Love Poems About Anniversary or Anniversary Love Poems
by Gary George |
Categories: anniversary, dedication, devotion, girlfriend-boyfriend, happiness, inspirational, love, passion, uplifting, wedding, wifelife, love,

You Are My All

When on life’s seas I’m tempest tossed,
And my hopeful smile is all but lost,
When I need to survive at any cost,
You are my anchor.

My life is filled with simple pleasures,
My loved ones’ smiles I count as treasures,
When kisses are how life is measured,
You are the standard.

As time soars on and birthdays fly,
My hair is graying,  I don’t care why,
My mind is sharp, but not my eyes,
You are my youth.

Love is patient, love is kind,
And to the lucky, love is blind,
But when it comes to love that binds,
You are my love.

by White Sage |
Categories: anniversary,

Still Love You More Than As Before

Thousand years! Thousand years it is
Long living like the undying breeze
Deep down my self, deep down my ease
In the thick bark of my heart a love does exist
Thousand years ago
There exist for my mood, a flower that glows
Regulating my heartbeat and blood flow
Raising my guts up and down, in rows
Making my emotions like trumpets blow
Thousand years! Oh so long many years
And I can still feel the pricks of her lovely spear
And the scent of her placating presence, like roses very rare
Oh thousand years, and the love still exist, yes!
I still love you, till forever nonetheless

by Gordon Mcconnell |
Categories: anniversary, love, wedding,

Thirty One and Going Strong

It's happy anniversary again
thirty one years seems not long
but so thankful for all your love
every echo within makes a great song

Thirty one and going strong
looking forward to many more
together as one sweet union
We shall see what's on store

This past years been hard
but soon be on better plain
as we look on to our Lord
His plans are never in vain

Thanks for our yesterday's
our tomorrow's are in His love
together many more to celebrate
my love constantly on your nameplate

( Today is Christine and my 31st wedding anniversary so this is written to celebrate that fact in dedicating this piece to my lovely wife  for all her love and care. )

by Joe Dimino |
Categories: anniversary, birthday, devotion, friendship love, love, spiritual, wisdom,

Love His Absolute Best

I thought to bring you
a bouquet of stars,
for everyone brings
roses; I thought of a 
ruby, big as mars – but
who could wear such
a thing?! I thought what
value such a tiny heart
though it beats only for
you, someone who has
become my world? Then
I thought behind this tiny
heart, driving my every breath, 
is the God of a universe, 
who thought of Creation, 
Love His Absolute Best!

by James Burns |
Categories: anniversary, devotion, girlfriend-boyfriend, inspirational, love, passion, romance

The "senses" Since

I remember the look
In those big brown eyes
As you’d smile and laugh
And leave me hypnotized

I remember the touch
Of your hands so soft
How you’d hug and comfort me
And shake the cold off

I remember the taste
Of your sweet lips on mine
Enthralled in a kiss
For hours at a time

I remember the sound
Of your voice so warm
You’d just whisper gently
And quiet the raging storm

I remember the smell
That enchanted my nose
The scent of your body
Bathed in absolute rose

Yes, I remember you dear
And all the love we grew
And I have spent a lifetime
Making “sense” of you

by Marvin G. Celestial |
Categories: anniversary, appreciation, beauty, creation, emotions, inspirational, introspection, journey, life,

My Last Wish

If only I can ask the world
To gather all the love
Each person has.

If only I can feel the love
Free of inhibitions in some extent 
And share it with everyone.

If only I can be 
With the love of yours
So that I can have my last wish.

If you permits me to  live and die 
Unconditionally with and without you
Oneness reflected indeed.

by Jamila Strong |
Categories: anniversary, girlfriend-boyfriend, love

Recipe For Love

Step 1, take two friends before they are lovers
Show them how to share with oneanother
Add a slice of intinmacy of becoming one
Like holding hands under the sun
Now subtract the bitterness and add the sweet
The flavor of a kiss should taste like a treat
Give her a compliment and 1 soft caress
Then rest your head against his chest
1 cup of humor and 1/2 a cup of concern
A pinch of assertiveness
But too much will burn!
100 kisses a day will keep the doctor away
A drop of hope then mix in family and friends
Your recipe for love
Will never come to an end.

by John Coopey |
Categories: funny, love, wife

Anniversary Card

I splashed out on this greetings card,
It cost me 50p,
I thought that you were worth it,
For putting up with me.

But yours, I know, will cost far more,
(Perhaps a quid or two), 
But that’s because I’m worth far more,
For putting up with you.

by Danielle White |
Categories: anniversary, husband, lovegod, god, time,

A Love Poem

In the beginning, before time began,
before God envisioned the concept of man,
as God was pondering His incredible plan,
we stood together, hand in hand.

Before there were stars, or planets, or moons,
in silence and darkness all drifted, immune,
before God had cast the very first rune,
we stood together, completely in tune.

And when it's all over, once God is done,
when there's no moons or planets or suns,
like the beginning, before time had begun,
we'll stand together, together as one.

©2010 DanielleWhite

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: abortion, anniversary, for teens, friend, friendship, friendship love, woman,

Friendship Acrostic

F	Friends have each other’s backs
R	Real friends build each other up
I	I escape in my friend’s problems
E	Enthusiastic together and on the phone
N	No is okay, between friends.
D	Doing things together feels good.
S	Silence is okay
H	Have each other’s backs 
I	I need lots of them, and they rally for me.
P	Puts your attention outside yourself

by W. Thomas Markham |
Categories: journey, love, romantic,

Watching the Sunset

Watching the sunset—
with our hands link together on the beach.
Purple ans pink light
ripple on the ocean
as if a possible future for us
from God.

Watching the sunset—
on our deck years later—
eating our fifty-year anniversary dinner.

Watching the sunset—
for the first time
without you
And I feel lost with without you.

by Aiby Talbot |
Categories: anniversary, boyfriend, emotions, fantasy, feelings, kiss, poetry,

That Adonis of Mine

Two eyes that shines so bright
Two lips that kiss goodnight
Two arms that holds me tight
That adonis of mine

No one could ever know how much
your coming has meant
Because i love you so
you are something heaven sent 

You are the world to me
You climb upon my knees
To me, you will always be
That adonis of mine

by Deb M |
Categories: age, heart, love, memory, romance,


On a picnic blanket they lay
On a warm afternoon
Next to a field of yellow daisies
Beautiful in bloom

As the sun slowly faded
Entranced in a swoon
They declared their love for each other
Dancing under the moon

Every anniversary was spent there
She hummed their special tune
They celebrated their love
Dancing under the moon

She left the world before him
On a rainy day in June
Sunshine left his life that day
Replaced by sorrow and gloom

Now with a vacant stare 
He sits in his care home room
His mind and memories now faded
Thoughts muddled and strewn

Yet ,he still remembers yellow flowers
Humming of a lovely tune
The love he felt for her
Dancing under the moon

by Gerry Mattia |
Categories: anniversary, childhood, devotion, girlfriend-boyfriend, imagination, inspirational, introspection, life, lost love, love, nostalgia, teen, uplifting

First Love

We treat it like a marble 

in our pocket for a while 

we win it 

we lose it 

but no matter where it goes 

it always holds 

the warmth of our hands

by Carla Ingram |
Categories: anniversary, appreciation, black love, cute love, emotions, friendship, marriage,

Make Love

Let me hold you
Let me squeeze you tight
Come baby let's make love tonight

I will rub your body
Make you smell so sweet
Ian truly here to meet your needs

As lay there so sexy on the bed
Glancing at you from you feet, to the top of your head

I will whisper in your ears all the words you like
Just know Iam here to make everything alright

As we rest in each other arms
I just want to love you, not do you know harm

by Moonbee Canady |
Categories: adventure, allegory, anniversary, girlfriend-boyfriend, happiness, husband, life, love, nature, nostalgia, passionrain, fire, fire, rain,

' Rain, Fire, Ice and Breeze '

I Watched A Man, Named, ‘ Rain ‘
Pounding Across The Plains
Running with Cascading Joy
Like a Wet, Happy, Little Boy …

I Found A Man, Named, ‘ Fire ‘
Blaze in Life, A Lightning Desire
His Bold Passion – Consuming Power
Sent Smoke Signals, to My Tower

I Observed A Man, Named, ‘ Ice ‘
Tho’ Frost-Natured, He Did Entice
‘ … Come Hold Me, if You Dare …
And Find Out, if Cold-Can-Care …’

… I Beheld A Man, Named, ‘ Breeze ‘
And Begged Him, ‘Touch Me Please …
Gentle, like a Lover’s Kiss
Whisper to Me, Things I Wished…’

… and Sitting Content, on This Hillside
Listen Now… as I Confide …
‘ Rain and Fire … Ice and Breeze ’
Don’t You Know … You Are All Of These . . .

by Thabang Ngoma |
Categories: anniversary, love,

Traces of Chalk

In the dead of night, the crickets holding their breath
Our love brooding the full moon's tide on our anniversary
The wind stirs our risen ashes and revived passion
That had remained dormant down eternity's timeline

Tonight, we're reunited once more as we'll be forevermore
Our ghosts dance in the shadows of our old, forgotten steps
Down this moonlit, memory paved path to our short lives
Past the traces of chalk where we laid holding hands side by side

Thabang J. Ngoma

Nette Oclaud's Sense of touch contest

by Moonbee Canady |
Categories: allegory, anniversary, family, happiness, husband, life, love, nostalgia, people, wedding, i love you,

' the Pearl Ensemble ... '

… I Awoke to  A Classical, Pearl Ensemble
A String Quartet’ Upon My Pillow
Your Bass, Echoed – like an Ocean-Rumble
‘… I Love You …’ Plucked the Polished Mellow-Cello’

and the Flawless Violins and The Viola – Flow
Rushed to my Wavy Shore – Aglow
Displayed and Spilled, like a Whirlpool- Vibrato …
… Your Cultured Concert, left me … Staccato’

… I Awoke to A Classical, Pearl Ensemble
A String Quartet’ Upon My Pillow
and as Each Iridescent Drop, Solo-Sheen-Tumbled
… My Own Heartstrings, did Crescendo... Maestro

by Wendell Brown |
Categories: anniversary, appreciation, blessing, devotion, happiness, joy,

The Oneness of Love

When I write of you, 
and my love for you,
I also write of God.

For I know He loves me
through the love we
share together each day.

Through you, I feel the
warmth and tenderness
of heaven and it is real.

With you, I feel His touch,
when you embrace me with  
your gentle hands.

When I embrace you, I 
know our God holds me
me so very close also

The times I hear your voice
it reminds me of the quiet
times when at night His spirit
speaks to me... 

For when I think of God
I see your love, and when
I think of you I see the
love of God...

And it shows me our love
is blessed, and made so
wholesomely complete, when
we are equally one together.

by Amy Rowsell |
Categories: death, depression, life, loss, love, mother, wife,


this is inspired by a picture of a guy looking at a piece of bread with one candle 
on it,

today would be our first wedding anniversary
but I lost her, a month ago
a guy was driving drunk and crossed the line
that night he took the life of mine
you think that they would learn 
driving is a privilege you have to earn
I hate him for what he has done 
he took away a mother from me and our young son
nobody wins when people drive drunk

by Ken Rone |
Categories: anniversary, character, faith, love, marriage, romantic love, together, true love,

Golf Love

Play life together
Trust faith and putt your ball true ~
    The hole will widen.

by Trina Hamel |
Categories: anniversary, beauty, books, boyfriend, butterfly, caregiving, child,

The Story

When I look at him I don't see a love story you'd
Read in a book or even see on the movie screen
I do see someone that is meant for only me 
Someone who doesn't judge or expect anything 
 but takes everyday as a gift and treasures
It with all my flaws and insecurities and still stands 
By me 
I see an angle heaven sent because even god knew
He would be 
A miracle in my eyes not a love story by any means
But a story written for me and him to read

by Michael Tor |
Categories: anniversary, best friend,

Fifty Years We Celebrate

Like a flower blooms in perfect weather.
So did Bob and Linda's love, together.
 Affectionate words were said and felt,
When Bob took Linda's hand, and knelt.
 Looking up at his beloved bride.
He felt a love, he couldn't hide.
 A bond was formed between the two.
When both shared, their "I love You's."
 Through all they faced, and persevered.
We celebrate, their fifty Years!
 Michael, Judy and all your friends.
Send all our love, to you again.
 May your marriage, always be blessed,
These special words, to God we ask.
 Good health in all the coming years.
Please know your friends, are always here.

             God Bless You Both
                Bob and Linda

by Margaret Foster |
Categories: love


much to young, they said

     it wouldn’t last. they were wrong

              fifty golden years

by Morgan Hacker |
Categories: i love you, marriage, passion,

Say Yes

It’s not the movie ticket and popcorn
he paid for on our first date that
made me like him.

It’s not the necklace he put around 
my neck on our 1 year anniversary that
made me love him.

It’s not the ring he slipped on my finger 
when I said yes as he stood from his knee to kiss me that
made me realize I wanted to spend eternity with him.

It’s the way he kisses me good morning and 
the way he always kisses me goodnight that
made me realize I never want to take on life with anyone else