Love Poems About Elegy or Elegy Love Poems
by Greta Robinson |
Categories: death, sleep,


Shine as a source of endless light
whose rainbows of colour deter the night
where daydreams are gentle as doves in flight
and sleep the sleep of angels

Shine like a shower of soft moonbeams
Inhabit the sea of a thousand dreams
where laughter and love are timeless themes
and sleep the sleep of angels

Shine like the sun in a golden sky
On warm, sultry evenings, a fragrance, a sigh
an echo of summer as life passes by
and sleep the sleep of angels

by Sabrina Niday Hansel |
Categories: absence, angst, cry, dad, death, depression, emotions, family, father, father daughter, fear, feelings, future, goodbye, grief, heart, heartbroken, heaven, how i feel, identity, leaving, life, loneliness, lonely, loss, lost, love, memory, miss you, missing you, pain, parents, poets, prayer, sad, sorrow, strength, stress, urdu,

I Need Your Help Daddy

I’m tired
I’m Physically and Emotionally tired
I don’t want to be the strong one anymore
I can’t this time
I don’t know what to do Daddy
I need your help down here

I can’t get back in control of my emotions 
I’m having a hard time dealing with your absence
I’m having a hard time standing by myself
I need your help Daddy

I’m broken and lost without you Daddy
I need your will to want to carry on
I need your strength to over come this
I need your strength to stay standing
Your courage to fight back again
I need your help 

Please Daddy I’m at a loss
How am I suppose to do this
I need your guidance 
I need you to guide me back
To whom I was before
I need your help Daddy
I need your help

by Elaine George |
Categories: death, love,

The Stone

Alone in a meadow in the pouring rain
I find the stone that causes all my pain,
As I stumble through the fog in disbelief
I fall down upon my knees and sob in grief

The fog horn cries her mournful sound
As my heart falls down, beneath the ground
Crying out to God for mercy all in vain
To take away the stone that bears your name

Author:  Elaine George

by Panagiota Romios |
Categories: bereavement, grave, husband, loss, love, memory,

Tapestry of Life, An Elegy

             Tapestry of Life

In the still graveyard overlooking San Francisco Bay.
Her husband's young body doth rot and in profound 
silence lay.

Overlooking that city, where he married his young wife.
Who now recalls the beauty of his all too short, vibrant life.

The many walks on those heavenly hills, the poetry they read.
The coffee shops of North Beach, alas, their aromatic memories
So dreamy in her bowed, widowed head.

She stills dons her inexpensive, gold wedding ring to this very 
And when she touches it, all the magical love they shared~
still sings in it!

            December 28, 2019

by John Freeman |
Categories: angst,

A House Divided

“When humanity’s division becomes one and the same God of Love only then will the house of humanity thrive in harmonious balance… Selah”

by Jan Terry |
Categories: celebrity, death, obituary, suicide, sympathy, tribute,

A Tribute To Robin Williams

A good man's gone, loved by us all
on the screen both big and small.

The fire is cold, the lights are out.
His soul's moved on, without a doubt.

The laughter's gone that masked the pain.
The house is still and peace does reign.

He fought his battles on life's wild ride,
but lost his war with the demons inside.

How can one thrive on acclaim and wealth
without the love of one's own self?

I hope you found the peace you sought.
The life you lived won't be forgot.

July 5, 2015

by Ojobo Emmanuel |
Categories: love, memory, memory,

Elegy of the Aisle

A memory of tears filled eyes
How can I forget this precious aisle?
The aisle you walk in your gown-shy
Now carries your silent and dire

How can I whisper to you love
How you looked as a dove
Ah! The memory is green and fresh
The night of our all white and thresh

Look at you o! Once beautiful aisle
You are my dread on you my light fade
Sermon given to my love as she goes to grave
The grace I ask to face this maze

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: death, grandmother, loss, mother,

Death's Cold Hand

Easter brings back sad memories. 
My mother died on Good Friday.
She was a bible scholar and quoted
Jesus's words every day to us kids.
I remember her love for lavender,
Her operatic gentle voice singing to us.
How she loved little children with joy
And what a great grandmother she was.


Writing Challenge 1- April, 2019 -
Its All About 8 - Poetry Contest
Sponsor Dear Heart

2. Elegy
1. Death's Cold Hand

by Rick Parise |
Categories: death, funeral, life, lost love,

Goodbye For Now

White veil, misty eyed
in eternity he lay....

standing silent at his side
head bowed 
pain inside
her mind shadows,
retraces each day....

moments, seasons.... reality sets in.... 
a longing breath for yesterday

goodbye she cries 
as she turns away

emotions lost
a new season dawns                       
a tear falls away....


by Chrishanna Powell |
Categories: death, depression, funeral, loss, lost love, sad,

Death of a Love One

I had a wonderful day, what could have went wrong
Went to sleep feeling like a brand new man
Laying in bed, sleeping so peacefully
Two guys walked in unexpectedly
They said wake up, no hesitation
Ten bullets in my back, no explanation
Was this a dream I’m gonna wake up from
No its not, I’m a completely dead man
Why me?  Answer my question
I had a family and other love ones.
Now I’m gone, but memory lives on
How about you where do you stand?

by Joseph Sergi |
Categories: bereavement, death, family, goodbye, loss, mom,

Hard To Say Good-Bye

I remember your smile and that twinkle in your eye.
How I miss those talks at the table by your side.
The blessings you had were very many it’s true.
A husband by your side with four children too.
Wife, Mother, and Nanny were the names you took.
Sometimes you liked to sit and read a book.
Above all you were loved and they stood by your side.
Even on that darkest night when we all cried.
We know the love you have for someone never dies.
But sometimes when we think of you we still cry.
Because sometimes it’s hard to say Good-bye.


by Cecil Hickman |
Categories: animal, death, feelings, friendship, pets,

Little Girls Heidi

This day we free you from pain
Soulful companionship you gave.
Eyes of love looked over my disdain.
Tail of happiness wagged with rave.

Dalmatian your breed, with a loving creed,
Named, Heidi, in youth with innocent face,
Growing beautifully as a spotted breed,
You gave us love, we could never replace.

Mourn thee for a while, and then moved by style.
You loved me, now thee is free.
I have no denial, thou has heavenly compile.
We shall love thee, beyond eternity.

date 11-07-2013

by Ernesto P. Santiago |
Categories: death, love, on work and working, on writing and words, people, sad, sympathy,

His Legacy

Up into the sky 
he soared 
like an Angel

With us 
down here-- 
at Soupland, watching him as he soared 
like an Angel;

So gentle… 
and brave 
he was,
a strong love he had, sharing it till the end, yet

His breath
could not resist the resounding call 
of Heaven 
and he left, 

Leaving us his poetry, for 
when great storms come in, his laughter 
will dry our tears like rain.


for Tom Bell, a great poet who taught us all-- 
to laugh and to smile…to learn… and to give.

by Ann Yawn |
Categories: death, loss, lost love, love, passion, day,

Undying Love

This fast life of mine is dying
All you see is my lifeless body lying
Scarcely heaving my last breath
I knew it was coming, soon my own death
I had one last chance to say my peace
So that my loneliness would cease
I got to say on my last breath
Don't fear my love I have finished my quest
It was for undying love
One day you will fly with me as a white dove
A dove stands for eternity and that's what it shall be
For the next time we meet we will see each other clearly
Goodbye for now don't shed a tear
For one day soon I will be near

by Minerva Ochoa |
Categories: allegory, devotion, love, passion, song-

A Lament

Your cold lips,
Your frozen Figure...a sad emotion you expelled.
I touch your shape, trembling at the source.
Modeling away to my cheeks.
At sunrise we slept,
At midnight we loved.
The stars and the clouds draw us layouts of dreams,
an enchantment,
our elixir of love.
Hands slept in our grave, a singing hymn.
We drank each other's memories.
We danced until the moon was put to sleep.
Covered ourselves with petals of Rose, 
Bare to the despair, the sun presented.
Decaying, and never growing old.
We fulfill these lavender caresses everyday.
Immortals, will will always love.
We will always be together...
Lovers in time.
Vampires in a dream,
A reality to me coming true.

by Hgarvey Daniel Esquire |
Categories: death, life, love, wifeheart, heart, love,

My Lenore

How Blessed is she, to be with Thee
My only Prayer, she waits for me
With clouds in the sky, I sit and Cry
Why so young, did she have to die?
My Broken Heart has LOVE denied

I remember her kiss, A Heavenly Bliss
The love in her eyes, I intensely miss
I reminisce of Forever LOVE, so pure
Her Heart of gold, shall always endure
A Broken Heart, Her LOVE is the cure

Softly singing, are the Bagpipes and Fife
In Honor of my Dearest Most Beloved Wife
Living the joyful fulfillment of Eternal Life
FOREVER and ALWAYS I whisper my LOVE
Until We Entwine again , in HEAVEN Above

Inspired By Dr. Ram Mehta's Contest : " ELegy "
Dedicated in Memory of Lenore Ellen (Adams) Johnson

by Fritz Crytzer |
Categories: death, happiness, philosophy, universe,

Sonnet: Elegy In Blank Verse


I wish I could find death before I grow
so I could miss life's pain and agony. 
A child can only feel and hear and see 
the universe with love and happiness.

A child does not fathom those cancered ills
that fog a twisted mass of foundered souls
nor understand the horrid self one needs
to govern and succeed in society.

Nor does it care; it only wants and needs
an unencumbered path to happiness,   
a guiltless trail to heavenly frolic;
a road that's lost when grown ones rule the world.

I wish I could find death before I grow
so I could miss life's pain and agony.

by Brian Strand |
Categories: lost love, love,

An Elegy of Love

without you
nothing makes sense
a chasm
     without sunlight
a night
     with no dawn:
with you
     under your spell
all is well
in love
          I fell.

can you tell?

by Annabelle Jane |
Categories: lost love, love, religion,

Across Each Threshold

So frequently we sat inside 
those holy dwelling places,
All Saints for all our sins, 
knowing that true grace is
here in the pulpit, there in the pew. 

So shamelessly we sat inside
those holy dwelling places,
Salvation found at fingertips
touching through forbidden spaces,
clinging, cold in the shadows outside.

So carelessly we sat inside 
those holy dwelling places.
Do you recall the Chapel, 
side by side with angel's faces, 
where you first dared to touch my hand?

Across each threshold, love, My love, 
we carried burning traces
of that blackest, basest love,
which no rosary erases.

by John Freeman |
Categories: introspectionearth,

"tis Later Than You Think"

~A lament~

Most signs and prophesy already fulfilled,
the scarlet of harlot lady has sung,
the veil has fallen away.

Hitler, De Fuehrer the man of sin,
the son predicted, hath prophesied,
many of God’s elect, the Jews have died.

`Tis much later than you think,
millennium is surely at the brink,
the harlot’s two legs of beauty are no more,
two towers of economic power have fallen.

In one hour great towers did fall, bewailed,
bemoaned, the earth doth reel, to and fro,
nature’s safety is in the fro, as earth bows low.

A vicious cycle, a call pending of Michael,
One foot on land one foot on the sea, one final plea,
One more call of love, and then we’ll see.

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: funeral, grief, loss, love,

Prayers are Said

    Tears fight their way back
       into their ducts for now  
    moist palms clammy at my sides
    Prayers are said
       the living honor the dead
    shovelfuls of earth on top are spread

    Is there nothing more I can do
       ~ She once told me ‘I love you’

by Joe Flach |
Categories: angel, eulogy, poets,

The Caged Bird Is Set Free

Our caged bird will sing no more
Though her songs will live on forever
Angel wings she now adorns
With our tears upon each feather

The freedom she sought
The love that she taught
The words that she strung together
Are treasures to keep
While in sorrow we weep
For a world that will never forget her

From the bodily cage
Her soul now flies free
And ascends to the heavens on high
The songs that she sung
She sang for everyone
With a dream that will never die

I will miss our sweet bird
But will remember her words
That she sang from inside the cage
As we hear them repeat
In verses sown sweet
When she was the star of the stage

by Millard Lowe |
Categories: child, cry, death, children, grief,

Tears of Joy

Tears of Joy

			God cried today; His tears fertilized 
			     Mother Earth’s womb; 
		         The fragrance of nature saturated the air.

			Tomorrow I will cry upon your grave
			     Laughing tears  
			Falling from pregnant memories:
                             Pregnant memories

			Washing away grief’s gloom
                             Watering love
			And the happiness of peace we shared.

by Geri Goodwin |
Categories: absence, bereavement, death, emotions, goodbye, heaven,

Who Knew

Who knew…..
Who knew life would take this turn
So early in time
I didn’t get a chance to take it all in
The time for me to spread my wings
Came to soon

Who knew….
My last day
Would be with the ones I love
To laugh with friends and yes, my love too

Who knew….
Life is love, when you are embraced by all
I wasn’t done loving you by far….
But God needed me so he called

Who knew…
Who knew life would take this turn
I love you all though time is short
Embrace each other and please don’t mourn
Instead, celebrate my life
I’m still dancing in heaven and I want you to dance too.

Who knew ?

by Ojobo Emmanuel |
Categories: girlfriend-boyfriend, love,

Its Over

It hurt for me to let her go
But i have let her to know
We just can’t together grow

I love so much to say quit
I hate to see us away split
Our love now a close crypt

I can say it’s over so immediate
Because we were once intimate
Don’t want to break her heart for hate