of life
A father, brother a girlfriend or wife

On a sunny day, they glow radiant like their lives
On a dull day, they stand out against the greys

For the living, life goes on 
Tomorrow is another day

by Deborah Burch |
Categories: home, symbolism,

Oh Virginia

Oh! Virginia

Come travel back with me to Old Virginia 
The namesake of Elizabeth: the Queen
No other state possesses such charisma...
Oh! Mother, of this nation... evergreen. 

The Old Dominion, (fifth realm of the Crown),
Birthed many 'Declaration' signers here
As well as Presidents...heroes abound,
From battles fought for Freedom we endear. 

The Commonwealth is full of history:
From Jamestown...Williamsburg...and even Poe;
Virginians' Honour and Integrity...
Are still the code for living--not just show. 

The Blue Ridge, Country Ham, and Brunswick Stew...
Virginia! Oh! Virginia! I love you...

deborah burch©1.3.2017

Form: Sonnet

by Archontoula Alexandropoulou |
Categories: allegory, allusion, history,

The Kiss

Kissing each other
upon the ancient navel;
fragment of a love.

by Hgarvey Daniel Esquire |
Categories: life, lost love, love,

My History

It Still Continues
Sorrow Pain Agony  GUILT
Please forgive me  LOVE

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: time,

To Be Immortal

To be immortal. How would THAT work out?
To keep a youthful look forevermore
I think would be incredible – no doubt!
Would all the chronic pain that I deplore
become unfeasible? That would be swell!
To outlive history! How would that be?
I’d know the follies of mankind so well
but probably have no ability
to stop the madness! Finally, what of
relationships when all of my own kin
I would outlive? How could I look for love;
watch them die over and over again?
I think it’s better to face death one day.
The spirit is eternal anyway!

An oldie
Submitted currently for Anoucheka Gangabissoon's If I Were Immortal Contest